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16431388 No.16431388 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for discussing tea, teaware, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.


Previous thread:

>> No.16431399
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Tiny Teapots Editon
post your smallest teaware

>> No.16431405

Tea filtered through the crotch area of about 6 pairs of my teenage sisters unwashed panties.

An earl grey or green tea is superb with the pussy infusion. Get ready for a flavourblast.

>> No.16431409

mm milgy tea :DD

>> No.16431461

what's a good tea to cope with

>> No.16431635

for me a nice cup of dayi 7542 is perfect in the afternoon

>> No.16431658

long island iced

>> No.16431666

you mean the family-dog's nutbutter?

>> No.16431867

I honestly wish I had a smaller pot, I rarely bust out the yixing because I can't justify drinking enough puerh to use it

>> No.16431897
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We must go even smaller

>> No.16431904
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>> No.16432136

kys jay

>> No.16432153
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Posted this last thread. It's like 10ml or something.
I have brewed a single oolong leaf in it once, but It was from aliexpress so who knows what that clay is.

>> No.16433088

Haha amazing

>> No.16433372

will /tea/ hate me if I drink english breakfast and ceylon

The only chinese tea they sell here is white tea

>> No.16433814

My birthday tea arrived! I tried some bai mudan, and I was kind of on the fence about it, but I think I've come to like it. Does anybody have any advice w/r/t brewing it?

>> No.16433824

I like iced tea with two sweet n lows, preferably out of a mason jar

>> No.16433840
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Redpill me on samovars.

>> No.16433890

Nothing wrong with teas that arent chinese, they just don't get discussed as often

>> No.16433902

>Putting anything Chinese in your body
Might as well just inject yourself with cancer

>> No.16434044

Nobody uses them

>> No.16434054

for personal use? seems impractical, apparently they're still used on train cars in russia/former soviet block countries, might work for an office. japs have made whats essentially the same thing

>> No.16434057

Those things look really impractical. It's just a weird water boiler dispenser that doubles as a teapot warmer isn't it? You can accomplish the same thing with a kettle and a trivet with a tea candle. Even the Chaozhou clay stoves and kettles look more practical, or a charcoal brazier with a tetsubin.

>> No.16434071

Does anyone here like black tea with milk?

>> No.16434088

Mostly the limeys

>> No.16434231

I like the ones that use wood as a fuel (not the electric ones) but they are impossible to find new where I live. On ebay I could only find very rusty ones and I don't even know what they are coated with or if the coating is still there.

There are also samovars made for camping, they are lightweight and easier to storage (but they aren't as beautiful as the ones for home).

I might go on vacation to Moscow or Tula just to buy one

>> No.16434356

Bwack tea

>> No.16434593

here's what samovar brewing looks irl.
excuse the polish video, subtitles in english.
t;;dr don't bother

>> No.16434962

what if i bought puerh on ebay? ahaha

>> No.16434966

There is some good puer on ebay, most of it kind blows. What did you order/what are you looking at?

>> No.16434992

i've had some good Three Cranes Liubao and a random white tea cake of ebay, you can probably find most factory teas on there and i've seen the same stuff o n Yunnan sourcing being sold for more

>> No.16435000

older teas from vendors are usually really expensive so i was look at some older teas such as these




>> No.16435061

DO NOT buy "old puer bricks" from ebay vendors that's the kind of stuff that gives puer a bad name.
There really isn't any point in buying old ripe puer anyway. The taste barely changes over the years. You can maybe find some interesting lightly fermented ripes from the 90s but just don't worry about that stuff unless you are really into puer.
Those weirdo bricks on ebay are some of the worst things you can possibly buy when it comes to puer. The are fake, fake age, fake tea, just fraud the whole way through, stay away from stuff on ebay sold by stores that don't only sell tea.
Here is a tea from 2004 that is good and affordable, im actually drinking some right now. It's great, smooth with a warm ripe plum flavor.

>> No.16435079

Some more good old teas that aren't expensive
Sample this next one before buying a whole cake
Affordable 10 year old ripe
Super cheap ripe from 2005

>> No.16435120

ah, ok. i'll stay away from old ebay stuff. thanks for the recommendations.

>> No.16435179

Anybody tried Xiaguan baoyan puerh? There's so many of them shits on Kingteamall

>> No.16435306

It's very cheap tea, it used to be the tea production that was mandated by the state to give to the tibetan and other minority peoples that depend on tea in their diet.
At least the ones that come in this format are the cheapest tea on the market that's drinkable. Some anon bought a bundle of the 2017 and likes it.
If i was going to buy some of the traditional bricks i would probably go for these ones
If i wanted to try one of the more quality offerings from the line i would go for one of the mushrooms from 2011 or 2012
Generally i would say look for teas that are at least 10 years old and not stored in Kunming when it comes to traditional xiaguan recipes like those, the # recipes cakes (8653) or the traditional tuos (jai ji, te je) those old school recipes are designed to spend some time in a hot and humid storage environment before drinking.
KTM is Guangzhou or in that area, so not the most humid, but humid enoug.

>> No.16435324
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Next time my gal leaves her used panties laying around I'm going to try some pussy tea.

>> No.16435327

Thanks wall of links anon

>> No.16435407

oh, yunnan sourcing is back on youtube shilling game. time to sell "yall's" some raw pu-erh. looks like the current prices of maocha are too rich for them and their customer base, so we're back to selling cobwebbed warehouse finds. maybe there's some consumer base for that kind of upcycling, if not, you have to build it yourself. which I guess they're trying to do. so far only Paul "Wisconsin Wigger" Murray was able to achieve this kind of blind fanbase and that's based solely on wrappers.
also I dread the day that his bitch dies (Lucy), he'll have a nervous breakdown for sure, maybe he'll go full Cobain.
anyways, many happy returns Mr. Willson. Keep selling only to US and Russia, good luck.

>> No.16435428

I tend to brew my teas on the strong side, but I think bai mu dan really should be brewed weaker if anything. A proper brew is fragrant and sweet but overall pretty delicate, and if you increase the steep strength the floral notes dont really get more pronounced but it does get slightly bitter, which IMO defeats the point of drinking BMD.

>> No.16435498

U wot

>> No.16435507

Yeah its my fav. Can oversteep the fuck out of it and a little milk overpowers the tannins or whatever.

>> No.16435592

Based grumpy cynical tea drinker anon.

>> No.16435790

What tea would make the best alcohol? I think genmaicha

>> No.16435957

With the right smokey puer you could probably get some kind of mineraly whiskey thing going on.

>> No.16436229

thanks for the oolong suggestions the other day, i will probably put an order in with old ways tea soon

>> No.16436375
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What happened to this brand? I know, they're teabags, they're always going to be inferior, but these used to be quite decent. They did the job pretty well while I was waiting for my higher quality leaves to be shipped in. Somehow they got even worse though, I'm assuming the company found a much cheaper leaf variant and it shows. Zero taste, almost no aroma, all you really get is that bit of kick you'd expect from a black tea, but that's it. It's essentially just hot water with a bit of attitude. It upsets me that there's people out there who will only ever go this far when it comes to exploring tea.

>> No.16436559
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so i've got a question does the capacity listed on teapots reflect the liquid output or the liquid capacity sans leaves?

>~120ml purely water
>~100ml with 5g leaves

>> No.16437133
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Sleepytime tea in the gaiwan no cap fr tho

I never remember the listed volume (and its usually wrong anyways) so just fill it up with water. and pour it into a measuring cup to find the true volume

>> No.16437162

what's the tea seen in indian videos that looks like a chocolate milk? How to do it?

>> No.16437243


>> No.16437490

I found a video in which a guy takes a little bite off a puerh tea cake

>> No.16437590

Kabusecha or Jin Xuan to start the day boyos?

>> No.16437617

that is poo

>> No.16437619

Very cool, hope you like it

Start with kabusecha unless you're skipping breakfast and need a more filling tea

>> No.16438112

You can also measure using a gram scale since 1 ml of water = 1 gram. Just put the teapot on your scale, tare it and pour the water in

>> No.16438130

Not sure what videos you’re talking about but it’s probably chai with milk

>> No.16438208

masala chai is brewed in milk and water with spices

>> No.16438213

Puerh is a health craze meme that only instagram gym bunnies buy. It's bitter and tastes poorly.

>> No.16438235

>gym bunnies
Kek. I disagree because I think decent puerh tastes great. I do notice there is a weird fanaticism around it though, I think what's worse than people drinking it for purported health benefits is redditoids who buy into the western puerh vendor marketing.

>> No.16438972

>~120ml purely water
>~100ml with 5g leaves
That's about right
Thr capacity you see listed is usually without leaves

>> No.16439023

You're over steeping and or buying young shengs.

>> No.16439054

I really hate that puer is the official tea of creepy shills and overpriced scams. But if you pull back a few layers of hype, and get past all the creepy vendors trying to squeeze even more $ out of something that is already way overpriced.
Past all that puer is a nice simple tea for grumpy spiritual boomers like myself to sip on and enjoy. Bitter smokey, needs to sit around in a damp warehouses for a decade or three before it tastes any good.
But i love it, and i drink lots of good puer without shelling out $$$ on overpriced memes (learn to love xiaguan)
The really ironic thing is the cheapshit puer that Westerners are getting their hands on to drink for health reasons are the worst of the worst, fermented in an alley behind some guys house or in a basement somewhere, god knows what pesticides and other filth are on them, they are basically drinking tea compost from the worst rejected tea leaves.

>> No.16439066

for me its japanese green or high mountain oolong

>> No.16439543

Modern puerh is like the tea equivalent of IPA. Not in how it actually tastes but the way it's sold. I swear the some of these tea shops sell their puerh like an adult substance for people who do adulting, with their 'quirky' names for tea blends and emphasis on "cha qi".
I like the way you think. I personally enjoy even the fresher undrinkable ones.

>> No.16439965

>I personally enjoy even the fresher undrinkable ones.
I'm coming around on the younger stuff. It can be pretty nice from time time to time.

>> No.16440801

A quick look into it turned up the fact that Redco Foods tea-production assets got acquired in 2018 by the Harris Tea Company. The old facility in New York was closed and production was moved to facilities in New Jersey and Georgia. I guess they started cutting corners somewhere in all that movement and when you do that with an already cheap product, you're left with no quality at all.

>> No.16441319

w2c tiny teapots

>> No.16441968
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Getting tired of sencha (even more tired of gyokuro, plus expensive)

I miss my Chinese green teas, but refuse to buy from them.

What’s the best alternative? I miss the toasty flavor the most. Does Taiwan or India have similar green teas to China?

>> No.16441969

I dunno, red rose still has the same flavor IMO. It’s shit, but it’s always been my go to. Shame they stopped giving you a ceramic Knick knack, though.

>> No.16442493

I was going to suggest korean but they seem to be more in the Japanese style. Have you tried any green teas from India?

>> No.16442650

sipping on some 2020 XiaGuan "Hong Cha" (Black Tea) 300g Yunnan Fengqing Dianhong from unglazed clay and it has no right being so fucking delicious. it's everything I look for in black tea and more. I tried it western style but it loses too much nuance this way.
if someone is ordering from KTM in the nearest future do yourself a favor and add this one to the basket. you might be tempted to buy 2021 but hongcha really shines after a year of settling down, trust me.

what are you brewing anon?

>> No.16442669

Why are electric kettles with some sorts temp control so fucking expensive.

>> No.16442693

because they are beginner traps. you're better off with standard $30 all steel double walled kettle and $15 probe thermometer. which you'll find useful all over the kitchen.
you're losing convenience of set and forget, so there are tradeoffs.

>> No.16442758

No I have not.

>> No.16442785
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~£35 all glass isn't expensive, my dumb mum dropped over £100 on a kettle that doesn't even have temperature control
>probe thermometer
ishygddt. im not sticking my bluetooth meat thermometer in a kettle and watching it reach temp like a hawk hoping i dont over shoot in the 10 seconds between 80c and 90c instead of paying and extra 10% for a second button

>> No.16442838

Yeah i was amazed at how good xiaguan's black tea is, very impressive especially for the price.
Today I'm sipping some dayi 7542 from teas we like. This tea is weird, i actually got more dried plum out of it brewed grampa style and doing it gongfu in clay seems to come out much more heavily smokey.

>> No.16442864

Not all of them are expensive, there are plenty of cheap ones if you look. I own the Bonavita which is one of the nicer ones. It goes for over 60 bucks, which I think is mainly because it's a gooseneck and pourover coffee people wil pay a lot for that, not that it isn't a pretty solid kettle. Something with variable temperature and keep warm is just nice for gongfu cha. I will always recommend though that if you can put up with a non-electric kettle, do that. They make ones with built-in thermometers. You could make tea in a hurricane.

>> No.16443142

If you're in Canada or the UK, this >>16440801
doesn't apply and the brand didn't change there,

>> No.16443245

Asked here a coupla weeks ago about what tea I should try next and some Anon suggested lapsang, so I did.
Didn't like it that much. In fact, I didn't like it at all. It has that distinctive odour that does not sit with me well. I brew it twice and gave the rest of the thing to my aunt.
Now I got myself keemun (that's what the English Queen drinks apparently) and a Kenyan marinnyn (marinyin?) fbop whatever that brews strong and taste very good.
Still eyeing the frisian stuff for my next purchase.

From other news: my local LTS shop just closed. That's the second time it happens. How do you fellas deal with this stuff?

>> No.16443289

Ordered some fresh oolongs. Feels comfy tea bros

>> No.16443780

Any recommendations for storage solutions after opening? I typically order 100g packages, looking for something that can vacuum seal ideally. If not that, at least airtight. I've been looking around on Amazon but results so far are inconclusive.

>> No.16444552

Mylar bags, you can either get ones with zippers built in, or you can get ones that you can heat seal with any heat bag sealer like the ones on vacuum machines. You can vacuum but you have to be careful because it will crush large loose leaves.
What kind anon? I got some Oriental Beauty a little while ago and really enjoyed it.

>> No.16444567

Frisian, java, ceylon, assam.

>> No.16444956

I refined some clay on my property that I want to use to make a teapot. I read that some clays can have metals in it like lead that are toxic, do you anons think it's safe for me to make a teapot (it will be unglazed like yixing teapots) and drink out of it or will I die?

>> No.16444995

Yeah its safe, you can buy very cheap lead test sticks if you are worried about it. I think issues with lead are typically contamination from the manufacturing process but it's possible for it to be naturally present in clay. I guess it doesn't hurt to test.

>> No.16445010

Okay I'm in a hole and I need help getting out of it.

My hand-me-down faberware glass teakettle cracked, and I went to the store for a replacement. Saw a Mr. Coffee stainless steel kettle, thought 'what could go wrong?'. It was 20 bux.
Bought it, got it home, heated it up, and heard an ungodly noise coming from the stove with a putrid smell. Come back just in time to pop off the lid and see that the bottom wasn't stainless steel at all, and is instead some kind of iron painted over with reflective paint that started to separate into the water.

So now I need a new stovetop kettle. I didn't know where else to ask except here.

>> No.16445388

does no one sell a premixed uva ceylon, keemun, and darjeeling blend?

>> No.16445403

This is something I’ve been thinking about doing. What are some good resources about how to find clay and refine it?

>> No.16446022
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Has anybody here had pic related?

>> No.16446078

>So now I need a new stovetop kettle
Why does it have to be stovetop? Electric kettles are a big step up, if you ask me. I have gotten half a decade of daily use out of my variable-temp Bonavita so far.

>> No.16446426

They are all awful cheap shit, sounds crazy but there isn't a single newly made one worth buying

>> No.16446497

if you don't make china (which is really a type of glass and therefore impermeable) you will basically be making earthenware which is permeable and will accumulate bacteria over time and may eventually kill you. in the middle ages they lined earthenware with pitch, literally tar, to make it impermeable. obviously this makes everything taste like shit. in short, just buy a fucking teapot. having said that, its very easy to make clay. you can dig up any dirt you can find and dump it in water, strain it through a cloth then settle that dirty water in another container until you can carefully pour off the rest of the liquid. the sludge at the bottom of the container is clay and you can make shit and fire it and have a great time. good luck!

>> No.16447021

How fucking expensive is 2021 maocha?
I know someone already mentioned this but why is yunnan sourcing only pressing old warehouse find tea leaves this year?

>> No.16447029

Making earthenware is the idea i think, with a raw clay teapot, the tea is supposed to be able to interact with the clay. The hope is that it will enhance the flavor or aroma of the tea.

>> No.16447213

People have been using earthenware vessels to store food and water for most of history. If it was a huge health risk or just made them drop dead they would probably notice, people back then weren't complete dumbasses. Even today people still use these things, you can buy clay cooking pots. In a lot of the places in China known for clay they use the clay to make cooking pots and stuff. Speaking of which a teapot has probably the least risk of any of this. Simply by making tea in one you constantly douse it in hot water so that would kill a lot of bacteria. The only real thing to watch out for is mold, which is easy to avoid by letting the pot dry with the lid off after use, and easy to clean out of it anyways.

>> No.16447299

look at the farmer leaf offerings, this gives you ballpark

>> No.16447319

Stupid question but what do you do if you're going to rebrew tea leaves? Do you just leave them out to dry, or are you supposed to use them to brew subsequent cups within the hour or so?

>> No.16447326

Wood fuel ones are comfy as fuck when you're hanging out with the boys on a cold night, my Russian friend has an antique one that we break out when he's on leave

>> No.16447360

You brew continuously.

>> No.16447379

You can just leave them in your brewing vessel. If you're concerned about the leaves going bad or anything, I wouldn't worry about it too much, just don't do anything like let them sit for days and you'll be fine. I've made tea while doing chores and taken as long as an hour between steeps and it was good.

>> No.16447413

Wait until you find out about humans not washing things like mixing spoons to keep bacteria and flavor

>> No.16448392

I haven't noticed much of a difference but I really only use Red Rose to make iced tea.

>> No.16448397

oat milk = yum

>> No.16448615

Where is a place to find a teapot online? YS doesn't have many in stock and I just need a basic ceramic one around 100 mL

>> No.16448714

>Why does it have to be stovetop?
That's just always what I've used. There is no particular reason that it has to be stovetop. I have the same question with electric kettles, as I've heard those can be death traps if you buy cheap ones that end up catching on fire.

>> No.16448942

I got my heichador all good and set up. Only weird thing is that I think the boveda packs have a smell to them which fills the previously-washed and odorless cooler. I'm confident it'll work out anyways. Now I just got to actually get tea to fill it up cause right now there's just a single mini cake of YS Gold Pig. The upside is that Gold Pig can be my guinea pig
If you want to be sure just look for one from a reputable maker that is known to make quality kettles like Bonavita or Hario, ideally one that has good customer service so if you get a dud or something then you can get a replacement. Just be sure you're paying for quality, not a name. There's a certain price you have to pay at minimum to get something that's not throwaway chinkshit. Also I think stovetop kettles are cool.

>> No.16449064

Thanks, I'll try that. The problem I guess is that I don't know who is a reputable maker. I thought Mr. Coffee was reputable, but apparently they just make spraypainted chinese shit, too.

>> No.16449157

Thoughts on Dragon Well? I get mine from my local co op, branded as Tao of Tea?

>> No.16449215
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Nice anon, its pretty easy to keep stable once you get a few cakes in there. One trick i found is that if the humidity gets too high you can put some of the boveda packs ina ziploc bag in the cooler, that will sort of slow them down.
I try to keep it around 60%
If you want some cheaper tea to help fill it up some and stabilize the humidity do what i did and get a sleeve or two of xiaguan tuos.

>> No.16449220

Dragon's well style teas can be pretty good, some aren't that great.
I like it, it's usually got a nice very light roasted nut aspect to it.

>> No.16449242

I just brewed 20 green tea bags in 1.5 liters of water and drank it all in one sitting. AMA.

>> No.16449273

What brand of tea?
How did it taste?
What temperature did you brew at?
How long did you leave the bags in?
Are you now "tea drunk"?

>> No.16449399

Thanks my man, that sounds like a great idea. I heard that if you store sheng puerh with shou and probably with heicha it'll absorb the scent, but even if that happens, I'll have heicha-scented puerh and which would be really cool, and really swag.

>> No.16449760

I don't have any really stinky shu, and i do keep all my stuff in bags inside the pumidor, but i have ripe raw and a bunch of random hei cha in there and i haven't had any issues with smells getting into other teas. The only time i had an issue is when i put a bag of dried orange peels (chempi) in there. Luckily i noticed before it was in there too long (overnight), but i had to open everything up and air it out for a few hours to get the scent out.
A good test, if you stick a new funky tea in your box, and open it 20min later and the box heavily smells of that tea it might be an issue.

>> No.16450165

>What brand of tea?
Some cheap local third world brand.
>How did it taste?
Pretty much the same as regular, though I'm used to always brewing too strong, about 2 bags per cup.
>What temperature did you brew at?
Poured the water as soon as it boiled.
>How long did you leave the bags in?
About 15 minutes as I prepared my dinner (which I ended up not eating).
>Are you now "tea drunk"?
That was the idea, but I'm not sure. Closest thing I felt to actually getting drunk was the drooling and feeling like throwing up as I forced myself to keep drinking.

>> No.16450766

Is rooibos a meme?

>> No.16450809

The health benefits mostly are (it has some antioxidant ability and such, but nothing remarkable for herbal teas), but in terms of flavor it's quite good

>> No.16451093

My new teas are out for delivery, and I get my electric kettle today, too. Been brewing cheapo gunpowder in a gaiwan, so I'm excited to see what better stuff is like. Hopefully I didn't get memed by teaspot.

>> No.16451159
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Why is it so hard to find a teapot not made in China? any recommendations? either cast iron or stainless.

>> No.16451370

2006 FuHai "7536" from ktm has decent storage and price to match.
it's a classic and they must have produced shit ton of it in 2006 because it's still everywhere. in taste woody tannins and bassy tastes, very small huigan and noticeable energy. recommended.

>> No.16451579

Post about it when you get a chance to try brewing your new teas anon

>> No.16451615
File: 61 KB, 1000x1000, Products12-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cast iron pot not made in china
There are a bunch of teavana pots on ebay that are enameled cast iron and make in japan. They are by iwachu but relabeled for teavana and much cheaper than you can find stuff from iwachu. I don't really recommend cast iron teapots.
Oh you mean kettles?
Iwachu tetsubins but they arent cheap
Sori Yanagi Stainless Steel kettle pic related
Don't overpay, some of the import stores charge way to fucking much.

>> No.16451626

Thanks anon, i was just looking at the fuHai cakes that just got added recently.
Haven't tried anything from the factory yet, i will have to give them a shot

>> No.16451747

Yunomi has Japanese made wares.

>> No.16451760

>Iwachu tetsubins
I noticed that these are the only ones I could get in the US but the price is at least three times higher than the Chinese ones. It's kind of hilarious to see how the first thing everyone asks is "where it's made"

>> No.16451767

I'll give it a look, thanks

>> No.16451797

Yeah they aren't cheap, i found a webstore a while ago in the us that specialized in Japanese tetusbans that had decent pricing but i didn't find them last time i looked.
Your best bet id probably digging through rakutan jp for stores that sell them and are willing to ship overseas.
You might also have some luck using some proxy shopping service like zenmarket to get one off of yahoo auctions japan
I just check yahoo auctions and with a bit of digging you coupld probably get one to the states for about $150 total, maybe a bit less

>> No.16452974

For me it's mint tea, the best tasting herbal tea

>> No.16453021

>the best tasting herbal tea
ah yes, lemongrass

>> No.16453058

Do you use big long dried stems of lemongrass or chopped pieces? Ever tried it with lemon verbena added?

>> No.16453357

It was late by the time I got around to brewing, so I went with the rooibos mixed with birch bark and vanilla. Never had it before, it was pretty fucking great. I just poured boiling hot water over it in the gaiwan, put the lid on and left it alone for like 12 minutes. Strained it into my cup, which worked a lot better than i thought it could. Smelled like a mix of cough syrup and really deep tobacco. I'm not sure how it tasted, but I liked it.

>> No.16453621
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>> No.16453632

chopped pieces
>Ever tried it with lemon verbena added?
No, should I try it?

>> No.16453842

Maybe, i still can't decide if lemon verbena works as a tea or not. It's not worth hunting down.

>> No.16453846

Nice anon, ive never tried birch bark in tea but now i really want to.

>> No.16453849

Does it taste any good? It sure looks cool.

>> No.16453867

Yes. It has a slight bitterness bit it is very refreshing

>> No.16453906

I'm in the market for a new electric kettle, after my old one suddenly cracked while boiling and spilled its contents
Anyone know a good Europe-available electric kettle that isn't expensive? What do you need to look out for in a good kettle anyway?

>> No.16453978

Sorry i don't really know about the European kettle market.
You can look for ones that advertise that they use a controller / heater made by the company Strix.

>> No.16454592

Post in the thread ffs

>> No.16454707
File: 125 KB, 1200x1200, Dilmah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on picr related? I mean it's from woolworths but the tea leaves look pretty good.

>> No.16454940

I wasn't sure what anything tasted like by itself, so the combination was pretty novel. I don't know if the birch bark added anything, but it was good.

>> No.16455005

Try it anon, post results.

>> No.16455006

Reminds me that i wanted to try making some tea with sassafras root

>> No.16455046
File: 116 KB, 581x800, 1618090940694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just made a cup, not bad, the tea leaves are a decent size, a little compacted but they expand a lot after steeping. It's not that cheap "loose leaf" tea that's really the stuff they put in tea bags but marketed to boomers as such so they feel fancy. It really is decent quality ceylon tea. Which makes sense since it's about 5-6 aud for 50g.

If your in aus and they sell this at your local woolies definitely give it a try, at the very least it's a good staple while waiting for international orders.

Will have to buy some scales to get it exactly right. I tried it once with the instructions inside (brew 3-5 mins) and it was bitter, tried it for 2 mins with 1 and 1/3 of a teaspoon in a 300ml teapot and much better.

Never follow brewing instructions that come with store bought tea they're always wrong.

going to by some scales tomorrow and make it according to pastebin recs, you really do notices the difference when the tea is more compact and you dump five grams in with a teaspoon when you only wanted one or two.

>> No.16455051

Dilmah was big in here in the 90s' and early 00's. It's just a generic tea from a chain supermarket.

>> No.16455386

I thought they don't use sassafras for flavoring in root beer because of the cancer.

>> No.16455400

Just realized I can't make pine needle tea this year because my neighbor poisoned my tree, very disappointed now.

>> No.16455410


>> No.16455628

Can you sue him?

>> No.16455644
File: 14 KB, 882x758, Wojak sadness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My country is one of the largest exporters of tea, yet I can't find good quality tea that is inexpensive. God I hate living in a third world country.

>> No.16455782

grow your own

>> No.16455821

Probably not, blowing up your gas lawnmower and suffocating a tree in oil/gas smoke probably isn't grounds for damages unless the tree dies, which I HOPEFULLY don't think will happen.
But I highly doubt the needles will be safe for consumption for at least a year, maybe more. I'll probably have to talk to friends and see if any of them have unmolested pine trees on their properties.

>> No.16456416

Anyone here truly /devilish/?
>buy empty fill-your-own teabags
>put quality loose leaf tea in them
>people comment on how good it is, tell them it's generic brand store-bought tea
>they point out how different it tastes, I tell them it's all in how you brew it and that I studied under a Chinese Gong Fu master for 3 years to learn how to brew the perfect cup of 茶
>they treat me with awe as a master of a craft

>> No.16456831
File: 81 KB, 470x595, Devilish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mom interested in trying white tea
>Tell her she is getting an aged white from a cake
>It's actually a cheap oolong with a few drops of honey added
>Loves it, says it's amazing how sweet regular tea can be
>"Yes mother, that is called Hui Gan, it's quite a sophisticated taste."
>Keep all the high quality aged white for myself

>Brew up some silver needle as a treat on my Dad's birthday
>He says it's the best cup of tea he's ever had
>It's actually just a weakly brewed cup of Bai Mudan with a few drops of honey added
>Keep all the high quality silver needle for myself

>Tell sister I'm serving her premium dragon well tea
>She marvels at the nutty aroma from a green tea
>It's actually just green tea from a teabag with a smudge of peanut butter I added to the bottom of the cup
>Keep all the high quality long jing for myself

>> No.16456944

Your family is humoring you.

>> No.16457374

>Gunpowder Temple of Heaven
Did I meme myself?

>> No.16457704

My gf gets real tea drunk on puer and makes me do things that make me feel a bit a uncomfortable, but she’s the only (natal) woman who has ever been interested in me. I don’t like getting pegged, but if I don’t acquiesce I fear she may leave me. Recently she’s been talking about cages, and I’m at all down for that. Is there a tea I can possibly ease her into without risking a break up? pls help me /tea/.

>> No.16457757

Acquiescing will decrease her attraction to you lol. But if you’re asking something like this it’s probably already too late, sorry bud

>> No.16457898

I got that too, it's my first tea.

>> No.16458163

I'm thinking of getting a stovetop kettle specifically for boiling tea since I do so enough to warrant it. Perhaps one with built-in strainer holes since that'd fit the function.
That kind is a meme. It's cheap but I guess you could do worse. Among my first teas were shitty asian mart jasmine green tea, and longjing that was sitting in a glass jar on the shelf probably for years and definitely fake.

>> No.16458254
File: 67 KB, 900x1400, 61ELR-Bnl8L._AC_SL1400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you guys care about kettles? Presumably if you drink tea enough one of these water boilers is totally worth it. unless there's a reason tea a stove top kettle is superior?

>> No.16458296

>you will consoom the weeb machine!

>> No.16458424

I don't want one of those because it's expensive, takes up a lot of counter space, has limited preset temperatures, probably takes a while to heat or cool down if I switch temperatures, and it'd be extremely awkward and stupid to hold a gaiwan or teapot up to it so you can dispense water into them. I do chaozhou gongfu cha and I bet it'd be hard to not pour on the chadan. Kettles just work.

>> No.16458469

>and it'd be extremely awkward and stupid to hold a gaiwan or teapot up to it
yeah this is the main reason why i'd be hesitant to get one. how forceful does the water come out of it anyway, i can easily see you washing your leaf out the side of your gaiwan

>> No.16458524
File: 2.89 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20210723_071909178[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sipping on w2t 2021 Yesheng Gushu. Fucking fantastic. Tastes like a field of strawberries.

>> No.16458626

no thanks

>> No.16458640

are you chinese? if yes, kill yourself bugman. if no, kill yourself for larping as chinese

>> No.16459188

ok spic

>> No.16459376

Just get something like this. You can set it to any temperature you want, can use it anywhere there’s an outlet, and you can control the way it pours like a kettle

>> No.16459379
File: 249 KB, 1125x987, 322D98BB-9DD6-4444-AD80-0EA2E8F0D1EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to attach pic

>> No.16459593

sinotea>pajeettea. Don't you me.

>> No.16460240

Ah, the squabbles of the 平民.
While you argue amongst yourself I will be enjoying 上等日本茶

>> No.16460689


>> No.16460793

>kettle talk
I just spent 2 hours on amazon trying to comparison shop an inexpensive electric kettle, I've concluded that it's impossible to get something that won't melt, explode, or leach tons of plastic into your hot water without paying an arm and a leg. I went from "oh let me just add a cheap kettle to get free shipping on this cheap gaiwan" to worrying about burning down my apartment while growing mantits.

>> No.16460987
File: 2.88 MB, 1500x1800, f196edf0d07622f66730751b20f17e74b1b9553b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just ordered a kabusecha direct from japan and i'm going to have to wait probably a month or more for it to arrive. why isn't there a better way?

>> No.16461062

What's the consensus on David's tea

>> No.16461072

I pity you mutts

>> No.16461106

Just get a fellow raven. Costs a bit, but fuck it. You've spent too long "researching" shit tier products from amazon reshippers with nonsense names like YOGOO and STAMIA.

>> No.16461152

hahaha, love this cuckold mentality. no wonder you have negroes and transvestites dominating your social policies.

what kind of product is that? it boils the water on the stove and you get to put your pumpkin spice "tea" in the basket and boil along with water. fucking genius, Fellow, here's my 80 unbroken bucks.

>> No.16461166

It was nice, before the pandemic, to be able to try out a variety of teas on a whim. But I hear they have cut back massively on their retail stores.

>> No.16461189

I want an electric kettle so I can brew tea in my room gong fu style without walking back and forth to the kitchen every 5-10 minutes to pour water into a cup, how will a fellow raven help with that?

>> No.16461204

Oh the electric one is called the corvo myb. I've got the stagg and it pours a bit slow, but its main use is for coffee so not a dealbreaker.


When 9/10 manufactures won't tell you the grade of stainless they use, you should probably take note of the ones who do.

Negroes aren't buying $150 kettles.

>> No.16461251

>When 9/10 manufactures won't tell you the grade of stainless they use, you should probably take note of the ones who do.

see my german ebay link above, see the stainless steel grade?
they're both made in the same chink factory, sorry to break it to you.

>Negroes aren't buying $150 kettles.

exactly my point. they settle for utilitarian product with generic name. like the kettle I linked or like your wife.

>> No.16461269

>they settle for utilitarian product with generic name
They settle for luzianne. Lemme just rewire over to 220v so I can use a kettle they sell in lidl once a season. Buy once cry once poorfag. I just dropped 1600 on a coffee grinder.

>> No.16461287

>I just dropped 1600 on a coffee grinder.
the bull and your wife will sure be happy with consistent grind and virtually no fines that they will get out of your overpriced machine.
keep it up!

>> No.16461300

Its only overpriced if you can't afford it. Got any <10c a gram teas you can recommend? I'd like to drop some off at the shelter.

>> No.16461312

>Its only overpriced if you can't afford it
no it's not Jeffrey, what kind of "proverb" is that.
things can be overpriced.
I can recommend you some cheap and tasty teas.
meet me in another thread and reply chain.

>> No.16461317

I just boil water on my stove, like lmao.

>> No.16461331
File: 208 KB, 636x516, gearfags btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see my german ebay link above
no temp control
>they settle for utilitarian product with generic name.
my £35 kettle has lasted 6 years, i'd rather spend my money on tea
my kettle is an arm reach away from my desk

>> No.16461338

NOOOOOO, how can you brew your japanese greens without temp controlled kettle? Like the Japs before the 2000's? Get on with the times grandpa. Weigh your tea on a scale, bring your water to exact temperature, use a timer on your phone and only then you will get a good tea. About three steeps. Arigato Mr Roboto.

>> No.16461356
File: 100 KB, 905x1446, 1208122_rd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't have to worry about letting water cool off, just push the button for the tea you are making
>convenient and fast
>can be used for tea, coffee, and cooking
>not too expensive, probably pays off itself after a few years by saving money on utilities
heh, nothin personnel kid

>> No.16461365

This is a pain when you're doing it 6x a day

>> No.16461367
File: 95 KB, 600x800, BT0427-Moroccan-Mint-600x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's green tea with mint

>> No.16461371

Until you discover big thermos like millions of Asians and South Americans.

>> No.16461382

I'd just donate some sea dyke, but I wouldn't wish that piss on my worst enemy. I'm trying to uplift your financially challenged peers. Planning on getting them some portable butane stoves and the cheapest aluminum sauce pans I can acquire off german ebay.

>what kind of "proverb" is that
Its very simple. You don't need to worry about the price if the cost doesn't affect you. Its a hard mentality to break, but don't live your life thinking you're not worth spending money on. Improving your life should be the sole reason you work, so think about the things you touch daily and make sure they're not d-tier. I like peacock alley sheets.

>> No.16461384

there's no redpilling you guys on the environmental costs of these abominations.
stay pleb.

>> No.16461401

>buying some stupid "raven" kettle
Just buy this thing it makes noise

>> No.16461406

>environmental impact of buying a product
>ignoring the inefficient of needing to use a stove to bring water all the way up to a boil just to let it cool off, and thus the environmental impact of using electricity and/or natural gas
sure thing bucko

>> No.16461413

The coffeefags on this board really are something special. I kinda want to get into coffee but I'm not dropping stupid money on meme ass gear when tea is as simple as a boiling vessel and a cup (although I splurged on a $20 teapot)

>> No.16461416
File: 90 KB, 500x668, 1390222100867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sister likes the quality black tea I brew, and only a handful of teas beyond that, usually oolongs or whites, very basic tastes. Can't stand even the gentlest of green teas
>Trick her into trying my young Shengs and woodsiest shous whenever possible to watch her face pucker and flail her arms around in disgust

Its just too funny to resist. And oddly enough there's one Shou puerh she actually liked, which was out of left field and ruined my fun

>> No.16461419

i don't get it either, i just grind up my coffee and stick it into a mug infuser (type made for tea) for my morning cuppa

>> No.16461427

I'm considering buying a cheap hand grinder and a french press, I mostly just want to drink one or two cups of coffee a week. But if you mention French Press in the Coffee thread they screech that you need a V60 or whatever FOTM meme brewer is in vogue. Like it's bean water you really don't need anything fancy, hell I wouldn't mind trying turkish style which is literally just superfine ground straight into the water.

>> No.16461428

>use a timer on your phone
a stopwatch tab is easier i find, saves you garbing and unlocking your phone
and when the temp falls off?

>> No.16461451

the general consensus is actually that anything that doesn't use a paper or mesh filter is the best flavor-wise (it lets the oil get through). don't have a french press myself, if you get one that uses a relatively coarse screen for separating the grind it should do nicely. you should be able to use a french press for cold brew, and tea as well, so it's a good multipurpose tool. personally i either use the tea infuser or a cold brew maker, since i don't make lots of hot coffee at once.

>> No.16461453

>V60 or whatever FOTM
v60s came out 15+ years ago. Get with it. Even the origami is ~3 years old now.
> literally just superfine ground straight into the water
Its a specific particle size. You know how scraps in tea bricks brew faster and turn bitter quicker? Same concept. You're not trying to make dust, you're trying to get your grind no finer than 200micro and no larger than 400.

>> No.16461461

>actually that anything that doesn't use a paper or mesh filter is the best flavor-wise
Where the fuck are you getting this info from? Kenji? Quit making shit up.

>> No.16461465

>>can be used for tea, coffee, and cooking
M8 boiled can be used for that too, like lmao

>> No.16461473

some anon's in the thread told me? jesus, calm down man.

>> No.16461484

Oh how you westerners pervert the simple hot water drinks.
Tea? Submerge it in hot water, drink, repeat until the leaves are spent.
Coffee? Put it in boiling water, drink, discard the dregs.
It worked for a hundreds of years like that, your millennial innovations are just blimps soon to be forgotten on the timeline on those ancient plants.
Hot water - plant matter - drink.

>> No.16461486

Any Roiboos men in? How's Roiboos Provence?
I'm thinking of getting some Roiboos+Vanilla since that sounds like a promising and simple blend, but Provence looks a bit daunting.

>> No.16461490
File: 149 KB, 484x380, madbullish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 anons memeing on you does not a general consensus make. To keep making the same jokes, a few people here constantly shill sea dyke. The general consensus is not that its the best oolong. Not even close.

>> No.16461491

BASED roiboos plebs showing up in every thread. Drink some tea and then we'll talk.

>> No.16461496

Two completely separate camps man, Coffee is crazy. You have people who prefer unfiltered coffee with the oils and flavors that imbues, and you have people who swear you NEED to use a drip w/ a filter or your coffee is garbage. In the end it's flavor preference, it's like how some people enjoy black tea and other enjoy green tea. They're the same plant, the exact same bush could be used to make both green and black tea but the flavor profiles are different and some people will swear by the black while others swear by the green. Some people will also steep a green tea for like 3 or 4 minutes because they want it bitter and some will steep it for like 45 seconds because they want it light and delicate.
There unironically is not one clear answer. A French Press, a Drip pot, and an Espresso machine will all make the exact same beans taste slightly different.

>> No.16461497

but i tried it myself and the coffee without using a paper filter did actually taste better, i don't think i got meme'd on

>> No.16461511

You're entitled to an opinion, even if it's wrong.

>> No.16461524

So because two people in the thread + you agree with it, its the general consensus? Strange. Stranger how the only immersion brewer that has won a WBC was the gina. French presses have been out since 1923, so I don't think experience is the limiting factor. To be fair, I don't have an issue with french presses, but to assert that stainless filtered fp is the best flavorwise is ridiculous.

Staring at 60lbs of greens as I type this, I'm well aware of the autism. Its just wild to me that a thread full of b0z0s who discuss the minerality that yixing clay adds don't understand a consistent grind has a notable effect.

>> No.16461535

my experience > all

>> No.16461538

there is a point at which tea and coffee threads collide and we're just crossed that safe line.
coffee fags please get back to your containment general.
we're talking camellia here.
let's have some order.

>> No.16461541

we should just combine the two threads and go hog wild I want to hear theorycrafting about brewing Ethopian Arabica beans in a Gawain.

>> No.16461566
File: 2.74 MB, 3888x2588, Gedeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, a class of special ed kids would tell you velcro shoes are better in their experience than learning to tie a bow knot.
Posted that wild white tea last night and immediately was met with bitching. Can't win in a tea general, not with all the lesbians around.
I could make that happen right now.

>> No.16461575

Like I said, what's in your picrel and why is it in /tea/ thread?

>I could make that happen right now.
Do it.

>> No.16461581

There are no women on 4chan and certainly not on /ck/

>> No.16461596

Raw tisane from yirgacheffe. Roasted in a small batch, taking notes from hojicha production.

>> No.16461608

yeah, we all tend to attach the names to our failures, just to spottem and never repeat them in the future. jirgaqueef sounds fair. processed by underpaid negroes? check.
enjoy your tisane.
any tips about rooibos?

>> No.16461615

>any tips about rooibos?
Yeah, skip it. Drink ma huang with honey instead since its cool to talk about nontea chinese ditchweeds here.

>> No.16461618

damn actually fucking seething lmao
You Will Never Be Chinese

>> No.16461646

Keep drinking poor man's yerba. Not affecting your brain at all.

>> No.16461662
File: 30 KB, 476x436, f605646a7b099afd80320a3c8f852c33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep drinking poor man's yerba. Not affecting your brain at all.

>> No.16461669
File: 160 KB, 656x496, youarehere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has yet to post any tea.

>> No.16461776

The oils retained by using a french press don't affect the flavor significantly. I just don't understand why people insist on using french presses over "FOTM meme devices" (whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean, clearly a V60 is not that) when they are significantly harder to clean, cost more, and produce a silty cup in the end than a pourover.

>> No.16461812

How much do they pay you per post?

>> No.16461822

Meds. Now.

>> No.16461830
File: 2.92 MB, 4032x3024, seethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Confronted with objective facts, the sea dyke resorts to its natural defense mechanism

>> No.16461850

If you google "V60" there is literally only one company that makes it, how much does Hario pay you? $0.01 a post?

>> No.16461861

Are you autistic? Do you not realize how fucking stupid you sound? Kill yourself.

>> No.16461870

$0.01 has been deposited into your account by the Hario Co. Thank you for defending our brand online!

>> No.16461884

>If you google "V60" there is literally only one company that makes it
And 600 who make other pourover drippers. When someone tells you to buy ChapStick or a Band-Aid, do you freak out? Buy a cafec flower, origami dripper, muniq tetra dripper, blue bottle dripper, kalita wave, april pourover, torch mountain dripper, or a fucking clever dripper. They all outperform french presses.

>> No.16461893

There are paid V60 shills who will insist the V60 is the only dripper worth buying because it has a special proprietary filter.

>> No.16461895

>t. John Hario (CEO of Hario)

>> No.16461923

Nobody knows what the fuck you're talking about retard. Please show some examples of these "shills" talking about the V60's filter you fucking moron. I'll wait.

>> No.16462074

You're an actual moron. Are you talking about the (superior) cafec filters? They were the original japanese factory for hario's filters before hario fucked them over and outsourced production worldwide. Now they're independent and making way higher quality filters than hario was ever buying. Tell me more about these proprietary paper triangle that upset you.

>> No.16462252

does anyone have a good source of dancong oolong? im looking to buy some but its generally expensive ty in advance, im looking for more of an economical buy

>> No.16462282

I'm sure there's coffee shills but I kinda doubt the shills are for this one random pourover coffee brewer from some japanese company, the shills to me look as though it's people selling you their organic fairtrade beans or being like Basketball Rifle Coffee. Speaking of which is coffee even a good beverage in the same way tea is?

>> No.16462291

Coffee is better than Tea but it's more expensive.

>> No.16462292

>he doesn’t know about puer lesbians
What are you even doing in a /tea/ thread?

>> No.16462304

They're not real, women aren't real.

>> No.16462311

>the shills to me look as though it's people selling you their organic fairtrade beans or being like Basketball Rifle Coffee
No, the actual unironic coffee shills are usually for chinkshit grinders like 1zpresso or for meme devices like the aeropress and those stupid fucking lever-operated "manual espresso machines." I won't even list the name of the most popular one because I am actually certain that it is shilled here based on posts I have seen in the old /ctg/ before normalfags took over and renamed it coffee general.
>is coffee even a good beverage in the same way tea is
Yes. Coffee has a lot of nuance based on origin, varietals, and processing method. Natural process and washed process coffees are as different as sheng and shou puerh are. Coffees from certain regions of the world often have particular qualities to them, like African coffees generally being particularly fruity and acidic. Natural process Ethiopian coffees can taste just like ripe fruit for instance. High quality coffees are also often very sweet and clear with a lot less bitterness and muddiness than you would expect from cheap coffee.

>> No.16462470

>stupid fucking lever-operated "manual espresso machines."
Yeah I kind of started that back in 2019. My b. It was shortly before I drifted over here one night and ended up with a kilo+ of bian xiao zhuan raw I was going to use for kombucha.

>> No.16463059

I've only had one dancong but it was possibly the best tea I've had so far. It's not an everyday drinker, but as a weekend treat it was well worth the money.


In the future I'll try buying cheaper dancongs to compare, maybe there is a sweet spot for price/taste.

>> No.16463069

>make tea with 5min steeping time
>forget about it and come back after half an hour to a liter of bitter piss


>> No.16463137

>make ice tea in the fridge
>forget about it and come back 4 days later to perfect iced tea
every time

>> No.16463190

>make a tea
>it's just leaves in my gaiwan steeping in hot water
>if it's too intense steep a little shorter next time, too week - a little longer
>I can always dilute or fortify my tea in the pitcher on the go
gongfu life

>> No.16463431

what ratios do you use for iced tea?

>> No.16463771
File: 738 KB, 725x935, maid seving tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a cheap kettle from kmart and fucking de done with it retard

>imagine not sitting down with a nice porcelain teapot and cup and sipping high quality ceylon from your Royal Doulton


>> No.16463788

about 1 tablespoon for 2 cups of water

>> No.16463851

Is it a sin to put an infuser directly into my mug?

>> No.16463915
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greetings, traveler

>> No.16463958

I bow

>> No.16464288

Matcha recommendations please! So much is overpriced, both good and bad quality.
I was buying Kyoto matcha from a local shop but I know I'm being extremely wasteful with my money buying from them.

>> No.16464509

If you're actually interested in throwing down cash on some "good" matcha, I like the stuff kurasu sell. $20 dhl shipping out of japan, so make sure you order enough to make it worth your while. Got my chasen from them too.

>> No.16464792

What’s your favorite cheap herbal guilty pleasure
For me it’s lemon zinger

>> No.16464823
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I'm the anon who asked for help with putting together an order in the last thread: >>16416344

My order has arrived, and I'm going to start trying one per day and posting my thoughts. Today I had my first raw puerh, a 2015 Xiaguan "Gold Ribbon Tuo" from YS. Going into this I wasn't expecting to fall in love, since it's a cheap tea they give as a free addon if you spend a certain amount. With my expectations tempered, it was actually pretty decent.

The cake was pretty tightly compressed, so breaking off whole leaves was difficult. After a rinse, I steeped the first brew for 60 seconds (gong fu, 4.5g/100 mLm boiling water). It reminded me of a cheap oolong, with some salty + earthy taste but not much otherwise. This brew seemed pretty weak though, especially since the leaves weren't fully hydrated from the rinse. Brews 2-4 were also around ~60 seconds, and tasted like they were at the proper strength. There was some noticeable bitterness, and the oolong-like taste of the first brew disappeared, with a "tobacco" taste in its place. I don't really know what tobacco is supposed to taste like, but I've seen reviews of this tea described in this way. It's a little smoky, a little earthy, with some herbal taste that I would say is most similar to sage. Overall, not a bad tea. Probably not something I would drink in the morning, and not something I would order again, but I think it served as a simple introduction one way that raw puerhs can taste.

>> No.16464826

i bought some Chinese imported oolong at disneyworld once and it tasted exactly like the cardboard it was packaged in

>> No.16465325

Pretty much any of the Japanese vendors in the pastebin are safe to order from.

>> No.16465371

>It's a little smoky, a little earthy, with some herbal taste
Sounds like xiaguan, i see the term mushroom broth tossed around a lot to described their teas.
It definitely can be tricky to get the hang of brewing them, the tuos tend to be pretty rock hard and then when brewing they weak untill all the leaves separate and suddenly you get a very strong infusion.
Xiaguan is easily my favorite brand from a value prospective, they do lots of traditional smokey puer like their tuos and #recipe cakes, but they also do a decent amount of more trendy modern blends like thier cabbage series and some of their single village/region teas that are really affordable compared to buying stuff like that from a boutique vendor

>> No.16466279

What's your favorite caffeinated tea to drink late at night?
For me it's ripe puer.
I'm so glad i actually bought enough to last a while with my last order, i usually only buy 100g and then get mad when i run out.

>> No.16466397

How much tea leaf should I put in the 70 mL teapot that I just bought

>> No.16466453

Depends on the tea. For most i would try 5-7 grams, for roasted oolong i would do 8-10. For green oolongs and other teas where the leaves expand a lot and get huge probably 4-5

>> No.16466461

I tried 6 grams earlier with some raw puerh and the leaves expanded way more than I was expecting them too and completely filled the entire thing and made it take forever to drain

>> No.16466683

5g/100ml seems the norm for most things so 3.5g in your 70ml. oolongs expand like crazy, drop it a little
raw puerh too

>> No.16466693
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>drink ephedra sinica
>all that red shit is fucking with your brain
Fokken kek
>tips about rooibos
Yeah man, just pour boiling water over it and leave it for like 10 minutes, strain and drink. Don't go crazy or it turns to soy and increases your estrogen.

>> No.16466702
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>king of duck shit aroma

>> No.16466715

I did 3.5 g of ripe right after that brew and it worked much better. I had to use a tea pick to scrape all the leaves out of the teapot from that first brew and I put them in my gaiwan and continued brewing them. It was my first raw ever so I didn't realize that the leaves would expand that much.

>> No.16466831

How do you personally do tea in a thermos? I've been just doing western style infusions and pouring it in my 20oz Zojirushi mug and I can't think of a better way, like some method with grandpa style

>> No.16466853

With ripe you can probably get away with more since it doesn't expand as much. Some people like to brew their ripes with lots of leaf and very dark, but it's up to personal preference.

>> No.16466865

The way you are doing it is the best way, brewing in a thermos always tastes off because the temp stays so high, same problem with grampa style in a thermos, it tastes weird and overextracted. The best thing to do is to just brew in a separate vessel and then pour it into your thermos, that way the tea cools down just a bit and doesn't cook itself.

>> No.16466896

I need to hurry up and try the oolongs from king tea mall. They have some very decent prices so im hoping the quality is still good.

>> No.16468078

why do you betas have such small teapots. i like to sit around and drink large amounts of tea personally.

>> No.16468176

multiple steeps so you can have perfect tea, everytime you want a sip.
the patrician way to enjoy tea

>> No.16468278

he thinks three mugs of tea is large amount.
meanwhile I sip 1 - 1.5 liter in one sitting out of my small teapot.
stay deluded.

>> No.16469055

Yeah exactly, lots of brews, lots of leaves

>> No.16469515

Honestly when I make tea I just want to have one cup, I don't want to drink a litre of tea over the next 2 hours.

>> No.16470112

I only drink or two cups at most per day, I don't know how people can handle more than that in one day. Even when I made cold tea, it was less than two liters.

>> No.16470145

I drink tea for the taste, i frequently find myself annoyed it has caffeine in it as i drink my third or fourth lite of the day and it keeps me up too late

>> No.16470304

I drink it because it relaxes and centers me, I don't really need large quantities of it.

>> No.16470325

Drink more tea = feel more relaxed and centered obviously

>> No.16470489

Why does my teapot dribble instead of pouring out a continuous stream

>> No.16470533

Does it do that when it just has water in it and no tea leaves? Usually when my pots dribble there is a leaf somewhere in the spout.

>> No.16470537

How do I stop tea from getting in the spout if it doesn't have a built in strainer

>> No.16470587

I have a single hole pot like that, it usually pours fine, i keep a wooden skewer around to poke it for when it does clog occasionally. Just gently stick it doen the spout and it should pour fine.
If it just pours slightly roughly or chugs a bit that's fine and you don't need to do anything, it's normal for it to pour a bit differently when it has leaves in it, i only start poking around if it slows to a trickle or is clogged completely.
If you have a really fine or chopped up tea you can sort of strategically place a big chunk or some larger leaves in front of the spout when you are putting the tea in the pot.

>> No.16470613

It chugs constantly when it has leaves in it and it makes it take upwards of 45 seconds to drain even though it's only 70 mL

>> No.16470747

Yeah that's not ideal, it should have a fairly quick pour still with leaves maybe 10-15 seconds.
You got a clay one from EoT right? I have a 100ml from them and do get the occasional clog.
Find something narrow you can use as a poker, make sure there isn't a piece of leaf stuck in there from a previous brew.
Usually if i have issues it's after the rinse before the first brew, the leaves haven't plumped up yet and they will go into the spout and then clog it as they soak up more water.
When it slows down on you just stick the poker in and push it in gently, don't wiggle it around a bunch.
Again try putting a big chunk in front of the spout as you fill it. Don't shake the pot or move the leaves around once you start brewing just leave them in place and that should help.
You will get the hang of it pretty quickly and should only have to use the poker occasionally.

>> No.16471177
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I love how huge oolong leaves get as they expand. 5g totally stuffed this 100ml pot

>> No.16471573

Can i buy a chest of tea somewhere?

>> No.16471659

>bought expensive Japanese green tea
>tastes like seaweed

>> No.16471666
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Has anyone tasted this?
Not this brand specifically, but I've always been curious about the flavour itself.