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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 101 KB, 640x960, Instant-Pot-Spaghetti-closeup-twirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16358058 No.16358058 [Reply] [Original]

*is the worst pasta*

>> No.16358071

not even close

>> No.16358078
File: 251 KB, 1000x1000, penne_pasta_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, try OP

>> No.16358084

May as well kys and die for even making this thread.

>> No.16358116

Official pasta rankings best to worst:

>everything else
>instant ramen

>> No.16358283

Penne vodka is impeccable. The best spaghetti doesnt even compare to the cold bland penne your mother makes once a month

>> No.16358319

This, but in the opposite order

>> No.16358345

you don't have to admit to being a tasteless pleb to everyone you know

>> No.16359443
File: 37 KB, 975x600, 1621539511552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instant ramen not at the top

>> No.16359587

I remember as a kid thinking spaghetti was amazing and I always asked for spaghetti and everyone else thought spaghetti was amazing and always asked for spaghetti
Then when I was 10 years old I asked myself why do I think spaghetti is amazing and realised I didn't actually like eating spaghetti all the much and now never order it or cook it
Did the same thing with soda

>> No.16359595

ITT - people who can't cook
Like seriously, Spaghetti are the best pasta to eat al Dente, nothing else even compares

Dude, it's pasta, its taste isn't related to its shape.

>> No.16359822


>> No.16359828

If you got some good spaghetti and a good sauce, you'll be happy, believe me.

>> No.16359836

Instant ramen is garbage, just like the people who eat it.

>> No.16359848

so you most like shapes where you can suck the sauce out huh?

>> No.16359853


>> No.16359899

Angel hair pasta is the worst. Honestly.

>> No.16359911

This. Back in 1980 Michelin guide promised 4 stars for the master chef who can cook this pasta without turning it into a disgusting slop. Simply impossible.

>> No.16360084

we use this one as the noodles in soups here. issa good.

>> No.16360095

this, my gf loves the shit and its fucking repulsive

>> No.16360102

Absurd. Just boil until tender then stir any sauce through it. Wow, I've earned four stars.

>> No.16360130

There is no 'tender' state with angel hair pasta, it can only be raw or slop. Sometimes both. I once read a physics paper saying it's a superpostion quantum effect due to the small diameter but I forgot the details.

>> No.16360159
File: 2.46 MB, 320x320, 1609022624593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I once read a physics paper saying it's a superpostion quantum effect due to the small diameter
No you didnt

>> No.16360187

wow get a load of sherlock holmes over here

>> No.16360526

Fuck angel hair pasta and fuck anyone that unironically likes this mush

>> No.16360539
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>> No.16361795
File: 317 KB, 1280x876, farfalle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crunchy in the middle
>flabby on the outside

>> No.16361886
File: 95 KB, 1024x1009, Fettuccine-Alfredo-Recipe-1-1024x1009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*is the best pasta*

>> No.16362376

Spaghetti are the best pasta for oild and garlic sauce. Bonus points for cooking so fast.

>> No.16362397

>it's bad because i can't stop overcooking it

>> No.16362417

I like penne, linguine and pappardelle, somebody fight me

>> No.16363404

I hate this shape. It never holds enough sauce, and I have the skewer the fuckers one at a time.

>> No.16363436

a real italian would love this pasta

>> No.16363503

So apparently I'm some idiot savant minority that both likes angel hair and can also cook it properly apparently? Whatever I guess I'll take it.

>> No.16363522

instant ramen is better than rice too

>> No.16363526

Angel hair is done in like seconds. I dump it in the boiling water and strain it all within less than one minute

>> No.16363593

your palate is fucked. You're eating mush.

>> No.16364929

Fucking sous vide it in a packet of sauce your fucking plebian

>> No.16365513

spaghettoni is the best. if you have a long thick pasta, it's great. tagliatelle too. the shorter your pasta, the shittier it is. if it's in some retarded tube autist windowlicking shape, like a penne or fusili or fucking "macaroni elbows" your pasta is shit and you ought to eat glass

>> No.16365652

Are you 6?

>> No.16367457

fuck you faggot, shit taste

>> No.16368248

You forgot fettucine at the very bottom.

>> No.16368308

Dilate please

>> No.16368682

rigatoni is superior. it holds all the sauce/filling well being a massive tube. linguine and spaghetti are also nice but so messy to eat.

>> No.16368735

>everyone else thought spaghetti was amazing and always asked for spaghetti
...Who is "everyone else" in this sentence, anon?

>> No.16368780

don't forget being able to use it as a straw for the sauce

>> No.16369523


>> No.16369565

vodka sauce is undeniably better with fusilli, fuck off

>> No.16369668

fuck you fuck you fuck you

i like the squiggles

>> No.16369676

fuck you fuck you fuck you

i pretend im eating clothing for gnomes

>> No.16369677

yea,spaghetti is shit

>> No.16369698

perfect size : not too much not too little
perfect portion for size : eating with a fork always yields perfect bites
hollow inside : makes sauce and cheese get inside
even its name is stylish
the perfect pasta , faggots will disagree

>> No.16369717

penne is great if your favorite part about eating pasta is mouthfuls of air.

>> No.16369759

Spaghetti are bottom tier but I fucking hate Penne, little useless shits
Dont hold sauce, are a bitch to get on a fork unless you skewer each individually
retarded pasta cunts, fuck you, literally every other pasta is better

>> No.16369770

I like spaghetti if it has a sauce that's like all fluid or the meatballs are like proper size meatballs you can stick with your fork, but if the sauce is like full of tiny little ground beef and vegetable chunks it just sucks because what happens is you just eat the spaghetti, none of the actual solids in the sauce actually stick to it they just fall off, and then once you're done eating the pasta your plate just has piles of cold pasta sauce splattered all over it. I like spaghetti when I do it the way I like it but that one in the OP looks like spaghetti I would hate.

>> No.16369775

>italian pasta
>chow mein
>pretending hair is food
>other asian pastas
suck my wiener if you disagree, please.

>> No.16369789

>suck my wiener if you disagree

Present it.

>> No.16369824

tried taking a picture of it but it was too big for my camera lens. post pic proving you aren't the ubiquitous /ck/ tranny, and I'll contact the Hubble telescope

>> No.16369843
File: 15 KB, 698x440, images-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smooth ones are the worst

>> No.16369960

Why do wh*te people hate pasta?
>start with grainy trash pasta
>over-boil it
>add token amount of sauce
>always acidic

When was the last time /ck/ baked their pasta in the fry pan they made the sauce in?

>> No.16370028

imagine being a fucking liberal

>> No.16370041
File: 157 KB, 620x930, best-gnocchi-recipe-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16370050
File: 271 KB, 1200x800, jamie-oliver-recipe-book-conservas-olasagasti-gennaro-bucatini-quality-canned-tuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bucatini is the most fun pasta, and any kind of sauce that might cause sketty to clump is glorious when made with confident, composed bucatini

>> No.16370067

Gnocchi are the absolute best.

>> No.16370117

literally this >>16369960

>> No.16370129

homosexual hands typed this factually incorrect post

>> No.16370138
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 23813[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16370163


>> No.16370176

What a terrible name for a pasta brand. It reminds me of an unfunny woman.

>> No.16370183

This. They don't hold sauce well and the sharp corners really hurt when I cram them up my ass.

>> No.16370226

I like linguine tho

>> No.16370413

What's the verdict on drowning your pasta in sauce? I love sauce. I'm always surprised when someone tells me it's an issue to add so much sauce.

>> No.16370438

A lot of fat and "unhealthy" stuff is supposed to be in the sauce. But I'm with you, I love sauce, but too much can be decrimental to taste though.

>> No.16370477
File: 130 KB, 720x720, Homemade-Tagliatelle-Pasta-3-720x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright retards, put away your squabbling over which of your shitty, pedestrian pasta species can be the most inferior. It's time to make way for the undisputed king.

>> No.16371094

It doesn't even matter what shape home-made's done in. If you're making it to your spec (egg to water ratio, flour types and ratios), it's going to be miles better than mass produced. Tagliatelle's good for homemade, because there's enough mass to show off how it feels, and it can be fairly forgiving when cutting by hand.

>> No.16371914

>gets raped easily by ravioli and cries about it for the rest of its lonely existence
what did tagliatelle mean by this?

>> No.16371934

I only eat linguine and there's nothing any of you can do to stop me

>> No.16372254

>ravioli ravioli don't etc. etc.

>> No.16372542

reading this list, I realized I don't really like pasta. rice tastes better with proteins + is less starchy and calories

>> No.16373395

no clue what youre talking about

>> No.16373400

then your sauce is too thin faggot, there are holes and ridges for it to work its way into