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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 591 KB, 1214x1080, roastedblueberries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16358067 No.16358067 [Reply] [Original]

I made a dough of whole wheat pastry flour, bread flour, yeast, salt, sugar, msg, beef tallow (rendered from making stock), and buttermilk.

I also add glycerol monostearate and sodium stearoyl lactylate as moistening additives.

I made a filling of ground beef and pork with chili spices, chopped pitted kalamata olives, cream cheese, roasted blueberries, fish sauce, woostyshire sauce, salt, pepper, caramelized onions reduced with semi dry wine, and sherry vinegar.

The filling is cooling in the fridge, and my dough is rising. I want big puffy empanadas if possible. I hope I can seal them to where I can fry them but if not I will bake them.

If you wait around I will post the finished product later tonight (if I finish tonight).

What DOUGHS have you made and used lately? Not breads, but like filled items especially. I am curious how you make them.

>> No.16358079

lol wtf heinous

>> No.16358139

trust me its good

>> No.16358216


>> No.16358249

You’re a fucking madman but I’d try it, the only thing I’ve had covered in blueberries like that was a loaf of goat cheese, was good.

>> No.16358261

>yeast, sugar, msg, moistening additives

>> No.16358272

Let's freshen this thread up a bit with some sexual violence.

>> No.16358418
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I wanted sort of like traditional raisin, olives, beef filling, but a little modernized, and to use up shit I have.

>> No.16358443
File: 536 KB, 1136x1080, blueberryfilling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the finished filling

the dough has risen and I am going to store it overnight in the fridge

I will finish this up tomorrow, if thread's still up, or maybe make a new one if not

>> No.16358761


>> No.16358769
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>> No.16358781

to be creative and free up space in my freezer

>> No.16358783
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>> No.16358808

It's not like sweet sundae ramen or something, I actually put effort into my cooking. I am simply unconventional.

>> No.16358822
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That looks like my liver.

>> No.16358933
File: 149 KB, 1200x845, buns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like crap OP. I just do normal yeast buns filled with some combination of ground meat, onion and mushrooms. Goes well with sour cream or soup...plain even.

>> No.16359023

Bumping for interest in the final product

>> No.16360345

This sounds actually kinda good op, the blueberries and fish sauce sound like the odd ones out though
Nonetheless my sides have escaped Earth gravity

>> No.16360353

Imagine the smell

>> No.16360478

A very small amount of fish sauce. I did not add more than maybe a teaspoon. I add it to tomato sauce and meatloaf too. Synergistic effect with msg.

>> No.16360489

Don't listen to the manbabies, OP. I'm intrigued and want to see where this goes

>> No.16360529


>> No.16360715
File: 292 KB, 1080x947, empanadawrappers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just add a really tiny bit. I rarely add a LOT of msg to food, you can always start really smol and see if you like it. I think people expect maybe like a really strong effect from msg or other glutamates/amines but the flavor difference can be quite subtle and I like to use a rather small amount.

Anyways, I rolled out 14 empanada wrappers (maybe 5-6 inches diameter). I'm going to let the dough rest, and then I need to fill them, and then let them do a second rise, then decide whether to bake or fry them.

>> No.16360729

>le moistening additives xD
Ever try not being a fucking faggot?

>> No.16360737

Now THIS looks tasty.

>> No.16360782

I found that with most of my doughs, they tasted DRY, and if you look at most commercial buns and breads they have similar chemicals.

Also, there is no need for homophobic slurs here.

>> No.16360783

I would eat that

>> No.16360810

>Also, there is no need for homophobic slurs here.
You sure about that? You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.16360822

Fried empanadas are generally superior to baked ones

>> No.16360833

millennials should have never been allowed in the kitchen.

>> No.16360958

t. zoomer

>> No.16361556 [DELETED] 

bump. I’m interested in OP’s dish. dried fruit + meat can def be tasty in the right proportions. not sure how it would work in an empanada but I’m curious

>> No.16362078

Well, my concern is if I have trouble getting them to seal properly, I should bake them instead.

>> No.16362328

Op failed. Tastes like shit.

>> No.16362996

did not

it is 100 degrees outside, I am going to wait till tomorrow morning, roll them up, and fry/bake them and post them!

Just you wait!

I have rolled out the dough disks, made the filling, just have to assemble and cook.

>> No.16363013
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Imagine the bleeding and endorphin rush when you finally get to pick that scab

>> No.16363086

If you crimp it well I don't see why you'd have an issue.

>> No.16363190


>> No.16363270

Well that seems like a lot of work and I have never tried doing that before (like actually braiding it). I want to try just using a fork and I have made doughs before that were impossible to cleanly seal and I don't want stuff that explodes when you try to fry it, or leaks a lot.

>> No.16363272

whats going on in this thread

>> No.16363405


>> No.16363457

I have to say looking at your filling if you made it more of a sweet dish (mild sweet) of blueberries, cheese and so on without meat and olives/fish sauce/onions/chili spices it would be pretty interesting.

It's real fucking weird but god bless OP I hope you like it.

>> No.16363658

empanadas, tomorrow, be patient please

ppl here such babies about a little fish sauce lole

>> No.16363883

>mild, sweet


why ppl here so afraid to try new things

>> No.16363909

ngl that sounds pretty dope
looks kinda hideous tho

>> No.16363921
File: 111 KB, 1000x650, 1598660981592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those random chemicals
Lol. You should keep it NATURAL

>> No.16363931

>looks kinda hideous tho

do you closely examine the fillings of empanadas while you eat them usually?

>> No.16363941

>Fish sauce
>Worcester sauce
Pick one, they both accomplish the same thing and you add salt on top of it. And roasted blueberries, no one knows what you're going for here. Maybe it'll taste great but chances are it's going to taste like ass.

>> No.16363949
File: 170 KB, 1500x750, EMPANADA-TUCUMANA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, and they are usually pretty nice

>> No.16363973

>doesn't look like vomit
I don't think thats how they are supposed to come out, OP is the expert here

>> No.16364039

shame there is so much negativity here

>> No.16364083

first day?

>> No.16364087

I been here since Puddi.

>> No.16364139

/ck/ has definitely gotten shittier over the years

>> No.16364144

oh wow, a genuine oldfag! well met good gentlesir

>> No.16364183
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Looks like a liver with cirrhosis

>> No.16364457

>shame there is so much negativity here
So sad!

>> No.16364475


>> No.16364524

Shut up faggot who cares what commercial places do

>> No.16366270

Ok today I am going to finally make them! Stay tuned!

>> No.16366347
File: 9 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blueberries are my alltime fav but still this strikes fear into me

>> No.16366496

I need to see the finished product.

>> No.16366520

I just finished lunch. I will start filling them now, but they need a second rise before I can bake/fry them.

>> No.16366536
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>> No.16366647

Post lunch

>> No.16366682

from the thumbnail it looked like a piece of whale meat.

>> No.16366683
File: 92 KB, 820x764, 1447396976221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't handle this culinary war crime being committed.

>> No.16366791
File: 391 KB, 1455x1080, empanadas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking is all about learning lessons from experience!

So, I used a yeast dough, and I did not separate the rolled-out empanada wrappers with wax or parchment paper. That was stupid!

I rolled out 14 wrappers initially, and was only able to salvage 11 of them because some of them totally stuck together and the plastic wrap I used to package them was slightly bulging. That said, they got a good long cold fermentation so the flavor should be nice.

I feel like maybe they are a bit too gigantic to fry and actually cook all the way through. I will see how they look after their second rise.

I realize they are gigantic and kind of messy looking but I have not made empanadas in years and I shall only improve. Pictured is 4 but I made 11 total. I will let them rise.

Is it worth risking frying them or should I just bake them?

I had leftover Peruvian-style roasted chicken with plantains and yucca fries.

>> No.16366797

i'm glad you're learning new things, anon. i look forward to seeing your result.

>> No.16366799

the dough looks like it's cracking a lot, I wouldn't risk the fry
give them an egg wash and bake maybe?

>> No.16366832

The dough is actually holding together pretty well. I mean it was easier to roll out (after resting) than some doughs I have worked with (butter cookie dough is impossible).

I think maybe I will test-fry one of them, see how that goes, and decide from there. My other concern is how the fried ones will hold up after a day or two. They are just going to sit out because I will likely take them on hiking day trips as a lunch (their intended purpose) and I have a feeling fried might get soggier than baked a day later. Can always fry some, bake some I guess.

>> No.16366837

Super ambitious, OP. Very unconventional ingredient combos but it could work.

>> No.16366874
File: 372 KB, 550x467, 1596169255558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pulls up to scenic overlook
>snaps a few pictures
>"whew, driving and walking 10 feet from my car gave me such a sweat, better eat my homemade fried empanadas filled with chemicals, cream cheese, sugar and msg"
>slowly dumps photos in their /out/ thread over the course of several days to keep it near the top of the catelog

>> No.16366885
File: 45 KB, 612x600, 1624594193244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider kys

>> No.16366926


>> No.16367160

what a handsome lad

>> No.16367275
File: 387 KB, 1080x1305, empanadas2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puffy bois

I finished!

>> No.16367285
File: 916 KB, 3857x1071, empanadas3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interior shot (I knew someone would ask)

>> No.16367293

OP delivers but I also hate that you did

>> No.16367300

this thread has me on the edge of my seat

>> No.16367304

>"puffy bois"
>flat as a pancake

>> No.16367309

How's it taste?

>> No.16367311

Penis. Inside. Now.

>> No.16367313

Just like you imagine it, death.

>> No.16367329

Well, they puffed up while frying from how they looked before frying. The dough was pretty thin.

Pretty good.

What worked-

tallow - using rendered beef fat makes the dough impossibly crispy and flaky, the dough was absolutely completely perfect and I wouldn't change a thing, moist brown crispy perfection

wasn't too salty, wasn't too sweet or sour

what didn't-

I felt maybe it could have been more spicy to contrast the creamy/fruity aspect.

The warm cream cheese was a bit weird, but the rest of it worked. Maybe next time try it without the cream cheese, but everything else worked. I mean it isn't bad by any means, it is just very unexpected.

Probably will taste different cold, maybe it will work better then.

>> No.16367330

Well, OP? Would you feed this to schoolchildren on Wednesdays?

>> No.16367354

why so oddly specific?

Anyways a few other notes. I was worried the dough would fall apart or leak when frying, that was not an issue, at all. I used a very low temp when frying, I didn't measure with a thermometer, but my gas stove was set to between 2-3, so pretty low heat because I didn't want it to brown before it was cooked all the way through.

I added the cream cheese, in part, because I was worried the filling wouldn't hold together if I didn't and that wasn't an issue either. As long as you fully chill the filling in the fridge before you assemble them, it should be fine.

Also, I really liked the yeast dough. Superior texture and flavor without tasting fermented/alcoholic/sour at all really (despite using buttermilk to moisten the dough).

Make sure to let the dough fully rest before you fill them, and fully rise before rolling out and cutting your rounds.

>> No.16367410


>> No.16367464


>> No.16367586


>> No.16367791


>> No.16367806

i enjoy seeing you experiment. I'm a madlad myself. I made fish sauce, soy sauce ice cream and bread

>> No.16367839

not incredibly appealing to look at, but i'm happy it worked out for you. best of luck with your tweaks.

>> No.16367857

that looks good as fuck

>> No.16367871


>> No.16368039
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even more terrifying than I expected
seems like something that would be a lot better as a dessert dish

>> No.16368072

>nitpick descriptions
>blind as a bat

>> No.16368093
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>> No.16368190

>anons flipping their shit over the combination of fruits and meat in the same mixture
Learn how to cook, anons

>> No.16368215

This. I know /ck/ is mostly full of retarded college student who've never cooked in their lives, but this is just diappointing.

>> No.16368312

>combines blueberries with ground beef and pork
>leaves thread up for days without results
>surprised people on 4chan call you names

>> No.16368317

Man why do you have to cope like this
No op can take criticism or jokes these days

>> No.16368523

Mincemeat pies were made with beef, pork, and fruit filling for hundreds of years until the bongs forgot how to cook at the turn of the 20th century

>> No.16368581

I mean sure if it is constructive criticism but something on par with "eww thats yucky" doesn't really teach me much.

Anyways thanks for all the support from the few ppl who dared me. In the future, next time more chili powder, no cream cheese, but otherwise probably similar recipe.

It tastes fine and is perfectly edible! Enjoying one now during a tornado AND flash flood warning (comfy thundiestorm(!

>> No.16368803

I love fruit filling.

>> No.16368888

what is a guga

>> No.16369235


>> No.16369519
File: 130 KB, 1280x862, empanadas arabes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, those are actually pretty nice.
congrats OP
I did me some "arabic empanadas" or a local take on the fatayer that's popular in my country.

>> No.16369560

Thought these were hamantaschen at first.

>> No.16369568

huh, they do look similar
these however are savory and filled with ground meat that has been marinated in lemon juice and spices and mixed together with bell peppers, tomato, parsley, fresh mint and onions

>> No.16369569
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>> No.16369591 [DELETED] 
File: 3.69 MB, 4024x2858, Hamentaschen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just bake them?

Those are precisely the shape of hamentaschen (which I have yet to roll out successfully because the butter makes them impossible to roll without completely sticking).

Behold, my failures.

I do like lamajun (similarly spiced meat I would imagine), but sometimes they are too sour.

> in my country

I wish death upon all Muslims for their tireless oppression of gays like me.

>> No.16369592


>> No.16369612

son, I'm from Argentina I couldn't give less of a fuck about what goes up your boipussi
I've learned the recipe from an armenian ex-gf and its almost identical to the lamajun, but instead of open faced you shape it like a little triangle and use the hole on top to drop fresh lemon juice if you feel like it
I made them this week. I love the recipe because it stretches pretty well and I just froze whatever is left
I can make food for several meals from a relatively small amount of ingredients

>> No.16369633
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>> No.16369939

How's the roast looking

>> No.16370009

What're the ingredients you used?

>> No.16370613

the list is here:>>16369568

>> No.16370639
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