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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16358125 No.16358125 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16358131

I don't remember the last time I ate shoe sole-texture well done steak.

>> No.16358141


Nothing else is acceptable.

>> No.16358153

Blue or rare I probably wouldn't eat. But medium is toying with disaster.

>> No.16358154

That's not blood, you dumb fuck. That right there is water mixed with myoglobin, a protein that would've binded had you waited for 5 minutes.

If you cut into your steak and liquid spills out, that just means you didn't properly rest your steak.

>> No.16358166

Is that actual blood though? I don't think so. I eat blood sausage with real blood in it (it's delicious by the way) and I really don't think that is blood in any comparable sense.

>> No.16358170

Exactly. It's just juices. I get the colloquialism, but it's just not blood. People should try actual blood though. It's actually not disgusting. Au contraire. It is actually delicious.

>> No.16358171

You have trouble reading, son? >>16358154

>> No.16358176

True. Both black pudding and blood sausage are delicious.

>> No.16358178

Well, I posted that almost at the same time as that post was posted so..

>> No.16358179

Absolutely. One of my favorite things to eat.

>> No.16358188

looks pretty piss anon, would eat/10

>> No.16358203

>Is that actual blood though?
The Jews think it is.

>> No.16358260

That’s because those items are prepared as their own thing.
Blood can be a great ingredient in its own right.
However, old leftover blood will make meat taste like shit. That’s why draining it is part of any proper slaughter process.
Take it out of the meat, and then use it for delicious stuff.

>> No.16358262

>looks pretty piss anon
Is that supposed to be a good thing?

>> No.16358265

Steak doesnt have blood in it enless you butcher it yourself retard

>> No.16358281

youtube jason genova, the prince of piss

yes it's good

>> No.16358364

Rabbit is over there.

>> No.16358370
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>> No.16359318

Anyone who puts in one longer than medium well hates America.

>> No.16359365

I bet youre a trump supporter

>> No.16359599

I see you’re practicing your shoe eating skills when the famine hits comrade. Small tip: if you boil it the glue softens so you can de-sole it easier.

>> No.16359615

No. Those cunts take it burnt.

>> No.16359670

finally someone that fucking gets it, medium is both tender and juicy without sacrificing flavour
im convinced no one actually likes medium-rare or rare they just like pretending they are cavemen biting into mammoth flesh

>> No.16359689

What's wrong with pretending to be a caveman?

>> No.16359705

i mean, nothing i guess just say thats what you want to do, dont hide behind pretending theres some objective way to eat meat that makes you a manly man

>> No.16359782

Nobody has not tasted blood. Sucked out of their own wound as a bare minimum.

>> No.16359814

Never saw the day that I'd be eating well done steaks to own reddit

>> No.16359820

But on the other hand, nogs will only eat well done and throw a panic attack if its slightly pink. Do I own Reddit or own the nigs? This might be the hardest choice that I've ever had to make in my life.

>> No.16360322
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>> No.16360347

I dont have to prove my manhood to anyone. I eat rare because it tastes good. and if i overcook it its not past med rare so you cant fuck up

>> No.16360514


>> No.16360587

Same with women

>> No.16360663

>I don't like X, therefore no one else likes X.
Typical autism.

>> No.16360707
File: 248 KB, 859x960, Chadam14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm... thats not blood anon. It's myoglobin.
Like 90% of the blood is already removed.
If you wanna learn more, look up "Adam Ragusea"
on YouTube. He is the best and smartest Foodtuber.

picrel is an unedited image of Adam. He is quite sexy, no?

>> No.16360722

>blood isn't blood
>water isn't wet

More news from republitards at 11!

>> No.16360728

Next time look up myoglobin on google before trying to spread political BS on /ck/ for no reason. pls go back to /pol/

>> No.16360738

>Blood can be a great ingredient in its own right.
I eat duck blood curry mee all the time in Asia, it's breddy gud. The blood is coagulated and cut into cubes and then just normal laksa-type ingredients + duck meat. The blood is sorta like a carnivores tofu.

>> No.16360749

>look up blood
>yep it's blood

The absolute state of /ck/

>> No.16360754

wrong sweaty. there is almost zero blood in steaks. that red stuff is myoglobin. literally look up "myoglobin in steak" and read the first result

>> No.16360763

Muscular hemorrhage and rhabdomyolysis ruin the meat.

>> No.16360774

>cu/ck/s actually believe myoglobin miraculously is separated from blood

Stay brainlets

>> No.16360798

You must be confusing it with hemoglobin. It's actually really simple if you aren't a /pol/tard. Globin is just a term for a type of protein. Hemo means blood. Hemoglobin is a type of protein in blood. Myoglobin is an unrelated protein used in muscles. Myoglobin doesn't transfer oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body, and therefore isn't blood. Please stop being retarded now.

>> No.16360813

>Myoglobin is an unrelated protein used in muscles.
myoglobin is a tetramer of a hemoglobin derivative, and performs a similar function of storing oxygen until it's ready to be used.
They are very much related.

>> No.16360842

Myoglobin doesn't circulate oxygen and co2, so it isn't blood

>> No.16360853

>being this obtuse

You couldn't be a bigger faggot if you tried.

>> No.16360875

>myoglobin is a tetramer of a hemoglobin derivative
Uhm no. Myoglobin is a monomer. It can't be a tetramer of something. Hemoglobin itself is a tetramer though so... good job? please just stop being retarded.

>being this obtuse
Sorry, but myoglobin still isn't blood!

>> No.16360877

There's a reason they bleed animals before butchering - namely the flavour. Muscular bleeds have a gamey, liver-like flavour; any degradation of muscle tissue because of this, basically leaching muscle into the bloodstream, can cause surrounding muscles to develop a similar taste penetrating to about an inch, and even necrotize slightly. Hemorrhage and rhabdomyolysis are bad for the meat. Always aim for the brain, throat or heart.
>t. hunter.

>> No.16360885

You do drain the myoglobin too though right? Because according to this fag >>16360774 it's also blood.

>> No.16360910

You don't really ever eat meat fresh out of the animal, so indirectly, yes, you do drain some of it out until it reaches a static point. Most of the blood in the capillaries will drain first, and some of the myoglobin will leak, but as impossible as it is to completely rid a slab of meat of blood, removing all of the hemoglobin would require a pressure wash of all of the capillaries, and probably some sort of chemical treatment. Myoglobin tastes like meat. Hemoglobin tastes like blood. They do not taste the same.

>> No.16362288

if it ain't fermented, you're fucking demented

>> No.16362313

A work of art, my friend.

>> No.16363157

That sounds good. I'd love to try it

>> No.16363477
File: 144 KB, 444x444, alexwat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't a "well done" beef steak just fucking roast beef/pulled beef at that point? And people fucking love that shit. But when it's in Steak form instead of sliced or shredded form it's suddenly heresy?

I don't get it

>> No.16363491
File: 9 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Au contraire