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16402051 No.16402051 [Reply] [Original]

Do customers really do this?

>> No.16402059

no they just make this shit up for shits and giggles

>> No.16402064

not my problem

>> No.16402074

Thank you for keeping me up to date on tumblr content

>> No.16402103
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Worked at starbucks for my entire undergrad and grad school. This isn't that common, at least now how it's portrayed. The reality is the worker said, "VENTI DOUBLE JAVACHIP" with no name, and somebody with a vaguely similar order is confused by what 'double' means but being as it's basically slang they take the javachip. In which case it's the workers fault.
One night I did see a drunk dude take somebody else's pizza, he walked out to the curb then did a 180 and came back in, never opened the box. He sets it down and apologizes. Actual dude takes it, since it wasn't at all spoiled. Drunk dude said he knew it wasn't his cause it didn't smell right; only difference between their pizzas was Actual Dude ordered pepperoni, Drunk Dude got Old-world pepperoni. Stuck with me ever since.

As far as it goes most mistakes are not the customers fault but a breakdown in communication due to tired/stressed workers. It's why I prefer when orders have a number/coding system that corresponds to a receipt with the same number/code. It's 2factor authentication and extraordinarily easy to remedy, and it only needs confirmation if there is an issue as opposed to just yelling out a random name and stuffing a coffee in a cupholder on a countertop.

>> No.16402104
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I've had shit like that happen to me delivering pizzas but even in the trashiest areas that had the collective iq of about room temp it was exceedingly rare to get someone that bad. Working at a pool in a very high income area had way more crazy shit happen than any of the crackheads I delivered too, more fist fights too.

>> No.16402109


>> No.16402113

I once had an order for a girl named "Chasity Pelt" at a pizza restaurant. I was laughing about the name and showing it to co-workers. She was apparently at the counter and when they asked what the name on her order was she said, "The one they're making fun of right now."

I don't even feel bad.

>> No.16402129

Maybe if you work at a lowest common denominator take away place where drooling retards are your customers. I can believe it.

>> No.16402134

99% of the earth's population doesn't deserve the freedom they're given

>> No.16402151

I prefer when they ask for my name or have an order number. It's embarrassing when people call out the order. YEAH IVE GOT ONE VENTI ICED VANILLA LATTE FOR ****
I know I'm ordering a girls drink but I have gastritis and my stomach can't handle coffee that isn't heavily diluted with milk.

>> No.16402152

I could really go for some eCelebs gossip or maybe another twatter screencap

>> No.16402155

>not putting down SLAB BIGBULGE as your name when ordering dainty girly drinks

>> No.16402159

Nobody gives a shit. Everyone is self absorbed. You’re so self absorbed you think other people are judging your faggy cum drink

>> No.16402160

Yes. People are idiots.

>> No.16402167


No worker says shit (or if they do it's barely above a whisper) and the majority of the customers are too dumb to either listen or read the sticker on the drink. I had someone at Starbucks straight up grab my drink from the pick-up counter and take a sip out of it before I could even react.

>> No.16402170

>Do customers really do this?
Believe it or not, people give FAKE names often for privacy reasons. This was something I saw quite a bit more when I live in the Capitol region, where security clearned govt employees and informed IT people used to make CVS cards in the name of Abe Lincoln, or gave Superman as the name when waiting for a table at the Maitre'D. People simply don't need to give real names or give up privacy for no good reason.
This, as well as general low attention and listening skills, are part of the problem. The other part is that not everyone is high IQ. Most people are in fact average, and 50% are below average, hence the bell curve shape of IQ.

>> No.16402178

I worked at a coffee shop for years during undergrad and it happened two or three times. It was usually someone on their phone, though one lady once very boldly grabbed a massive order, proceeded to spill it in her car, when she really only got a single drink and wanted us to pay to detail her car.

>> No.16402205

One time I had an 80+ year old man try and jump the counter and attack me while working at the ice cream parlor in a small local amusement park.

It was a hand-dipped style ice cream bar like Baskin-Robbins so the customer could look at all the different flavors available but they had put a giant glass window in front of it and told us we had to clean and polish the window multiple times a day because kids would put their shitty hands all over it. We did such a good job cleaning the window that a surprising amount of customers didn't realize there was even a window there and they would stoop forward to get a better look at the ice cream and slam their heads into the window. We used to keep a tally of this and it would happen 10-20 times every day.

The incident previously mentioned happened when a small girl smacked her head against the window so hard she knocked herself straight off her feet, and we all couldn't help but start laughing and when her Gramps noticed us laughing and updating the tally he straight lost his shit and started screaming at me. When he asked me to see my manager and I told him that I was the manager (I wasn't) he actually tried to jump the counter but couldn't quite make it so I fled to the back like the 14 year old pussy that I was.

>> No.16402238


>> No.16402242

for me it's Mike Hunt

>> No.16402247

Me calling out the fucktard cuntstick
Costumer i am
Sorry were out of nuggets of gold, you are cuntstick
Customer no hehehe
Your not cuntstick
Headbutts me and runs of with everything i have

>> No.16402273

I’ve never been to Starbucks honestly and it sounds like they take themselves way too seriously. Yeah you make coffee I bet you’re so much smarter than everyone else who doesn’t come there all the time and know your gay little ordering lingo or system

>> No.16402275

Female employee: ge ge geeeeorge (gets quieter as the word goes)
Male employee: GEORGE!!!!

>> No.16402283

Awww, poor little girl. Nothing wrong with keeping the tally, but you couldn't laugh like that, dude.

>> No.16402295

I don’t work in food so my stories are irrelevant to this board but yes customers definitely do stuff like this all the fucking time.
I’ve had customers ask what size THEY are over the phone. Ask how tall their own children who are not present are. Demand products we don’t stock and present other stores website as evidence of why I should have it only to storm out angrily when I tell them that’s another store. The general public are far more stupid than you could possibly imagine.

>> No.16402310

What size do you think I should get bro?

>> No.16402322

Same size you normally get, if it doesn’t fit you can always return it unless it’s underwear or clearance.

>> No.16402508

Bull, even fellows watching the self serve at the supermarket get bored and say "hows you girlfriend" as you walk past

>> No.16402749

I work at a Costco and I get around 3-5 customers per week who will ask me for x item, claiming they "bought it here the other day/last week/last month". Problem is, I have been here 3 years in the same department and know that we have never had that item in that entire time. If I tell them no, we do not have that, nor have we ever, they will get upset and keep insisting we have it somewhere and I just need to tell them where it is/get some from the back etc. Working with the public really opens your eyes to how fucking stupid some people are.

>> No.16404008

Nobody cares about you, nobody cares about your gastritis, nobody cares about what drink you order at a fucking overpriced coffee shop. Stop acting so self-absorbed and feigning embarrassment over something you like.
There's something about being a customer that takes an otherwise potentially reasonable human being and turns them into amoeba incapable of rational thought. Customers aren't people, half the time they barely qualify as conscious, they're basically amoebas with wallets.

>> No.16404022

Projecting. I notice people, other people notice people. The habit is in our DNA. There was a time when we had to notice to survive.

>> No.16404034

Yeah, people will laugh internally and fell superior, but ten minutes later they will have completely forgotten about it while they get on with their lives. You are not a main character in everyone's story, you are a background character to the vast majority of people, a source of minor amusement and nothing more, so just get your girl drink and move on.

>> No.16404062
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Yes. In medical school you are taught not to approach people and ask "Robert Paulson?", but to ask "What is your name?" and then check that it is indeed, for example, Robert Paulson.

In my personal experience of occasionally forgetting to do this, I estimate the rate of a random patient responding in the affirmative to a name that is NOT THEIR OWN to be 10-15%. Words cannot describe how sad this makes me; I generally try not to think about it.

>> No.16404102

>Jablome! Heywood Jablome!

>> No.16404114

If I apply for a part time job at Costco would they let me do retard shit like collect carts from the parking lot for 4 hours a night? Or will I have to wait on all those horrible soccer mom cunts all day? Being the cashier's helper seems like it might be kinda comfy too

>> No.16404422

Act like a retard and you'll be given the cushy retard jobs.

>> No.16404444

that gif is very cool, by your way

>> No.16404486

how about you niggers annunciate and dont write my name down as “Shawn” you fucking retards

>> No.16404502

Lance Thrustmore

>> No.16404601

>no I'm Daniel

>> No.16404619

For you it’s my cunt

>> No.16404624

Good one.stqwr

>> No.16404641

>Working at a pool in a very high income area had way more crazy shit happen than any of the crackheads I delivered too, more fist fights too.
Any good stories?

>> No.16404646

>I know I'm ordering a girls drink
Food has no gender. Stop being insecure iver something that tastes good.

>> No.16404653

Based ESL poster

>> No.16404668

The real issue is that minimum wage asshats do not speak audibly or clearly. They are 100% saying the name wrong or muffled and it sound similar to the wrong customer's name.

>> No.16404672
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No they don't, but I'm going to start.

>> No.16404701

People ITT are giving the general public way too much credit. Workers can be lazy and fuck up but people are really fucking dumb.

>> No.16404709

Assuming they need cart cucks as badly as my location does, then yes, they will let you tard around and push carts and help cashiers. They are both super easy jobs and the money is pretty decent.

>> No.16404723

no they actually just contract out to the cart narcs

>> No.16404749

I believe a small portion of the public is responsible for almost all of these situations. Probably something like 20% of people causing 80% of the problems.
I believe this because my father is one of them and every fucking story I hear from anyone about a retard customer sounds like something he's done or would do. Especially your story about people getting hostile over their own memory conflicting with reality.

>> No.16404793

I feel kinda bad for her desu

>> No.16404806

Based Daniel. Maybe the faggot "barrister" should remember who ordered what. Fucking hell all they do is make drinks it's not that hard.

>> No.16404809

I went to a private Christian school for elementary, my piano teacher son who was also my classmate was literally named Michael hunt

>> No.16404826

I knew a Michael Hunter. He got tired of the jokes and started going by his middle name, Richard.

>> No.16404842

ba dum tiss

>> No.16404858
File: 107 KB, 750x713, 07c835c72ddb1f150af098e761abe3f5-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like


>> No.16404877

Doesn’t matter. R Lee Ermey could be screaming out orders but it won’t make customers pay attention.

>> No.16404899

Sure, but I refuse to blame only the customers. Customers being retards doesn't excuse some mumbling mushmouth for causing confusion as they try to sound out the syllables like a goddamn six year old.

>> No.16404900

next time you post greentext or find yourself reading someones dishpit story i want you to remember this moment

>> No.16404904

Is tumblr still around? I thought the porn purge killed it.

>> No.16404913

I agree. I thought you were solely blaming employees. The reality is that it’s a delicate ballet of retardation.

>> No.16404934

Me, calling out "BRITNEY"

a large muscled male approaches. he is at least 6'5 and his deltoid muscles are bulging. his chin is chiseled like granite and his neck is thick and powerful. an adams apple the size of my fist protrudes from therein.

me: ....are you Britney?

customer says nothing. grabs the strawberry soy shake aggressively and violently sucks at the straw

me: Sir, you can't take--

customer: IT'S MA'AM

>> No.16404957

At na old job, my direct phone line was one digit off from the car dealership service department across town. The couple of wrong number calls a month were really my only external calls. I'd always make sure to answer "You've reached the Initech IT department, Anon speaking" and 100% of the time the person would start asking about their car. It was the same for my voicemail greeting.

>> No.16405001

It's definitely not the majority, but the fact that there are people that stupid walking among us, voting, driving, serving your food, operating heavy machinery, etc. It's a scary thought.

>> No.16405155

I wish he'd shot you
I'm glad that customer service wagies are going to be killed off by the vaxx

>> No.16405181

Not my fault your drug addled mother named you Jayvondayqariusson.

>> No.16405189

I've only had something like this happen once, but to be fair, the guy was stoned out of his mind.

Most I've gotten were just customers forgetting to order something they wanted, and then getting mad when it's not given to them. Usually happens with online & phone orders.

>> No.16405205
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Retard, my mother didn't name your fucking menu items that you still can't memorize the names of so you would finally be able to say them LOUDLY and CLEARLY

>> No.16405222


>> No.16405271

>Work at pizza place
>Have to explain to grown adults that we need to have their address if we want to deliver to them

>guy wants delivery to his condo
>ask him what condo he's staying at
>"I dunno"
>Ask him what the address is
>"I dunno"
>Ask him what landmarks he's close to
>"Its by the water"
>I live in a coastal town with dozens of condos on the water

>guy comes in to pick up order
>ask him what name the order was placed under
>"I dunno"
>Ask him if he knows the phone number it could be under
>Ask what they ordered
>"I dunno"

Thank god I don't work in food. Shit motivated me to get through college like you would not believe.

>> No.16405296

Shitty service industry jobs are where all the college graduates end up.

>> No.16405299

It happened a lot in my medical field job. I call a patient name, someone gets up, I always call them by the first name then, and ask the date of birth before doing anything. If I don't do that, everyday I would make the wrong medical test to the wrong patient.

>> No.16405305

The humanities and women's studies majors maybe. Thankfully I didn't get a toilet paper degree.

>> No.16405307

I give the most caricatural white girl name for every order I make.

>> No.16405363

for real they basically commodify and mass market the feeling of being in the in-crowd and being smart about coffee with their own wack speak and then they push out every local cafe serving lattes and cappuccinos. fucking annoying because their coffee is sludge garbage.

>> No.16405375


>> No.16405381

you've gotta be retarded. no shot your iq is higher than room temp

>> No.16405422

On one hand claims like that come off as a LARP just to make a juicy story for upvotes on social media/rewrite what actually happened where the server in question was actually being a bitch and/or mumbled the order and the customer simply misheard them. On the other hand, I absolutely believe there are people stupid enough to do that.

>> No.16405477

I’d bet it’s a form of social anxiety. Someone asks them something and in a panic they just say ‘yes’ without thinking. And then are so caught up in trying to figure out what they said yes to they lose track of what’s going on.

>> No.16405478

this, it's actually pretty pathetic

>> No.16405551

say what you will about tumblr but at least they're not dull giganormies like redditors

>> No.16405584

I work at Starbucks an iced vanilla latte is not a girls drink. Girl drinks are any type of cream based frappuccino.

>> No.16405593

The issue is that chains are noisy and have a radio playing. Couldn't understand anything in that environment.

>> No.16405609

No, that shit is fake as fuck

>> No.16405613

This is part of it. Another part is that old people are deaf and sometimes their response, "yes?", it's actually a question to someone who appears to want their attention. There are lots of reasons for this phenomenon, none of which really make me feel any better about it.

>> No.16405625

>customer: no, i' daniel

shit made me crack up lol

>> No.16405826

The worst one I had was at a CostCo when it was fairly busy.
I ordered a large pizza with light sauce and it took them like 20 minutes to make since they were low on pizzas already and it was a custom pizza.
After waiting in the line one time, we sit in it to get to the front figuring the pizza should be ready by then.
They go to get our pizza as they see its us and this guy shoves his way in front and goes "excuse me I was already in line" then the cashier hands him my light sauce pizza by mistake.
So they had to remake the entire pizza and just gave it to me for free.
But that was 40 minutes outside a costco

>> No.16405829

They're a worse version of redditors

>> No.16405830
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>no, i'm daniel

>> No.16405922

tumblr predates reddit but even granting your premise, a worse version of mediocrity is better than mediocrity

>> No.16405942

Do workers really not just remember who ordered what?

>> No.16405964

That's your premise, not his.

>> No.16405965

Heh. Amoeba. That's funny. Gonna use that from now on.

>> No.16406103


>> No.16406106

I've been the other customer a few times but I think that was just because melanin enriched individuals were trying to walk away with my order. Some places that I go to use ticket numbers and people have even tried it there where I can pull out my stub and prove it's mine. One time I was that guy because of a rhyming name but I didn't even need to open the bag to realize that I'd gotten someone else's stuff and told them immediately.

>> No.16406359

thats rich coming from someone who speaks like a nigger

>> No.16406363

the (final) solution is to just never eat fast food

>> No.16406527

>no they just make this shit up for shits and giggles
sadly they do not.

I went to a mexican restaurant that used number tickets. The woman who would call out the orders over a PA did so in a tiny little mouse voice no one could hear.

A black guy (who was a regular customer) sitting nearby would then shout very loudly whatever she said. she never took the hint.

>> No.16406538

I had an english teacher name mrs Bras.

she told us she had a brother in the marines whose name is Manly Bras.

>> No.16406564

Strange because I've seen entitled impatient asshats simply as a customer plenty of times in my life. And I'm a borderline agoraphobe poorfag who never gets out.

>> No.16406596

Kek well played

>> No.16406610

Why would the people trying to create a NWO kill off all the compliant, obedient people? So the remaining population revolts and they have to kill those people too? Idk if you're just memeing but some of these conspiracy theories just make zero sense.

>> No.16406637

you cheeky cunt

>> No.16408270

Globohomos hate normies too.

>> No.16408315

imagine living in such a fucking shithole that you have to give a FAKE NAME for a fucking $5 pizza.
This isnt fucking Eve Online.
Fucking relax, cunt.

>> No.16408324
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I hate these fake reddit-tier stories. Easily digestible and almost believable.

>> No.16408637

Marcos worker spotted. I could probably guess which school/city you got your degrees was, too.

>> No.16408684

I had an aunt that would do this all the time for free food because a lot of places will just let you have something you touched and not charge you if you're a big enough bitch, and she was. See you in hell, Ro (she died).

>> No.16408697

back in my day they had a number on top the receatpt and the worker would call out the number and you look at your receatpt to match the numbers to know when your food was ready

>> No.16408699

no sorry most people are more concerned with the intestinal gas they are feeling at any given moment then some random guy's drink order

>> No.16408767

That second one happened to me a lot. Usually someone who was picking up for a group and didn't know who called in the order.

>> No.16408795

Most people observe multiple things in every moment. Your gas occupying 100% of your attention is concerning.

>> No.16408812

Give him a break, he's a carb eater. He needs every braincell he has, working in unison, to keep from shitting himself.

>> No.16409670

I'm guessing they don't work at Cheers.

>> No.16409686

No they don’t. I worked at a Starbucks for three years. This absolutely happens all of the time. People are fucking retarded.

>> No.16409751

I have faggots who come into the store and do that occasionally, I always call out the name that shows up on their card.

>> No.16409765

It's spelled "receipt" you fucking retard

>> No.16410066

we speak English, not f*ggot french. "hon hon hon, they le misspelled le werd!!". we don't give a sh*t about what europoors think.

>> No.16410081

I do this all the time. I'll order something, eat half of it, then call over the waiter and say "this isn't what I ordered, I wanted X". Easy free food. What you going to do about it ,wage cucks?

>> No.16410279

Why come here if you're just going to pretend that you're still on normie social media?

>> No.16410864

Idk why people are saying customers don't do this when they absolutely do.

>> No.16410882

This. Your average American's "interesting story" is usually boring as fuck so they always exaggerate it.

My dad years ago got into a minor verbal altercation in a park over a man whose dog was not on a leash and that morphed into a fist fight years later

>> No.16411206

Whatever you say, Shawn.

>> No.16411298

>jewing your favorite resturants out of money
Absolute brainlet right here

>> No.16411413

They all moved to reddit and immediately shat it up.
They're modern redditors

>> No.16412256
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>working behind the food counter at QuikTrip
>customer has somehow never ordered off a touchscreen menu
>I show him how to order, ask what he's hungry for so I can put it in
>"Well I don't work here!"
>no sir, you do not, I can recommend the blah blah blah
>"do you serve that here?"
>yes we do
>"Okay, sounds good to me"
>he orders a grilled cheese