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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16396429 [Reply] [Original]

My friend made the dish on the left. I made the dish on the right.

I told him I really didn't like the picture of his spaghetti. It looks really moist and white. Like he mixed mayonnaise in or something.

He and his girlfriend got butthurt and made fun of my cooking and said I suck at it too. They say my green onions aren't cut small enough.

Which is fair but I think his food looks like a gross train wreck and mine looks decent enough. What are your thought /ck/ ?

>> No.16396433

You're friends because neither of you can cook, you're both retards who can't execute anything properly, and you would think showing these slops of shit to a stranger is a good idea.

Bad thread, bad show OP. Bad show indeed.

>> No.16396435

left likes like sloppa shit but your scallions could have a better chop yeah.
would still go with right

>> No.16396439

I wouldn't even call those green onions chopped. Like are you so lazy you can't even use a knife correctly? Your friend is right.

>> No.16396457

So you only like the spaghetti more out of spite? I can respect that.


Yeah, it was made really sloppily. That's why I like soups. You can just chuck a bunch of stuff in and it's going to be good. I could work on esthetics a little. But just to clarify which one do you like more?

>> No.16396509

Spaghetti: weird looking, but I'd try it.
Your soup: looks tasty, except ruined by green onions which are vomit inducing.

>> No.16396513

Right definitely looks tastier and more skilled.

Left may be okay on taste though, I’ve made spaghetti before that gets that sort of pale look when I add a lot of cheese into it.

>> No.16396533

How are we supposed to judge “which is better?” They are two entirely different dishes. One is pasta the other is soup. Just as retarded as asking “which is better, lemons or hotdogs?” Also, throwing green onion on top of a bowl of instant ramen isn’t “cooking”

>> No.16396562

I made the dish from scratch. Except I didn't make the noodles by hand. It wasn't like it was from an instant roman pack. I had to make my own broth. There was no flavor package.

Also, I think even though they are different dishes you can judge them on which one looks better. Also, hotdogs are obviously a much better dish. Who eats a whole lemon?

>> No.16396571

judging 2 sloppas by just a picture is retarded. you both suck, op, but you suck an extra cock for posting this. how did your friend's cock taste after you had dinner?

>> No.16396599
File: 1.37 MB, 320x240, mild burn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can judge it by esthetics and plating and such. I know they are both sloppas but the question is which one looks better.

>how did your friend's cock taste after you had dinner?

Why don't you ask your mom?

>> No.16396618

>esthetics and plating
you are the worst kind of faggot, and you can't spell aesthetics, flush your shit soup down the toilet

>> No.16396624

Real Reddit move there my friend.

>> No.16396662

>Calls someone a faggot for talking about plating on a cooking board

>> No.16396673

ESH, soft YTA

>> No.16396680

>Calls someone a faggot for talking about plating on a cooking board

>> No.16396686

Post a picture of your friends girlfriends butthole that is if she is even real

>> No.16396692


>> No.16396700

Is that a risotto and spaghetti noodles smashed together? Did a toddler cut those scallions with a butter knife?

Nah OP, you guys were made for each other.

>> No.16396702

I guess I'd pick yours over his, his really does look disgusting in every possible way, your soup just looks bland and boring, and you really should make the green onions a little smaller, it looks like you don't even know how to use a knife.

>> No.16396726

you're both douchebags but you're a slightly bigger douche because you're the one who initiated the douche fight

>> No.16396741

>I am a douchebag for telling my friend I didn't like his spaghetti.

>> No.16396789

don't forget how afterwards you went to the internet to complain about the whole thing and try and get people to insult him and agree with you

>> No.16396810

>Tell my friend I don't like his spaghetti
>Freind tell me all my food looks like shit
>Decide to let a third party decide who's food is worse
>Somehow makes me a douchebag

I think you just get a high from judging people. Even when your logic is flawed.

>> No.16396820

>I am a douchebag for telling my friend I didn't like his spaghetti.
Gotta agree. How autistic do you have to be to basically go "eww yucky :((" when a friend cooks for you

Even a fucking 12 year old has enough manners to say something like "it's good but I'm so full" if they're served something they don't like

>> No.16396825

did that fucker break the spaghetti in half?

>> No.16396832

>make very lazy food
>friend also makes very lazy food
>shit on friend's food
>he shits on yours back
>you run to internet strangers for validation while your friend's girlfriend sucks his cock
Just use scissors to cut scallions anon it's not that hard

>> No.16396835

Yes. You sperged out about his shitty food, then posted your different but equally shitty food. Use the knife like a choo-choo's wheels, the bar goes up and down but also back and fourth, and pull through the vegetable along the cutting board. Got it?

>> No.16396844

What kind of esthetics are we talking here anon? Will you be doing my lashes? Uwu. By the way that spaghetti looks gorgeous. Your dish looks bland, brown and poorly executed.

>> No.16396850

nigga don't talk about judging people, you came here to get judgement from strangers hoping they'd pat you on the back about an argument you had irl with your "butthurt" friend. who probably didn't post about this whole episode online

>> No.16396851

He didn't cook for me. He took the picture of his own food and posted it, in our Discord. I said I didn't like it and he said all my food looks like shit.

You don't have the full story. He posted his food. I said it looked bad. He then went throw all the times I sent him food and said they all looked like shit but he never said it looked like shit to be nice. He is the one who freaked out not me. I also posted something pretty bland to give him a fighting chance.

>> No.16396857

This is what happens w hen you break the spaghetti. It ends up looking like a bowl of worms.

Your green onions are also cut too fucking large.

>> No.16396862

That's not a pasta that's a bathtub.

Wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.16396872

lol, women
Don't worry, they both look equally lackluster.

>> No.16396873

kek what a couple of fags you are. imagine having friends like you two. grim

>> No.16396875

>freind posted a picture of his food
>I tell him it's not great
>He tells me all my food looks like shit
>Decide to let a third party judge the food
>Get toled I am searching for validation from Anon and he tells me my green onions are too big. Even though it was already made clear in OPs post

I came here to have our food to be judged. You have a boner for judging other people's character for really innocuous things.

>> No.16396885

That's a cop-out. you have to choose.

I am a delight!

>> No.16396887

you're judging my character right now bitch nigga
stop being a little bitch

>> No.16396892

Pull the knife through the onions with the full blade, anon. Doesn't matter how dull it is, it'll make the full cut. Or do like the other anon said and use scissors like a kindergarten class.

>> No.16396901

I guess if I had to choose it'd be the pig trough slop on the left over the gave-up on the right. I guess it depends on how hungry I am.

>> No.16396902

You lost any right to not be judged when you started acting like this. If you don't want to get hit don't throw the first punch.

>> No.16396918

how can you be sure
maybe you should make another thread seeking validation over our back and forth bitch nigga

>> No.16396925

Okay sure. What board do you want me to post this on?

>> No.16396926

honestly i'd probably enjoy the spaghets more, they seem more hearty and home made. right looks like instant ramen. what's in your broth? is it just flavoring packets, noodles and scallions?

>> No.16396938

Based on op’s autist replies his soup probably has cum in it or something, I would definitely go for the spaghetti

>> No.16396940

He said it was homemade broth with toddler-cut scallions. I mean, he just boiled nest noodles so...

>> No.16396951

ah right, i thought i'd read the whole thread but i guess not. but what's in the broth, how did he make it?

>> No.16396956

Ancient Chinese secret :^)

>> No.16396964

So my soup is made with the raman you get in a big bag from a Chinese grocery store. So I don't think it's instant. Anyways. The broth is made with five ingredients, 1 Soy sauce 2 musha past 3 vinegar 4 Siracha 5 sesame seed oil.
I got the recipe from Youtube. If I ever want to throw together a little raman I follow that recipe. Sometimes I throw in a hard-boiled egg. Maybe some meat or some white turnup. Oh, and carrots can be good too.

Read the above. Plus this is 4chan. Calling someone autistic here as an insult is like going to an autist convention and screaming "autist" at everyone. You're here to buddy.

Nah I got it off of Youtube. it's nothing special read the first paragraph in this reply if you want the recipe.

>> No.16396979

lol you just assembled a bunch of premade shit. that's no different from making a sandwich from sliced bread, deli ham and cheese slices from your fridge. yeah it's technically "homemade" but also not really

>> No.16396981
File: 160 KB, 918x635, ramenc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both look kind of shit but I'd go for the right because the left just looks too carb heavy. Is the broth homemade? What u think of mine?

>> No.16396986

So... you made them dressed-up instant ramen, and they made you broken spaghetti? Whose dog do I back in this race?

>> No.16396991

p gud, is that seaweed? Never was a mushroom slice man, but with lack of meat looks hearty still.

>> No.16397000

>musha past
is this autocorrect for mustard or something? google search not returning anything

>> No.16397007

I'm assuming he means chili and/or bean paste.

>> No.16397017

*2.soybean paste miso

How is that a bad thing?

Read the first paragraph here >>16396964 (I made a spelling mistake for number 2. It should be, soybean paste miso)
Also, your food looks amazing! Good job!

OOOo I know it's tough but ya gotta choose one.

I made a spelling mistake like a tard. It's soybean paste miso.

>> No.16397065

you both need fucking help for having this argument

>> No.16397070

Not him, but I've had worse. And in person. The fact that OP does it behind the back in such a petty manner is more of an indication that its unhealthy than airing the dirty laundry to the person even if its in front of an audience. There's no closure here.

>> No.16397074

cause you were trying to flex about your superior homemade broth. putting shit from three different bottles in one vessel isn't much different from dissolving a flavoring packet in water

>> No.16397087

that spaghetti looks really weird and shitty so yeah yours is obviously better, they're right that ur spring onions need to be chopped thinner tho,

>> No.16397096

That's a cop-out. You have to say which one is worse.

There is closer here. I showed him the thread and he sperged out. But we all now know who is the better cook. I am self-aware of how petty this is. Just trying to have a little fun here. Not everything on the internet has to be this big psychological analysis. Jesus, can't you people have fun?

LOL, I never flexed. You are trying so hard right now. It's cute.


>> No.16397103

You both suck. This is basically an argument between Maruchan and Prego.

>> No.16397104

it's good that you're backtracking, that means you've realized how sad your flex was. proud of you champ.

>> No.16397106

Show me where I flexed. You can't. Just take the L you lost.

>> No.16397113

Nah we both still rule. Except for this argument. He sucks. And it's been proven. I still ruled over all of this. But if you want to argue against reality like a troll go ahead.

>> No.16397117

>ugh.... i made it from SCRATCH, I made my own broth!

>> No.16397121

Oh, this is a misunderstanding. I wasn't saying I made it from scratch like a flex. I was just trying to explain that I didn't use a flavor packet.

>> No.16397132

alright that's fair

>> No.16397181

OP, serious question. I know it's gonna sound rude but I can't think of a nice way to phrase it. Are you gay or a zoomer? I find some of the phrasing you use really weird and offputting and kind of catty and I'm just wondering if you're young or gay. I don't mean it in a bad way, I'm sure older people though my generations spoke annoyingly, I'm just curious if this is how younger people talk now or if it's a gay subculture thing.

>> No.16397185

His spaghetti looks vomit inducing. Anyone who says otherwise probably cooks dishes like this garbage. Your food looks visually more appealing; I’m not sure how it’d taste.

>> No.16397196

I am either a young Milinial or an old zoomer. Like really old. I always like having fun with words. And I do like being catty every once in a while. I do wonder though what specific things I said that gave off gay vibes or zoomer vibes. I know 4chan hates zoomers and gays so I am guessing you don't like me very much. Oh well. I am not gay.

Thanks. Honestly, I feel like most people who pick spaghetti do so because they don't like that I am getting people to judge our food. Like that's some great sin or something.

>> No.16397197

you made a thread shitting on your friends fucking can Ragu and potato camera.

you dont rule.

redeem by posting gfs NAO

>> No.16397202

The virgin spaghetti tried to insult the chad miso soup. The Chad soup proved his superiority. I am based get over it.

>> No.16397204

the 'ghetti reminds me of this poorfag meal mom used to make when i was a kid here in eastern europe in the 90s
>tomato sauce (this was home made, including from home made tomato preserves and tasted great, she's a good cook, we were just extremely poor in the 90s)
>crumbled feta
i liked it. tomato sauce goes really well with feta. what actually is in those spaghetti, do you know op?

>> No.16397215

bitch you cant cut greens wtf?
ghetto hours up in here

>> No.16397223

He covered it in parmesan cheese. The food your mom made sounds based. I hope you guys still aren't poor. Man being poor in the 90's. You guys must have been really unlucky. I hope you are doing better now.

Chad's have strong enough teeth to chew big chunks of green onion. Sorry, you have to cut yours all tiny cause you don't brush your teeth.

>> No.16397228

Your food's as bad as your thread. Very bad

>> No.16397232

What's wrong with big cut onions? They would fit in the soup spoon just as well as anything else you might put in a soup. The broth will cook them to well doneness even if they're dense. What's the issue exactly?

>> No.16397241

It doesn't matter how bad it is. All that matters is who's is worse. Don't cop-out. You have to pick one.

I think it's a visual issue. Since I was just cooking for myself I didn't really care but apparently, it's a big deal. Definitely not a camera-ready meal according to my friend's GF and some of the folks here.

>> No.16397249

My local thai place cuts green onions as big or bigger and serves them raw. I'm surprised anyone would complain. I will take a picture some time.

>> No.16397748

my judgement is your food looks like shit and we're comparing dog turds to cat turds. the left one looks like it was already eaten once and the right one looks like a dirty puddle in the woods

>> No.16397791

It's a visual thing. When i was in culinary school i intentionally cut my chives 1cm instead of 1mm because i thought it would break the norm in a good way and god damn did i end up hearing about it

>> No.16397978

well it was the 90s in eastern europe, post-communism, many people were poor

>> No.16397999
File: 3.98 MB, 4531x2736, IMG_20200721_143032_296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are both terrible pictures, so you both can't take a good picture.

>> No.16398030

OP confirmed for being
>a faggot(like usual)
>from reddit(needing validation)
>a child(making excuses)
>a woman(needing validation and making excuses)
>retarded(this is obvious)
I'll speak in your language now. "Take the 'L'" and go post this on reddit to get jacked off with upvotes or whatever. I hope your friend defriends you because you're obviously not even friend material.

>> No.16399400

LOL same, except I, never went to food school. How is it working in the restaurant industry?

Sorry, I should have known. Where all Eastern European countries former communist states or just most of them?

Fair but you have to pick which one is worse.

I have no L to take. Most people here are not raging faggots like you screaming about the 'great indecency of daring to have the internet judge my and my friend's food'. You are moral fagging over the silliest shit. Stop being a pussy or a troll or whatever the hell you think you are.

>> No.16399923

They both look awful and you’re autistic.

>> No.16400074

True but which one looks worse? You have to pick.

>> No.16401197

>having friends
what kinda born insecure faggot are you? either way, both pictures are barely presentable. post pics of his girlfriend to redeem both of you tards

>> No.16401203

you just described every internet poster on every website ever

>> No.16401268

The scallions are the only thing really wrong with yours. The spaghetti, however, looks like someone ate it and threw it back up very fast before it had a chance to start digesting.0

>> No.16401854

Left feels more honest right feels like they really tried and this is the result

>> No.16401883

Gonna have to go with left

>> No.16401922

Are you a chef or presenting to guests? Otherwise, who gives a fuck about presentation so long as it tastes good. His looks like sloppa, filling food that's made for himself, yours looks like you care more about instagram validation.

>> No.16403366

Presentation wise I would rather eat the right, but its not like you were up against hard competition. I mean... thats nasty. Looks like he chewed the spaghetti up then spat it back out? And mayonnaise? I dont doubt yours tastes better, but why even bother comparing yourself to someone who obviously cant cook? Of course its an easy win. Work on your damn presentation.

>> No.16403380

Yours looks far more presentable.

>> No.16404187

post discord server invite

>> No.16404193

I would eat the soup. The spaghetti looks fucking disgusting.

>> No.16404219

I mean, your cooking doesn't look good at all. But your friends spaghetti looks disgusting. So I guess you win in that regards, but it isn't a win you should be proud of.

>> No.16404732

Idk what you are going for on the right, but the left pic looks ghastly