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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 51 KB, 751x532, a-gooey-naughty-cheeseburger-recipe-main-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16354126 No.16354126 [Reply] [Original]

What makes you keep going back to your favorite burger place instead of just making your own?

>> No.16354136


>> No.16354139


>> No.16354145

my fire alarms

>> No.16354163 [DELETED] 

The ingredients I would use to make a burger, other than the ground beef, aren't ones I would use except on the occasions when I feel like having a burger.

>> No.16354164

My burgers always turn out shit because they're not scientifically designed in a laboratory with chemicals and ideal salt, char and moisture content to optimally stimulate my taste buds and endorphin production.

>> No.16354165
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Nothing. My favorite burger place is my home. I grind meat for patties, I bake my own buns and I make my own fries.

>> No.16354180

I'm proud to say my burgers are very close of not the best burgers I've had.

fresh meat is key. also don't over cook them. medium well is perfect.

i go out for burgers of I dont have meat at home, of if I'm not home.

>> No.16354183
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Nothing, because I only make my own and have perfected it

>> No.16354186

why so much mayo

>> No.16354199
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...you can't be serious

>> No.16354221

I like mayo.
Based tbanon

>> No.16354222

>the width of that thumb

>> No.16354228

The only thing you perfected is shitposting and being annoying.

>> No.16354231

Baby hands typed this post.

>> No.16354232


>> No.16354238


>> No.16354267

Tastes better when poor people make it

>> No.16354277
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>What makes you keep going back to your favorite burger place instead of just making your own?

>> No.16354281

Damn your mom lets you have 8 whole fries?

>> No.16354349

I only need one potato for myself.

>> No.16354362

I don't. I just buy stock in publically traded fast food companies because we share the same viewpoint: fatties should die.

>> No.16354421

invest in my burger joint, anon.

>> No.16354429

it's as simple as i really fucking hate making them.
burgers are easy as fuck to make but I literally can't make them because I live in an apartment and I'll set off all the alarms.
so i go to this one really great food truck down the street from me that makes junior cheeseburgers for $2

>> No.16354436

That looks like utter shit and I'll be it tastes just as bad. Quit trying to cope.

>> No.16354969
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It's not as good

>> No.16354988


>> No.16355460

/ck/ should open up its own burger joint, some kind of panama papers shit. bitcoin and mr beast style but with real cooks.

>> No.16355469

I make my own smash burgers with onions and smoked mozz, ketchup and Mayo, and iceberg lettuce at least 3 times a week. I never buy burgers in restaurants

>> No.16355514

what a sad little burger

>> No.16355530

nothing, ever since I saw how easy it was to make smash burgers i haven't bought a fast-food one since

>> No.16355537

are you me?

>> No.16355740

Go back

>> No.16355743

unless you eat burgers every day, it's much cheaper

buying all the toppings and such and use them over and over is wasteful unless you eat it every day (which isn't really healthy), not to mention the grease smell of cooking them

>> No.16355756

>cookie monster
Your ether 12 or a girl

>> No.16355763

>can spend an hour buying and storing all ingredients, prepping them and then cooking them
>or work an extra hour have someone use professional equipment and still have $30 leftover
Yeah real difficult decision

>> No.16355830

>I'll set off all the alarms.
just get a nice fan for the window and cover those alarms with a bowl, you know the glad storage ones that are light as cheap plastic. use poster putty around the rim and press it to the ceiling
hell I don't even have a hood in my apartment
I usually make them at home. using a portable vintage charcoal grill is simple and I've about perfected my favorite sauce. which is just a mixture of most of the normal burger sauces with some smoke and using the right ratio, BBQ and MAYO heavy
But I do like the favorite shops too. it's usually the sauce that brings me in, Swesons galley boy has a couple sauces and putting it all together reminds me of a chili cheese burger

>> No.16357291

>perfected it
Your burgers are fucking vile, faggot

>> No.16357367

The fuck is that?

>> No.16357380

You don't have to cook burgers at 9000 degrees, y'know? I'm not setting off any alarms at med heat

>> No.16357399

That looks good

>> No.16357414
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Yes! Folsom taco bell dude! Keep up the good work.

>> No.16357420

Oh man, so hard to spend a few dollars on pickles and cheese and salad and """prepare them"" by slicing a couple of things while the burger cooks

>> No.16357484

folsom taco bell always fucks up my order.

>> No.16357500

I like a thick patty and the sass from the miserable employees sustains me until it is ready.

>> No.16357725

what the fuck are you doing on /ck/ if cooking a god damn cheeseburger is too much of a hassle for you?

>> No.16358120

these guys are skellies that will only eat half a cheeseburger at mcdonalds, of course they are overwhelmed by buying an ENTIRE package of all the ingredients needed because they'll just end up nibbling on the bun while everything else goes into the trash

>> No.16358135

Nothing. I haven't eaten a burger I haven't cooked myself in over four years.

>> No.16359037

ok fatso

>> No.16359040

ok fast food eater

>> No.16359074

We're talking real burgers retard, not fast food

>> No.16359422

>what made you cook burgers at home instead of eating out?
the price realistically.
got fucking sick of paying fucking $15 for a tiny macca's burger and ma n pa burgers are always way too retardedly big with too many ingredients.
I dont want half the fridge on my fucking burger
I dont want to keep paying $15 for shitty take-away burgers.

So I just make em at home now. Much cheaper and I can make them exactly how I want every time.

>> No.16359468

Firing up my grill, then cleaning it just for 1 burger doesn't seem worth it to me.

>> No.16359475

Old image is old, but still based and delicious.
That looks fucking vile.

>> No.16359476

gotta unplug that shit homie

>> No.16359488
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Like what?

>> No.16359501

Fuck off, Tb anon

>> No.16359534

Economy of scale. Making burgers is on my rotation of meals to cook periodically but it’s a lot of wasted produce to use a slice of onion, a slice of tomato, two pickle slivers, and one slice of cheese to make one burger, and maybe another one the next day. I’ll usually try to follow it up with hot dogs in the next few days but I end up just eating a ghetto iceberg lettuce salad with a bunch of the unused toppings.

I don’t really have a burger place that I frequent but it’s the same reason I prefer to just buy a box of fried chicken instead of making either enough for 1 day’s lunch or a feast fit for all of my coworkers.

>> No.16359745

tell us about your fries game plox

>> No.16359757

not allowed to have a grill in my building and the american cheese they use at the burger joints is not the same as those individually wrapped cheeses from the grocery store.

>> No.16359785

>not allowed to have a grill in my building
maybe its time to stop living like a rat and move out of that 2x4 commieblock then

>> No.16359790

I don't go out just to get a burger. I'm out for something else, and feel like getting a burger. If I'm home I make something better.

>> No.16359871

Burgers will all the fixin's require a good number of ingredients you would only use for burgers that you want relatively fresh.



So-so. Insists upon itself.

Ugly but unironically probably tastes the best of any homemade burger in this thread by avoiding pretension.

>> No.16359879

I unironically could never get my burgers to taste as good as restaurants, I found out that it's because my local grocery store's ground beef sucks. I ain't gonna spend $100 on my own meat grinder so fuck that, I'm gonna continue buying from burger places.

>> No.16359884

remarkable post but what did he mean by this

>> No.16359940

Let's do it

>> No.16359945

> The McCumshot

>> No.16359948

Dunno, there must be like 10 people posting here. Too many conflicting egos to run a business successfully.

>> No.16360016
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Bump, keep this thread alive until tomorrow, im cooking burgers then

>> No.16360336

They worked hard to get a good blend and texture with suet, brisket, he's beef, shortribs etc. I do a smash burger that's better than most but the really good burger places take a whole afternoon or even a day to beat.

>> No.16360342

I get acne from cooking griddled burgers.

>> No.16360450

the soy and oestrogen in the food

>> No.16360926
File: 75 KB, 800x600, shake-shack-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

met my current gf there. She worked at the register. I'm divorced, 34, she's a 19 year old qt, going to school for nursing. She got laid off during pandemic and moved in with me.
We mostly stayed home during the pandemic. I work from home. She claims to know the secret mixture of Shake Shack burgers and has recreated it at home. 8/ShackShack.

>> No.16361103

>I'm divorced, 34, she's a 19 year old qt

>> No.16361139
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I just buy frozen burgies from target/walmart and toss em into the air fryer. works well enough.

>> No.16361352

They're a family business that I like to support and also they keep a lot of stuff on hand for my usual, a double with chili and cheese and pickled jalapenos. It's nothing I couldn't do myself but if the whim hits me then I don't have to make chili and procure cheese.

>> No.16361356

slop pilled

>> No.16361464


>> No.16361545
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>> No.16362236

They use a josper grill, which I am unable to replicate at home

>> No.16362238

i live in a condominium you peasant piece of shit, not being allowed grills is a firecode thing.

>> No.16362258

This is a prop

>> No.16362291

Too bad you don't live in Champlain Towers South, I wish you did.

>> No.16362298

goddamn you fat fuck

>> No.16362319

Too expensive for me to eat out regularly. This has forced me to get good at making my favorite foods, burgers being one of them.

>> No.16362334

Don't you have a park or recreational area with a grill? Most of the new condos near me have that.

>> No.16362393
File: 1.38 MB, 1536x2048, 95DCCBEB-B08D-4840-95F2-FFD2941E262E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give recipe fellow gelfling

>> No.16362501

yeah, whatever fancy alternative word for APARTMENT helps you sleep better at night, poorfag slum-dweller LOL

>> No.16362510

Making burgers is kinda and extensive process and uses a lot of ingridients, more so than other dishes, most of the time is better to get one already made

>> No.16362553
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>> No.16362581

>Cook some meat
>Cheese (you have cheese, it lasts ages)
>Pickles (you have pickles, they last ages)
>Onions? (you have onions, they last ages)
>Condiments (you have condiments, they last ages)
>Salad (if you're into salad, you have salad)
All you've gotta do is buy meat and buns

>> No.16362605

I make my own doofus, make my own.

>> No.16362617

I literally only have the meat readily available at my home

>> No.16362618

damn that shit looks great

>> No.16362645

yeah but i dont trust the community grills and you have to book them ahead of time. ive made diy burgers at home with my cast iron pan with good quality buns and cheese and it was pretty good but it didnt quite have that restaurant taste and i think the cheese is part of the reason.
i own my unit you fucking loser

>> No.16362754

I didn't even look at that. you gotta be some kind of insecure freak, eh?

>> No.16362800

lmao it has to be swis cheese

>> No.16362802
File: 124 KB, 1100x619, 210624171016-24-miami-building-collapse-0624-super-tease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this u??

>> No.16362812

McDoubles cost 1.30, it's really hard to beat that.

>> No.16362815

Cash only since before I was born.
Tradition with my father.
Locally sourced meat, etc..

>> No.16362821

kys immediately and never cook burgers again its not hard to get a cast iron skillet and make a smash burger by litterally flattening a ball of meat on a cast iron

>> No.16362824

litterally just make a smashburger on a skillet tard

>> No.16362825

i dont have a bbq and i live in an apt. it makes a greasy mess on the stove top

>> No.16362844

if making burgers is hard and a lengthy process you should go back to the golden arches you tard burgers can just be a patty inbetween 2 slices of bread and if thats 'a lot of ingridients' than why tf are you on this board in the first place ffs

>> No.16362861

I’d eat your every day burger TB Anon

>> No.16362895

Cooking burgers is more laborious than making spaghetti or a grilled cheese.

>> No.16362925

I'm sorry making a sandwich is such a taxing endeavour for you, anon, I really am.

>> No.16362943

How long should it take to prepare a good burger? I can do it in 30 minutes and my burgers tend to be pretty complicated.

>> No.16362956

What're you doing? Grinding the meat yourself? Caramelising fresh onions every time?
Spending more than ten minutes on a burger is missing the point imo, but I won't begrudge it.

>> No.16362990

All of the above and then some. I understand preperation should to be a quick thing, but I love burgers (American) and I love trying incorporate new ingredients. Apparently I need to figure out the timing so that 10 minute mark is good to know..

>> No.16363055
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This sounds to me like you put the patty directly on an electric burner... Please tell me that's not true. Invest in a pan, your nearest thrift shop should have one for cheap

>> No.16363101

you get a based from me, anon

>> No.16363110

Evidently doesn't take too much.

>> No.16363130

enjoy your Mc Trash burger faggot

>> No.16363138

Correct, I do enjoy your dad's colon nightly.

>> No.16363143

Oooooh wow I'm so offended.

>> No.16363160

I know, deal with it faggot, lol.

>> No.16363171

isn't there more than one taco bell in folsom?

>> No.16363180

I've never made a burger that tasted anywhere close to the best burgers I've eaten. /ck/ would have me believe that this means I just suck at cooking. But somehow I doubt any of you here have ever cooked up burgers that good either.

>> No.16363206
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>> No.16363212

i feel like i can make a comparable burger to the ones I'd get at the store

>> No.16363233

i didn't finish this thought -- it depends on how you cook your beef and your fat content a lot I think. I always use a cast iron skillet and baste it in butter. Never felt like the meat was ever poor. It's just the toppings that I feel other places do better than me, but that's not usually a big deal

>> No.16363237

The duality of man.

>> No.16363292

Nothing, I don't have a favorite burger place because I just make my own burgers better than most other places.

>> No.16363302

So you say. Post a pic you dumb little fuck.

>> No.16363589
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