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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16368059 No.16368059 [Reply] [Original]

Admit it.

>> No.16368066

>t. Soy McSoyboy

>> No.16368067

Article's paywalled, what are the arguments? Grilling creates flavors you can't get easily elsewhere so I'm not sure any argument alluding to practicality makes sense. Also most people don't grill all the time and thus arguing against it as the only way to cook is a strawman.

>> No.16368071

most likely gonna be an article about the carcinogens in grilled meats if i had to guess

>> No.16368073 [DELETED] 

Article is for jews by jews to prepare jews to subvert the goyim. All jews should be holocostered in craftmine.

>> No.16368075

>According to opinion columnist Josh Barro, just because you can cook outside doesn't mean you should. Your grill is dirty, has poor temperature control, and lets fat drip into the flame. Indoor cooking is better — which is why that's the main way you cook.

>> No.16368076
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You forgot to add ass after bad faggot

>> No.16368079

That's possibly valid. Drinking is bad too then, as is sugar. Not sure I need to be persuaded into "admitting it."

>> No.16368081

Don't most people clean off their grates before each grill? It's definitely sanitized at the temps you'd preheat at.

>> No.16368086

Yeah burgers and steak on cast iron are infinitely better

>> No.16368089

Do you think the "people" who write these exposés find joy or purpose in their work?
I knew a journalism student in college who seemed very passionate about freedom of information, taking a swing at bloated corporations, etc.
She was writing about local high-school sports the last I talked to her.
I imagine you have to live in some sort of denial to sit back in your chair after writing an article about the perils of grilling just to crack your knuckles and say to yourself "another day of important information conveyed to the everyman".
I used to get angry about this sort of thing but now it just makes me sad. It's the feeling you get when you realize every stripper is some man's child.

>> No.16368090

>Your grill is dirty
This person probably wouldn't eat anything cooked over a campfire on a stick.

>> No.16368096

My oven doesn't have the temperature range my grill does and I use a cast iron plate when I cook burgers.

>> No.16368117
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I thought it said grilling is BACK

>> No.16368121

In what sense is it meant that it is "bad". Bad is a very broad word. It could mean literally anything.

>> No.16368130

I guess my broiler achieves similar effects to that of grilling. So yes you can almost do the same thing indoors.

>> No.16368139
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He has angered the Grill King

>> No.16368141
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I want to hear Francis Mallmann's reaction to this.

>> No.16368237

Is Luna still alive?

>> No.16368272
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>the (((author)))
Why am I not surprised

>> No.16368286

because you're obsessed?

>> No.16368290
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>> No.16368320

God that's so fucking depressing..

>> No.16368344

i agree. these are just article people put up to feel better about themselves

>> No.16368401


>> No.16368413

Nah, it has its place. I enjoy grilling when the weather is hot and its just too hot to cook inside.

>> No.16368414

when you say "all journalists should hang", it should be with a tone of mercy. no one should have to lie to succeed in their job

>> No.16368434

So (((They))) are claiming cooking is bad. Here's how you fight back. Claim that (per Michael Twitty) barbeque (and by extension grilling) is uniquely black, specifically African American.

By writing this article, (((they))) have undermined the accomplishments of enslaved peoples to push their racist white-focused agenda.

>> No.16368478
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>tfw you're not a journalist

God, can you imagine it? You go through college, you get the degrees; you're gonna be BIG! You're gonna do great things, you're gonna blow cases wide open, throw open the curtains covering the clandestine, you're gonna show the worst of the world to the world itself, make it confront a mirror and FEEL SOMETHING! You will make the world a better place, you'll make it change, destroy the lies and let the truth be free for all to see!

And your editor has you writing clickbait top twenty lists, exposes about the dangers of POPULAR THING, and makes sure your articles are vetted just in case they step on the political sensitivities of the editor, or the owner. You're one more name underneath an obviously loaded, agenda riddled title or, worse, a title that ends in a AND THAT'S A GOOD/BAD THING! HERE'S WHY!
And then you do something to upset the readers, have them flood the comments section, if the site isn't so cucked as to no longer have one in which case they'll just flood your outlet's twitter page, and it's a fifty/fifty split whether it'll be ignored or if you'll be thrown under the bus because there are a legion of pie-eyed idiots hoping to change the world one investigative expose at a time right behind you.

And everyone, even your family, thinks your work is for leeches. "Present company excluded", if your family still likes you.

>> No.16368481
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You moron why are you taking obvious bait?

>> No.16368508

>Here's how you fight back.
What if everyone just ignored shitty clickbait "journalism"?

>> No.16368509

I've never really enjoyed it desu

>> No.16368545

maybe taking the bait was part of the plan