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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16395519 [Reply] [Original]

If you could go back in time to any period to experience truly authentic foods of that time, when and where would you go?

>> No.16395524

>pointless rant about authenticity contributing nothing to the thread
Got that out of the way for ya.

>> No.16395525

only going back as far as modern food standard don't want to eat rotten or shit covered food

>> No.16395534

I'd go back to when the elder gods ate the souls of lesser beings

>> No.16395543

Probably a Roman Banquet, I don't know. Food is probably better now

>> No.16395544

Late 18th-very early 19th centaury Britain, before the industrial revolution but the proceeds of the empire are coming in, spices and exotic foods are still fashionable because the lower classes haven't gotten to them but a lot of experimentation is going on, medieval food with modern ingredients basically.

>> No.16395546

id probably go back a decade or so and drink original four loko until i have a heart attack.

>> No.16395550

that shit was nasty though.

>> No.16395558

First McDonald's restaurant

>> No.16395566
File: 288 KB, 1280x761, sea meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be interested in trying stuff we can't get anymore, like a big mammoth steak or that sea cow that got hunted and eaten into extinction.

>> No.16395611

I feel like manatee would actually probably taste good. I mean they are just ocean cows who gives a fuck.

>> No.16395621

i'd like to be at the first thanksgiving, see how good that meal really was

>> No.16395622
File: 135 KB, 480x480, Elk_480_480_c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recall reading some English king actually had mammoth steaks served at a feast in the 14th century or something, it'd been preserved in a bog of some sort. I'd like a fresher sample myself, but I suspect a lot of the megafauna the lived between the last ice age and now would be pretty stellar. I'd love to try some irish elk, personally.

>> No.16395633

i'd also like to join some sort Louis XIV type of meal/banquet

>> No.16395642


A month ago when the grand mac was at mcdonalds. I didn't get to try it.

>> No.16395665

its not that distant but i wanna go to the late 80s - early 90s again and just relive some of the trash food i ate as a kid again. either that or i go back and try some roman street food and watch dudes get their heads cut off in the colosseum

>> No.16395685

>sea cow that got hunted to extinction
sorry for your loss anon, I'm sure your mother was a nice lady

>> No.16395739

A roman villa feast, minus the homosexual orgy

>> No.16395752
File: 141 KB, 843x1124, c254facd3938faca88c5f364462e5001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does she look african american?

>> No.16395766

That would probably be great food. I'd love a time travel tour of current zombie franchises in their origins and peaks.

>> No.16395783
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it was just a barbecue joint.

>> No.16395823
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this but kfc

>> No.16395824


ωε ωας καηζς

>> No.16396106
File: 84 KB, 650x421, feasts 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id show those old time fags how a real american feasts

>> No.16396152
File: 478 KB, 1280x848, crystal palace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd try out a bunch of probably really bad international foods at one of those old world fairs.

>> No.16396340
File: 86 KB, 540x352, tumblr_inline_ns2rfprNxP1r18uik_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an easy question. I'd go back to the mid 80's - early 90's when Pizza Hut had the Priazzo.

>> No.16396361

Is she cooking a cat?

>> No.16396443

we wuz greeks n shiet

>> No.16396514
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i miss them so much...

>> No.16396589

I'd go back to the height of Neapolitan cuisine so I could cram spaghetti and meatballs up my ass.

>> No.16397148


>> No.16397171

Rome, just to try garum and silphium. Then I’d fuck back of to the present before I get killed

>> No.16397172

McD's needs to pivot back to being bbq-forward and serving PBJs with fries

>> No.16397176

None. They didn't have a lot to work with since the world was not connected and shipping took too long for foods to cross the globe without spoilage. Most anons would cry at the idea of eating the stuff they ate back then. At best, the most elite kings and nobility had salt to enhance meats. Everyone else ate 90% grains, slop, and had to carefully conserve their salt.

>> No.16397179

>tfw you will never experience medieval sloppa

>> No.16397186

i suspect most ancient dishes were pretty damn gross, based on townsends and max miller's channels. but i'd still want to try ancient bread, cheese and smoked and dried meats

>> No.16397229

Either a 100 years into the future or into the late 19th century.

>> No.16397266

>A hundred years in the future

You're either eating bug paste in your five minute Amazon Lunch Break, or eating bugs in the United Soviet States of ChinamericIran.

>> No.16397267

Only in muttmerica and western cuckrope. Real countries will continue to enjoy real food.

>> No.16397458

200 years back when fish were plentiful and not polluted with plastic.

>> No.16397571

It wouldn't be the best meal ever, but I'd enjoy going back and having a nice hangi with some ancient moriori bros

>> No.16397589

Mate said it tastes like chicken

>> No.16397605
File: 9 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to have tried eating a Dodo. Second best, I'd like to eat a Galapagos giant tortoise, which still exist but are endangered. They're described in journals as being unbelievably delicious so I'd like to eat one.

>> No.16397609

woops, didn't mean to post an ant-friendly image

>> No.16397783
File: 509 KB, 945x1196, gargantua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's late Medieval French banquets
>meat pies after meat pies
>more troubadours
>entertaining tortured peasants as interludes
>more meat pies
>based acoustic music

>> No.16398289

Greeks aren't black but they aren't white either.

>> No.16398304

Roman fast food joint

>> No.16398306

I'm sure its the same stuff as today but 100 years ago in India street food. Probably some gnarly stuff

>> No.16398353

i would break bread with jesus and tell him not to go to that faggy last supper

>> No.16398360
File: 83 KB, 509x362, cook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna go far back to try ancient fruits and vegetables and see how they compare to modern varieties. Also maybe some old world wines or cheeses.

>> No.16398384

>I wanna go far back to try ancient fruits and vegetables
They don’t exist. Man is the reason modern fruits and vegetables exist. Even the shittiest fruits out there have been influenced by mans presence.

>> No.16398492
File: 77 KB, 540x540, dinosaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not try some dinosaur meat, its just a bunch of big birds anyways.

>> No.16398508

that's a very distinctively canine body plan on that animal over the fire...

>> No.16398541

i think hes talking about going back to the romans and trying out what they ate not going back tens of thousands of years

>> No.16398584

the greeks are scum

>> No.16398603

There are fruits, vegetables, meats and seasonings written about and are now lost to time. Sometimes we don't have a translation for them and we don't know what it was, sometimes we know it doesn't exist anymore, sometimes humans have overharvested it to extinction. I'd be surprised if you could ever find some of the citrus varieties that were crossed and crossed back to make lemons, oranges and grapefruits and shit like that.

>> No.16398615

I've seen some of those recipes. its usually shit like cinnamon-clove pork with some sorta milk-based sauce made out of 12 kinds of herbs with no care for what flavors go well together.

>> No.16398767
File: 322 KB, 1000x1084, article5_2_3fig1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seasoning didnt exist pre globalization despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, all you'd do is sprinkle salt
Never open your stupid reddit pop historian mouth ever again

>> No.16398803

Probably roman banquet just to see what kind of wierd combinations they'd made. After that, street food
Other than that probably a visit to Mexico and the Andes to see some original corn and potato recipies

>> No.16398841

Look up “chyme”
Romans ate disgusting shit

>> No.16399102

>to try ancient fruits and vegetables and see how they compare to modern varieties
- smaller
+ flavorful
- but only available 20 miles maximum from where they have been collected
tldr. not worth it

>> No.16399107

I thought greeks kept their women locked up indoors

>> No.16399112

I know, I would also complain if they made her anglo looking
But they made her look like some thot from... uh some american black city idk

>> No.16399117

18th Century pre-revolutionary America so I can have an authentic Orange Fool.

>> No.16399124
File: 158 KB, 1200x628, whole-lamb-barbecue-spitfire-roast-mechoui-1200x630-c-ar1.91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like lamb on a spit

>> No.16399215

Damn imagine being a soldier back in those times, hanging out with your fellow men just enjoying some good roasted meat. Eagerly eating it while waiting to go home so you can fuck your son.

>> No.16399232

This is a great novel, plenty of sophomoric humor. Pissed I didn’t read it until college

>> No.16399253

embarrasing post

>> No.16399796


>> No.16399831

go away and shut up

>> No.16399839


>> No.16399850

Fun fact: ancient Greeks were White.

>> No.16400066

as in anglo or scandinavian? no they weren't

>> No.16400089
