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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16414705 No.16414705 [Reply] [Original]

What's, in your opinion, the worst food fad of all time? Doesn't have to be your own country's cooking, or even be all that recent, just be something that was everywhere for years, before poofing out of existence overnight.

For me? Italian cuisine in the Eighties was pretty bad (grilled chicken with ketchup is NOT something that any fancy party host should ever serve to guests he likes) and had some bizzarre combos going around, but I thin kthe tend of putting cream in everything just because "it has never been done before" was absolutely terrible.

>Shrimp with pasta?
Lol throw some cream in there, fish sauces are for plebs.

Eggs cost too much, let's use a whole brick of cream per egg to garnish the pasta instead.

>Have some leftover vodka and a little bit of tomato?
Imperial pennes, here I come! Guzzle upon liters of pink-ish white cum that tastes of either Death incarnate or nothing at all!

>Roast pig?
Fuck it, let's add cream at the end.

>> No.16414744

Molecular gastronomy.

Played out excuse to charge more for gimmicky nonsense. I remember on that old same Hyde video where he was roasting the 3 under 30 nonsense some guy was going on about how inspired he was by el bulli in Spain because “they’re molecular gastronomists” and six months out of the year they’re “in the lab”.

Here’s the vid: 3:05 for the time stamp. This guy is the proto redditor


>> No.16414810

Italian futuristic cooking. It's utterly bizarre

>> No.16414821
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bacon and nutella on everything

>> No.16414894

love that memory

>> No.16414903

mostly gay meme phrases like, umami, 'farm to table', 'gluten' etc

>> No.16414908

Serving food on something thats not a plate

>> No.16415207

Which I'm sceptical of gastronomy, the absolutely insane acceleration of technique over the past 20 years is a result of the overly technical forefront, even when gastronomy is not required
The only time I've ever experienced this is fries in a small deep rfy basket. Is it really that common

>> No.16415241
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>> No.16415294

It's probably not the worst fad ever, but I hate communal dining. I lived in Chicago a few years ago when EVERY new restaurant meant you had to be shoulder to shoulder with strangers watching you eat and listening to your conversation.

>> No.16415417

post your reddit folder

>> No.16415426

The ongoing IPA fad. The beer isle is like 80% IPA now

>> No.16415498

nutritional facts

>> No.16415735

>complains about people who have good parents
>parents spend 250,000 dollars to get him into art school

oh sammy

>> No.16415744
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>> No.16415775

I had a regular old pale ale in the pub the other day by mistake. It was so refreshing to drink a beer with a rational amount of hops. I'd forgotten what it was like to taste hops without it tasting like potpourri. I can't fucking wait for this dogshit trend to die.

>> No.16415778

oh this shit too, christ

>> No.16415806


In high end/fine dining. Most of what you're paying for at places like Alchemist is the weird artsy antiplating they choose to use (serving in lamb skulls or from dismembered udders) I think its cool but it's definitely a pretentious fad.

>> No.16415815

this and avacado toast

>> No.16415831

>Avocado on toast
I've been eating Avocado on toast since I first started on solids, I'm 32 now.

>> No.16415901

i like all kinds of beer, even some IPAs, but holy fuck is the craft beer market out of fucking control.
What they're doing with IPAs is bad, but what i hate more than that is the wacky flavored dessert beers catered to manchildren. peanut butter soy latte stout, guava fruit punch IPA, kombucha ginger lemon lambic farmhouse super sour wild ale just fucking kill me.
The kicker is, i don't even mind flavored beer. I've had raspberry beers and tres leches milk stouts that were phenomenal. They just shouldnt take up 75% of the fucking market.

>> No.16415906


>> No.16415931

Amen. It's hard to find a damned 'variety' pack now that isn't just different flavors of IPA. Man I miss the pre-IPA variety in beers.

>> No.16415946

Avocado Toast was just a common South Western meal that idiotic flyovers couldn't get a grasp on because they're unable to understand other people doing things they don't.

>> No.16417294
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>literally bland water + agar
>not even a cake
>literally a scam
instagram kids are so much fucking idiots and are a mistake, and the cringe from the weebs are fucking annoying.
Shit, if even they want to make it properly they should have made it with konjac.

>> No.16417353

Thoughts on bowls?

>> No.16417360
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>avacado toast
Nah, it's pretty damn good

>> No.16417362

>Eggs cost too much, let's use a whole brick of cream per egg to garnish the pasta instead.
It's this a bait?
There's no cream in Carbonara

>> No.16417370

Read the whole thing, you might figure out the context.

>> No.16417490

Tang Dynasty's victory meal

>> No.16417584

Avocado toast is great as long as you make it yourself rather than paying some faggot 20 bucks to make it for you

>> No.16417589

carbonara is whatever you want it to be

>> No.16417621

the depictions somehow still manage to make the 4chan user more likable

>> No.16417709

Beef, fucking sucks compared to mutton or goat. Fuck whoever decided to start that shit.

>> No.16417742

Mutton, fucking sucks compared to beef or pork. Fuck whoever decided to start that shit

>> No.16418165

I hate avocado toast because it actually affected me. Now I have to go to ethnic stores where they can't get away with charging white prices. I also hate that brisket got popular some time ago and subsequently started getting expensive, same with chicken wings and oxtails.

>> No.16418195

Chicken, fucking sucks compared to nearly every other meat. Fuck whoever decided to start that shit

>> No.16418212

Poutine as more than just fry-truck fare. Yes, curds are great. Yes, they're great on fries, and yes, with a well-made gravy, you can't really go wrong. No, it's not exactly disco fries, but yes, it is a very similar concept. No, it's not worth getting mad over.
>t. Tabarnacker.

also... brick of cream? I've never thought to build things out of the cartons.

>> No.16418222

It'll never go away, especially seeing as it's a quick way to mark up the price. It is kind of nice to see some of the local guys stick to one or two IPAs and round out the arsenal with some cream ales, kolsches and such.

>> No.16418228

Food goes in a bowl, not on it.

>> No.16418244

Unless you're doing a photoshoot of soup with a large garnish. Small bowl goes upside down in big bowl, soup goes in to barely cover small bowl, giant piece of whatever "floats" on the small bowl. If it's all edible, and the shoot lasts for less than 2h, someone eats it.
>t. Tabarnacker who works on commercial shoots.

>> No.16418249

Wtf is a tabarnacker

>> No.16418251

Quebecois. I commented about poutine, and now I'm trying to entertain myself by making it a running gag... It is not working.

>> No.16418253

It really isn't

>> No.16418254

Get out of my head, Charles.

>> No.16418269

Fazolis. Absolutely fazolis. there is a reason they went out of business. people only went there because DURRR PIZZA AND BREADSTICKS AND ITALIAN FAST FOOD (REDDIT MOMENT)

>> No.16418404

french for "fucker" if my annoying canadaphile friend is anything to go by

>> No.16418407

Sorry chef, I forgot, no smiling on the line.

>> No.16418421
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Honestly, beer as a whole. I'm still convinced no one actually likes this shit. I'm aware people have different tastes and my favorite food is probably someone's least favorite, but beer is objectively ass. I'd say it tastes like liquid cardboard, but you could probably blend cardboard with seltzer and it would taste better. I can only drink sours and lambics, and I only know of them because my beer-obsessed friends have taken me to a million taprooms, insisting I "find what I like" so we can actually enjoy going to bars together. Every time someone takes me to a beer-only """""bar""""" it's pure fucking suffering. Thank god for bar food.
On that note, why do people put beer in every fucking thing? "Beer cheese" tastes identical to normal cheese. If you want it to stay liquid at room temperature, add some fucking milk and emulsifying salts for god's sake.

>> No.16418423

keto and gluten free

>> No.16418433

No, a carbonara is not whatever you want it to be, you dumb piece of shit. Carbonara is pasta, egg yolk, pecorino or parmesano, guanciale or pancetta, salt and pepper. Anything more or less than that is a bastardized version of the real deal. You want to prostitute a dish? fine, go and do it with a burger

>> No.16418435

not dissing you bro, I have an irl friend who sucks canada's dick every chance he gets. how do I talk him out of moving to quebec?

>> No.16418482
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I didn't like beer when I was 12 either

>> No.16418498

reddit moment

>> No.16418511

Let him know that it's a hard fucking go here. I work like five jobs freelance because everyone keeps screwing me around when I sign on full time. I speak three languages and I was born here - only in the last three years have I started making enough to get by. The cities are grey shitholes with no planning and hyperaggressive traffic, and the villages are so xenophobic that I get refused service for being a ginger.

I've never heard Tabarnacker used as fucker... usually that's just 'Fucker'

>> No.16418518

Sours and Lambics are really hit-or-miss for me. Sometimes they're fairly well balanced, and just a bit tart. Other times they taste like something went horribly wrong, and someone stamped "Versez ce vinaigre dans une bouteille et vendez-le aux Anglais." on the test sheet.

>> No.16418535

huh, that's a new one

>> No.16418536

This is what you get when an entire country can't cook and refuses to learn how to do it properly.

They follow the advice of a woman who can't cook either (Marcella Hagan) but claims she prepares "the scents of her youth" for her Jewish husband.

An absolute abomination.

>> No.16418538

People have been drinking beer for thousands of years anon. I think you're just going to have a stick it out

>> No.16418590


>> No.16418775


>> No.16418780

Except keto isn't a fad retard. Literally been around since 1800s and likely was closer to our original diet than what we eat now.

>> No.16419366

Do you retards not understand what a fad is? You can do things yourself at home, but it becomes a fad when people start trying to market it to everyone temporarily and charge out the ass for it.

>> No.16419415

I used to "like" beers and ales when i was a 16 year old pretending to be some sort of connoisseur, which i continued to do over the years with whiskey.
I've now swapped almost entirely to drinking cider because i realised i was kidding myself and beer tastes like shit.

>> No.16419435

I'm slightly concerned that you lied to yourself for so long. I drink beer because I enjoy it, but if you don't then don't listen to the closet cases calling you a fag while they check your ass.

>> No.16419522

It's a relatively new fad, but one I deeply despise:
The shift to valuing form over function.
This includes but is not limited to:
Nasty ass food that looks food #doitforthegram
Making the sauces spill out of any Fingerfood for aesthetics
Sticking candy, sauces and other shit to the outside and rim of sweet drinks to the point where you can't hold it without getting your hands sticky
"Gif recipe" recipes of foods that look gimmicky or tasty but are boring in texture or taste in reality

Basically a lot of food markets itself these days via media (influencers, video, Images, articles) and as a result aesthetics and sensationalism are the primary focus since these can easily be pls in any audiovisual medium these are the most important. Taste comes second.

>> No.16419537

Fazolis was based. I wish they were the most poular Italian chain rather than shitty Olive Garden.

>> No.16419593

We all do stupid shit when we're teenagers because we think it's cool, including drinking 9% russian beer because we think it makes you unique.
A cold beer on a hot day has its place, but if i'm drinking more than 3 pints then i'd much prefer cider.

>> No.16419660

I do stupid shit now because I think it's funny and I got big enough in my early 20's that I can get away with just about anything now. I'm not particularly fond of cosmopolitans, but I'll order one at the bar with the guys just to watch them squirm.

>> No.16419740

>I'm not particularly fond of cosmopolitans, but I'll order one at the bar with the guys just to watch them squirm.
They sound like fags for squirming, and you sound like a fag for ordering it to make a statement.

>> No.16419771

Sometimes it gets me free drinks, sometimes I get to have a good chat with the bartender... the worst part about it is having a sweet drink, which really isn't terrible, just not my usual cup of liquor.

>> No.16419915

Literally everyone I know has been eating Avocado on toast since they were kids though.

>> No.16419937
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Holy shit you weren't joking.

>Tactile Dinner: A multi-course meal featured in Marinetti's The Futurist Cookbook. Pajamas have been prepared for the dinner, each one covered with a different material such as sponge, cork, sandpaper, or felt. As the guests arrive, each puts on a pair of the pajamas. Once all have arrived and are dressed in pajamas, they are taken to an unlit, empty room. Without being able to see, each guest chooses a dinner partner according to their tactile impression. The guests then enter the dining room, which consists of tables for two, and discover the partner they have selected.

>The meal begins. The first course is a 'polyrhythmic salad,' which consists of a box containing a bowl of undressed lettuce leaves, dates and grapes. The box has a crank on the left side. Without using cutlery, the guests eat with their right hand while turning the crank with their left. This produces music to which the waiters dance until the course is finished.

>The second course is 'magic food', which is served in small bowls covered with tactile materials. The bowl is held in the left hand while the right picks out balls made of caramel and filled with different ingredients such as dried fruits, raw meat, garlic, mashed banana, chocolate, or pepper. The guests cannot guess what flavor they will encounter next.

>The third course is 'tactile vegetable garden,' which is a plate of cooked and raw green vegetables without dressing. The guest eats the vegetables without the use of their hands, instead burying their face in the plate of vegetables, feeling the sensation of the greens on their face and lips. Each time a guest raises their head to chew, the waiters spray their face with perfume.

This reads like a shitpost. What the fucking fuck.

>> No.16419953

Same. Fucking hate IPA's.

>> No.16419971

Humble cuts are laughably overpriced. Had to stop using them. Sucks.

>> No.16419990

>taste comes second
That's what the real disaster is/has become.

>> No.16420038

Marinetti had the 'tism so it reading like a shitpost is to be expected

>> No.16420044

Jesus Christ this. I'd strangle one of these microbrew faggots if it got the survivors to make a fucking proper wheat beer for once

>> No.16420068

people have been eating bread for 4000 years or whatever. i refuse to acknowledge gluten being some kind of problem like every faggot believes

>> No.16420075

we process the wheat differently now and consume it in much greater quantities

>> No.16420090

There's a big wide world outside of your hometown

>> No.16420093

It sounds like something the CIA would come up to torture people without breaking international law kek
Or alternatively some mkultra shit

>> No.16420105
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deconstructed food makes me so angry
also any food i accidentally screw up while cooking

>> No.16420182

Fuckin A man.
Wanting to make some classic oxtail ragu recently and the prices on that shit have gotten ridiculous now that every hipster learned about them.

>> No.16420192

Holy shit. Its like some greentext.

>> No.16420259

yep. its completely revolting. I just want to drink an old fashioned beer, what the fuck is wrong with these weirdos.

>> No.16420261

Those dastardly hopmen

>> No.16420303

I made a really nice carbonara sandwich the other day. I used a wrap as the pasta and filled it with a creamed bacon egg salad with some Kraft powdered parmesan. It was delicious.. God bless America and God bless real Italian food

>> No.16420317

You're retarded. Our original diet was what ever the fuck we could find. And once our dumb monkey brains realized plants were easy to manipulate and reproduce then we started manipulating animals. We evolved as opportunistic omnivores. Which meant a lot of nuts and grains and seasonal fruit and vegetables and fish, bugs and other meat when we found them

>> No.16420325

At least IPAs can taste good and they don't necessarily need to be overpowered with a bazillion hops.
However, the amount of hibiscus-yuzu-greentea sours, melon sea-salt, peanut butter, chocolate infusions and other random crap thrown into beer needs to go away.

>> No.16420330

We already know all Italians are autistic, what's your point?

>> No.16420332
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As if those things need to be separate.

>> No.16420334

What would you recommend? Like, what does the average Quebecois eat?
>t. Ontaricuck

>> No.16420336

abject retard humans are the animal kingdoms greatest hunters

>> No.16420339

There's a reason the Germans had a beer purity law. This is it.

>> No.16420352

holy shit I've never seen anything even close to being this ridiculous and i hang out with beer snobs

>> No.16420363

I don't think it's the worst but aioli is pretty bad to me in terms of a fad. People got turned off from mayo. Working in the kitchen, 90% of the time it was never true aioli. It was just sriracha or some season plus that huge restaurant depot gallon mayo jar. It is just annoying to see so constantly. Not saying it's not good, but just fakery that turns me off. Just fucking say sriracha mayo instead of aioli.

>> No.16420398

>Community college dropout; literally addicted to masturbation
I love how these are one line, as if it's a well known fact that community college dropouts are the worst coomers of all.

>> No.16420543
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Fuck this le quirky round circle glasses shitfuck drink

>> No.16420546

Food. I think we've got more deli's, and I like most of what I've had out of our local beers at the dep (convenience store) better than everything local in Ontario except for one brewery in Kingston... maybe Stone City? That sounds about right.

Meat, potatoes, green veggies, meat and potatoes in a pie, the occasional bit of game meat with or without a pie... we eat a lot of curry and chinese. If you're looking for a recommendation on something more traditionally Quebecois, there's always cipâtes/cipailles/spout/six-pailles/sea-pie. It might be English in origin, but there are a million variations (some are fish, some are meat, some have a top crust, some are more stew with crust dumplings) and they're all good. If someone makes you a crappy spout, it's because they hate you more than they love their heritage.

>> No.16420588

And before anyone tells you that it's never made with fish. Seapie absolutely is, at least in/around Gaspé. Six-pailles/cipailles, etc. are not - usually pork and venison/moose with rabbit or beef. Unfortunately, they're pronounced exactly the same way.

>> No.16420618

Merci. It's on the list. I was trying to visit Montreal for the first time (me being new to this overpriced festering shithole that is Toronto), but the pandemic fucked it all up.

What's the bread situation like, btw? I have friends in France who have access to baguette vending machines. Yet here in Ontario, most bread is baked out of the store and thus sucks massive balls. Either that, or they're just selling presliced Wonderbread-like crap.
Also, how come you're not more liberal when it comes to alcohol compared to France? You still have the SAQ and wine prices are still up there compared to France... how does one cook with wine in Quebec if it's all so expensive?

>> No.16420690

I've never seen vending machines. Definitely bakeries around, but there are always bakeries around. We've got a chain called Adonis that spread out your way - the pitas are made in store, day of - they sell out by like noon - they're chewy. I'd never had a chewy pita before I found these guys.
If we want to cook with wine, we cook with wine, but usually nothing fancy. It's usually vinho verde for me because it's cheap and I just think it's kind of neat. I've seen a lot of people cook with beer, spirits... a lot of stock. The first restaurant I worked at, the chef used to offer us leftover stock. I don't know how true it is, but he'd always tell us "You can tell who knows how to cook in this city - they've got a tub of congealed stock in their fridge, and another one in their freezer ready to go."

>> No.16420728

Oh shit, I do have an Adonis close by! Will give them a shot, thanks!
>It's usually vinho verde for me
Vihno verde, huh... seems cheap at my local LCBO as well. Oddly enough, I met a Portugese guy during a streetcar commute, he complained about wine being $10 here, while he can get it for $3 in Lisbon.
>they've got a tub of congealed stock in their fridge, and another one in their freezer ready to go
Once I get a bigger place (hopefully away from this hellhole), I'll do my best to get a proper freezer because I did make stock a few times. Will try making demi-glace at some point in my life even if it kills me.

>> No.16420766

Your first batch of demiglace might look off, especially if you don't have a fine china cap (sieve/strainer), but if everything tastes good every step of the way, it's going to taste great. I do recommend a sprig or two of rosemary in with the aromatics, and a splash of vinegar (or the dregs of a bottle of the same general kind of wine you're using to make the demiglace) - they really liven it up... It has been a really long time since I made demiglace. Now you've got me building nonsense meals in my head just so I'd have an excuse to make some. I'm going to go to sleep before I start cooking. Bonsoir et bon appétit?

>> No.16420831

>instead burying their face in the plate of vegetables,
There's no fucking way this is real.
>just bury your fucking head like a pig in a trough, when you come back up for air choke on some fucking perfume instead
This is a pasta, this has to be. There is no way someone actually thought of this and manages to run a restaurant like this. The waiters themselves should fucking rebel.

>> No.16420836

Yeah but the way the grains are processed and baked into bread have changed. If you mill your own damn flour then go on ahead but the modern diet is bad on various aspects of a mans health, especially his jaw/teeth.

>> No.16421008

All of this reads like what some zoomer might imagine the 80s to be like. Eat cream dumbass .

>> No.16421054

calm down everyone, if you look up the source material it's just one big shitpost
none of this happened

>> No.16421067

I like fermented foods and I cook with soy sauce. I like bitter herbs and that's what hops are. Cooking with beer seems fine to me.

I don't drink beer often only because I want to get intoxicated before I have a full stomach.

>> No.16421069
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That's sound more like a gay nightclub than a restaurant.