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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 91 KB, 630x419, 71996kelownacookinggrease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16354367 No.16354367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My problem.

>> No.16354375

I'm proud of ya son
t. Landlord

>> No.16354492


>> No.16354799

good job anon

>> No.16354800

Pour the oil in the can one day, eat the bug the next day.

>> No.16355217

>he doesn't recycle his oil

>> No.16355227
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>> No.16355229

now make mayonnaise

>> No.16355230

i pour mine into empty milk jugs and throw them onto the train tracks when i get too many

>> No.16355241

based locomotive greaser

>> No.16355244
File: 209 KB, 1200x829, DSC_8528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I soak it up with raw oats and put it in the birdfeeder.

Here's an upsidedown great tit

>> No.16355330
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>> No.16355346

thats a blue tit, greats have black on the top of thier head
also based

>> No.16355842


>> No.16355847

I actually kek'd audibly at the thought of this

>> No.16355897

whats so funny about it idiots

>> No.16355900


>> No.16355903

Do not call me an idiot.

>> No.16355904

Based tit observer

>> No.16355917

Nothing Jimmy, go put your alphabet blocks in order again.

>> No.16355938
File: 275 KB, 1200x772, DSC_8849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. I just pulled a random pic from my bird folder and most of the tits are great tits so I didn't bother giving it a close look
Please accept these Eurasian Oystercatchers as atonement.

>> No.16355939

>saving grease for later use
americans deserve expensive healthcare

>> No.16355948

pigeon penguin hybrid lol, cute.

>> No.16355954

Based home owner

>> No.16355955

Saying grace and saving grease.
It's the American way

>> No.16355972
File: 395 KB, 1044x1200, DSC_8544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my language they are called "beach magpies" because of their patterning.
They are not corvids at all.

>> No.16355980
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>> No.16356005
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>> No.16356069

Is that bad for the birbs?

>> No.16356080

Once the can is full, you can lardbomb your public library. Smart thinking!

>> No.16356134

Throw it into the ocean along with your car batteries. Do your part.

>> No.16356571

YES I pour oil down the drain
YES I don't separate my trash
YES I flick my cigarette buds out of my open window
YES I throw food packaging and bottles just onto the street where ever I'm walking

I don't know from which 3rd world shithole you guys hail from but where I live there exists a profession called 'garbage man', they walk around the city and pick up trash.

>> No.16356640
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I pour oil down the drain. But to be fair it is never a lot, the most I do is like pan dry something in my cast iron, so less than a half inch oil. Also I put Dawn with it bc my mom told me that it 'cuts up the oil' and I've stuck with that for 20 years.

>> No.16356656

Yes. It kills them.

>> No.16356678


>> No.16356679

Get the vaxx
Eat the bugs
Live in a pod
Suck the tranny pee pee

>> No.16356680

Just always use lard or tallow and consume it instead of throwing it.

>> No.16356740
File: 580 KB, 674x473, badlands chugs a wiener.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the noise the hot grease makes when I pour it down the drain

>> No.16356774

now that's based

>> No.16356787

Bro... You've got maggots in your oil

>> No.16356801
File: 73 KB, 1200x743, your_problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my prob- .... oh shit

>> No.16357275

i would like to wish all of my fellow sink shitters a good day

>> No.16357293

There's people on this board right now who don't keep a bacon grease jar

>> No.16357308

It be easier if apartments had containers for dumping used oil like restaurants do. Otherwise fuck the landlord, its his fault if he gets clogged plumbing

>> No.16357338

You WILL eat ze fried maggitz.

>> No.16357394

>eating saturated fats

>> No.16357431

Love mo some oystercatchers. They're such cute dorks.

>> No.16357451

I always save my grease. Cook my eggs in it.

>> No.16357455

You’re absolutely right! I /do/ deserve instant service and satisfaction instead of hours in a waiting room, days in a packed ER, and an ambulance ride in the back of a Mercedes Sprinter van.

>> No.16357463
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>> No.16357592

question for the bird lovers since they're in this thread:

What fats and oils are OK for birds to eat? I have pounds of chickenfat and I would like to make use of it.

>> No.16357594
File: 329 KB, 1600x1066, 004-horz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Freeze grease
>Here's your cookies & cream "milk shake"

>> No.16357612

Good bulking food, shitting your pants is a free perk.

>> No.16357627


>> No.16358221
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I kept a jug of grease for the year I lived in one apartment a while ago. On the day I moved out I warmed it up and poured the entire thing down the drain, then went and turned in the keys. I never went back or heard anything about it but I hope it caused them trouble, they were assholes. Fuck landlords.

>> No.16358239

Just give it to chickens. They will literally eat anything

>> No.16358250

Thank you based plumbing destroyer.

>> No.16358254

you are an idiot.

>> No.16358331
File: 159 KB, 260x280, 1620819248730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based.

>> No.16358615

boiling water and ice cold water is a good one too
throw that in right before the grease
then flush a a couple long fuse m90's down the drain for double-tap

>> No.16358633
File: 352 KB, 1600x1200, rat hoarder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel this thread
t septic owner

>> No.16358639

I wonder how many are murdered by the others every day.

>> No.16358651

probably not enough

>> No.16358678

Thank you anon for posting this image, I opened steam and bought the orange box on sale for $5 CAD! I would've totally missed the sale without this reminder.

>> No.16358709

jannies have left this up because they're glad op is being a responsible citizen

>> No.16358787
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>> No.16358973

I store my grease in a grease trap and use it later. Delicioso

>> No.16358977

I watched that episode of hoarders. Less than you think. Some of the rats were messed up but they were pretty well cared for all things considered. It was still animal abuse and some of the rats had to be euthanized due to injuries from infighting.

>> No.16359165

Good on you