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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 29 KB, 1024x575, muh-dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16355197 No.16355197 [Reply] [Original]

Does aphrodisiac food exist or is it a meme?
I know having a balanced diet will make you healthier overall. But are there food that will actually make your dick harder?
asking for a friend...

>> No.16355252

its a meme, every food has been claimed to be an aphrodisiac at some point in history

>> No.16356592

it's pure placebo, but placebos still work, so it can be whatever you want

>> No.16356613

Celery. Makes my dick hard as bricks.

>> No.16356954

Viagra works, so maybe there are some food with the same chemicals in them.

>> No.16356972

if you are nutritionally deficient certain foods very high in specific nutrients will basically act as an aphodisiac by restoring you to your natural horniness

one very popular example is how a lot of people are deficient in zinc and when they consume oysters which have a ridiculous amount they suddenly are able to fuck like their 20 again

>> No.16357022

What you need is a healthy prostate. The prostate is 50% of erections.

>> No.16357134

How do I get a healthy prostate?

>> No.16357218

The more attractive you are the better they work

>> No.16357268

regular ejaculations, but not too often.
get rid of anterior pelvic tilt, if you have that.
avoid stress.

>> No.16357309
File: 467 KB, 800x448, Limp dicks need not apply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make your dick harder
You can only get so erect.
Limp dicks need medication not food

>> No.16357314

>meds to get erect
then its a dishonest erection. even worse than no erection at all.

>> No.16357346
File: 135 KB, 1023x682, depositphotos_99751482-stock-photo-pile-of-dollars-image-with.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does aphrodisiac food exist or is it a meme?

>> No.16357357

Melons with holes in them make me rock hard now

>> No.16358426
File: 138 KB, 1200x1122, y5d56d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its pretty obvious that increasing your testosterone, increasing your libido, reducing your stress, and improving your cardiovascular health will all increase the quality of your erections.
Meds have a bunch of side effects that increasing your general health doesn't, but doctors often recommend pills first, because they're fast, easy, shown to work, and they get a cut of the pill selling profits

>> No.16358562

I sandwiched my gat husband's firm proboscis in between two pans of steaming hot salmon and had a seafood basket of cock. With lemon .

>> No.16358635

i get it, but i don't

>> No.16360059

bot broken

>> No.16360577

>Does aphrodisiac food exist

>> No.16361021
File: 32 KB, 480x240, potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Accordion to health website t-nation, pomegranate juice and plain popcorn boost your erection.

Personally, when I go on a super weight loss diet and eat nothing but potatoes my libido shoots through the roof and my dick gets diamond mode, but dear God it sucks.

>> No.16361059

>Does aphrodisiac food exist or is it a meme?
It most certainly exists. It's called alcohol.

Don't believe me? Try going to a bar and seeing how many of them you'd bang before you start drinking and after you've got a few shots in you.

>> No.16361074

Does l-citrulline count as food? If so, then yes, absolutely

>> No.16361095

>super weight loss diet and eat nothing but potatoes
Wait a minute I thought potatoes were awful for you.

>> No.16361201

Foods high in arginine and citrulline make it easier to get a boner but doesn't give you one

>> No.16361208

Super high satiety index, minerals, carbs, bad for you? Get outta here twink fag