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File: 393 KB, 1536x2048, 8CE57EAE-3AA9-483F-937E-CB50A694A5AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16374521 No.16374521 [Reply] [Original]

I tell you, there’s nothing like some late night pizza in the city.

>> No.16374527


>> No.16374532

would make sense since OP is a faggot

>> No.16374534


>> No.16374537
File: 209 KB, 750x1334, 9FC01016-CAF3-43A9-9B34-FDFF8B091BEF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, that looks fucking soulless, I feel bad for you bro.

don’t @ me

>> No.16374538

I'm gay btw

>> No.16374539

Imagine the late night greasy pizza shits

>> No.16374540

Does look pretty cool at night imho

>> No.16374541

Throw pizza on the windshield of that bacon wagon

>> No.16374563


>> No.16374569

Enjoy getting robbed.

>> No.16374716

can I @ you?

>> No.16374719

Ordering a domino's pizza for $5 plus any other entree for $5 on a Friday night and catching up on YouTube videos while feasting is a better feeling.

>> No.16374726

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.16374729

I don't like cities but that looks comfy.

>> No.16374861

nothing like a new york slice

>> No.16375004

made me chuckle

>> No.16375017

lol, I guess you could say you're on the spectrum

>> No.16375020

*@s @ u*

>> No.16375047

>live in capital city
>it's literally just like any country town except larger and with more shops
Is the dynamic here >>16374726 a specifically american thing? Are american big cities different?

>> No.16375065

American city culture and american rural culture are like one or two major events away from civil war against each other.

>> No.16375070

oh jesus no wonder all they ever do is talk about city slickers and shit
I live in Australia where a capital city is literally just "town but large"

>> No.16375089

>he lives in the city
lol, idiot

>> No.16375091

lmao this. The cultures are so different youd think theyre different countries. Cities are full of minorities, violent nigger pavement apes, drugs, pussy sensitive white people, and hip hop culture while rural areas are full of fat rednecks with lifted pickup trucks waving confederate flags and talking about how healthcare is communism. The suburbs are the only place with a sense of normal human beings.

>> No.16375093

but isn't everywhere a suburb
Give me the lowdown in American city infrastructure
Over here a suburb is just a radius of a certain area, and everywhere is a suburb

>> No.16375098

the suburbs house less privileged npcs

>> No.16375099

Flyovers believe this. People in civilization don’t care what they do.

>> No.16375104

>equating your rat mazes to civilization

>> No.16375120

Going from inner city outwards
think of it like a circle with two smaller circles in it
interesting to know owning a large home with a yard is less privileged than overpaying for a studio apartment surrounded by crack addicted niggers but interesting take cleetus

>> No.16375125

new york pizza sucks absolute ass.

you didn't even put fucking red pepper flakes.

>> No.16375130

Looks amazing op. The haters here live in flyover states

>> No.16375139

>implying I don’t live in a nice middle class two bedroom apartment high rise and thinking all cities are infested with crack dealing niggas...
the 80’s called
They wanted their boomer mindset back

>> No.16375148

t. Never been to New York and had good pizza

>> No.16375152

>The suburbs are the only place with a sense of normal human beings.
Get ready for the progressive agenda destroying all peaceful American suburbs in the name of equity

>> No.16375153

No they're not. Americans are retarded fat mutts who can barely even have internet fights let alone full on wars. At best they have random SSRI fuelled zoomer mutts go on mass shootings for the memes.

>> No.16375158

charge your phone

>> No.16375165

>looks fucking soulless
billions of people have worked to make that exist.
it is the exact opposite of soulless.

>> No.16375170

>The suburbs are the only place with a sense of normal human beings
being the exact definition of an npc is not normal, anon.

>> No.16375173

>Going from inner city outwards
>think of it like a circle with two smaller circles in it
not at all how it works.
wanna know how i can tell you've never been to a city?

>> No.16375199

it's ok if you feel proud of your tract house but you're fucking delusional if you think it's at all better than living in a city. suburbs are scaled down cities with the same problems

>> No.16375267
File: 101 KB, 700x366, 1249473056519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm gay btw

>> No.16375292

Living in good cities can be alright but is suboptimal long term (having children)

living in american cities is largely shit because you're surrounded by niggers

>> No.16375309

did you lose a bet? living or "visiting" the city is retarded

>> No.16375329


where are ya OP, anywhere near 96th street ?

>> No.16375337

*Billions of greedy assholes looking to exploit the poor and ignorant*

Fixed that for you :)

>> No.16375401
File: 39 KB, 640x640, 1603394178699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being poor and ignorant

>> No.16375560
File: 1.75 MB, 4032x3024, Miami Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16375823

Millions of commies died to make china what it is today too. Fucking soulless

>> No.16375836

>another episode of “some anon who goes to a city pretends to live there”.
Good for a giggle though.

>> No.16375844

Shut the fuck up kid lmao

>> No.16375857

Take a pic of your back alley gay blowjob

>> No.16375884

All the city shit is now leaking out into the 'burbs, how do we make them go back?

>> No.16376054

Hawaii is a shithole

>> No.16376057

Imagine looking like a bitch so much people wanna rob you lol

>> No.16376062


>> No.16376063

I like how so far out of touch you are with reality. There is literally no reason to pretend all minorities are the same and only white people are pussies.

>> No.16376064

The only thing destroying NYC suburbs are Chinese people.

>> No.16376067

>Papa John's

Sucks when that's all the choice you got for pizza.

>> No.16376069

That copy Pasta perfectly describes liberals I know here in Australia and there is exactly one of those barcarde things that they love

>> No.16376070

Living in the middle of nowhere a couple of hours away from anything is not the pinnacle of civilization.

>> No.16376086

Traditional suburbs with big yards are the pinnacle of modern day living. Close to humans and amenities, yet with enough privacy to not have to think about your neighbours.

Rural areas are hours from anything and full of inbred retards. Cities are hell.

>> No.16376169

Unless there is a specific interest or event going on they are all multiple levels of dogshit, some far worse than others but shit nonetheless. Case in point the one redeeming factor of Philly is that there are some damn good cheesesteaks there, and I don’t even like cheesesteak.

>> No.16376218


>> No.16376224

Ayyy BADA Bing BADA boom I’m walkin’ ere!
What you says about my Muddahs pizza pie you fuckin Mook? Don’t make me whack ya for my gabagool money. Fuhgettaboutit! Ayyy fold your pizza pie slice BADA Bing BADA boom Go Mets!

>> No.16376410

I'm so glad to live in the countryside ffs

>> No.16376431

are you from the 80s

>> No.16377268

The picture is somewhere near 34th St and 8th Ave. The pizza is from NY Pizza Suprema (which sounds like a generic touristy name but it's actually one of Manhattan's best slices). I don't remember exactly where because I was pretty drunk but I could probably figure it out. Usually I go to Joe's on Carmine St for a drunk-slice but I wanted to mix it up last night.

>> No.16377319

>when a 3rd worlder thinks he knows American culture
Just sit this one out, retard.

>> No.16377675


>> No.16377688

Looks like shit but I'm sure it's much better than Joe's. People overrate that place so much

>> No.16377865

New Yorkers don’t have souls, they’re insect people. You could stab someone to death in front of New Yorkers and they’d stare straight ahead and keep walking with their dead eyes because “it’s all part of the experience”

>> No.16378142

What is the likelihood of being harassed or murdered by the blacks in such a situation?
America seems so dangerous I just can't imagine being outside without it being a well lit public place with lots of other (white) people.

>> No.16378326

I'm @ing you to say I agree.
Deal with it.

>> No.16378945

You're thinking of Los Angeles.

>> No.16379544

Get lost in the city once flyover? Next time bring some gps.

>> No.16379552

seek Christ, nonspiritual posters

>> No.16379573

>t. sheltered suburbanite

>> No.16379608
File: 246 KB, 1440x960, leafy street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

statistically speaking, the older the city the more ghosts it has.
So like Edinburgh, say, is definitely haunted, but places like Rome have so many ghosts that they loop around and become unhaunted because the ghosts are so rammed together that you don't even notice them. They can't even do poltergeist activity because they're shoulder-to-shoulder with other ghosts.
It's so full of souls that it's like Stand on Ghostibar out there

>> No.16379614

Ṡmh ṫbh fám

>> No.16379919

Wrong. They'd film it.

>> No.16380228

serious question, how is getting that operation on yourself money-saving?

>> No.16380238

serious question, how does it feel to be severely autistic?

>> No.16380400

Get nuked

>> No.16380424

Barcades are the most retarded shit ever. They don't allow you to drink, socialise, or game properly. A single Time Crisis machine in the corner of a pub is infinitely better, as is just talking to people. I will stomp on the next cunt who invites me to a barcade instead of a functioning pub.

I have lived in the US in Commifornia and live in Melbourne. Can confirm that A) the copypasta is a literal depiction of real people in the US, and B) the sickness has started to spread here too.

>> No.16380710

I always couldn't get that part of the copypasta

>> No.16380867

it's money-saving because megan won't shit out children and the couple can spend all the money that would have gone towards kids on their fucking "furbabies," jesus christ anons, how do you not understand why a vasectomy would save money?

unless your posts are meta-level commentary on how she'll start popping out black children or other esoteric high-level trolling, in which case, get fucked

>> No.16381008

Thanks for the answer(my doubt was genuine), but couldn't they simply use contraceptive methods? Also I don't think the seed of a city dweller could be fertile in any way lol

>> No.16381039
File: 601 KB, 1500x1041, da_big_kahunas_menu_2015[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever check out Big Kahuna's near the airport? I'd say it's the best pizza place on the island.

>> No.16381158
File: 1.72 MB, 4431x2513, _20210704_082451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer my city, where I can see Fuji-san whenever I want.

>> No.16381210

Disgusting capitalist dystopia, fuck off with your chink obsession

>> No.16381216

la or nyc probably has more souls than rome, maybe

>> No.16381299
File: 2.14 MB, 3480x2122, _20210306_232508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are a little confused buddy.

>> No.16381335

ok but what's the pizza like

>> No.16381338

That's very similar to where I live

>> No.16381353 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 500x420, recent-polls-have-shown-a-fifth-of-americans-cant-locate-5035897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me you're american without telling me you're american

>> No.16381391
File: 2.31 MB, 4357x2641, _20190705_135542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

アンアン is the best pizza I've had in Shizuoka. The place is tiny, like four tables max, and the owner is very curt. But the pizza is solid.
Yes, I know that doesn't look like a New York 'za, I get it.

>> No.16381432

I'm Italian actually, North-east

>> No.16381443

Now I get what you're saying, I referred to them as "chinks" because to me they're all the same, slanted eyed bugs

>> No.16381780

You’re right.
That is nothing like pizza.

>> No.16381802

not very likely. its not the 70s anymore.

>> No.16381841

varies hugely with the suburb. pre-ww2 suburbs are based but these newer cardboard developments are literal hell

>> No.16382022

What year is this

>> No.16382026

T. Has never tasted good pizza