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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16429615 No.16429615[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How am i only reading about this now? this beef is awesome. Fuck bourdain, team guy only
post more about this

>> No.16429616
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>> No.16429621
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>"I hear you're the only one in class who did most of his cooking with a spoon and a Bic lighter."

A burn so spicy it made a man kill himself.

>> No.16429624

guy fieri restaurants have the same dining experience as applebees

>> No.16429625

Holy shit, Fieri fucking destroyed him. Absolutely raw dog pulverized his anus.

>> No.16429634

>the chad charismatic americana shitty local dive enthusiast vs the annoying try-hard touristy snob
who cares, guy had an entertaining show and doesnt take american food too seriously and was hugely popular. bourdain was just a faggot who sucked off celebrities and was a total pseudo intellectual about food and had a fetish for the foreign. every foreigner he encountered for sure hated his guts. he fit right in with obama in that weird vietnam video. guy is just a normal guy who loves what he does and gives props to normal restaurants around his country

>> No.16430400

One is a white hating kike so what do you think?

>> No.16430559

Fieri ended up winning, because he is alive and successful lol.

Bourdain was a pompous pseud, wrote one acclaimed book on the restaurant industry and lived off it for 20 years

>> No.16430566
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I'm not a woman, so I don't really care about whether celebrity TV personalities such as Bourdain and Fieri like each other or get married or divorced or whatever. Shouldn't you take this thread to /tv/? It's not related to food or cooking.

>> No.16430573

> talk shit
> kill yourself like loser cuck

>> No.16430580

I like Bourdain but holy shit based

>> No.16430602

The difference is most celebs are unmeritorious, whereas Fieri isn't.

>> No.16430758
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>seething faggot doesnt respect guy fieri and his inherent place in the echelon of /ck/
also nice pic of famous nigger couple, weird for you instantly think of that and to save that on your computer when we're discussing a cooking legend in guy fieri

>> No.16430816

Bourdain got absolutely destroyed with that banter, no coming back from that.

>> No.16430923

Hipsters collectively deciding to ironically love Guy Fieri is one of the stupidest things to happen in recent years. Bourdain was picking on an easy target, but he's 100% correct. In before someone posts that fat "comedian" defending him and Nickleback.

>> No.16430949

Anthony Bourdain was a fucking loser. He was so bitter about the world and killed himself. How fucking stupid was he? He was a chef. Big fucking deal. He got to travel the world, eat and dine with celebrities and he kills himself like a fucking loser cause he got sad from time to time. Big fucking deal. I'm glad he's dead. Too bad he didn't do it sooner.

>> No.16430993

How can Bourdain be correct if he's dead and Guy isn't?

>> No.16431003

left behind a little daughter. and left one of his best friends, who introduced him to the mother of his child, to find his body.
the meme-love is cringey, sure. but really, weigh them on their merits. One is the life of the party because he doesn't mind being the butt of every joke. The other is a pompous ass, desperate to keep a too-cool-for-the-room façade over the crippling insecurity that ultimately cost him his life. Trying to score cheap points by dunking on someone whose image is built on his affability and self-effacing good humor. Some fucking "everyman". Oh, that wonderful world-traveller, he never met a man he couldn't condescend to.

>> No.16431015

In the end Bourdain killed himself so Guy won in the end
We're all gonna make it man

>> No.16431018

bourdain was a pretenious douche who was pro nigger

>> No.16431047

bourdain was so wrong he killed himself

>> No.16431060

Didn't Boredain get cucked to death?

>> No.16431067

They're both plebs4plebs.

They both belong with BonAppettit, Ragusea, Babish and Jamie Oliver.

Hot today bankrupt tomorrow.

>> No.16431090

If I say 1+1=2 then shoot myself in the head, can 1+1 no longer be considered to equal 2?

>> No.16431099

you would say 1+1+1=2 though.

>> No.16431115

>One is the life of the party because he doesn't mind being the butt of every joke.
It's a completely manufactured image though - built on "late 90s cool" to becoming a walking meme. He's not a fucking everyman. He's a multimillionaire that owns multiple restaurants and a vinyard - which intentionally avoids using his name. Say what you want about Bourdain, but even after his success, he pretty much stayed true to his roots as a depressed, junkie cook. That's admirable in my book.

>> No.16431161


But it was the hipster thing to do to hate him. Don't believe me? Sorry was he some struggling nobody barely scraping by with zero notoriety? Nope. First time I tried to fieri routine on my mom she said she liked him and asked me what was wrong with him. I (a chef of non note) said his food was bad and he dressed funny and that's all it is. It's all it ever was. Are the majority the hipsters? Doesn't that defeat the meaning.

>> No.16431168

>dude he has money therefore he bad

Lmao grow up commie retard

>> No.16431169

>Chad isn't popular people only laugh at his jokes and come to his parties and watch his popular show and has a good reputation because of hipsters

>> No.16431193

he's an entertainer who puts out a product, if i wanted to watch an everyman i'd just talk to my neighbors. Bourdain was an actual literal cuck who was also a millionaire btw

>> No.16431212

>completely manufactured image


>> No.16431260

Yes indeed

>> No.16431292

For me, it's that episode where bourdain went to the Philippines and made some weird comment to some random filipino dude in the restaurant about how he had "the eyes of a killer." Shit always stuck with me.

>> No.16431318

Well known for charitable donations and positive outlook on life
Dead cuck.

I'm on team Fieri

>> No.16431369
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>> No.16431961

imagine being as much of a faggot as this anon. hes literally worse than bordain hahaha

>> No.16431963

but he killed himself kek

>> No.16431967

bourdain restaurants have no patrons, because they don't exist and he killed himself because even bourdain couldn't live with bourdain

>> No.16431977

>no but actually you dont understand, bourdain (dead fag) is actually a cool guy cuz he stayed true to himself by doing heroin and killing himself (leaving his daughter alone) after living a life as a pretentious narcissist who wanted to hang out with celebrities and creeping out normal people in the places he traveled to. hes just too high brow for people who *squints* enjoy food for the taste and having a good time

>> No.16431990

we smokin that anthony pack

>> No.16431994

>Diner in everytown america? Pshaw low class
>Wow el dinerá in casa de común mexico? Sign me up!
Bourdain in a nutshell

>> No.16432011

I loved Kitchen Confidential and No Reservations but holy shit was Bourdain such an insufferable little cunt

>> No.16432083
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>> No.16432088

Fieri is based and cool as shit. He came and did a show at a seafood market I was working at and the dude was literally just as cool as his tv persona. After they were done filming he hung around and tried basically everything on the menu, drank a ton of local beer and wine, and pretty much turn the whole place into a party. Most fun I ever had working at that shithole.

>> No.16432099

ooooooweeee he gottem

>> No.16432127

On Parts Unknown:

"Unexpectedly, the show’s longtime director fell ill—and Bourdain pushed for Argento to take over directing duties. In the documentary, behind-the-scenes footage from the episode shows Bourdain seemingly thrilled as Argento takes filming into a new direction—treating the episode as if it is a scripted project and calling cut on an emotional conversation Bourdain is having with asylum seekers. The Parts Unknown crew, meanwhile, was stunned that Bourdain would so quickly turn on the method and rhythm the team had perfected.

Bourdain also fired his longtime cinematographer Zach Zamboni after the Emmy-winning Parts Unknown team member disagreed with Argento. As Parts Unknown producer Helen Cho told Neville, “When Tony fired Zach, it was a huge red flag. Because if he’s going to do that to someone like him, anyone in the inner circle is essentially disposable.”

Bourdain also paid off the minor Argento was accused of having sex with and literally killed himself because of tabloid photos of her kissing another man. I rate Bourdain and respect what he's done but he was the ultimate cuck in so many ways, up until his death. Guy is undeniably the alpha to Bourdain's beta.

>> No.16432134

We're finally living in a time where zoomers hate Bourdain holy shit

>> No.16432135

Guy "1488 degrees" Fieri absolutely throws Bourdainberg into the oven

>> No.16432137
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He was always a faggot. You just convinced yourself the people telling you were trolling.

>> No.16432146

Oy vey goyim
Don't talk ill of my dead tribesmen
He swore and smoked and did drugs, like all you animals should be doing.

>> No.16432247
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Guy Fieri dresses fucking stupidly and makes greasy, DO AMERICANS REALLY-tier food, but he's unashamed about it, enjoys what he does, and his show, when summed up in its most simplest form, is about a fat guy enjoying food and giving people compliments on their food. How, in any way, is that offensive to someone who isn't a holier-than-thou snob?

I don't give a fuck about Fieri aside from knowing the basics, and the basics of Fieri is that he'll eat whatever slop is put in front of him, enjoy it, make the person who made it feel like a champion, televise it, and then use the revenue he makes on a That Kid wardrobe and charitable donations.

Bourdain? Smuggery, schincterr-spelunking celebrities. and suicide. My knowledge of Bourain goes as far as his feet from the floor.
Not very far, but still far enough.

>> No.16432514

I like Guy, but...I think Bourdain resented him because he's so blatancy commercial. In his early books he talks so much shit on Food TV, which is why he went to the Travel Channel. So he didn't have to dress in a bowling shirt and say shit like "Alabama Jamma Slammah BAMMMAAAAAHHH"

>> No.16432566
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Bourdain was for midwits that lived vicariously through him by projecting themselves onto Bourdain's smug, self serving, and undeserved pretensiousness.

Fieri was for intellectually lazy intelligent people who use the excuse of cultural slumming to enjoy things they would otherwise be ashamed to enjoy infront of others.

Simple as

>> No.16432571

Not a hipster and nothing ironic about it. Triple D is a great show which shows some of the places normal people eat. Some look great, some look shit, but Guy always keeps it positive.

>> No.16432634


>> No.16432649

For like the first ten seconds of that video I thought that guy had some weird gimp arm, but it was just hidding behind his gunt.

>> No.16432763

>"I hear you're the only one in class who did most of his cooking with a spoon and a Bic lighter."
I'm not into celeb shit but holy shit that was good.

>> No.16432783

>implying nickleback isn't also perfectly fine
Admit it, you got sucked into the reddit memes too hard and now you're just slowly back pedaling until you finally read the room and find a group consensus to latch onto

>> No.16432793

i loved bourdain, anon. like really really loved him. but even towards the end of his life, i was sick of his shit. appearing on archer and becoming unironically reddit.

>> No.16432797

i understand that this "social-media drama" is so enticing to you Americans, but the culinary-expertise between these two chefs is like night-and-day.

>> No.16432838

destruction 100

>> No.16432846

This, but unironically

One is beloved and managed to create a successful business model built around understanding basic human desires, how to stimulate them, and satiate them in the most aesthetically and sensually pleasing manner. The other is a dead cucked junkie with ties to pedophiles.

>> No.16432882

hard to cook without an alive brain or body, anon

>> No.16433683

also as an american living in europe, most europeans have a guy fieri attitude towards their food and are very kind and friendly and are just happy when you enjoy something delicious. but there are also many anthony boredain eurofags who have to make their regional cheese or stew some pretentious shit flinging contest and pretend they dont enjoy american fast food burgers.
fieri vs boredain is an archetypal battle of food culture

>> No.16433715

For me, it's
>That's dreamy and creamy!

>> No.16433739

fucking bipolar jannies give you a time out for posting a jello pudding pop ad in a frozen treat thread, but let /tv and tobacco threads post multiple time; god forbid you post a cook-along thread: “troll thread”
fuck this cancerous board…just
watch, this post will be baleeted in 15min or less because they got called out

>> No.16433760

reported for being a whiny faggot

>> No.16433796

fuck off back to facebook with the rest of the boomers, nana