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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16407805 No.16407805 [Reply] [Original]

Do you live by the x-second rule when it comes to food your clumsy ass dropped on the floor?

>> No.16407814

Just depends on which floor it is and how clean it is. Basically if there's no animal hair on it, I eat.

>> No.16407947

5 Business Day Rule

>> No.16408404

If I cook for myself I don't give a shit, if I cook for someone else the second it touches anything but the plate I throw it in the garbage.

>> No.16408408

i fucking hate cats

>> No.16408426

I go by moisture content, not time. A high moisture content in the food or floor, and the food is lost. Low moisture content in both, and it's good to go.

>> No.16408443

It really depends on where it fell and what my other food options are. About 6 months ago I dropped my reheated pizza onto the lone carpeted area in my house and the bottom of it picked up a couple of dog hairs. I sucked it up and wiped it off with a paper towel because I literally didn't have another morsel of food in the house that I could cook, and I was too drunk to drive.

Normally I'll just toss it if I drop it,.

>> No.16408450

>too drunk to drive

>> No.16408480

I have a dog that sheds alot, so no.

>> No.16408605

go fuck yourself

>> No.16408609
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he's right tho

>> No.16408626


>> No.16409163

everything that enters your body must eventually leave.

>> No.16409166

12 hours

>> No.16409965

Must hate nature considering how invasive they are.

>> No.16410323

Fuck you, catnigger

Cats are the niggers of the animal world
Imported into Europe from Africa, destroying the native population

>> No.16410334

I have 2 cats. Their litter boxes are in the laundry room which is just through a door from my kitchen. My room mate will never takes his shoes off at the door, so the only clean floors I have are in my wife's and my bedroom, our bathroom and our office.

If food touches the floor, it's gone. Straight into the trash.

>> No.16410340

You know when 4chan is cancerous when people hate cats. Fuck you faggot.

>> No.16410341

damn bro what was even the point of you moving out?

>> No.16410343

This. If you have a cat in the building you live in you mights as well eat from the floor or bin anyway.

>> No.16410345

He disgusts her on multiple levels, so I have nothing to worry about.
Besides, I'm a neet and spend the most time with her as possible, so there's absolutely no chance of her fucking anyone else.

>> No.16410350

Whoa bro what the actual fuck?

I just meant you should have stayed with family until you saved up enough to live with her alone. Living married life with some random dude what disgusts your wife n your house is lame.

I don't know why you went to him fucking your wife i dont know what thats about

>> No.16410353
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No, it's an instant write-off. The floor is disgusting. I did a trial shift for a commis chef job once and I accidentally dropped a pigeon on the floor. I just tossed it in the bin. The chef asked me what the fuck I was doing. He took it out and said he can wash it or something. Nasty cunt.

>> No.16410371

Restaurants are always

bottom line > people be they employees or customers

Not willing to pay livable wages with seniors in the business taking the shit pay with pride pushing down on younger works making them feel like shit until they think its the norm to work over shift time for pennies on the dollar trying to stay alive.

Trash environment so unwilling to pay workers they attempt to pressure customers to pay them even after paying for the food.

>> No.16410380

Eh, every time I mention I'm married and have a roomie, people jump to that conclusion. My bad.
She and I have actually managed to save up a fuck ton this year to be able to go house shopping, in spite of me not having a job for the past few months. Our problem right now is figuring out where our roomie is going to go. He's an old friend of mine, so I don't want to just tell him "hey, we're moving out without you, good luck"
My family was white trash as fuck, so I left and traveled across the states for a few years as soon as I turned 21. Lots of restaurant jobs, mostly on lines and prep.

>> No.16410385

nah, that's just americans being nasty

>> No.16410386

my floors are clean so I don't care

>> No.16410389

Dry food, okay (5 second rule).
Wet food, nope.

>> No.16410392

mostly this, but it really depends on how clean you keep your floors

>> No.16410397

ah i see well im glad you got to be lazy for a few months and have a chance to move on. At least its a friend and not some random.

Despite being from a "white trash" family you probably saw more of america than most people so i hope that label is not how you think of yourself. Not eating off the floor is a big signal you are not and i hope during your work you never had to serve anyone floor food as well.

>> No.16410399

lol unironically i wonder why other countries are so obsessed?
when americans dont really seem to give a shit about other countries

>> No.16410404

I've always strived to be better than where I came from. Set some high standards for myself, and continue to go higher once I reach them. feelsgoodman

>> No.16411058

toxoplasmosis-addled brains typed this post

>> No.16411064
File: 1.84 MB, 3161x2370, clean bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i won't even eat food prepared by a catfaggot

>> No.16411163

Kys faggot

>> No.16412319

>Just depends on which floor it is and how clean it is.
Basically this. If I drop something on my own floor I'll probably eat it.

>> No.16412332

>He's an old friend of mine, so I don't want to just tell him "hey, we're moving out without you, good luck"
At a certain point this is what you're going to have to do, and you're going to have to give him a move-out date.

>> No.16412352

I don't mind eating shit that I drop in front of my computer, but I probably wouldn't eat something that I drop in the kitchen, unless it is something that I really want to eat.

>> No.16412405

I once ate a week old taco bell taco that fell behind my computer desk. It was still inside the wrapper, tho

>> No.16412417

cats dindu nuffin

>> No.16412430

Why did this website go from liking cats to vehemently hating them around 5 years ago? It can't all be newfags since a lot of them left if Alexa numbers are accurate.

>> No.16412431

It wasn't the newfags that left

>> No.16412448

Fuck you, I can't pet my friends cat without him sperging out that his lil baby doesn't like being pet in her belly

>> No.16412458

>Hi, I'm a Toxoplasma gondii infected faggot, nice to me you.

>> No.16412465

I don't even own a cat. >>16412431 this is the answer that makes the most sense.

>> No.16414091

Depends on how stick the food is
If it's noodles like in that picture then there's no way I'm eating it. The noodles will pick up dirt from the floor. If it's something dry then I'll pick it up. If it's semi dry I'll pick it up, inspect it, pick off any dirt as necessary and probably eat it.

>> No.16414092


>> No.16414093


>> No.16414250

cat posters have always been the dregs of 4chan/nel just like in real life

>> No.16414255

I never drop my food on the floor because I'm not a clumsy idiot or some idiotic basketball player who thinks he can "dribble".

>> No.16414312

>My cat, like most, doesn't like her belly rubbed, bro
>[cat's fury intensifies]
Your friend is just trying to save you from yourself.

>> No.16414929

I go by the rule of knowing it's not going to fucking kill me. The carpets get vacuumed and kitchen gets mopped.

Having said that though, depending on what actually gets dropped and how much shit gets picked up, I may decide something isn't worth salvaging.

>> No.16416615

No because it's been found to be bullshit
Whatever is going to get on it will do so as soon as it touches the floor
The question is really "am I okay with eating food off of the floor", and the answer is "yes"

>> No.16418171

>[cat's fury intensifies]

>> No.16418294

depends on the food

>> No.16418313

Me too and you just know this picky ass eater cat is eating only the chicken bits and leaving the rest without even cleaning up.

>> No.16418349

I thought monkey was the nigro equivalent

>> No.16418356

I used to eat food off the floor all the time as a kid, I’d probably just throw it away if I dropped it now.

>> No.16418396

cat still good after 5 seconds

>> No.16418438

No I go by moisture level.
That is to say, if it is moist in any way it goes in the trash after touching the floor.
If it's try I consider blowing dust off if there is any.

>> No.16418566

>Cats are the niggers of the animal world
No that would be gorillas and chimps

>> No.16418585
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>> No.16418684

duh cats are carnivores they can't eat the noodles

>> No.16418842

It really is the eternal summer.

>> No.16418873

>eternal catfaggot seethe