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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16390567 No.16390567 [Reply] [Original]

Do youtubers or celebrities make any good cookbooks? I’ve been reviewing cookbooks and I’ve found most celebrity books to be bad or just ok, it always seems more like a marketing ploy than actually giving good info. I’m hoping Weismanns book is good since he tends to know so much, but who knows.

>> No.16390575

>an unapologetic cookbook
What was meant by this?

>> No.16390578

The burger is one of the worse shops I've seen.

>> No.16390581

As much as I enjoy his work and whatever, who would actually buy this with the intent to cook anything from it?

Josh's recipes are mostly completely unrealistic, that's kinda the draw.

>> No.16390583

i fucking hate this guy. his recipes are so convoluted and pretentious.

>> No.16390595

theres meals with max,
the book itself is basic but the chef is cool and id support him but i dont buy 'merch' so a book will have to do

>> No.16390601
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forcing false confessions through torture in the Nuremberg trials and denying neutral investigation of the "Death Camps" which happen all to be in the jewish soviet borders

>> No.16390684

Matty Matheson's has some unironically great recipes, regardless of how you feel about him

>> No.16390690

i've had a look at the Sortedfood ones and they're alright

unfortunately i hate the british

>> No.16390699

This is too obvious.

>> No.16390728

Define a good cookbook. I'm already happy if I find 1 good recipe.

I haven't bought a single cook book that came out in the past 8-9 years.

>> No.16390732

The Food Lab is the first thing I think of for a good cookbook. Great recipes and techniques to learn and it’s not full of weird personal stories.

>> No.16391077

This. I don’t buy them though, I just download from PB.

>> No.16391091

ah yes yet another hyper pushed jewish youtuber
gee I wonder why every single pushed youtuber recently is always jewish

>> No.16391140


Good cookbooks usually explain a little history, science, and technique behind what you're doing. My favorite most recent one is Koji Alchemy but stuff like that, Franklin BBQ, NOMA Guide, stuff that's meant to be a resource for whatever topic it's on and not just a list of recipes with some wax poetic bullshit about why they like the recipe

>> No.16391145

Every fucking time. Sam the Jew cooking guy, the cook from GMM, every fucking time.

>> No.16391151

fucking disgusting
at least they are so filled with satanic hubris that they make it exceedingly fucking obvious so more and more people notice

>> No.16391180

Ann Reardon

>> No.16391194

don't forget binging with yiddish

>> No.16391286

Yeah, also hyper specific ones are really good. Like Chicken and Charcoal is just Yakitori, but it’s so well done.

>> No.16391303

I wonder how he got a book deal!?

Hahaha. Jewish nepotism.

>> No.16391333

>author name bigger than title
A red flag. Also, does the inside or back have a picture of his ass? I had to stop watching because he wouldn’t stop zooming in on it. Not appetizing

>> No.16391959

Exactly, his comment section is full of idiots that don't cook, it's literally just mild entertainment for those with shit taste.

>> No.16391979

This guy would make bacon and eggs and pancakes the most expensive way possible by curing his own bacon andgetting his own grain to make batter and then having a chicken farm to get eggs. It’s ridiculous levels of pretense.

>> No.16391989

As much as I hate the Jews, it's really not difficult to put out a book these days, man.

>> No.16392015

Did he run out of money before putting doors on his cabinets? Contractor run off with his money?

>> No.16392021

WTF I hate Jews now

>> No.16392027

>Be popular internet guy
>Get book deal
It's really that easy.

>> No.16392050

I think it’s just for aesthetic

>> No.16392064
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My cookbook

>> No.16392090

ill buy a copy. but you have to share your best recipe, and if anons approve, ill go ahead and get it

>> No.16392136
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>> No.16392140

u get a 2for 1

>> No.16393492

This sunovabitch has such a revolting visage I feel like I'm going to throw up while watching his videos. Has anyone else noticed how narrow his shoulders and wide his hips are? Absolutely fucking disgusting.

>> No.16393499


>> No.16393508

This board is full of idiots that don’t cook

>> No.16393560

You should check out gen.lib.rus.ec

>> No.16393576

god i hate this fucking cretin
no other food yt guy makes my skin crawl like this clownshoes heeb. something about him is deeply unsettling.

>> No.16393578

This is pretty common if you're fat during puberty

>> No.16395052
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I got pic related not too long ago. I haven't made any of the recipes yet but I've enjoyed reading some of the food science stuff in it.

>> No.16395099

>I’ve been reviewing cookbooks
Do you have any you especially like so far?

>> No.16395113

I want to make a cookbook that's super ashamed and remorseful for just existing. Like after some recipes just say, "I know it's gross but it's edible at least, right? I'm sorry. Maybe the next one will be better. "

>> No.16395179

>sam the jew cooking guy
is he part of the tribe too?

>> No.16395192

i dont have a kindle. ill leave u a review tho. im gonna wait a while, because i dont wanna get doxxed by my amazon accoount

>> No.16395204
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>knives whiskey and burgerssmpkq

>> No.16395237

At what point does the world have enough cookbooks?

>> No.16395247

at the same time the world stops making porn. Never

>> No.16395261

I've yet to see a really good cookbook. Internet has a lot of crap, but you can pretty much find anything there. A well put together video is so much more useful than text and a few way to artsy pictures.

>> No.16395426

God I hate fucking Jews

Free Palestine

>> No.16395430

My top are:

The Food Lab
Chicken and Charcoal
The Art of Fermentation
Jacques Pepin New Complete Techniques
Joy of cooking

So far the ones I hated the most have been The binging with banish book and the magnolia table book.

>> No.16395436

Microwave cooking for one

>> No.16395464

Nothing. That's the point, he's selling you literally nothing.

>> No.16395515

Am I a man yet?

>> No.16395614

fuck off with yet another eceleb thread
this faggot is the worst of the lot too with his meme editing

>> No.16395673

I made the thread to figure out if any celebs/ecelebs make good cookbooks. It’s more about finding a good cookbook than criticizing Weissman

>> No.16395779

He owns Mann Co?

>> No.16395852
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Alex made an ok cookbook, its good for ideas.

>> No.16395876
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Mrs. Beeton's Dictionary of Every-Day Cookery by Isabella Mary Beeton, pick up a copy if you're interested and its pushed by Townsend quite a bit.

>> No.16395891
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>> No.16396363

This seems like it’s gonna be bad

>> No.16396517

actually the dude knows a shit ton about food. it's pretty impressive. i'd consider reading it in all honestly.

>> No.16397368
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>> No.16397380

Agreed. Haven't tried anything, but felt like his book was worth it for the stock recipes alone. (I fucking love a good stock.)

>> No.16398454

Jewish tricks

>> No.16398547

His people will face harsh consequences for their actions within 2 decade's. The real holocaust is coming.

Happy cooking everyone. Prepare for the race war my lovelies.

>> No.16398963

b-but Adam isn't jewish, r-right go...uhh I mean guys?

>> No.16398977

jew wiesman can cook but I hate his videos. Somethign about his faggy style and personality just makes me skip through to see the end results.

>> No.16399435
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>eats your entire menu
>likes nearly everything
wow! Not a shill!

>> No.16399501

>"He is of Polish, Italian and Welsh descent"

>> No.16399548

Pretty based.

>t. polish, italian, and czech descent

>> No.16401078

Retards that can't even cook an egg love that

>> No.16401123

yeah alex is underrated, his oven cleaning pizza technique is honestly good and a lot of his recipes are solid.

>> No.16401126

his music is amazing check it out>>16398547

>> No.16401129

jesus christ you nazis ruin this website. i just wanna read about cooking and cookbooks and shit and you come here with your mega autism/schizophrenia and start yelling about the jooos the joooooos shut the fuck up you actual schizo

>> No.16401138

joshua is a fag whose videos are pretentious garbage

>> No.16401221
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Those are all nationalities the jews like to hide behind.
Make no mistake, if something is being pushed by youtube, checkmarked or whatever, they're either jewish or following their agenda. You can't be promoted by youtube without at least soft agreeing to shutting down the jewish question and keeping the status quo.
Look at half gook fat ass faggot liberal retard Kenji Lopez.

>> No.16401247

take ya meds

>> No.16401274

Pancakes pancakes pancakes

>> No.16401368

love them my grandma makes great blueberry pancakes, better than any restaurant ones i've had

>> No.16401417
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100% correct but (((his))) recipes are good.

>> No.16401444

i root against american soldiers. why is my freedom in iraq? why is my tax money going to iraq and raytheon? why does our society lionize the fuck out of retard chuds?

>> No.16401445

I own a shelf full of cool, mostly old, cookbooks mostly for decoration. It's interesting to check out some old recipes and see whether they're actually any good, and maybe fix them. I can't see myself buying anything produced by a meme lord jewtuber for anything other than a coffee table book or something to fill out a shelf.

>> No.16401448

Does the book scream like a demon and get tattoo ink on your hands when you open it?

>> No.16401454

For me it was the fucking baby voice.

>> No.16402543

Really I’m just doing it to get the YouTube clicks, I figured out most of my most watched videos are YouTuber cookbooks

>> No.16402563

Jesus, that's comically bad.

I'd say the only cookbooks worth buying is of restaurants that aren't around anymore or simple recipe books. I'm a bit of a snob and I love ultra modern michelin star presentations, mainly cause I can't do them myself and I always have a hard time replicating them, so it's like a nice weekend challenge every now and then.

>> No.16402590

The Eleven Park Madison book looks cool but it’s super pricey for something that seems like a coffee table book

>> No.16402593
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His recipes are good but the problem is pic related.

>> No.16402637

Yeah, that's the problem with most culinary books especially if they're made by Taschen or Phaidon, very quickly they get super pricey. Usually for my use case I tend to buy them second hand.

>> No.16402689

Joshua is a good cook but I can't watch his videos since he is so annoying... would his cookbook actually be good then?

>> No.16402795

2 n's is German, fun fact

>> No.16402799

>A Weissman once said…

>"...can we please stop with the barrage of 2.3 second meals that only need 1 ingredient? I get it…we’re busy. But let’s refocus on the fact that beautifully crafted burgers don't grow on trees."

>Ironically this sounds a lot like he's trying to convince you to cook, but he's really not. Is this selling the cookbook? The point is that the food in this book is an invitation that speaks for itself. Great cooking does, and should, take time. Now is the time to double down and get your head in the cooking game. Or you know, don't. Maybe get someone else to cook this stuff for you...that works too.


>> No.16402800

I bought Matty Matheson's Homestyle Cookery, and it's pretty mediocre. It's a nice table piece for the price I got it at, but the recipes feel pretty disjointed and removed from things I'd actually make. I was hoping it would be more stripped down versions of restaurant comfort food.

>> No.16402829

Any recommendations for books that go over broad-reaching techniques where the included recipes are meant to practice those techniques? I really liked that aspect of food lab, but it feels like there's gotta be more out there

>> No.16402856

>cringing with reddish

>> No.16402884

Its german you dumbass

>> No.16402896

Weismann is a Kraut name.
You morons don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.16402903

Try his first cookbook if that's the kind of recipes you're looking for

>> No.16402952

Thanks for the recommendation, Matty

>> No.16403037

any other restaurant cookbooks you can recommend?

>> No.16403164

I've heard good stuff about the momofuku book from family members, been meaning to take a peek at it

>> No.16403218

Uff it's a rabbit hole and honestly, kinda an addiction. Recently I went through a Spanish craze, and have collected a bunch of them. I have the Arzak one and I like it, also two of El Bulli, one of the creative process, and another of the staff menus (which is the one that I get more functional use out of) also have the Berasategi and Roca ones, but don't use them as much as the other two.

From previous obsessions I've bought some from the Phaidon cookbook series (they're based off of countries, I have Japan, India, China and Mexico, the first three I found on a clearance isle pack, and the Mexico one was given to me as a present).

I've also bought a few French chefs, especially a decade ago since they seemed to have moved out of the spotlight and I would find a lot of them on used bookshops.

One of the things I would heavily encourage you to do is to buy books that revolve around ingredients you can get. I'm in a "foodie" city, that has a lot of markets and speciality stores, so I usually don't have a problem sourcing ingredients, but if you don't have access to that then honestly, you're better of buying cookbooks of your local cuisine and then seeing crazy processes that people do with food if that interests you. Also, be wary about weight, you very soon end up with and uncomfortably large colection.

It's all a bit pretentious, but hey, the book is cheaper than a meal in most of these places, and in some cases a meal isn't even possible anymores.

Lastly, my method of approach is that I list books that interest me so that they're in my radar in case of a sale or if I see them in second hand store. Fuck paying full price, you'd be amazed by the amount of shit people throw away.

>> No.16403292

Probably just pick up Salt Fat Acid Heat or Pepin’s book Complete Techniques. Those two are good concept books with lots of recipes to back them up.

>> No.16403300

Momofulu Milk Bar book is really cool and fun, the recipes are really food and creative.

The momofuku book is good but can be kind of overly complicated. It’s a fun book to thumb through and get ideas.

>> No.16403542

idk if it's in a cookbook but his pancake vid is really good if you like super fluffy pancakes

>> No.16403566

>Maybe get someone else to cook this stuff for you...that works too.
Fucking shameless kikes
They are such a disgusting and wretched group of (((people)))

>> No.16403591

His sticky toffee pudding recipe is certified kino if you don't mind consuming 1000 calories
don't skip the creme fraiche

>> No.16403610
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Binging buttfuck and fagusa are blocked already

>> No.16403613

I have a copy of the french laundry cookbook. It's cool if you want to jerk off to food porn, but there's also some good ideas in there.

>> No.16403614

I wonder if you'll be able to hear his whiny singsong voice in the writing style.

>> No.16403860

you know what else is unapologetic?
B roll

>> No.16403864

I came into this thread to ask that? Are the recipes made with endangered ingredients?

>> No.16403981

Look at the eyes and nose. That's no kraut fren

>> No.16404012

Adam Ragusio can have interesting food videos time to time, like on specific topics.

>> No.16404057

Try Dorie Greenspan "Around my French Table".

And those American Test Kitchen ebooks they sell for $3 are nice.

>> No.16404087


bros, why is criticizing israel and questioning the exaggerated "holocaust" so taboo? Do these kikes really think us goyim really believe 6 million got cooked in an oven?

>> No.16404175

Is that Alan Greenspans daughter?

>> No.16404194

Based Blondie listener

>> No.16404324

will take a look at

>local cuisine
I do live near a pretty metropolitan city, so ingredient sourcing isnt really an issue outside of d.o.p. fermented saffron scamorza stuffed pigs ear
good shout with looking for used

i can get food pron anywhere, so books that are actively used, or go into detail about processes are preferable

>> No.16404553

m8 you don't even need to look at early life with a mug like that

>> No.16406129

share more

>> No.16406465

It’s probably because his recipes will be tedious and extra, so he’s unapologetic for how long each thing takes to cook

>> No.16407034

two ns is german, one n is you know who

>> No.16407221
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Call me a cuck if you must, but I actually bought cringing's first cookbook back in 2017 for me and my mom. Since it's from before Babish completely sold out, it's mostly recipes for early/mid 90s movies he likes (when harry met sally, goodfellas, moonstruck, big night... n). Had quite a lot of fun going over it with my parents as they reminisced about all these movies they watched when they were younger and kind of forgot about with time. I even ended up pirating Moonstruck because of it and watching it with my parents.
Don't think I ever attempted a serious recipe from it, but I think it wasn't a particularly bad purchase.