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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 106 KB, 1200x857, goldfishgiant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16417774 No.16417774 [Reply] [Original]

Are goldfish good eatin'?

>> No.16417974

try it and let us know

>> No.16417976

they are essentially carp, so probably not

>> No.16417979

Goldfish are a variety of carp so probably

>> No.16417984
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>> No.16418020

Who are we supposed to believe?

>> No.16418028

carp is eaten by poles, would you trust a slav

>> No.16418031

That's an orange fish.

>> No.16418065

slav gave us kielbasa. I trust.

>> No.16418075

carp is gross and way too many bones to make it worthwhile. the only people i know that eat it are black people and im not trying to be racist. just lousiana stuff

>> No.16418078

why do we call it tuna fish?
we don't call it chicken bird

>> No.16418080

noticing trends isn't racism

>> No.16418193

slav pirates me games so yea why not

>> No.16418223

>and im not trying to be racist
you must be new here

>> No.16418265


>> No.16418275
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My wife’s mother is visiting, Father. And Tuesday night she’s cooking us a carp.
It’s a tasty fish, I have nothing against it.
But because it’s supposedly filled with impurities, she buys it live. And for three days it’s been… swimming up and down in my bathtub. Up… and down.
And I hate it. I can’t stand the sight of it.
Moving its gills.

>> No.16418292

>anon is mogged by a fish
Sure you’ll get to eat it, but you’ll always know it spent there days shitting in your bathtub

>> No.16418308

Post more carp pics pls

>> No.16418398
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Le Fishe

>> No.16418400

exorcist 3 quote dumb dumbs

>> No.16418406

What's wrong with carp? It's a pretty common Christmas food in Europe.

>> No.16418534

Ahh, I thought “Father” was just a weird typo, makes sense now
Only seen the first one though

>> No.16418642

>come on bro, hop in!

>> No.16419822

>get in bro, what are you, a fag?

>> No.16419962

carp is a bottom feeder, it tastes like mud

>> No.16419973


Only if you pluck them from your child's fishtank and eat them alive as a display of power and punishment for minor infractions like not brushing teeth or not sharing toys.

>> No.16419977

>im not trying to be racist

So it just comes naturally then?

>> No.16419986

I didn't even know there was an Exorcist 2, let alone 3

bet it was terrible

>> No.16419999

The japanese call tuna "sea chicken"

>> No.16420033

would the carp eat my callouses if I stuck my feet in?

>> No.16420064
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>> No.16420077

For every human being it literally does. It's a survival mechanism built into your genetics. You have to be trained to behave differently.

>> No.16420121


It literally is bigot stop oppressing people tvw0x

>> No.16420565


>> No.16420573

Man, I could totally go for some cow beef.

>> No.16420575

Not true, slavs eat it too.

t. slav.

It's tasty as fuck when lightly grilled with garlic butter and sweet paprika. The bones are shitty, but whatever, fiddly meat is still meat. You know what else is shitty? Starving because you wanted to be picky.

>> No.16420578

Are you from maine? I recognize that fish.

>> No.16420581
File: 822 KB, 960x500, 5i13bavp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dindus love carp, also bugs eat any damn thing just watch some of their yidtoob vids, so I doubt they are worth eating.

>> No.16420602

not true, it's extremely antisemitic

>> No.16420663

Cos they're retarded gooks.

>> No.16420689

catch and release tier fishing desu senpai

>> No.16421168

Japanese call tuna sea chicken because Japanese are Korean?

>> No.16421207


>> No.16421271

That's a joke, but without fresh air being pumped into the stagnant water it really will eventually drown in unbreathable water.

>> No.16421306

absolutely cursed pic

>> No.16421328
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Mink love them!


>> No.16421360


>> No.16421472

Based. I love Minks.
Those videos where the dogs and minks kill hundreds of rats on different farms are so entertaining.

>> No.16421484

Hey I grew up in Burnsville. People should have to get a permit to own any pet.

>> No.16421497

They really should. Goldfish are legitimately becoming a noxious pest in natural lakes and bodies of water after having been introduced by retards that don't want them anymore but are too soft to kill them.

>> No.16421510

The mud taste is due to histamines as the body temperature of the carp rise. Apparently you if you stick them on ice as soon as you catch them you prevent that process occurring and they taste decent. Though I've never tried carp caught and preserved that way, just heard that's the secret to them not tasting like mud.

>> No.16421514

Pretty much any pet people can own gets released and becomes a problem. Cats are probably the worst. As much as I love them, I hope we see countries and states start banning them outright as pets

>> No.16421529

They make great pets and can be great low maintenance pest control for farmers but they should require a license as well as other pre-requisites. Cats are a major pest here as we don't have any other natural predators.

>> No.16421533

Chickens are just as good and can provide eggs and meat. Cats can't be easily controlled like chickens either. It's just a bad idea all around. There are other birds you can get as well that will take care of pests without demolishing the local wildlife

>> No.16421540


>> No.16421546

There's nothing wrong with the original choice of word, you pedantic faggot.

>> No.16421551

based post

>> No.16421806

>man who has never tried carp
Nevermind that carp is a staple food in damn near all parts of the world except US.