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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 86 KB, 800x427, Roast levels of-Coffee-Beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16433252 No.16433252 [Reply] [Original]

Dark roasted coffee is the biggest evil marketing scum ever introduced in the food industry.
Science has established that heating coffee beans to such high temperatures when roasting coffee beans to dark roast level it kills everything
inside of the coffee bean and changes coffee bean to a carcinogenic garbage power house.
Dark roasted coffee beans lack any taste and flavors of real coffee. It just tastes like burnt shit.

No reputable coffee roasting houses will ever roast coffee beans to dark roast level.
Maximum level they roast is a medium roast.
Imagine a baker trying to sell his burnt bread a the same price as the properly baked bread. lol
But coffee industry sells pound of garbage dark roast coffee at the same price as the medium or lower roast level coffee beans.

Why the coffee industry then is roasting coffee beans to a dark roast level you might ask.
And here the evil marketing scum comes into a play.
As you know there are two types of coffee bean varieties, the Arabica and Robusta.
Arabica is considered to be the superior tasting coffee bean, and it costs more on the Stock Market, and in the stores.
But both Arabica and Robusta have higher and lower quality beans.

Low quality green coffee beans when roasted to proper levels, (maximum to a medium level), will taste like shit, it will taste awful.
When roasted to even lower levels than medium they will taste even worst.
Similar like with different cuts of meat. Some cost more than others.

And evil ingenious coffee merchants came up with the idea of burning the shitty quality green coffee beans to a dark roast level in order to create that artificial
(but cancer causing) taste of dark roast, and getting that specific taste and brainwashing masses that this is a great tasting coffee, a strong coffee,
and selling those low quality burnt-charred coffee beans at the same price as hight quality coffee beans roasted to proper levels, (medium and lower).

Part 1 of 2.

>> No.16433255


>> No.16433256
File: 403 KB, 1632x530, charred COFFEE and charred garlic bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Part 1 of 2.
Part 2 of 2.

Ask any reputable knowledgeable barista what they think of dark roasted coffee.
They will give you that look if they could not talk openly about it, or they will tell you the truth, that dark roast coffee is an absolute shit not resembling taste and flavors
of how real coffee should taste like.

So if you have any intelligence and decent IQ level, you should stop buying that evil shit known as dark roasted coffee.
At first, brewing and drinking medium (or lower levels) of coffee roasts as in the image will taste funny to you because you are accustomed to that artificial burnt charred taste of asphalt when drinking dark roast coffee.
With lower roast levels of coffee you will start tasting coffee oils and coffee sugars and many other very interesting and exciting coffee flavors that dark roast coffee has killed in an extremely high heating-roasting process.

Tell the evil dishonest coffee merchants to go and fuck themselves, and stop buying their garbage dark roasted shit coffee.
I'm sure they will post here and dispute my facts, as greedy and dishonest rats as they are.

>> No.16433259

wtf I hate the maillard reaction now

>> No.16433264 [DELETED] 

Glow in the dark nigger

>> No.16433267


>> No.16433278

>no citations
>no sources
>claims with no explanations
>fallacies out the dickhole

>> No.16433326
File: 115 KB, 815x576, meat-charred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>no citations
>>no sources
>>claims with no explanations
>>fallacies out the dickhole
Oh you poor low IQ and low intelligence pleb who needs holding his hand and who can not use logic to grasp the simple fact that if you heat up and burn-charr food, (coffee beans, bread, meat, veggies)
to such hight temperatures that it will be very bad for your health, that it will kill everything that is good in that particular food, that it will change the molecular structure of that charred food
into a pure poisonous cancer causing garbage.

You must be one of those evil greedy dishonest coffee merchants selling dark roasted coffee.

>> No.16433333

>when roasting coffee beans to dark roast level it kills everything
inside of the coffee bean and changes coffee bean to a carcinogenic garbage power house.
But real men drink their coffee like their taste in niggers!

You get what you deserve you fucking faggots

>> No.16433359

wow all 5 of them
if wasn't for the 4 it would be 6. lol

>> No.16433376

There was a anon on here who worked in the industry. He said the levels of carcinogen were so low that it was neglictable.

I once tried this Wakuli coffee as they claimed it was so fresh and unburned. It tasted like tea. I had to scoop like four times for even a slight flavour to form in the cup.

>> No.16433377


>> No.16433445
File: 548 KB, 777x600, Degree Of Coffee Roast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There was a anon on here who worked in the industry. He said the levels of carcinogen were so low that it was neglictable.
Lol, of course he said that. He worked in that coffee roasting industry.
You don't need any scientific data (like this dickhead is requesting >>16433278), just use the very basic logic.
You burn-charr food in such hight temperatures that after is done it looks like image related >>16433256 and here >>16433326
Would you feed your dog that burnt charred meat?
I don't think so.
Yet people are eating that shit thinking that charred grill marks on meat are great and very desirable.
Why people are refusing to eat burnt bread?
It's the same principle as burnt-charred coffee \beans.

>> No.16433452

Coffee is disgusting, and there's no reason to drink it because caffeine comes in pill form.

>> No.16433459

Meds now

>> No.16433465
File: 470 KB, 1365x768, Drinking coffee_Before&After.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coffee is disgusting,

>> No.16433467 [DELETED] 

I hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.16433468

what's the point of dark roasting from a profit standpoint? do they not go as bad as fast because they're cooked to shit? if anything it would take more resources to roast to dark otherwise.

>> No.16433469

>Why people are refusing to eat burnt bread?
because it isnt tasty
>It's the same principle as burnt-charred coffee \beans.
no it's not, it's tasty.

>> No.16433514

>no it's not, it's tasty.
For low IQ low intelligence plebs it might be tasty.

>> No.16433553

>You don't need any scientific data
Yes, ooga booga, Grog no need no-ledge, Grog have feelings!

>> No.16433565 [DELETED] 

You sound like a nigger who craves fried chicken and water melons

>> No.16433570

Go away you Russian troll. Go get your krokodil.

>> No.16433573

I think he was doing caveman speech

>> No.16433580

Eat shit. Your own.

>> No.16433587

What? No, YOU eat YOUR shit.

>> No.16433599


>> No.16433619

seems to me that eating your own shit is much less degrading than eating someone else's shit

>> No.16433624 [DELETED] 

Coffee addicts should be gassed, schizos like you should be hung and then shot

>> No.16433638

Vegetarian soyboy LGBT tea drinker detected.

>> No.16433641

lgbtea lmao

>> No.16433675 [DELETED] 

I also want people to be killed

>> No.16433758
File: 103 KB, 565x565, regency-dandies-drinking-tea[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16433871


>> No.16433914

Bring on the braps, bastard

>> No.16433935
File: 331 KB, 600x784, schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16434594

The darker the roast, the less you taste the bean and more you taste the roast. There is a massive gulf between the quality of cheap and expensive beans when roasted blonde to light, but not much of a difference between them when they're burned. As bad as burnt roast is, it's a reasonable way to utilize the bad part of the crop instead of wasting it. It is intended for the lower class anyway.

>> No.16434624

Keep up the good work OP. Coffee merchants are seething

>> No.16434779

>Imagine a baker trying to sell his burnt bread a the same price as the properly baked bread.

Uhm, this is exactly what's currently happening with "artisan" bread

>> No.16434899

So you are admitting that you have no functioning brain cells to grasp that dark roast coffee scam.
But it's very possible that you are one of those dishonest coffee merchants being triggered that some people are getting educated about your dishonest coffee marketing practices.

>> No.16434905

You can use shitty beans.

>> No.16434916
File: 80 KB, 800x427, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed that for ya

>> No.16434920

tastelet detected.

>> No.16434921

>no it's not, it's tasty.
I bet you'd say the same thing about a burnt fence post. or that cat litter is crunchy.

>> No.16436203

Everything gives you cancer. I don't care any more.

>> No.16436249

LOL, he used to actually care.

>> No.16436268

I agree.

There is literally zero reason for coffee to be anything more than "light" roast.

>> No.16436352

too long, didn't read

>> No.16436358

>coffee causes cancer
dont give a fuck, i´m meat caused cancer then i´d die of fucking cancer too, i will eat what i want to eat, fuck this faggotry about health.

>> No.16436641

You should.
Learn something new in life.

>> No.16436673

It's not only faggotory about health, but about being ripped off by paying for a very substandard product (dark roasted coffee) when you can buy at the same price high quality product.
But only intelligent people will change their habits after they learn the truth, and will stop drinking dark roasted coffee, but plebs will be plebs no matter how much info and reasoning and facts they are presented with.

>> No.16436685

Only sheep believe that others are plebs because the wolf told them that the people who aren't sheep are plebs.
Get fucked mate.

>> No.16436814

Most people simply don't care enough about their morning caffeine to give a shit. I mean look how many people drink disgusting instant coffee with artificial creamer.

>> No.16436981

In a way it's good that idiots drink shitty quality dark roast coffee. More high quality coffee is left for us, the smart people.

>> No.16437238

everything gives you cancer, fuck off

>> No.16437256

Meds. Now.

>> No.16437366
File: 77 KB, 1000x750, well-fired-roll-west-calder2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I routinely buy these bread rolls. Fucking delicious.

>> No.16438440

>hurrdurr I don't need any actual data or facts, I just literally came up with this shit one day and call it "logic" and that's all I need

>> No.16438508


>> No.16438928
File: 346 KB, 444x444, 1626299818445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This completely ignore the accumulation of harmful acrylamide in the roasting process, where by lightly roasted beans have more acrylamide than dark roast since the dark roast has been roasted long enough for the acrylamide to be destroyed.

>> No.16438971

Identify the carcinogen that is present in dark roasted coffee, and I'll take your ramblings seriously.

>> No.16439051

>You don't need any scientific data (like this dickhead is requesting >>16433278 #), just use the very basic logic.
Yeah either troll or schizo, brainlet either way. Abandon thread

>> No.16439064

terribly wasted quints

>> No.16439070

what the fuck is your hang-up about intelligence?

>> No.16439120
File: 34 KB, 792x410, dark-roast-timmies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16439152

Everyone in this thread denying the OP's premise is a mouth-breather who buys pre-ground, low quality coffee from shart-mart.
He is correct that most of what makes coffee unique disappears as you begin to exceed a certain roast temp.
He is also correct to say that macro-roasters burn lower quality beans to hide undesirable, more acidic characteristics.
Further, he is no schizo to imply that profit drives less than desirable business practices which take quantity/stop-loss, as opposed to quality, into account. I am in the industry, and know what i am talking about

>> No.16439656


light roast is what White people drink

anything past mediun is soy tier or nigger coffee

>> No.16439832
File: 503 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they need caffeine
i'll have a water please
tired? no, i took a walk this morning

>> No.16440222

Based and acrylamidepilled

>> No.16440234

Too long; didn't Sneed

>> No.16440257

Basically true. Dark roast only exists to cover up the taste of shit quality coffee beans. If your coffee beans aren't shit then light roast is better.

>> No.16440306

Do your own home work if need need specifics.

>> No.16440312

If you don't know what intelligence is then ask Google.
Google is intelligent and Google knows.

>> No.16440557

Always hated coffee. Fuck the caffinated jew

>> No.16440605

I can't find light roasted coffee anywhere besides the artisan coffee shops at 10x the cost. NOT the same cost as dark roast at all, they don't even sell dark roast of course.
I would have switched long ago if I could find light roast at the same price.

>> No.16441022
File: 25 KB, 800x309, Arabica_Robusta coffee beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are hugely exaggerating the cost being 10x more.
Maximum double the cost, not even that, usually 50% more.
If you can not buy from local roasting houses then try at your better grocery stores and at least switch to medium roast, tho some medium roasts are also quite dark.
Starbucks have light roasted coffee.
I never bought lighter roasted coffee beans from Starbucks, (only twice I bought medium roast coffee beans from Starbucks, and that it was like 10 years ago).
I might check their prices and compare to my local coffee roasting house prices.

Or, you might just buy green coffee beans and roast green coffee beans yourself, it's quite easy, especially roasting to light levels.
Just google it, it's fun.
I did it few times on a frying pan. Actually I might do it again.
Maybe some anons will chime in with tips how to do it.

>> No.16442589

Sometimes coffee is helpful.

>> No.16442628

>i don't have beyond a high school education

>> No.16442896

It shows.

>> No.16442957
File: 206 KB, 1024x1024, Coffee-production-P.Turvil-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the dishonest coffee merchants.
Roast your own coffee beans.
Super easy, especially if roasting to a light roast levels.
You will have fresh coffee, and will be inexpensive compared to buying from local artisan coffee houses.
It's super easy and fun thing to do, and your place will smell nice when roasting coffee beans.
Here we go.

Want To Roast Your Own Green Coffee Beans At Home?

How to Roast Green Coffee Beans at Home.

How To Roast Coffee At Home: A Beginner's Guide.

How To Roast Your Own Coffee Beans at Home.

>> No.16443061
File: 153 KB, 960x960, Dark roast cofee SHIT..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy has interesting tutorial videos on coffee roasting.

Today's video is "Home Coffee Roasters Questions & Answers With Rob Hoos".
The most important thing any home coffee roaster can do with their hobby is have fun while learning.
Today's video will give hope to all home coffee roasters who want to make great coffee.

Our guest, Rob Hoos, is a home roaster, author, professional roaster, trainer, consultant, barista and all around coffee enthusiast.
Rob shares his understanding of how anyone including a home coffee roaster can roast great coffee.
I asked my viewers to ask any home coffee roaster question to Rob in the comments from last weeks video
"the biggest mistake a home coffee roaster can make" and he answers their questions here in this video.

Home Coffee Roasters Questions & Answers With Rob Hoos.

>> No.16443173 [DELETED] 

This is also very interesting article.


>> No.16443182
File: 110 KB, 1024x626, green coffee beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is also a very interesting article.


>> No.16443212

Btw, Thank you anon for your honest comment.
Being in the industry and honestly talking about its dark secrets is admirable and respected.
You too anon, Thanks. >>16440257

>> No.16443257

Medium roast is my favorite. The perfect balance of flavor. Dark roast tastes like shit to me

>> No.16444262

My local roaster calls #6 "Medium".
This is why I order online.

>> No.16444334

brown and black foods are cancer.

coffee is cancer.
chocolate is cancer.
charred things are cancer.
red meat is cancer.

>> No.16444358

would do a ham sammy with

>> No.16444515
File: 132 KB, 861x1000, 1608746527059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, you fags convinced me, I'm switching

>> No.16445133

Switching to what?

>> No.16445461

You can skip to 5 minute mark to get into the core of it.

Light roasts vs. dark roasts | Coffee basics and science explained.

>> No.16445528

dark roast has less caffeine the worse coffee tastes the stronger it hits i drink a pot black every day

>> No.16446137

This, anon need to be commited.

>> No.16446463


>> No.16446778

Am I doing this? I'm doing this... Oh god, why am I doing this? Right! Boredom! I'm not going to add citations because I don't care what you do with or how you feel about this post, and I'd like to keep this post unsplit, in a still-active thread, on this defunct, Azeri, competitive yerba-mate chugging forum.

If you want to be taken seriously, check your spelling, cite reputable sources of information, and avoid capslock, invective, and other indications that you are writing emotionally rather than informatively. With this post, you're not dispersing information, you're selling a manifesto.
Yes, darker roasts contain increased levels of acrylamide, acetyl pyridine, etc. which may increase the risk of cancer, but right up to the point of being charcoal (well past the second crack), they still contain some of the chemical soup found in green coffee that may or may not effectively decrease the risk of cancer (some of which are phenolic in nature, which may increase or decrease risk of certain cancers if metabolized in different ways), if only through the increased gut motility experienced by a large subset of coffee drinkers.

>reputable knowledgeable barista
Do you have an approved list?

>Intelligence and decent IQ level
Intelligence and intelligence quotient? You don't need to differentiate these.

>Evil greedy dishonest (sic)
Use commas, and be more succinct with your adjectives.

Some people enjoy a roasted or charred taste in some of their food and beverages. Chronic excess in this, as with a lot of things in our diets, may cause long-term health issues, but responsible abuses don't seem to be killing anyone faster than stress, viruses, bacteria, environmental toxicity, or the lottery of hilariously disastrous mishaps.
It's fine if you prefer light-roast coffee. It's fine if you don't drink coffee at all. Other people will probably be no worse off drinking their dark roasts and eating their well-done steaks.

>> No.16447719

>darker roasts contain increased levels of acrylamide
That's not true. Lighter roasts contain more acrylamide as acrylamide is burnt off with further roasting.

>> No.16447814

If they're starting, cracking, and finishing the roast hot enough. Complete breakdown requires either a small hold at ~575F or a long hold above ~350F... French and darker would have a lot of the acrylamide polymerized and oxidized, but it would have more pyridines and such (the second half of that sentence). Anything with a long maillard hold (any dark roast with a flavour that isn't day old campfire) would have more acrylamide to polymerize, especially if it's being started with a decent moisture content or a reasonably humid kiln.

And none of that matters unless you're actively trying to kill yourself with coffee. There are plenty of other sources of toxic and carcinogenic compounds that we intentionally and accidentally ingest and absorb daily; most of us die of other things.

>> No.16447832

Light roasts make a naturally superior cup of coffee. Though if you want all the flavour burned out of your coffee you can enjoy your french roast I guess. I'll be over here enjoying this fruity cup of guji.