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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16421658 No.16421658 [Reply] [Original]

There's already so much weird shit put on Pizza in America, why draw the line at Pineapple?
Do Italians really get upset at Pineapple or is that just a myth? Shouldn't they get mad well before that?
Really, are there any Italians here? I want to understand, why is Pineapple the "sin" but not every other random dumbfuck ingredient?
Motherfuckers are literally putting braised ribs on pizza and no one cares, but put pineapple and everyone freaks out.

>> No.16421671

It's literally just a meme for retarded reddit children with no original thoughts in their head
For the rest of the normal people, pineapple is something we would eat if served at a party, but not something we would intentionally order

>> No.16421677

>jordnötter (peanuts)

>> No.16421814

Think, for a second. It's probably a stereotype.

>> No.16421818

This is cope.
Every romeawboo I've talked to hates pineapple on pizza.

>> No.16421872

Italians would never put pineapple (or banana) on their pizza, because they hate it.
Doesn't mean they get mad if foreigners do it though. If anything they'll laugh at their shit taste.

>> No.16422292

eurofags are manchildren who come from inferior stock. they got to stay at home and be rich while Americans and brown people toughed it out. only people of shitty euro stock give a shit if you make their national food wrong.
Euroturds are like children in general. they act like their cuisine is superior when half their shit is made with ingredients that originated in America.
For all intents and purposes, pizza is an American food. It could not be made even with those volcanic tomatoes because tomatoes didn't natively grow in Italy until America was being explored. No spaghetti either because that shit originated from Marco Polo going to China or some shit.
And yes, europoor food is generally shit. Their restaurants is like a hipster restaurant in the US. "fancy" version of a beloved American recipe that tastes like crap. Very expensive. Hell, a glass of water costs money and they'll go dip the cup in the toilet tank in the restroom. At least here restaurants are obligated to serve water for free. only thing that's cool about them is their macca's serve beer. But technically that's American clay owned by Americans since MacDonald's is more of a real estate firm than a restaurant chain

>> No.16422310
File: 1.24 MB, 888x1292, koreans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans put weird shit on their pizzas
look up the pizza hut and dominos menus in South Korea.

>> No.16422313
File: 733 KB, 1239x1289, pizzahutkore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16422557

Why does it feel like we have a pineapple on pizza thread every day

>> No.16422578
File: 78 KB, 1024x811, 1624965778849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16422595

Looks delicious
t. Italian

>> No.16422598

That black alio steak looks bretty good

>> No.16422704

what the fuck