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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.46 MB, 1330x733, TimHortons3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16386088 [Reply] [Original]

Memes, stories or just reasons to hate Tims. The restaurant went from greatest fast food to a dump in less than 15 years

>> No.16386128
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>> No.16386188

i mean it's drive thru coffee and donuts, ya the donuts suck so they made smaller ones

>> No.16386193

yuropoor here, quick rundown on Tim?

>> No.16386209

see >>16386188
They make coffee and doughnuts, sandwiches and breakfast items too. It's not particularly great.

>> No.16386219
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>quick rundown on Tim?

>> No.16386524

It's your typical, crappy, sugar laden Amerimutt fastfood, but somehow also a Canadian icon.
So, for american crap, it's actually not that bad and their "coffee product" is better and cheaper than starbucks, so there's that.

>> No.16386537

That's a bit too little meat for that amount of tortilla.

>> No.16386545

Got a cappuccino there once, it was salty. I haven't gotten it since.

>> No.16386551

You are delusional if you think it's better than Starbucks
Not that Starbucks is good but TH is gas station tier

>> No.16386555

in the days of yore there were many donut and coffee shops in competition with each other throughout canada. each more or less the same but with subtle differences between them. Tim Horton's had a meteoric expansion in the markets and blew away the competition, with hooks such as roll up the rim (free coffee and donuts and other prizes) and timbits (donut holes). Their competition failed and receded in franchises sometimes totally sometimes just extraordinarily. Tim Hortons dominated the coffee-donut shop market and became a staple of canadian identity. Having a niche monopoly it's competition in those subtle differences is non-existant so everything they sell now sucks and the franchisers tend to use the rent-a-tard immigration system to get ESL's which means the service instead of being canadiana is just more creeping brown tide.

>> No.16386590

Checked numbers

>Bought out by a Brazilian investment firm 2014
>McDonalds purchases the rights to Timmy's coffee recipe
>Sell tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich combo for 9$ CAD
>Migrate well-loved roll up the rim promotion to an app based reward service
>Staff establishments with scores of third world immigrants offering slightly more than slave wages

Many poor decisions, OP.

>> No.16386710

tims died when mcdonalds stole their coffee supplier.

>> No.16386717


>> No.16386761

One time I ordered a Crispy Chicken Sandwich with no tomato. I got home and opened up my sandwich and it was literally just tomatoes on a bun and nothing else. Very passive-aggressive.

>> No.16386771

>>16386555 (chekt)

Did the Filipinos cause the shit service and decline, or the other way around? If I'm in an empty mall I stand in front of the Tim's for a few seconds just to make the cunts think I'm going to order something and get off their phones, then walk away

>> No.16386773

>Crispy Chicken Sandwich with no [actually the only thing I want is the] tomato

>> No.16386775

Terrible coffee

>> No.16387048

my grandpa used to take me to Tim Horton's when my brother and I would go stay with him during summer. we'd always walk there and I'd enjoy it so much. he would tell us jokes and always give us advice on fishing.
>remember anon, the bait is only the start of the fight
he passed away about 10 years ago. any time I see a Tim Horton's it makes me think about him. thanks OP

>> No.16387320

Tim's was great when I was a kid, then I got my first job there when I was 13/14 and watched the beginning of the decline in real time. I began to appreciate them again for a hot minute when they had Beyond Burgers, but everyone sperged out about "NOOOOOOO MY HECKIN TIMS CANT SELL THE HECKIN BURGERINOS ITS SO HECKIN WRONG" and now it's once again impossible to get a "decent" burger and fries anywhere for less than ten mapledollars. Their bagels were the last thing they did right but then they shrank those too recently. I hope they dry up completely at this point. Or just, y'know, get good again somehow. Bringing back the lemon + blueberry muffins would be a decent start.

>> No.16387444

Tim Horton's is literally Canadian garbage
you just want to talk about America

>> No.16387447

Americans: 1
Canadians: 0

>> No.16387487
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Nice numbers.
You're right, it's Canadian garbage. But Canadian garbage is a tad better than US garbage. Still garbage, but a bit more better and pleasant garbage at that.
And of course I do want to talk about america (hint: Canada is america too!), because I'm obsessed!

>> No.16387548

What the FUCK happened to their eggs. They turned from omelette style into ostrich eggs. Also tried their roast beef sandwich and I'm fairly certain they used flesh from baby elephants.

>> No.16387568

It's Brazilian garbage now.
Burger King's Brazlian owner, 3G Capital, bought Tims and merged it with Burger King under a new holding company, Restaurant Brands International.

>> No.16387594

They used to use powdered egg mix. Now they use fresh eggs like McDonalds.

>> No.16387822

I find it funny how so many people complain about the eggs now. It makes me think that these people never fry eggs at home so the texture of an egg that isn't made from powder is alien to them.

>> No.16387864

Tim Horton's used to be the best because they had the best coffee beans, but then McDonald's swooped in and got a contract with those growers.
Now the coffee that McDonald's sells, the coffee that is considered pretty much the best around, is the old coffee Tim Horton's used to sell.

>> No.16387889

Lol it's true, the Tims near me is staffed entirely by Indian women

>> No.16387954
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>> No.16387961
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>> No.16387967

They got rid of the hunny mussy.

>> No.16387980

aside from their breakfast wraps the food and coffee are just terrible these days. they had a killer menu about a decade ago but decided to fuck it all up. their prices are also quite steep these days. worst of all is the god awful frozen donuts. just stale fucking garbage now

PS nipper moot can shove this new captcha right up his gook shit hole

>> No.16387989

>PS nipper moot can shove this new captcha right up his gook shit hole
It stopped spambots from posting on /trash/ so I'll live with it. Surely it will somehow benefit /ck/

>> No.16387996

if the eggs are so fresh why are they fuckin rubber? shits disgusting now and nothing like McDonalds although their eggs are great either.

>> No.16388000

also stops me too when it takes 15 fucking tries to get one that works. this is just his inner jew coming out to sell passes

>> No.16388093

>McDonalds coffee = old Tim's coffee
People constantly repeat this meme, but I have literally never seen anyone provide a shred of evidence

>> No.16388124

It's just something people say. Tim's coffee was always bad, people just used to tolerate it when the rest of the restaurant was good.

>> No.16388130

don't think anyone knows if it's exactly the same BUT Tim Hortons dropped their old supplier and started roasting themselves and McDonalds started using that same suppler so it's possible. at the very least it is similar to the old Tim Hortons roast. i drink both (whatever happens to be more coinvent at the time) but there's absolutely no doubt Tim Hortons tastes much worse then it used to.

honestly one of the biggest issues Tim Hortons has always had is consistently across restaurants which is something McDonalds has completely nailed for decades. even in the same location the coffee varies widely which i'm assuming is down to the employee making it. you can get an amazing coffee and go back to the same location a couple hours later and get one that tastes like it was made with sewer water.

>> No.16388133

>Tim had exclusive supplier
>they decide to change suppliers
>McDonald's jump on old Tim's supplier
>supplier tells Mcd that the blend is Tim's IP, but they can sell something really close

>> No.16388169

The subway of canada.

>> No.16388239

anonymous franchisee talking with the Toronto Star in 2018 claimed that Timmie's original coffee formula was developed and supplied by Mother Parker's.

2017 Democrat & Chronicle article about Tim Horton's coffee factory in Rochester, NY which they purchased in 2001

Mother Parkers has scrubbed their website of any mention of Timmies, but internet archive still has a 2014 press release about their partnership with Timmies for coffee pods

2012 Reuters article in the Financial Post about McDonad's selling ground coffee from their supplier, Mother Parkers

>> No.16388244

whoops meant for >>16388093 bloody captcha

>> No.16388399
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Why do Leafs enjoy this?

>> No.16388404

Waking up and realizing that you are a leaf should be more tragic to your experience here,

>> No.16388416
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Never eat food from Leafland. You'll get AIDS.

>> No.16388421

>BUT Tim Hortons dropped their old supplier and started roasting themselves and McDonalds started using that same suppler
>they decide to change suppliers
>McDonald's jump on old Tim's supplier

OK, but what I'm asking is HOW do you guys know this? What evidence do you have of this happening? Are you guys both purchasers for McDonald's or something?

>> No.16388423

literally look up like three posts

>> No.16388439
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>> No.16388453

>I'm ready to settle down

>> No.16388715

press releases, new articles, corporate statements etc. it's not hard to find. Tim Hortons is constantly trying to cut costs because they know sales have peaked and it's really their only option. they also thought they were big enough that they could do whatever they want and people would still go there so they made the coffee shit. unfortunately they are mostly right since it's the go to coffee shop for most Canadians to the point it's basically a routine habit and there's really not much real competition

>> No.16389352
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>> No.16389383

that looks like a botched operation

>> No.16389621


>> No.16389797
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>> No.16389799

I thought i was going mad.
My girlfriend took me to a tim hortons because she used to love going there as a kid and whenever we get into the city she goes.

I knew it was fucking garbage.

>> No.16389812

from what I know from talking with canukistani's, tims basically fell apart because the original owners sold the business and it promptly got corporatized.

>> No.16389829
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Yup, they cut corners to save pennies here and there. The biggest sin is now they make all their donuts in Ontario and ship them across the country. They always have that frozen and process taste to them

>> No.16389834

what do you mean?

>> No.16389838
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>unfortunately they are mostly right since it's the go to coffee shop for most Canadians to the point
You're wrong. They've been losing more and more money every year and refuse to acknowledge the real reasons why. Every "quarter" is a loss for them

>> No.16389839
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This is all I got

>> No.16389913

Canadian culture is centered around sales. They have holidays for sales. They listen to store music in case the speaker mentions a deal. They stalk store clerks for sales. They dress and act like store clerks so they can get some sales. The entirety of their modern culture is waiting for sales. They post sassy gifs about getting items during the sale. They watch 24/7 update feed regarding sales. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honour of getting things on sale. They use sale slang like “savin' them dollars" and "I get to eat this week". When you say "Steak is $15" they're not thinking of a nice juicy ribeye or a flavourful and soft tenderloin; they're thinking of the poorest cuts of the cow. Their cities are completely overrun with people looking for sales. They worship any store that has sales for items on the shelf. Their men sit around watching for sales while their women sit around watching infomercials. They worship sales like BOGO and 20% cash back and the late buy one get one free while attacking the countries who can actually afford food without any sales. Their movies are filled with sales promotions. They send their sons to the store and celebrate when they come back with a can of luxury Campbell's soup that they got for 20% off because those soups are true Canadian luxuries. They watch sales to a point where the numbers no longer make them think of quantities but about percentages off products. They will tell you how much they hate looking for sales and how the “post the in-store prices" meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love sales but the evidence speaks for itself in that Canada is a nation of people who eat beef once a month if lucky.

>> No.16389923

>impossible to find a girl who will fart on me
>meanwhile this chick droppin full blown dookie in Timmies

>> No.16389926

my father told me that after tim horton died in a car crash in the 70s, people would always joke about the restaurant only having timbits on the men

>> No.16390071

>used to get iced capps for $2 plus 90 pts plus 20 pts per order
>basically got a free iced capp every week for half a year
>tims gestapo found out and now all I get are shitty promotions
It’s not fair bros. I had like 3000 points until about a week ago

>> No.16390126

Rent free

>> No.16390966

You are on an English board ESLfag. America is the USA and the USA only, full-stop.

>> No.16390995

Canada has the 8th highest beef consumption per capita in the world. Go back to sculling corn syrup shartlard.

>> No.16391016

>you just want to talk about America
What else would they do with their lives?

>> No.16391018
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watch out, the soup mafia is back

>> No.16391255

>sometimes totally sometimes just extraordinarily. Tim Hortons dominated the coffee-donut shop market and became a staple of canadian identity

Wow, Canadians have no culture

>> No.16391267

That car is less cringe than the average Trudeau worshipping, soulless, Canadian libtard

>> No.16391290

nah it was going to shit long before that. the new owners didn't do anything to fix the issues (actually kept rolling with them) but they sure as fuck didn't start the downward trend. people just like to blame the new owners because it's easier then admitting their precious coffee joint was already going to shit with the old Canadian owners they idolize so much.

>> No.16391310
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>> No.16391319

Kek, reminds me of the guy who told Bic that his pen only draws penises and got 3 new Bic pens back

>> No.16391340

You have no culture.

>we are le polite and luv hockey

Fuck off

>> No.16391342
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>currently work at tim hortons
uh oh

>> No.16391506

We have tim horton's, you stupid chucklefuck.

>> No.16391524

>You have no culture.
Not having a foreskin isn't culture, yankoid.

>> No.16391556

Cold drinks have remained consistent but the rest has fallen off. Owned by Brazilians now so I blame them

>> No.16391619

They stopped baking fresh in 2002. The chain has been dead for ages. Literally the only reason they're successful is their vast real estate holdings and simply being closer to customers than the competition.

Especially before Harper reformed the TFW program but even today Tim Hortons has been one of the hugest abusers of foreign labor which we import for no reason other than to serve Canadians poison. I can at least justify the berry pickers because I've seen how many locals are willing to work on the field for way higher than minimum wage.

>> No.16391638

Tim Horton himself was based. They got him for drunk driving and banging underage girls like a Chad.

>> No.16391642

The decline was caused by new management switching to Frozen Parbaked goods instead of Fresh baked goods mostly. This by the way didn't actually save Tim Hortons any money, it was done mostly because it allowed them more logistical flexibility in switching menu items and such, because it was harder to fuck up than fresh baked stuff, and because it allowed corporate to take a larger slice of the profits by selling donuts at a higher cost to the franchises than they did before.

The policy of hiring literally the shittiest workers they can find was a consequence of deskilling the menu. So in Tim Hortons case, the company was destroyed fro m the top down, not the bottom up.

Tim Hortons gained a reputation for complaining of labor shortages in areas with high unemployment and arguing they needed to hire temporary foreign workers when they weren't giving their workers full time shifts. It's all about the bottom line, service and quality be damned, just staff the restaurant with a rotation of part timers who can't speak the local language.

>> No.16391643

They're just happier. I see no wrong with it.

>> No.16391657

>>16387320 no one noticing this underage b&?

>> No.16391660

Based pajeet destroyed you

>> No.16391762
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"Temporary Foreign Workers" in a nutshell.

>> No.16391965

>Especially before Harper reformed the TFW program
You know he's the one that opened the floodgates and allowed low skilled workers to come here in the first place, right? I don't understand why people defend him.

>> No.16391975

Tim Hortons has always been a Dunkin Donuts ripoff just slightly higher quality. There was never anything special about that place.

>> No.16391984
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>slightly higher quality

>> No.16391997

the switch to frozen was LONG before the company was sold. they've been slipping for nearly 2 decades now.

>> No.16392006

its the dunkin donuts of canada

>> No.16392017

Not true, they also slaughter children in Catholic schools.

It's ok though; Canada being polite and SOOOOO much better than those mean dirty Americans were polite about their ethnic cleansing. They made sure those mass graves were dug fucking flawlessly. If you're gonna be buried along-side a couple of hundred other murdered kids, make sure you're buried by a Canadian. It's ethnic cleansing with heart!

>> No.16392025

the only place that would have been more dangerous for those kids was home.

>> No.16392030
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>> No.16392033

this mf just ripped a long john in half. There was never any cream in there.

>> No.16392052
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>they also slaughter children in Catholic schools.

>> No.16392168

no one cares about chugs. only reason they are making a big deal out of them is for the extra gibs

>> No.16392215


>> No.16393085
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>> No.16393097

What makes you so mad at Timmies that you pull down your pants, shit on the floor, pick it up and throw it at them. I'm not saying it's not justified I just want to know.

>> No.16393105

Wasn't the age of consent in Canada 14 until like 2001? How underage were these girls what a madlad.

>> No.16393113

Im addicted to Iced Capps, help
Also, the crispy chicken sandwich and farmers wrap

>> No.16393635



>> No.16394125

Oh? But I love tim's. Love me do some tim's

>> No.16394176

Frustration that pajeet don't understand how to take orders properly

>> No.16394214

Do donuts really get any better than tims?
Ive only ever had tims and grocery store dohnuts, and I think tims ones are great.

>> No.16394218

Not to mention the guy who wrote the letter signed it with a signature that looked like a dick

>> No.16394226

yeah I heard that is a myth.
But I believe tims changed suppliers to cut costs. and McDonalds coffee is definitely better than tims

>> No.16394917

t. chug, chink, pajeet or nigger
you have to go back

>> No.16394957

>Canadian complaining about people being passive-aggressive


>> No.16395278

Where would "chugs" even go, retard?

>> No.16395382

>The restaurant
I think confusing a fuckin donut place for a restaurant was your first mistake there boss

donut & coffee place that people often mistake for being a restaurant.

>> No.16395397

hell for all I care

>> No.16395414
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>It's ok though; Canada being polite and SOOOOO much better than those mean dirty Americans were polite about their ethnic cleansing. They made sure those mass graves were dug fucking flawlessly. If you're gonna be buried along-side a couple of hundred other murdered kids, make sure you're buried by a Canadian. It's ethnic cleansing with heart!

>> No.16395804
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this is so Canadian lmao
>We've been notified that you've been shitting on us and our products anon, so please stop and have 36 (thirty-six) cans of our soup for free as well!

>> No.16396941
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>> No.16397259

Lmao what

>> No.16397583


>> No.16397648

Canadian fast food chain specializing in coffee and donuts.

Mostly a regional phenomenon until they expanded nationwide in the late 80s while memeing themselves into the same position McDonalds holds for Americans

Chose quantity over quality, literally opened at least 1 franchise in everyone Canadian town over 4k, ditched fresh-made in store items for batch-made flash frozen donuts and a cheaper grade of coffee. Now literally shit but boomers defend it as "muh Canadian icon"

>> No.16397690
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just fucking woke up the senpai you goddamn cunt
this is absolutely something we must do sometime. there needs to be a /ckon/ general everyday where we debate what company to spread so much shit about until they send us free shit like this.

>> No.16397694

>Iced Caps: Starbucks if you have money, McDonald's Iced Frappes if you don't

>Crispy Chicken Sandwich: It's literally a McChicken

>Farmers Wrap: It's a sausage and a hashbrown in a wrap with hotsauce. Sausage McMuffin and hashbrown, bring your own wrap

>> No.16397697

>enjoy Timmies coffee
>McCafe comes into town
>McDonald's Canada buys Timmie's coffee bean source
>McCafe tastes fucking delicious
>Tims freaks out and tries to market that Dark Roast crap made from different beans
>tastes like fucking ass
>buy McCafe beans and be done with it

I also hated that Tim's used that disgusting plastic tasting cream in their coffee, just give me black or milk. Holy fuck.

>> No.16397702

I hate that you have to specify milk or else they add that shit cream by default

>> No.16397708

Exactly, every fucking time.
I just ask for black in the odd occurrence I go to Tims.
I got tired of asking for milk only to get liquid white-out in my coffee instead.

>> No.16397720

Why yes, I have had SRS. How could you tell?

>> No.16397738

it was once pure soul, but got bought out and completely hollowed by the magic of corporate capitalism. they had an incredible coffee blend and even used to bake their doughnuts in-store. it had been shit for decades by the time it reached the USA so they don't know what they missed.

>> No.16397739

just accept it, anon, you got fucking owned

>> No.16397754

>unfortunately they are mostly right since it's the go to coffee shop for most Canadians to the point it's basically a routine habit and there's really not much real competition

ironically my wife buys mcdonalds coffee, brings it home, and drinks it from a tim hortons mug. she misses the nostalgia but doesn't deny that the company is dead.

>> No.16397755

it's mainly a bot filter, but it also works as an IQ filter for humans

>> No.16397761

It was capitalism that made it possible to exist in the first place, you retarded baboon.
It became soulless because it got aquired by a foreign firm that had no clue about why Timmies was special in the first place.

>> No.16397765

I specified corporate capitalism you american cocksucker.

>> No.16397772

You're just showing you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Bud, I was here when they tried to get rid of timbits and I complained every time until those cost-effective surplus dough balls came back.

>> No.16397784

you're one dumb motherfucker, you know that?

>> No.16397788

You're in no position to call anyone else dumb.

>> No.16397820

I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a meme made up by McDonalds to get people to buy McDonalds coffee.

>> No.16397893

At least he died before Timmy's got really shit

>> No.16397909

Mother Parker's was Tim's original coffee supplier and developed their blend. Tims now produces the coffee in house.
McDonald's McCafé is also blended and supplied by Mother Parker's, although it is not the same blend as the one developed for Tim's.

>> No.16397932

Is this on an app? Can you just reinstall the app or someshit and reset it?

>> No.16397995
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>> No.16398595

once i went to the HoHos on Kandahar and it was shit

>> No.16398688

an uninformed janny deleted my webm so reposting

>> No.16399072

The seething at your post proves you right

>> No.16399320

They're just always slow as fucking molasses. They're all chronically understaffed and nobody ever works with any sense of urgency even if there's a massive backlog of orders. Using the self-serve kiosk or ordering ahead with the app presents the illusion that it'll be faster but it's really just an indication to serve ten people behind you before finally getting around to making that small steeped tea you asked for 15 goddamn minutes ago. Fuck them.

>> No.16399960
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They have Tim Hortons all over England now. I got an iced mocha and some doughnuts there. It was pretty good.

>> No.16401474
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>> No.16401479

OP has shitly photoshoped his middle finger onto atleast 3 different tim horton pics

>> No.16401494

Would it be more relatable to you if the hand was brown?

>> No.16403054
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>finally getting around to making that small steeped tea you asked for 15 goddamn minutes ago. Fuck them.
i loathe to-go shit for this reason, the worker's priority on it is entirely dependent on how many clowns are in the drive-thru or front store.
>wait 15 minutes and go there, it's not ready
>wait 30 minutes and go there, it was ready 3 minutes after you ordered

>> No.16403689

severly underrated

>> No.16403755

Hey man thats the chef ramsey special

>> No.16404735

I live in rural ass bum fuck nowhere Newfoundland and the foreigners are the only ones who even try at the fast food places I have available to me. At my KFC, when it was considered good, the only people that worked there were Filipino women, and service was spectacular and fast. Not quite sure what happened, but one day, they were all gone and replaced with white women. Half of them were teenagers that didn't give two shits about being there, and the other half were strung out on pills. I ordered a KFC bowl at the drive-thru, they told me to pull over and wait and it'd be right out, and I got it 45 minutes later. Now a bunch of Indian guys work there and it's back the quality it was before.

>> No.16404741

>donuts are ALWAYS stale
>coffee tastes like garbage
>iced coffee is garbage with ice cubes and quadruple sugar

Stopped going to TH in 2009. Fuck that place.

>> No.16404768
File: 143 KB, 970x830, be517435d193d1e320716a1be0755019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was Canada's most holy site?

>> No.16404912

Before they started cheaping the fuck out and cutting every corner.

>> No.16405060

Nah I think it’s tied to your account on the app. They use these apps to gather data on spending habits and if you allow them to track you all day long like a good goyim your coupons are probably more relevant because then Tim Hortons will know everything you do (and you do it for free)