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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16425065 No.16425065 [Reply] [Original]

I hate living in America. Yay for guns and lawns but fuck me man every piece of god damn food has soy, corn syrup and fucking canola oil in it along with a million preservatives. How the fuck do you avoid it?

>> No.16425067
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>> No.16425070

literally just eat meat and veg its all you need and avoids all the bullshit

>> No.16425071

Only buy single ingredients and cook your own food.

>> No.16425081

Almost all mass produced food does, but the FDA is super strict about making companies here list everything possible.

>> No.16425097

The only correct answer.

>> No.16425104
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Other countries have it too, we're just the most anal about EVERYTHING being on the ingredients list. Also >>16425071, plus consider gardening. Also you shouldn't have an all grass lawn, plant some white clover in there

>> No.16425106

Don't forget the iron in the flour.

>> No.16425112

Love me some datem in my bread. Nice crisp and refreshing tingle.

>> No.16425113

This is a world wide problem

>> No.16425130

Well OP, there's these things called whole foods, like vegetables, meats, dairy and produce. You use them to cook your own meals, then you can control exactly what goes into your body.

Seriously, why is it so hard for people to stay away from food products and processed foods?

>> No.16425133

All of those extra ingredients are banned in Europe

>> No.16425134

I assure you they aren't

>> No.16425135

No they aren't. You're just so used to living in commiestan where the default is to assume that everything is illegal unless the government gives you explicit permission.

>> No.16425138

Bro, no.

>> No.16425141

you mean, European countries are allowed to not list all the ingredients that are in their foods?

>> No.16425144

Make your own food. Get fresh meat from a butcher or go straight to a farm and freeze it. Learn to cook from scratch ingredients and cut out anything that you don't want.

>> No.16425163

I'm europoor so regulations are better when it comes to harmful additives, but I still cook every meal myself. Thank god for poachers and rural farmers, if I had to survive on industrial farm meat they sell here I'd probably an hero.

>> No.16425645

>Soy in everything
That's everywhere. You're not special, yankee.

>> No.16425664

learn to cook, you fat fuck

>> No.16425680

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking
Have you considered cooking your own food?

>> No.16425681

Soybeans are the biggest crop in the US, along with corn; that's why they're so prolific in all our stuffs.
And of course, our largest export clientele for soy are the east asians. If we ever (fully) severed trade ties with China, etc., our agricultural industry would be tanked.
At that point get ready for EVERYTHING being soy-based.
>soy = based

>> No.16425700

how about you could cook your own food instead of whining about it

>> No.16425718

Why are euros so insufferably full of themselves? "Muh grass fed". Guarantee you that with a blindfold on you don't know the difference.

You think everything has to be fresh bought today, but only because refrigeration is expensive and basically new to you.

Americans eat like garbage but it's because it tastes better, objectively, having lots of fat and salt and shit in the food. "Muh fresh baguette from 'de shoppe diis morning" is cope as fuck for your traditionally poor lifestyle.

>t. raised on a grassland cattle farm, gf's family is French

>> No.16425719

>Guarantee you that with a blindfold on you don't know the difference.
Does it look different?

>> No.16425720
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>> No.16425724


>> No.16425754

This, in Europe you get the exact same thing but corn syrup can be rolled up into "sugar" on the ingredients list.

>> No.16425757

stinky foreigner hands typed this

>> No.16425800 [DELETED] 
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Water is a chemical, you dumb collegecuck. Are you people going to try to cancel the ocean now? LMAO

>> No.16425844

>How the fuck do you avoid it?
Learn to cook, moron.

>> No.16425879
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>cancel the ocean
Fuck the ocean

>> No.16425886

>buying manufactured food products
>complaining that there is preservatives inside

I dunno, maybe buy ingredients and cook food yourself fuckin' lazy shit.

>> No.16425911

Go to a butcher, that is, raw ingredients.
Boycott big food, big oil, big cereal, big soy, or any other such shite. If possible support
local producers, especially ones not destroying topsoil.

>> No.16425915

buy organic dingus

>> No.16425922

What's wrong with an all grass lawn

>> No.16425949

>potassium iodate
Err error error err do not eat do not eat

>> No.16425951
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>calcium propionate

>> No.16425964

Potassium iodate has been recommended by the WHO as an additive to table salt to prevent goiters.
>World Health Organization
>Buy salt from Europe
>Have to disclose Euro anti-goiter additives on your label
>Some dickhead posts the ingredients list complaining about all the additives in American food

>> No.16425967

Stop buying processed food you fucking retard OP. It's not that hard.

>> No.16425972
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Your a dickhead, KYS big ag shill.

>> No.16425996

>big ag shill.

>> No.16426011

OP, your ignorance is showing, that's all. It is not as scary as it looks.

If you don't shop at a bakery locally, possibly hitting up a farmer's market on Saturday for it, you're not getting homemade breads until you make them yourself. It doesn't mean you can't have convenience though.

My local german restaurant sells their loaves frozen, which I do when I get the check, taking home a loaf or two of their heavily seeded german wheat, or their dark german rye. The pumpkin seeds get so delicious when toasting this bread. Literally just bake a 2nd time, or thaw on my counter and do some toast from it like it's fresh. People who want really fresh breads can do the dutch oven overnight dough method, and keep that going all the time. Really want convenience and you have space, buy an old fashioned bread machine and start filling it up and learning the measurements for smaller portions. Got a dough mixer on your kitchenaid? Make big batches and then freeze your mini loaves to reheat throughout the week. But, if you buy something in a store, know they must be using enriched flour and have to state the added vitamins. There will be dough conditions and weird preservatives if they use a biga versus fresh yeast, and something that makes the top brown well, or lecithin to keep blades on machines clean, etc.

>> No.16426025
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>lol wat we dont exist
Sure bud. I know all about nu-big ag. Shortcuts for everything. Process everything. Spray roundup ready on everything. Leaven everything.
We need more grains for livestock!!!!! Dairy dairy dairy.
Pasteurize everything. Put everything in plastic because we have a partnership.
I see your agenda. It is to make us sick. Oh you claim it isn't personal because you just want a slightly higher profit margin, but to us it is personal, it is our health

>> No.16426049

Maybe stop using drugs if you actually care about your health, you insane freak.

>> No.16426056

>big ag turns to big pharma shill
Why am I not surprised. No I will not take your drugs. No I will not support your planetary destruction. Or if youre trying to call me a crackhead, you're the crackhead, dumb bitch.

>> No.16426067

I lol'd

10/10 entertaining posts

>> No.16426151

But be careful! Americans even manage to fuck those things up.
>buy 100% durum wheat semolina pasta
>it’s got 5 ingredients, only two of which belong into pasta
>buy sour cream
>it’s sour cream + shit that doesn’t have anything to do with sour cream
>buy apple
>it looks like a caricature of an apple and tastes like plastic with HFC
Whole Foods kinda works, but fuck those prices!

>> No.16426158

You can make your own of all these things, minus the apple, which is just sugar anyway. Stop being lazy. Any thing you buy on a shelf in either Europe or America is going to have some sort of extra ingredient than what's required to make the product. That's how you put things on a shelf you dumb fuck.

>> No.16426165

Not grains and seeds. They store without any preservation techniques at room temp.

>> No.16426171

t.eats horse meat

>> No.16426173

No, most of your additives are banned. I don't why you guys always insist otherwise? It's like you're reddit transplants that are jelly about other countries having basic food standards. 95% of the meat, bread etc in france for example is unprocessed.

>> No.16426180

I can, but making assloads of pasta to dry (which, btw is just 2 ingredients here in euroland) is just not economical, just like getting a small CA storage for my measly 20 apple trees is not economical. Same deal with sour cream, which over here has just one ingredient and gets transported, stored and sold continent wide just fine.
I get it, processed foods need some ‚shit‘ in them to work, but those three, random basic ingredients absolutely do not!

>> No.16426186

Wow so countries with less than a quarter of Americas population are able to have stricter "food standards" without worrying about choking production lines and ensuring a constant availability of cheap food? Tell me more. You're comparing apples to oranges. France has a population of what, like 50m? USA is north of 320m. It's the third largest nation on the planet and has better food standards than anyone in the top fucking 10 lmao.

And what does "processed" even mean to you? I can go to a bakery and buy a loaf of unprocessed bread. Do you think bakeries don't exist? I can go to a butcher. Do you think butchers don't exist? Do you think we all get our food at Walmart? I don't understand you Euros.

>> No.16426190

>Massive amounts of butthurt cope and going on about how great it is to eat literal garbage
So it is just envy.

>> No.16426194

Way to ignore everything I just said you stupid fucking frog. You are literally the worst posters on this website.

>> No.16426273
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>Any thing you buy on a shelf in either Europe or America is going to have some sort of extra ingredient than what's required to make the product.
How about no?

>> No.16426291

Cooking your own food would probably be a good start. It is a cheaper and tastier to make shit from scratch than to piss money away on poison. There is the time factor of course, but if you spent less time on /ck/ making shitty bait threads like this, and more time in your kitchen leveling up your cooking skill it would be a decent trade off.

>> No.16426293
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>Posting pasta
This is the widest sold pasta brand in America. I don't get your point.

>> No.16426302

I guarantee you you are mistaken. The idea that these organic chemicals are banned in any European country is utterly preposterous; not only would it make the eternal europoor seethe over "muh kinder eggs banned in america" a huge case of hypocritical cherrypicking projection, but it would mean virtually every single American food product is forbidden from being imported into Europe and international restaurant chains forbidden from doing business in Europe, and to claim such a thing to be true would be the uttermost absurdity.

>> No.16426309

They don't understand what they're talking about. They compare the living habits of their shithole country of 9 million to the 3rd most populous nation on the planet, and think it's an own when they post "aha I get my milk fresh and you buy it at a grocery store stupid mutts"

>> No.16426325

no, I think this retard actually thinks the food he buys in the supermarket of England or France or Germany or wherever the fuck actually doesnt have any additives in it - because if his corporations aren't legally forced by the government to list ALL the ingredients, then it means they aren't there!

>> No.16426388

Lots of this shit is not in Euro foods, I hate to tell you but as an American I buy from Aldi's because their pasta is just grain, it doesn't have the niacin and shit added to it. Lots of other Euro products simply do not have the bullshit most keked amerifoods do. In USA you have to list everything on the packaging, in my example for pasta, it's a matter of

> In USA all USA made pasta MUST contain the additives for nutrition
> Not all pasta sold in USA has to though, so imported simply doesnt have it

This is mere fact and you can easily look it up. Go to an Aldi's and look at the ingredients on their shit. Corn chips made with corn oil, not canola or shoy beans. It takes two seconds of investigation...

>> No.16426406

99% of all food additives are completely safe and result in a superior end product.

Fight me you paranoid conspiracy theory cunts! You "all-natural" retarded ignorant-term spewing assholes can go ahead and enjoy your stale shit. The rest of us could not care less about your self-imposed paranoid 1st world drama.

>> No.16426426

>99% of all food additives are completely safe and result in a superior end product.
More doctors smoke camels than any other cigarette

>> No.16426441

The absolute moment that anyone talking about food quality uses the term "processed" or "un-processed" I immediately ignore every subsequent thing they say. It is the perfect litmus term for weeding out people who don't know what they are talking about.

LOL I saw someone mentioned "un-processed" bread in this thread earlier, which is a literal impossibility. Just what do you people think the term processed means? Go improve your vocabulary and read a dictionary, unless you're trying to tell me that bread just springs up out of the dirt "natural" and "un-processed".

God, I hate you people.

>> No.16426453

They've got the right idea and their hearts are in the right place, they just don't know what they don't know and there's an entire industry dedicated to keeping them that way.

>> No.16426474

Hey, this guy doesn't want his corn syrup! get him!

>> No.16426542

Yes we are aware that big ag hijacked the definition of the word processing, same as they hijacked the word sugar.
Processing used to mean milling or fermenting. No issues, agreed.
Then big ag came and said well we will keep using that term processing for our purpose including: yeast leavening, baking soda leavening, however the fuck they make bacon and processed meats, hydrolyzation of soy sauce instead of fermentation the traditional way. Essentially processing now is synonymous with "big ag shortcut" eventhough obviously there are still good traditional processing techniques.

>> No.16426573

You're being a bit arrogant here. You're essentially saying that anything you don't handle yourself, or even do, is processed?

Yes, taking an animal to a butcher is processing the meat. That is not at all what people mean when they are talking about BAR-S chicken, pork and beef mechanically separated hot dogs. Fucking asshole

>> No.16426819

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.16426826

upvoted so funny

>> No.16427428

What's wrong with canola oil?

>> No.16427455

It is hydrogenated

>> No.16427528

make your own goddamn food you whiny ameritard

>> No.16427535

>its whiny to want natural sustenance

>> No.16427636

The ingredients list should be hidden from consumers. Governmental bodies like the FDA should be informed what every item contains to make sure it's safe, but showing the ingredients list to the consumers does more harm than good. Consumers are retarded cattle that will refuse to buy products on completely arbitrary grounds, like the length of the ingredients list or because there's an ingredient there that they can't pronounce.

People lose their minds if you tell them that their food contains carboxymethylcellulose, but if you list it as "dietary fiber", which is what it nutritionally speaking is, it stops being a problem. If we forgot the term "salt" and started calling it "sodium chloride", I bet most consumers would be eating bland and unsalted food because sodium chloride sounds scary and chemicaly.

Because of these morons, manufacturers have to jump through hoops to produce a clean label, typically by substituting ingredients for ones that have easier to pronounce names or by just removing additives outright. Often this results in a lower quality product in terms of taste, texture and shelf life. But unfortunately this is the price of satisfying the uneducated masses' demands for ingredients that have few syllables and don't contain the letter x.

>> No.16427638

get off your lazy ass and make shit yourself

>> No.16427645
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Unnatural, requires maintenance that isn't required if you have a healthy mix of clove and maybe other native fauna.

This pic has some of the info, just ignore the /pol/ bits. Everything it says about white clove is correct.

>> No.16427648

Jewish hands typed this

>> No.16429360

You’re right about the majority being retarded, but dumbing down the world even more because of that just marked (you) as one of those retards.
>trusting the FDA to act in your best interest
Yeah, no.

>> No.16429364
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You tell em Rabbi.

>> No.16429375

>plant some white clover in there

>> No.16429419

There's nothing wrong with soybeans or corn, they are staples for billions of people around the world.

>> No.16429478


Cook your own food you fucking FAGGOT Jesus christ stop eating out of the God damn box and just buy a steak and some veggies. If you want salsa or sauce or whatever the fuck just make it with whole ingredients holy fuck

>> No.16430017

if you MUST eat bread (i think it is important to have for if people come by for dinner) or you want to make burgers, trader joes has some sliced breads that do not contain this shit. And it is cheap.

Gotta cook everything otherwise and pay for quality.

>> No.16430080

Legitimately, what is wrong with corn syrup compared to "real" sugar. Even if it came from a sugar cane it's still empty calories and if that's a problem just don't eat sweets or soda.

>> No.16430082

Wrong. Raw sugar is more complex than boiled sugar. Eating raw sugar cane, honey, molasses is infinitely healthier than boiled pasteurized refined white table sugar

>> No.16430099

>pulls nitrogen from air to self fertilize soil / entire lawn
>trample resistant
>helps bee populations
>prevents soil erosion
>chokes out actual weed species
>and more!

It was a staple in American lawns until the 50's when weed killer makers launched a big campaign to have it classified as a weed because their products killed it. It essentially makes your lawn almost maintenance free and it helps bees.

>> No.16430226

I like to compare Aldi's store brand items with the hot garbage American brand products and see how much garbage the more expensive ones contain

>> No.16430230 [DELETED] 

Corn syrup isn't real sugar, you fucking idiot. That's the point. Use the internet intelligently and look up the process for manufacturing it.

>> No.16430236

White clover is also softer so a blend of it will make your lawn friendlier for your children

>> No.16430239

Does your gf shave?

>> No.16430240

Use the internet intelligently, and educate yourself on process for producing high fructose corn syrup.

>> No.16430276

If your kids like animals it also attracts rabbits and deer. It's one of their favorite foods.

>> No.16430358

Freedom is banned in Europe.

>> No.16430381

No they aren't moron

>> No.16430383

Not true.

>> No.16430387

I'm not reading that big block of drivel. You sound like an uptight faggot. Who the hell would read a big stupid block of text written by a dumb faggot?

>> No.16430390

They aren't banned otherwise no food would be able to be imported

>> No.16430394

Face it. He blew you the fuck out. And we'd never be jealous of yuropoors. We don't care about you.

>> No.16430398

Imagine admitting to being too stupid to read more than a sentence

>> No.16430418

you're just butthurt because nobody cares about your idiotic opinions. are you this much of an autist irl?

>> No.16430439
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>stupid yuropeon or self-loathing jew-worshiping amerigoblin destroyed once again

>> No.16430542

Stop defending stupid bullshit, you fucking cuck. Americans used to cook a lot more and make a lot more things themselves, but then people like you got duped into muh convenience and now we have shit tier fast food garbage everywhere. Fuck off.

>> No.16430593

disinfo post. the ingredients list is there because of satanic reasons, they have to tell you they are poisoning you also on big supermarkets there is a healthy proper alternative.
so in their belief you are poisoning yourself voluntarily. always start from scratch, don't eat anything your host has not sampled already

>> No.16430597


>Implying our meat isn't fed on corn and soybeans

>> No.16430612

you couldn't come off as an obnoxious 22 year old faggot any harder

>> No.16430635

If the FDA was doing its job:
1. indicate if the package net weight has been shrunk within the past year for the same SKU on the label
2. require 2 decimal point precision on each item in the nutritional facts (no more rounding down to 0 grams and making the serving size 1tsp)

>> No.16430950

Then stop buying processed crap and start making food yourself, you lazy piece of shit.

>> No.16431283

BEWARE check the back of seasoning bottles
they can contain a bunch of nonsense. Try to only buy single seasonings and never mixed seasonings

>> No.16431589

Lawns are fucking useless waste of water, energy, and space

>> No.16431680

>Yurop hypocrite

Many time they dont list ingredients of ingredient you retard. All grain products are enriched you dumb cunt.

>> No.16431704

Is that the toxic cane toad? Fuck those things.

>> No.16431707

aldis is a discount store that only poor people go to
the meat is heinous and the selection of produce is similar to that of a 7-11