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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 800x600, bulletproofbuttercoffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16351204 No.16351204 [Reply] [Original]

Butter edition.

>What ya drinking?
>Where's it from?
>You getting any more?

Previous thread >>16314114

>> No.16351209 [DELETED] 

I'm enjoying a nice cup of Israel roast with a bagel.

>> No.16351219

butter in coffee tastes beyond horrible
Id rather intake coffee and butter separately

>> No.16351274

Da fuq?!

Is that thing for real?

>> No.16351283

Some people on keto do it.

>> No.16351287

i dont know about butter, but i have tried putting a spoonful of coconut oil in a blender with fresh coffee and it comes out really nice

>> No.16351296

I’ve had it with a spoonful of cannabutter
Brety gud boys

>> No.16351300

Tried Tim Hortons for the first time last week. Its not bad, will drink it more.
t. burger

>> No.16351302


>> No.16351305


it's like you don't want to go to heaven

>> No.16351310

I did coconut oil and butter in coffee for like 6 months on keto as my breakfast. It was good to hold me over until lunch, but fuck did it taste terrible.

>> No.16351324

Are you a masochist?
If intaking pure oil is more pleasurable than the "recipe" maybe somethings off.

>> No.16351332

If I'm being honest it tasted bearable most of the time, but towards the end I got really sick of it and now I can't fathom trying to down it. I like black coffee with a cup of milk on the side if I'm eating breakfast at the same time.
I was lazy most mornings and so I would do a tbsp of each and just stir the shit out of it and not blend it because I didn't want to clean anything. So it was like
>stir stir stir
>moments later the top is entirely oil
>stir stir stir

>> No.16351337

The recipe is you use a blender to make the fat mix into the coffee

I wonder if many people go on keto for a 2nd time and do as well as the 1st time. You have stuff like your breakfast experience and general boringness of not eating carbs.

>> No.16351344

Do Americans really?

>> No.16351400

Its usually mct oil or ghee. I've always wanted to infused a little ghee with wax and stick a spoonful in my morning espresso.

>> No.16351440

fucking ketards i swear, breakfast is an Adventist invention, just drink some coffee without sugar or any sweetener and you won't feel "hunger" until lunch unless you are 4%bf (which ketards will never be)

>> No.16351446

The point is your body actively uses the fat as primary energy source, not fast all the time

>> No.16351471

I don't get the butter thing either. I've been eating keto for a really long time. Just use cream. Or sacrifice 1g of carbohydrates with half & half. You don't even need a blender. Wow! Was it some kind of youtube dipshit who convinced people to put butter in coffee? Seems schemey.

>> No.16351479

there are no halfway points, humans need the 3 macros, anyone to claim otherwise has to show a functioning civilization that ate only 2 (and no skimos don't count as they never got past small tribes).
as of cuting carbs having a deficit of 5 pounds or more of water will provably kill you in the right conditions, and as you don't get the benefits of fasting, ketogenic diet are nothing more than another suicide cult same as veganism and whatever we choose to call the retards that are afraid of a few mg of cafestol.

>> No.16351493

Nah, you're brainwashed by the grain merchant cults. You only NEED 2 macros: fat and protein. In the absence of carbohydrates your body makes them.

>> No.16351507
File: 279 KB, 1280x1280, If I dont see it it doesnt exist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I've seen someone make "show me a functioning civ except the ones that dont count that use 2 macros" to discredit keto.
That should go onto some mental gymnastics comic like pic related.

>> No.16351531


>> No.16351604

>Was it some kind of youtube dipshit who convinced people to put butter in coffee?
Bulletproof coffee guy. But again, its ghee and mct oil. I couldn't imagine using land of lakes kek.

>> No.16351612

Ahh... That guy sold his own brand of coffee, right?

>> No.16351635
File: 49 KB, 752x401, bulletproof-coffee-recipe-blog-header-orange-french-press-min-752x401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Dave Asprey. I've never tried any of their bullshit, just got pure mct and cooked my own ghee down.

>> No.16351647

Does removing the butter milk particles improve the taste or something?

>> No.16351694


>> No.16351737

Who tf knows. You're removing milk solids and water. Essentially distilling out the liquid fat, so you've got more fat per gram than butter.

>> No.16351766

it wouldn'tbe a suicide cult if people walked away easily, so thanks for proving atleast some part of my post as true.

>> No.16351810


>> No.16351833

I have been drinking nitro coffee. Made a 4L batch and now have it on tap.

My Flair and 1zpresso jx pro arrived over the weekend. I set it up today and made an espresso. I had already had too many nitros to go through the process of trying to dial in a new grinder/machine/coffee.

Im now looking for a decent set of scales with timer. All the low end scales seem to have a lot of problems but it seems expensive to spend £60 on scales.

>> No.16351870

Drinking some shit or other I ground and french pressed. I don't love the taste of coffee and it all tastes like ass to me, but it helps me work.
Just a tiny bit of sugar and a couple teaspoons of milk.
I think coffee snobs are as bad and full of shit as wine snobs.

>> No.16352069 [DELETED] 

>get a manual grinder they said
>it's going to be good they said


I drink way, way too much coffee to be fucking around with this handheld grinder. God fucking damn.

I don't got time for this shit

>> No.16352070

Take the lunar pill. Never bitch again. Or buy an $12 weightman and replace it every so often.


>> No.16352090

someone didn't fork out for the jx-pro
you only have yourself to blame

>> No.16352097 [DELETED] 

It better buff my balls for $120

No fucking thanks. I shelled out half that and my asshole is already raw from being fucked.

>> No.16352118 [DELETED] 


I do want to add though it is some delicious coffee.

An anon from the last thread informed me my temps were bad ( which they were ) and since corrected and getting nice cups of joe.

>> No.16352125

your two veg would be fucking waxed and varnished. I upgraded from the Hario Skerton and its an absolute dream, I'm actually tempted to get rid of my Wilfa Svart seeing as the hand grinder does 20g in 20 seconds for me

>> No.16352136 [DELETED] 

>20 seconds for me
This is what I'm bitching about.

It takes roughly that amount of time. I can't be bothered with that in the morning let alone through out the day whenever I want some coffee.

Fuck that

>> No.16352148

Just buy a Niche Zero then?

>> No.16352150

then why'd you get the hand grinder at all anon?
I do recommend the Wilfa regardless

>> No.16352162

the fuck? you have a huge boiler with hot water on demand or something?

>> No.16352194

Tim Hortons is a meme, Mcdonalds buys beans from the same supplier Tim Hortons used to, so if you want the real Timmies experience, get your coffee at Mcdonalds
t. Canadian

>> No.16352255

That. How fucking quick can you boil water?

>> No.16352267 [DELETED] 


Yeah I have a kettle that holds the temp to whatever I set it to. It's not like I'm standing around holding my dick waiting for water to boil

>> No.16352353

Yeah I've got an ekg. It holds temp and boils water quick enough thats its not a big deal to fill it and grind for a few seconds. I do 33g pourovers with an m47. Quit being a limp wrist.

>> No.16353160

>What ya drinking?
Tchibo instant, with 3 teaspoons of condensed milk, plus ice.

>> No.16353585

Picked up an old bag of stumpdown homestead to fuck around with on the flair58.

>> No.16353590

At no point in human history such a big portion of the population had this kind of control over their diets, why do you need that kind of proof, you absolute morron?
Keto is fine, but I think intermittent fasting achieves a similar effect while being less restrictive.

>> No.16353734

>At no point in human history such a big portion of the population had this kind of control over their diets

HAHAHAHA, the big system controls the goyim's hormones, and hormones control cravings, there are no ghosts in the machine. if you believe any NPC has control over their own actions, you are beyond delusional. that is why i put the functioning civilization requirement as the west and west aligned countries are headed for a collapse so big the Mayans are smilling for finally getting company.

>Keto is fine
unless your body needs to use that extra water a 2k kcal 3 macro diet makes you carry

as someone that lost over 80 pounds with a lot of 3 days fasts, i would never fast again except for the health benefits / religious reasons, being low on water doesn't feel good and ketards think that is normal while not getting any health benefits, but go ahead and eat more butter with your coffee while getting "healtier".

>> No.16354072

Sure thing Mr Kellogg's, eat all that carbs so good, yummy

>> No.16354207

cold pressed coconut oil w black coffee is my go to morning drink.
I do deadlifts.

>> No.16354389

Canadian and bitching about Tim Hortons is just a national meme, the baked stuff is fine, coffee is passable, the only thing that sucks is the food and specials. Can't believe everyone complains about the new fresh eggs.

>> No.16354577

Is microwaving coffee (e.g a latte or something) bad? I feel like it makes it taste slightly worse but not that bad

>> No.16354599

Reheating coffee breaks down the volatile aromatic compounds. It makes it taste like months-old stale coffee.

>> No.16354627


>> No.16354681
File: 61 KB, 405x500, 1624273897959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ordered a cheap v60 kit
How hard is it to get a good cup out of v60? I have a decent grinder, a scale with timer and a regular kettle.

>> No.16354726

I like, uh, coffee with milk. 200ml milk, 200ml coffee and a couple of small sugar spoons, a perfectly sized split for my mug. I drink it 5 times a day, sometimes with a serving of peanuts. Give it to me straight, am I a coffee pleb?

>> No.16354734 [DELETED] 


>> No.16354789

I dont get how people tolerate milk in coffee.
It's animal derived product that tastes bad.

I use oat milk, tastes better, has better texture and its only about 2.4 times more expensive than regular milk.

>> No.16354818

>It's animal derived product that tastes bad.
Milk tastes delicious what are you talking about. Whole milk ofc skim makes me gag.

>> No.16354872

>Give it to me straight, am I a coffee pleb?
I think you already know the answer to that question anon.

>> No.16354924

Cold brewed dunkin doughnuts in french press, pour, reheat, add whole milk and honey. Superb.

>> No.16355013

Yes, but starting off at shit tier just makes it easier to make massive improvements on the cheap.

>> No.16355359

the baked stuff is edible, but I think the reason people complain is because they remember the time it used to be twice as big and baked in house and cost 60 cents, at least I do
t. 90's kid

>> No.16356006

my shit is bitter
internet tells me this means overextraction
how do i know if i need to grind coarser or shorten my brew time
this shit is expensive and i would very much like to cut down on trial and error

>> No.16356014

Try a combination of shortening brew time, lowering temp, and making the grind less coarse.

>> No.16356033

that'd require brewing three different cups

>> No.16356045

>American coffee

>> No.16356196

You can't change three variables at once and know which one did it.

Sorry, you have to be methodical to figure out what you like. You could get lucky though. Post grind size photo, brew time, ratio, coffee type/roast level, and water temperature and nerds will probably be able to point you in the right direction faster.

>> No.16356418
File: 102 KB, 750x454, 07-tamako-inada-silver-spoon-anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I had my coffee black with some honey and an orange flavoured vitamin c tablet added

>> No.16356673

Invariably, if it's your first time using a pourover, the first few cups be a bit weird. With a week of one or two cups of coffee a day, you'll be pretty okay.
And then you'll only get better from there!
If you're using light roast, tune in only with grind size.
Yes, grind coarser.
Coarser grind naturally means shorter brew time, but don't worry about brew time. Focus on grind size.
If you're brewing medium or dark, then do consider water temperature only after you've done some adjusting with grind size - but even then, it's probably just waiting 10-20 seconds after final boil, or letting the water to cool down while you're doing something like bloom.

>> No.16356993

At what price point do electric grinders start to outperform manual? I’m on the niche zero mailing list but I have a m47p and love the thing, so spending that much on a convenience upgrade seems silly.

>> No.16357028

Some cold brew my boss made, taking it black
Cold brew has a such a nice rich flavor. I think this is the third day it's been "steeping".

>> No.16357235

Copper Moon big sur blend with whole cloves and some coconut oil
Probably later tonight

>> No.16357565

What's the best way to start dialing in a new grinder, machine and coffee at the same time? What would you focus on first?

>> No.16357719

If you really want to be anal, run 5lbs of the cheapest coffee you can find through the grinder to break in the burrs. Otherwise just don't get set on the fact that a certain number gave you great results at one point. Those fresh burr edges are going to roll over for a while, changing how they perform at whatever arbitrary numerical setting.

>> No.16357861

Its a hand grinder. Theres no chance i will be putting 5lbs of beans through it.

>> No.16357957
File: 827 KB, 2178x1584, cocoa coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is very clear about approving of milk

>> No.16358347


>> No.16358996

how much worse is the kinu phoenix than the original?

>> No.16359008

also why is the phoenix 325 on amazon but 199 on the prima website?

>> No.16359025

Same burrs, lighter, more plastic.
Scalpers. Its a high demand item.

>> No.16359033

hot damn just ordered it on prima

>> No.16359069

Its great. Been using mine since 2019.

>> No.16359239


>> No.16360055
File: 107 KB, 1080x1350, MTG21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do you have coffee?
For me, it's breakfast. Next is one at 3pm as a last boost before rush-hour traffic.

>> No.16360101

Drinking my first cup of one of my new Kenyas. Roeasted slightly past city. Warm: very citrusy, well-rounded depth, aftertaste is a warming and tounge-tingling half-orange/half-cinnamon and clove, surprisingly low acidity. Cooling: the citrus morphs into a gentle jasmine and orange blossom floral flavor, but the warming spicy aftertaste remains (a tad less clovey, more chocolatey). A new non-citrus fruitiness emerges as well. I can't figure that out yet. Fun coffee!

>> No.16360144

Cold: taste is almost as fruity as a dry process Ethiopia. Still can't figure it out. Has a grab bag fruit punch thing going on. Very cool for a wet process Kenya.

>> No.16360160

Can anyone suggest good Youtube/reading resources explaining the difference in countries/processes/elevations etc? Basically a beginners crash course.

>> No.16360165

Most days I'll either make two double espresso shots - sometimes bare, sometimes in a flat white, sometimes both - or 32g of filter coffee that for me yields four 120g cups. Most days that's my daily intake. Sometimes I'll have more during the day or in the afternoon.

>> No.16360173
File: 22 KB, 425x425, coffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drank one of these for the first time, it was fine. gotta remember to make my own cold brew later lol

>> No.16360177

>Nespresso purple pod
>The Amazon website
>Hell yes, 50 pods incoming Friday
It's so much better than this coffeeboo shit

>> No.16360178

10am and 2-3pm Basically in between meals.
I find it useful to stave off hunger.

>> No.16360208 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 1304x2048, E4AZ7qeVoAQOqxG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16360396

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.16360402

I love animals.
Mostly when they are medium rare but depends on the recipe.

>> No.16360409

Advice for making cold coffee for an entire week?
I don't particularly like hot one and I'd prefer having the convenience of just opening fridge, pouring some premade coffee and enjoy it but I'm unsure if I should just go unga bunga and literally make coffee, cool it down and then just store it or if I could make something a bit fancier and enjoyable.
Ultimately, I want to be able to get my caffeine whenever I need it but if it can be a nice experience too I'd be happier about it.

>> No.16360429

Huh? Make a pitcher of cold brew bro. Let some grains soak overnight in a pitcher and filter it afterwards. If you're lazy you can by little packets you can fish out the next day. Boom cofee for a week

>> No.16360434

Yeah getting the fancy equipment is something I'd reserve for when I want a treat, not for general drinking. For that I just have a Keurig: quick and good enough(instant and pot coffee makes me sick for some reason - think I subconsciously associate it with migraines.)

>> No.16360438

Whenever the caffeine withdrawal headaches start to hit.

>> No.16360442

What about ground coffee, anything I can do with that?

>> No.16360447

Ah, well, I guess your best bet is to make a big ass pot of coffee then chill it for later use.

>> No.16360452

Just combine water and ground coffee and allow to infuse for 24 hours and then strain through a filter.

I find 8:1 works well for a ready to drink coffee, so 125g coffee to a litre of water. If you don't have space you can make a concentrate of 2:1 water to coffee and then just dilute with more cold water when you want to drink it.

>> No.16360453

The other guy who responded to him. I heard using ground coffee might overinfuse it and make it gross.

>> No.16360455
File: 94 KB, 450x600, eohbzqj3rkptd7kannez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee snobs are pathetic. Anyways, was this until my friend was drunk and dropped my french press. After I told mum that happened, she bought me a 10 pack of nescafe vanilla latte sachets. it's fine.

>> No.16360459

You don't use ground coffee for cold brew? What do you use? Whole beans?

>> No.16360461
File: 66 KB, 488x488, lazy.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I assume he means fine store bought ground coffee. I grind breans to a coarse consistency.

Or use these if im lazy

>> No.16360468

>Well I assume he means fine store bought ground coffee

>> No.16360503
File: 2.23 MB, 3088x3088, 20210630_143111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee bean cookies, thanks sister.

>> No.16360509

nice vulva cookies

>> No.16360536

I find bulletproof coffee pretty tasty.
Coconut oil does bring it together rather well.

>> No.16360560

You can make cold brew with whatever store-bought ground coffee just fine.
It's way more lenient than any sort of coffee that's brewed hot.

>> No.16360658 [DELETED] 

eat her pussy

>> No.16360764

I've never had any problem using store bought pre ground for cold brew. Just choose a medium roast and its fine.

>> No.16361384
File: 78 KB, 1206x645, lidl espresso machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any eurofags here?

My capsule coffee machine broke, and i wanna take the opportunity to finally upgrade to a proper espresso machine. Has any of you tried this Silvercrest machine from Lidl? 15 bars of pressure, milk frother... can't be too bad for 70€ right??

>> No.16361412

i love coffee but it always makes me really have to shit.

>> No.16361417

does the combination actually taste good or do you only like it because it gets you high?

>> No.16361422 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 244x272, 233471755344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like the taste of coffee?
Do you like the taste of coffee...ON WEED?

>> No.16361430

That's disgusting

>> No.16361434 [DELETED] 

No, it isn't. Ghee provides a velvety mouthfeel, almost as if the coffee is hugging your mouth.

>> No.16361475

It can, and it probably will be very bad.

Depends what you're looking to achieve though. If you're just looking for standard, every day, average tier espresso there are better options.

Personally I think you would be better off with a DeLonghi. You should be able to pick up a DeLonghi espresso machine for around 100. They are consistently the best cheap option from my experience. Pair it with store bought coffee and you'll end up with average but acceptable espresso. I used that set up daily for 5 years and it worked just fine.

The streaming wand on a cheap machine is next to useless though.

>> No.16361503

is this post a joke?

>> No.16361520

is that "standard, every day, average tier espresso" better than pods machine espresso?

>> No.16361558

Personally I'd say yes. You still have the opportunity to get a grinder and play about with a cheap machine if you want to.

I think the espresso I used to get on my DeLonghi was better than most chain coffee shops.

>> No.16361589

>They are consistently the best cheap option from my experience.
When your experience is a $100 15bar delonghi and nothing else, I could see this. Jesus how far this thread has fallen.

>> No.16361616

cut the elitism, not everyone can justify purchasing a high end machine.

>> No.16361653

Name a better sub £/€100 machine then.

Most machines in that price range arent great. But if you arent fussy about it being plastic, the steaming function, noise etc then DeLonghi is the best that I have seen for under 100.

The closest option that might be considered 'good' is the Flair Neo, but even that would require some upgrades which make it more like 200.

>> No.16361665

stop drinking "espresso" then retard, it is literally the most expesive coffee to make at home, and only justifiable if you really like it and there is no place that pulls good shoots in driving distance.

>> No.16361677

This is spastic logic

>> No.16361728

no it isnt, percolation tends to underextract, faster percolation underextract really easy.
if you want a machine capable of extracting in 30 seconds you better be ready to pay for it.
or you could brew coffee in 4ish minutes really cheap.

there is no cheap way of getting a good espresso extraction.

>> No.16361749

People are allowed to like bad things, I guess. As long as they're aware.

>> No.16361846
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>> No.16361866

Yeah. The whole discussion was clearly focused on low end options and it was quite clear about what could be expected. Its perfectly possible to get good extraction on the cheap. Flair Signature and 1zpresso JX pro comes to about £350 and that is more than adequate.

That being said, not everything has to be top end. If you eat steak, is it always A5 wagyu?

>> No.16361896

But you can justify recommend a machine without knowing anything about the market. Real strange.
Anything used that doesn't have a 15bar pump.
>People are allowed to like bad things
Sure, but they can't assert bad things are a better value than good things, when they haven't tried the good things...
>is it always A5 wagyu?

>> No.16361903

Justifiably* Gboard autocorrect is really getting on my nerves.

>> No.16361954

>manual espresso with manual grinder @350 pounds is bare minimum for a espresso shot

that is ridiculous expensive for half taskers, a 40 pounds chinessium grinder can get you even good turkish grind + 20 pounds at most of a moka pot or french press.

the guy wanted to burn around 100 pounds on a machine to get nespresso tier extraction.

>> No.16361956

A machine having a 15 bar pump doesn't make it bad. A lot of expensive machines have this. Unless they are all bad too?

No one said bad things are better than good things. They said in a given budget, one product is better than another. Not that the product was better than things far more expensive.

Your reading comprehension is terrible.

>> No.16362003

>I want a luxury appliance but I don't want to pay for it
Coffee isn't a necessity. You're not going to stroke out from abstaining for a few weeks while you accumulate enough extra cash for a half decent setup.
>Unless they are all bad too?
If you can't adjust it, yes. They're trash. Don't try to pass your bad purchases off onto others because you have internalized buyers remorse.

>> No.16362028
File: 304 KB, 589x476, 6545745u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I had my coffee with some butter and honey, maybe I didn't add enough but the butter didn't add anything and just left a layer on top that looked very unpleasant with a bunch of little droplets of oil/ grease throughout.

>> No.16362031

You triggered the consoomer schizo, just ignore him.

>> No.16362096

There are far more delongis in landfills than a n y other "espresso" brand. Fat americans fight each other on black friday to save $15 on them. There isn't a more cumsoomer appliance.

>> No.16362326

Is that photoshopped coffee ???

>> No.16363301

2 mugs/4 volumetric cups with breakfast. A cuppa the shit at work here and there as I feel like it

>> No.16364405
File: 149 KB, 1400x700, kenya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Kenya #2: Explosively sweet and acidic, even at city+. Big body, predominantly oranges with a tartness like cranberry. This one has much less complexity, but is more powerful inside me. Background flavor is that interesting, indescribable coffee fermented taste. Pucker up, buttercup.

>> No.16365044

God I love coffee black.

>> No.16365047


>> No.16365717
File: 184 KB, 1600x990, 20210627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakfast only

>> No.16366503

I was also a ketard and did butter in coffee. It was okay, but the real shit is Tibetan butter tea.

>> No.16366553

You should try erythritol sweetened butter hot chocolate.

>> No.16366636

>tasting notes: blueberries, dulce de leche, chocolate
Do people actually detect these tasting notes in their coffee or is it all marketing? I can't taste that shit at all

>> No.16366642

A good light roasted natural process coffee often tastes and smells like blueberries. Good stuff when you can find it.

>> No.16366646 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder the only difference you taste between a $100 and a $1000 espresso machine is purely in your mind.

>> No.16366748

maximum copium

>> No.16366763
File: 183 KB, 1309x961, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is delicious and yes i can taste the orange very easily using a medium coarse grind pourover

>> No.16366767

Nyuukah even aside from the taste there's a difference in design and manufacturing. You buy chinkshit it will suck and you'll need to replace it in a few years

>> No.16366777

These days almost all top brands have switched manufacturing to china
they produce everything
chinkshit as a term is redundant since the alternative isn't in the 600-1000€ range, it's some 5000€ machine made for rich folks

>> No.16366817

I thought strong flavor notes were bullshit until I found the right grind setting.
I'm not sure how exactly the relationship between grind tolerance and taste varies between brew methods, but it's been pretty small of a range for my pour over.

>> No.16366901

>Daily reminder the only difference you taste between a steakums and mid grade australian wagyu is purely in your mind
Daily reminder you're poor.

>> No.16366902

Vegans don't care about animals.

>> No.16366909

this. white vegans care more about their virtue signaling than the bullshit they spout. i haven't met one single white vegan that isn't some sort of full of shit hypocrite.

>> No.16366960

Ah yes, I'll enjoy it with my Wisconsin Peccorino-Romano and my Kentucky Cognac.

>> No.16367023

You understand aus9 can exceed jap a5 marbling right?
>Wisconsin Peccorino-Romano
Sartori out of WI blows most producers out of the water.

>> No.16367050 [DELETED] 

>justifying your placebo purchase

Keep it up bud

>> No.16367062

All you really need is an aeropress.

>> No.16367112

I'm not arguing about the relative quality. I'm just saying that wagyu literally means "Japanese beef". Highly marbled Australian beef should be called Shitpostergyu or something.

>> No.16367140

Going to wagyer you've don't even cook american prime, but thanks for the input.

>> No.16367148

This sounds amazing. Thanks for the rec.

>> No.16367240

The first single origin I had was an:
Ethiopian Yirgacheffe
Washing Station: Idido
Altitude: 2050-2200 m
Natural Process
it smelled so strongly of blueberries that I thought I was having a stroke
Enjoying an americano from a blend now with a stroopwafel. Bretty good

>> No.16367270
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>> No.16367283

Altitude? What is this?

>> No.16367295

Altitude at which it's grown in Meters Above Sea Level (MASL)

>> No.16367297

The beans are grown 1900 meters above sea level. Beans taste less of fish the futher away they're grown from the sea.

>> No.16367298 [DELETED] 

It's a meme attribute which has no influence on the beans.

>> No.16367338


>> No.16367426

>only 2 significant figures for altitude

>> No.16367823

I want to prepare jars of cold Irish Coffee for an event. How should I do it? Should I just pour hot coffee into a jar, mix it with liquors, and put it in the fridge? Or should I prepare a large container of cold brew coffee by letting ground beans steep in cold water for 24 hours and then straining it into jars and mixing with liquors?

>> No.16368009
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>> No.16369000
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>> No.16369224

What are some /ctg/ approved YouTube channels?

>> No.16369256

only coffee gay and trust fund pixie bitch barista

>> No.16369258

Based sprometheus

>> No.16369488
File: 492 KB, 220x161, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It's the hoff

>> No.16369567
File: 75 KB, 1200x628, French-Press-vs-Pour-Over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is better?

>> No.16369614 [DELETED] 

immersion so.. press

>> No.16369752

French Press! also im trans btw if that matters

>> No.16369758

Fr*nch press blows ass and I have never gone back to using that piece of shit after getting a V60

>> No.16369778 [DELETED] 

I've never seen someone so objectively wrong but here we are.

2 + 2 = eleventeen

>> No.16369785

Why is he wrong? I was thinking of getting a drip thingy.

>> No.16369797

Sneedthe, presscel

>> No.16370025

who is this pixie bitch barista

>> No.16370385

How do I get water temperature right? Does it matter if I French press with boiling water? Can I just add a little cold water first to stop the coffee from over extracting?

>> No.16370432

Most people use a thermometer when they want to be nerds about water temperature. It's pretty easy. You can just stand there and wait for 30-60 seconds for the temperature to drop to where you want it. Honestly, it doen't matter too much because the glass or metal container will drop the temp a few degrees as soon as you pour, then it will continually cool while the coffee steeps. You won't be able to easily control the speed at which it cools, unless you're in a temperature controlled environment. Don't worry about it too much. Precise temp control i for espresso machines. Time and grind size matter more for french press coffee than a few degrees differences in water temperatures. I only made press pot coffee for ten years, so I'm probably full of shit. Ignore this post.

>> No.16370658


sorry, she is also fat

>> No.16371355
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>first sip on a rainy morning

>> No.16371538
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>> No.16371551

Pour over, and it's not even close

>> No.16371732

Is putting milk in coffee bad/unhealthy?

I usually drink it black, but I bought the wrong fucking stuff and it tastes like shit.

>> No.16371766

Most people use electric kettles...

>> No.16371781 [DELETED] 

holy fuck your taste buds must be scorched earth if you truly believe this and aren't shitposting ( which to be honest should be criminal in /general/ threads ).

>> No.16371794


>> No.16371799 [DELETED] 

>damage control

>> No.16371800

The absolute state of aeropresslets.

>> No.16371806

we get it, you can't afford a gooseneck kettle or espresso machine. my mother uses a french press. go cry about it on r/coffee.

>> No.16371938

After about a year using a Timemore Chink2 i finally caved and bought a Kinu. Now that I'm capable of grinding for espresso what manual machine should i get? is it either the robot or flair?

>> No.16371972 [DELETED] 
File: 1.71 MB, 1109x1464, 1615823782604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manual machine

>> No.16371979

>espresso machine

>> No.16372001
File: 123 KB, 1756x396, cope nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flaircels just can't stop losing

>> No.16372011

whats your fucking problem

>> No.16372014

Yeah I prefer V60 for sure. A lot more flavourful imo

>> No.16372032

eat those indigestible slave grains covered in pesticides, government subsidized faggot

>> No.16372035

just use a frother and heavy cream, it's good with the butter

>> No.16372037

People who don't own robots really like them. People who own flairs really like them.

>> No.16372040

You will never be a real espresso machine.

>> No.16372044

science says otherwise, retard trump supporter

>> No.16372049

>People who own flairs really like them.
I fucking hate mine, finicky piece of shit.

>> No.16372053

>No grouphead
>No boiler
>No steam wand
But mommy it's not mental illness I really am an espresso machine and I always have been! I just need thousands of dollars of expensive surgery then I will look just like one!

>> No.16372061

>steam wand
for what purpose? harry potter erping?

>> No.16372063 [DELETED] 

what does he mean by this?

>> No.16372071

Post it.
Nothing. Theres a real antiflair crowd on social media. Most use hario skertons.

>> No.16372090

>what is yeast?
can you imagine being a ketard and not using all 5 kingdoms as your diggestive system

>> No.16372106
File: 819 KB, 2498x1686, piece of shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still a machine
>an apparatus using or applying mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task.
>noooooooo you can't criticize a thing I own, you'll give me a heckin buyers remorse!!

>> No.16372140
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>you'll give me a heckin buyers remorse!!
Used mine for years, just sold it to a friend when my 58 got delivered. What are your gripes? What other simple machines do you struggle with?

>> No.16372149

A machine by definition has at least one moving part, retard.

>> No.16372165

you physically can't digest fiber. accept it. your digestive system is half the size of great apes and lacks the same kind of gut bacteria.

>> No.16372173

What's the best coffee I can make without a coffee maker? I can get filters and beans from the supermarket, and also use the grinder there.

>> No.16372178 [DELETED] 

>imagine believing a lever isn't a machine

the absolute state of /ck/

>> No.16372187

See >>16372053
>no pump
>preheating is annoying
>cleaning is annoying
>back to back shots are annoying
>dose and yield are limited
Yeah I'm thinking it's a waste of time, money and space.
Btw I pulled a shot while writing this post, good luck doing that with a flair.
Work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.16372190

bros i just wanted recs for a manual espresso maker i never wanted all this ruckus

>> No.16372194

get an aeropress :^)

>> No.16372205

> Simple Machine

> Lever
> Wheel and axle
> Pulley
> Inclined plane
> Wedge
> Screw
pick one

I like my flair, haven't used a robot. Preheating is a bit of a pain, but I just use a basket steamer and preheat while I get my breakfast stuff set cooking
I have a horrendously shitty espresso machine from the 1970's that I use exclusively for the steam wand with my flair
I was traveling for work a few weeks ago and made a janky immersion pour over with a glass jar and a paper filter. If you have a mason jar and a mesh strainer (for supporting the filter) congratulations, you pretty much own a clever

>> No.16372210

Don't lie, you love it

>> No.16372243
File: 2.53 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20210702_193405827[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No pump to break
>No expensive flare seals to replace
>You can thoroughly clean the ENTIRE machine within 5 minutes
How often are you tearing your pump machine apart to decalcify?
>Back to back shots are annoying
Wipe out the basket and pull again?
>dose and yield are limited
Not an issue if you're not a discord faggot obsessed with "sprovers"
>Btw I pulled a shot while writing this post, good luck doing that with a flair.
Doubt it.

>> No.16372280

odds - robot
evens - flair
dubs - rok

>> No.16372301

And the flair wins by a landslide.

>> No.16372386

I quit my job and am pleased I bought a rancilio silvia and rocky while the getting was good back in March. I immediately had to stop drinking all forms of coffee at work as I refused to pay £3 for a cup everyday after dropping £800 on a machine/grinder with better beans at home costing me £0.20 a cup.

Biggest regret was not buying one of these in 2012 instead of my first 'real' stereo. Advice to you guys wanting to make the move to do it as soon as possible. I've burned the handles off maybe half a dozen moka pots over the years and smashed about same amount of french presses. Never fell for the aeropress although they don't look to bad... Add on a few burned out electric grinders and I was probably closed to £150 down the drain.

I've just been drinking shots for 3 months and 7-10day fresh beans are where it is at... After this you can taste it... Once you finally have a machine you accept you were kidding yourself with a moka pot although once in a while with the right grind you could do pretty well

I'm getting fat since I'm in eating all day so looking for some 'cooler' coffee / iced drinks ideas. Maybe get out the blender and look at crushed fruit smoothies again.

>> No.16372417

>'cooler' coffee / iced drinks ideas
For espresso: Try granita di caffe, chilled espresso poured over shaved ice
For pourover: Make "Japanese-style" iced coffee with a V60 or Chemex according to the James Hoffman recipe, where you use 50-ish g/L coffee brewed with 60% water weight in hot water in the dripper and 40% of the water weight in ice a carafe underneath the dripper

>> No.16372792

If you are looking for chilled coffee ideas that must mean you dont have a Nitro coffee set up at home? Strange.

>> No.16373106

Just get a cheap french press or v60

>> No.16373115 [DELETED] 

french press
clever dripper

in that order

>> No.16373123

as a teenager and young adult I used to drink Tim's coffee, but I quick for a couple years now and have noticed it's all low brow poor people that walk around carrying Tim's. kinda interesting

>> No.16373166

Alright, tell me how much I fucked up today. So, I've only ever drank pre-ground coffee. I'm just about out of Yuban coffee, so today I went to walmart and was looking at the selection in the coffee aisle.

I decided to try something new. I bought a bag of whole bean Eight O'Clock columbian coffee and bought a $13 KRUPS electric coffee grinder. I'm going to try it out later. I'm very excited.

>> No.16373239

Congratulations buddy. You literally bought a product of slave labor. I hope you're happy you retarded fucking incel.

>> No.16373320

literally backwards

>> No.16373339

>product of slave labor.

then it would be a sin to not use it. I won't let their labor be in vain.

>> No.16373384 [DELETED] 

It's backwards for people who literally have no palate as well as can't taste the nuances between different brewing methods.

>> No.16373421

enjoy your estrogenpress

>> No.16373425 [DELETED] 

No u

>> No.16373448
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>> No.16373469

What’s a good ratio of preground to water to make cold brew?

>> No.16373483

Kill yourself

>> No.16373509

How rude

>> No.16373525

>go into coffee thread and make retarded bait post
>get told to fuck off
>wow rude :(
What were you expecting exactly?

>> No.16373538

I was expecting an answer to my question you autistic asshole

>> No.16373561

Magnolia Papua New Guinea medium roast with notes of dark chocolate and graham cracker. grind it fresh for french press

>> No.16373611
File: 352 KB, 1161x500, Screen Shot 2021-07-02 at 8.28.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this shit a scam

>> No.16373617

>manual espresso
Yes, it's a fucking scam. All lever "machines" are scams.

>> No.16373629 [DELETED] 

>seething trying to justify their placebo purchase

Keep going anon, it's really cute

>> No.16373638

Is that the ORIGINAL rok with the acrylic brewhead that cracks or whatever? They might be trying to offload old units. I believe they're still upgradeable though.


>> No.16374259

i drew the line at Cuties.

>> No.16374276
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Are double walled glasses a meme?

>> No.16374297

No? What do you even mean? It's a fucking cup how can it be a meme?

>> No.16374340

I just haven’t been redpilled on them yet so I thought they might be an epic meme is all.

>> No.16374345

Its all chinese glass. Even the "high end" kruve.

>> No.16374366

Cold brew.

>> No.16374574
File: 97 KB, 737x759, vanilla-almond-creamer-473ml-fr-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drank my coffee black for so long but I can't resist this, it's too good

>> No.16375214

Ok, two days off roast, this one's acidity is much more toned down. Still getting citrus and cranberry, but it's mellower. There is definitely chocolate in the background, piqued ever so slightly with this mysterious fementy taste. Interesting, but I'm not surprised. It takes a while to understand a coffee, and then there are going to be some things to learn as I tweak the roast level. This is a very nice coffee. As always, the huge, uniform size grading of Kenyan coffee is delightful to look at and to roast.

I love coffee so much.

>> No.16375310

maybe with some mass produced beans

>> No.16375317 [DELETED] 

Yeah, it's a meme. Definitely pass on the glass double wall insulated coffee mugs if you're wanting your hot drink to stay hot.

All of them are fucking terrible ( actively trying to find alternatives to be honest )

>> No.16375888

>la pavoni

>> No.16376600

plants might not have feelings in an animal sense but they are definitely conscious.

>> No.16376614

every day with breakfast. midday or after dinner espresso when i feel like treating myself.

>> No.16376620

its a cup you retarded fucking autist

>> No.16376633

I tried them. They were unwieldy, delicate (constantly worrying about bumping them into other objects and having them shatter, or about the handle snapping off just from the weight of the coffee in the cup), and the wide, rounded rim caused me to keep dribbling coffee down the outside of the cup every time I took a sip. Overall, shitty idea and shitty execution. Just get a $5 steel thermos and be done with it.

>> No.16376683

imagine living your life based on this post

>> No.16376863

>constantly worrying about bumping them into other objects and having them shatter

Dropped one of the kruve espresso cups into my sink last night. No break. Very surprised.

>> No.16377686

is there a middleground for coffee scales like the 50-60 dollar hario or is it either go real cheap like 10-20 or go 200 acaia

>> No.16377731

>middle ground
Kek, please get a better grinder. A cheap jewelers scale or some chink aliexpress "coffee" scale will work just fine.

>> No.16377776

my question is whether or not its worth purchasing something in between a cheap chino scale and the acaia

>> No.16377794


>> No.16377837

thank you for your time

>> No.16377875

French press has a really lovely thick texture, but you lose a lot of nuance imo. There are just better options for immersion brewers. Pourover is light and delicate, almost tea-like texture but can be really flavoursome and complex if done right

>> No.16377944

Question for those that prefer french piss to a v60: have you actually ever made pourover coffee properly?

>> No.16378111

Just get a weightman off amazon. Like $12. I went from 0.1 gram res jewelers scales off amazon to the lunar.


>> No.16378155

you can tell your manager at weightman that i bought it

>> No.16378430
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Like I said, I've got a lunar because I'm not a broke bitch. I just remember that name because the budgetboys on discord were rec'ing it for $9 on prime day.

>> No.16378850

clean your scale

>> No.16378893 [DELETED] 

Have you ever made pour over properly? Anyone who vouches for a V60 has no appreciation for coffee or has an underwhelming palate. Might as well just get you some starbuckerinos or Mcfatties coffee.

If you are controlling your temps and grind there's no way in fuckville you would prefer V60 over presses.

For the rest of the anons out there, don't fall for the V60 meme.

>> No.16378895
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Looks cool

What's it's resolution? 0.1g?

>> No.16378933

No. Also I somehow lost the rubber heat shield.
I've got it set to 0.01g

>> No.16380190

Is it worth the dime?

>> No.16380204 [DELETED] 

Anon it's a fucking scale. It weighs things and has a timer, that's it.

If you want to purchase a scale as a status symbol, have at it.

>> No.16380224
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>Have you ever made pour over properly? Anyone who vouches for a V60 has no appreciation for coffee or has an underwhelming palate. Might as well just get you some starbuckerinos or Mcfatties coffee.
>If you are controlling your temps and grind there's no way in fuckville you would prefer V60 over presses.
>For the rest of the anons out there, don't fall for the V60 meme.

>> No.16380246

timemore black mirror?

>> No.16380349

I think so, but I bought it with the express purpose of using it with the SEP. A waterproof washable 0.01g scale is pretty handy for droogs too. Also pourovers I guess. Wish it was usbc but whatever, I'm not going to sell mine and pay a premium to get the new one.

>> No.16380562

>What ya drinking? Where it's from?
Fruity light-roast from Kenya, at a local small roaster. Hate their bags, not resealable and I've procrastinated on buying an airproof container for way too long.
>You getting any more?
Probably not, it's good coffee, but I'm always and every time again surprised how much fruity light-roasts don't taste like coffee. Going with something more chocolate-y and medium roast next time I think.

>> No.16381225

Im gonna go get a coffee /ck/

Can I have (you) when I come back ? :)

Your next brew will be delicious

>> No.16381423

Post it then betch

>> No.16381690

Canadians really have a love-hate feeling about Timmies. It's still part of our national identity but we all know that it isn't owned by Canadians anymore, and that it's had its soul stripped from it.
Still we have so little that we cling to it.

Coffees fine, pastries fine. Standard fast-food coffeeshop.

>> No.16381699

A small cube of butter in black coffee is actually nice

>> No.16381743

How do people acquire a taste for light roast? I can't stand this shit. Even with a decent grind size, I can stand the acidity and sometimes vegetal tastes.

>> No.16381747

Unsalted butter in coffee is based

>> No.16381755

I'm just going to say it, Timmies coffee really isn't all that bad. I much prefer it to third-wave trash to be completely honest.

>> No.16381949

Yeah, like I said. It's not bad.
I mean, if I need a quick cuppa on the road or whatever, timmies does the trick.

>> No.16381974

It tastes pretty good bad. Drinkable but given the numerous McDonald's in its vincity it's not even worth getting.

>> No.16383372
File: 29 KB, 401x485, 1610623381830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just drink store brand decaf instant coffee.
I wanted to buy a coffee mashine but I'm a poorfag and the initial cost is too much.

Is the coffee with a mashine that much better?

>> No.16383422

Today I made coffee using a V60, french press, and aeropress with hoffman's technique for each. I used a Kinu grinder with single origin beans from a specialty coffee shop (fresh roast date, tasting notes, etc). My ranking is:

-power gap-
french press

This is objective and not up for debate.

>> No.16383448

do turkish, then your journey to the dark side will be complete.

>> No.16383524

i dont think hoffman has an ultimate method for turkish

>> No.16383525

Decaf instant isnt too bad, im a coffee fag and I just enjoyed a nice cup of it just now.

If you don't have a lot of money, just buy a cheap as shit french press, don't buy any dumb machine. Buy cheap beans from the grocery, or costco (if that's available). Grind the beans at each location, there should be a dial specifically for french press.

Put 2 tablespoons of coffee in the french press, fill up your mug of choice with as much coffee as you want. Pour water into coffee in french press. Let it sit for 5 minutes, plung and pour. This will get you good coffee.

>> No.16383552
File: 39 KB, 300x468, 1619207579624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>french press
Will check it out. This could be my jam.

>> No.16383580

then use new york expat fat hands

>> No.16383636

well the point is to compare the different brewing with a single default technique

>> No.16383978

Not all light roasts are the same, and there's a reason good quality brands are roasted lighter, while shitty beans are darker. I find Aldis donut blend to be good for the price. I grind the whole bean version at the store and is good as drip or French press.

>> No.16384016

opinions on milk in coffee? i cant stand black coffee, coffee with milk and sugar just hits the spot

>> No.16384090

Feels like its almost pointless using good coffee if youre adding milk. I certainly cannot distinguish between expensive and cheap beans after adding milk. I enjoy a cappuccino but I normally just use supermarket beans as its half the price of speciality coffee.

>> No.16384123
File: 423 KB, 1000x1000, PORLEX_II_MINI_2_1080x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid question, could I possibly use my porlex mini to grind some ice for snocones or would that wreck it?

>> No.16384217
File: 38 KB, 799x432, Screen Shot 2021-07-04 at 8.47.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4th of july sale 200 for a signature ayooooo

>> No.16384394

Go for it.

>> No.16384528

ceramic is significantly harder than ice, so unless it's also significantly more brittle than ice, which i doubt, there shouldn't be any issue with damaging the burrs
damaging the rest of the grinder might be an issue, though
also you'd have to freeze the grinder first if you don't want to just get mostly water out the end anyway

>> No.16384642

took the words out of my mouth. I accidentally got coffee on it and after letting it dry without the batteries it worked just fine

>> No.16385573
File: 30 KB, 756x756, IMG_20210705_095043_336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whisper voice>
'Mornin frens
</whisper voice>

>> No.16385645

Mornin fren. Whatcha drinking? How r u?

>> No.16385661

Traditional Arabian method of serving coffee. Not a whole butter stick like in OP's though, just a small dab of butter on black coffee.

>> No.16385676
File: 40 KB, 646x646, IMG_20210615_102150_947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good fren, thanks for asking.
I'm just at work, making espresso with a washed chelbesan from Ethiopia.
19g in, 41g out in around 29 seconds. Nice and juicy. Some lovely orange and sweet pear notes, and an Earl Grey/bergamot body.
Only fucking around with it because it's washed.
What about you?

>> No.16385865

Nice. Just got mine last week. Work process can be a bit slow to start, but it's great once you've got it locked in

>> No.16385953
File: 54 KB, 988x523, MTG23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconded. You don't have to go fancy. Start with a french press and grounded coffee.

>> No.16385962

Had a fruity + over-roasted almond flavor light roast today. Added milk, made it much more palatable. I really just want to finish this bag off and go back to South American medium to medium dark roast.

>> No.16386599

What type of coffee should I buy for a Mokka pot? Does it need to be espresso coffee? Finally, how course should I grind it?

>> No.16386883
File: 1.19 MB, 2000x2000, Clara-FrenchPress-MB-Hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn fellow and their stupid sexy products. I don't even need a French press but I still look at it longingly.

>> No.16386954

consume product. get excited for new product

>> No.16386976

there's a small learning curve with grind size, my recommendation is go for a medium grind, use water around 207, and adjust finer or courser to get to about 3:30 total brewing time

>> No.16387059
File: 87 KB, 828x821, hatetheantichristdate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I shall drink the corn syrup, I shall subsume the processed foods. I love the antichrist.
Espresso coffee is no different from regular coffee, it's just a blend that works best as an espresso. As for grinding, if I recall it should be espresso fine although I have heard of going super coarse for "cowboy coffee".

>> No.16387432

Decaf is coffee beans dipped in jet fuel.

>> No.16387456

I bought one. it works. best french press I ever owned. It retains heat and it actually is pretty clean. virtually no silty grime at the bottom of the cup.
10/10. yes it is like $100. It's worth it if you care about french press coffee.

>> No.16387640

Tried to give my light roast another chance in my French press with some coffee and some milk. Tasted okay, but had a weird aftertaste.

Tried making Turkish after a long while and god-damn, forgot how good this tastes. Will need to make it more often.

>> No.16387742

the amount of french press fags in here is depressing. are you guys seriously too retarded for a v60?

>> No.16387746

A Bodum french press is 20 bucks. Hell, a plastic V60 is less than 10 bucks. It's not too expensive. Do it.

>> No.16387757

Been fucking raining for a week now so I haven't been able to roast anything. Picked up a bag of stumptown homestead to tide me over. Haven't really been able to dial it in for a straight double, but I've gotten some phenomenal cortados out of it. I think my free bag of Sey gets here soon with the new standart issue.
Buy once cry once. Not like you're going to shatter the carafe.

>> No.16387835

French presses are easy, and they taste good.