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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 257 KB, 1771x960, 1623430450295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16346212 No.16346212 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.16346216

Do you at least get free beer for doing that?

>> No.16346232

nope just the satisfaction of being an incredibly gay faggot

>> No.16346248

Apparently it's a shit place to work too


>> No.16346253
File: 177 KB, 220x165, tenor (13).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brewdog are proper cunts. Pretty sure their "equity for punks" scheme is a pyramid scheme.

>> No.16346259
File: 199 KB, 900x1200, brew-dog-punk-IPA-label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And their beer is meme tier wank

>> No.16346260

I will conceed their watermelon beer is quite nice

>> No.16346261

I can do that by sucking my bf’s pee pee

>> No.16346264

The owners are renowned arseholes. Have been for years. Glad to see they're getting publicly shat on.

>> No.16346268

self checkout lead us here

>> No.16346269

pretty sure all gays do that. anon said being an incredibly gay fagot.

>> No.16346289
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, dukat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Workers are invited to take a trip to the mezzanine and look for bottles of Dukat's Authentic Hasperat
>See how my bottles have been placed on the LOWEST shelf by certain large-eared freaks
>There is no need to engage with such filth, just reshelve the bottles, and enforce order on Terok Nor
>If you are asked what you are doing, you can highlight your loyal service to the Cardassian Empire and your desire to bring civilization to Bajor
>All workers who submit photographic proof of their Hasperat activation will be eligible for double rations

>> No.16346301

I dress up like a girl when i do it. Does that make me an incredibly gay faggot?

>> No.16346312

How is this company not bankrupt yet?


>> No.16346331

They borrowed heavily from stone breweries PR endeavours, so they weren't even innovative.

>> No.16346332

FWIW, in the US the producers of grocery products pay for good shelf placement.
randos re-arrangning the items will seriously irritate the shop mgr

>> No.16346350

Did they just copy and paste from stone?

>> No.16346352

>Reddit: The Beer

>> No.16346374
File: 134 KB, 1024x625, [BRAND].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hello fellow punks, dont a just hate capitalism and consumerism, be a rebel by joining our fan club and becoming our brand ambassador
it sickens me how retards fall for this shit

>> No.16346390

Kek this was the last thing i was expecting ITT

>> No.16346391

no that makes you a tranny

>> No.16346409

Fuck Jannies

>> No.16346458

This is probably one of the most cringe and pathetic things I've seen on this board in a while.

>> No.16346474


>> No.16346488

>equity punks
is this some sort of woke nonsense?

>> No.16346494

this is a "cuckholding is an IQ high fetish" kind of beer

>> No.16346502

Some dead marketing Jew is chuckling from hell

>> No.16346531

It's like sme weird reverse clean it uo wagie shit. Wouldnt it mean the wagies get a much needed laugh?

>> No.16346550
File: 205 KB, 983x1024, 1609536577872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Equity Punks rise up!

>> No.16346669


>> No.16346896


>Dukat offers compensation
>Brewdog doesn’t

>> No.16347897

Been saying for a while this company isn't long for this world, but keep getting into arguments about it with a friend who keep insisting it's a good thing their shit is selling dirt cheap in tescos, seemingly completely naive to how that completely devalues their product and makes their bar business seem a gigantic ripoff.

same old amateurish mistake early companies make, instead of blazing their own trail they try and slot into the existing world and get fucked by doing it, now they have to beg their fucking shareholders to make sure their product is positioned right in tescos lol

>> No.16348217

Henry Rollins beer

>> No.16348222

i'm getting ben & jerry's vibes

>> No.16348237

I'm always amazed when I go to the store and still see Brewdog on the shelf.

>> No.16348649

>this soy shit is what my home city is currently best known for
It hurts

>> No.16348809

Hasperat is Bajoran burritos. Kanar is Cardassian booze. Still funny, though.

>> No.16349075

This shit is why I drink yellow fizzy beer. It’s not arrogant or bullshitty. It’s just good old beer flavored beer.

There is literally nothing wrong with mass marketed, bland, cheaply made, watered down lager.

>> No.16349083


>> No.16349091

Yeah there's a lot wrong with it, but that doesn't make Brewdog any less cringe. I'd rather drink a Yuengling than anything Brewdog

>> No.16349108

I've never heard of this company or the term equity punks after looking it up it's because it's some stupid ass name they use to try and crowd fund their shitty beer. Apparently they also like to sue bars with a punk esthetic so they can protect their brand

>> No.16349120

what a piece of shit company. that's the opposite of punk. bunch of fucking posers.

>> No.16349169

Why are craft brewers ALWAYS like this?

>> No.16349210

It depends on how much effort you put into dressing up.

>> No.16349257

They do it for free

>> No.16349285
File: 24 KB, 400x397, GulDukatdidnothingwrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gul Dukat did nothing wrong.

>> No.16349595

our brewdog is as the bottom of our shelves just shoved wherever it fits. i haven't had a beer from them worth upselling yet.

>> No.16349757

so it also means they are not paying extra to have their product placed on a higher shelf and instead asking retards to do it for free.

>> No.16349801
File: 44 KB, 645x973, C71EFD2A-7E61-4C33-AE54-14068A1CC42C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy fuck doing work for a company for free! So cool!

>> No.16349855

even better, signing up to be an Equity Punk and get these emails requires a minimum purchase of 2 shares.

>> No.16349860

DAMN, nothing more PUNK than shareholding, where do I buy this? along with a stool and about 10 feet of rope?

>> No.16349861


>just merch our shelf sitters bro

So glad that shit is literally nowhere here in SoCal

>> No.16349878

50 blessings if it real

>> No.16349940

i think you meant

>> No.16349960

tbf these guys aren't switching any places , just rotating the boxes to face a certain way

>> No.16349962
File: 52 KB, 350x229, image-asset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ, did they rebel against having a fucking human genetic sequence?

I've heard of Cyberpunk and Steampunk, but tardpunk is a brand new box of frogs.

>> No.16350164

>how dare you enjoy simple and proven recipes that have been perfected for centuries instead of our soda with yeast
Beer should stick to the German definition of the term, everything else is marketing wank that will never even come close to a real beer.

>> No.16350167
File: 54 KB, 824x653, hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16350183

I'm a baguette and it is objectively true that beer has already been perfected by the krauts, you can piss and whine all day about your shitty corporate"craft beers" that are just shit beers with random industrial flavoring thrown into it, it won't make it any truer.

>> No.16350190

you guys laugh at this but this is literally how anons on 4chan talk to eachother. people saying "lol reddit" completely lack self awareness.

>> No.16350191

If I were to find out one of my friends did shit like that, I mean actually obeying the e-mails, I would never speak to him or her again.

>> No.16350195


>> No.16350196


>> No.16350198

Thank god the nazis lost

>> No.16350201


>> No.16350202

>your shitty corporate"craft beers"
Dude I'm just shitposting, I don't like that stuff either

>> No.16350213

None of those anons is selling anything when they do it. If anything, anons would put:

>We know you like aggressive beers, and we’re delivering it to you.
>We know you like bold and unconventional flavor profiles.
>We use the best ingredients available to us because we know that’s what you want.
>Thank you for supporting us, you have our eternal gratitude.

>> No.16350224

>this rebellious little beer contains no preservatives and uses only the finest fresh natural ingredients
Lol, are they proud of that? In civilized countries this is basically standard

>> No.16350371

Lol at that aggressive faggy font

>> No.16350382
File: 230 KB, 200x113, 40f7cf37d4d26c892dbd8b7f618266ed_w200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone tweet this thread to them.
Even chantards are laughing at you. You bunch of spastics

>> No.16350386

>using "equity" to get retards to do merchandising jobs for you for free so you don't have to pay someone to do it instead
The Scots at their finest

>> No.16350397

How's Aberdeen these days?

>> No.16350451

All these accusations I've read over this whole shit just sounds like people who have little to no experience working in any industry outside of making coffee.

>> No.16350455
File: 939 KB, 1200x800, VP-COMP-HOTEL-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on holiday to America in the early 00's
> notice boom in craft beer "culture" and how it successfully exploits proto-hipsters
>decide to exploit similar gap in the UK market
>copy established "craft" beers because it werks
>copy stone breweries marketing designs, because it werks
>able to get lucrative contracts with supermarkets and undercut American craft beers because no import costs.
>start successful chain of soyboy bars
>starting a chain of hotels for manchildren
>exploit the living shit out of hipster employees for teh lulz
>dupe cucks into joining your "equity for punks" pyramid scheme.

Y'all cowards just jealous af

>> No.16350456

unironically they make really good beer
it's just a shame they're such a bunch of wankers

>> No.16350458

I never heard of this beer but it sounds ultra gau

>> No.16350459
File: 36 KB, 500x500, 1589380825797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the satisfaction that the brewdog owner can keep fuelling his helicopters

>> No.16350512


>> No.16350548

Not really. Most Glasgow small breweries are way better and aren't stuck doing meme IPAs for over 50% of their offerings.

>> No.16350562

>You probably don't even care that this rebellious little beer contains no preservatives or additives and uses only the finest fresh natural ingredients.
But it contains hops. The reason hops were traditionally used was as a preservative for beer. It inhibits the growth of bacteria and prevent the beer from rapidly spoiling.

>> No.16350568


>hello, loyal drinker of our alcohol product. prove your loyalty by tidying up our shelves at the store, for free.

this is great. i like their gumption.

>> No.16350583

>It inhibits the growth of bacteria and prevent the beer from rapidly spoiling.
So wrong. Hops are the first thing to "spoil" in a beer. Alcohol prevents the bacterial growth which means it also can't go spoiled

>> No.16350584

Spot on.

>> No.16350627

not reading all that shit

>> No.16350713

This makes me want to drink John Smith's and punch soys

>> No.16350720

They look like fallout villagers

>> No.16350751

IPAs taste like shit anyway, far too bitter and hoppy to be enjoyable. Only an absolute weirdo would think they're good.
The only thing that brewdog does which is any good is 5am Saint and even then that's just a bog-standard ale.

McEwen's or Caledonian 70s/80s all day.

>> No.16350782

not appreciating bitters is a clear sign that you're a child

>> No.16350825

no, anon is right. ipas were "invented" because they added large quantities of hops to ensure the beer would survive the trip from england to india

>> No.16350878

Shut the fuck up, you're just parroting bullshit you don't understand. Hops were added to those shipments to India for flavor. They do not preserve beer or inhibit anything, retard.

>> No.16350898

hell no

>> No.16350931

then leave

>> No.16350965
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr 4me senpai

>> No.16350984

Reinheitsgebot was never a purity law.

>non-noble or new world hops are industrial flavorings
You are grossly overestimating the market interest and penetration of marshmallow candy pony butthole flavored beer.

>> No.16350990
File: 619 KB, 1028x1508, SD1qfng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying america invented craft beer
All modern beer snobbery is indebted to the Campaign for Real Ale, which has been running strong since 1971

>> No.16350999

That's not true. Porter and other beers made the trip just fine, IPA was just a bitter ale that hadn't quite gotten a name yet until it became popular in the colonies.

>> No.16351012

I can appreciate bitterness, the amount in ipas is overwhelming. You fags are worse than hot sauce retards

>> No.16351041

Gotta say, that's actually quite clever.
>share holders
Huh? Googled it a bit, and I'm aware of companies that aren't openly traded, but that's a quite weird thing they've got going.
If they'd paid dividends in beer, then I'd be tempted to try anyways, but yeah… na.
Their beer isn't that good to start with.

>> No.16351064

You have it backwards. IPAs are a bugman's perverse substitute for masculinity, on par with wearing Rick and Morty t-shirts or collecting hot sauce.

>> No.16351065

C3 is clearly the brains of the operation.

>> No.16351068
File: 1.64 MB, 2090x1116, banquet-beer-1599833419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drinking anything other than a crisp cool refreshing Coors Banquet
Pussies get what they deserve.

>> No.16351126

>They do not preserve beer or inhibit anything, retard.
Hop has antibacterial qualities.

>> No.16351135

your mother didnt want me to leave and thats how you were born anon

>> No.16351145


all regular adults drink regular beer

budweiser knows more about making a beer than any of these 'craft' brewers. which shows because every smalltime brewing companies beer that i've ever tried was very inconsistent.

>> No.16351197

the rice makes budweiser taste like shit
i still drink it

>> No.16351198

>regular beer
using that phrase lets me know youre fucking retarded and a possible InBev shill. fuck off shill, youre not wanted here.

>> No.16351256

So? It's still retarded to claim that hops are added to inhibit bacteria, retard

>> No.16351271

Nobody falls for this shit

>> No.16351301
File: 179 KB, 1078x1496, 1602261853668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why gatekeeping is very important

>> No.16351346

Prove the opposite and don't just bitch around like every contrarian.

>> No.16351364

They even stole the "we have a dog" shtick from lagunitas. Aberdonian's are seriously the jews of Scotland.

>> No.16351375

I work at walmart, I did my part and pushed so far in the back all the brewdog beer i could find, no one will ever know it exists :)

>> No.16351391

this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.16351395

Dear anglos, giving edgy names to your beers won't make them better. Please stop. Btw your beers are way too hoppy, give it a rest.

>> No.16351403

go pull some cans foward

>> No.16351428

If anything, anons would put:

>We know you like drinking cum, and we're delivering it to you
>We know you like thick and uncut cocks
>We get our cum only from the strongest black bulls
>Thank (you) for being such a cuck

>> No.16351439

Fuck off you cunt.
Highlighting that brewdogs is blatantly fucking their most dedicated customers over isn't /pol/. I'm an anarcho-syndicalist you shill.

>> No.16351452

fuck of canuck

>> No.16351458

isnt this like 10 years too late?

>> No.16351469

I hope this is a joke.

>> No.16351472

why don't you come up here and make me?
oh wait you'd need a passport first

>> No.16351760

Pictures like this make me realize that while I might be norf fc at least I'm not this fucking ugly, their repulsive looks reflect their personality. I wonder if the whole spiteful mutant theory is a real thing looking at this. Does ugliness equate to evil?

>> No.16351767


>> No.16351769

No, it's not a joke. Any form of tradition or long held beliefs, processes, anything that can be seen as culture for whites? These faggots want destroyed. They're just as invasive and destructive as the commies that ruined my europoor shithole country.

>> No.16351786

Blessed and beerpilled

>> No.16351794

unironically true, niggas on here always wagging their dick around to who has been here the longest or the most 4chan brain rot

>> No.16352611

Coors tastes like stale butt sweat

>> No.16352656

No one falls for it but the retards peddling it sure use it as a boost

>> No.16352676

>all regular adults drink regular beer
True, and people hate you for saying it.
I used to work at a stadium that only sold carlsberg and tetelys, and despite all the bleating people still lapped it up, because it's safe and recognisable, and serves its purpose for an affordable price.

>> No.16352733

Working any place that sells alcohol will tell you that. People by the more expensive stuff on occasion, but for day to day drinking it's the cheap stuff.

>> No.16352743

this would be cute if it wasn't already a Stone Arrogant Bastard ripoff

>> No.16352894

I doubt that the people who enjoy social events like rugby and cricket are going to craft beer houses afterwards.
Even then the best you'd upgrade to is peroni or birra moretti rather than craft ale. People just want a smooth and easy drink.

>> No.16352917

You would fit right in with all the other schizos.

>> No.16352923

did we ever solve what an incredibly gay faggot is

>> No.16352952

pabst makes budweiser look like the monopoly man

>> No.16353479

Awful, has all the hallmarks of a dying city in the UK - to-let signs, bookies and vape shops all over Union Street. General populace is as unpleasant as ever too.
Job opportunities are also very bleak, will likely have to move

>> No.16353498

Wow, let's unpack this. How about the satisfaction of doing a good deed for something you love, something you wouldn't know about obviously.

>> No.16353499

Swap the text to comic sans and you have a hilarious parody photo

>> No.16353510

Cool it with the anti semitic remarks

>> No.16353535

You mean sessionable?

>> No.16353581

Facing product is the responsibility of the merchandiser, distributor, and retailer. This is Brewdog asking shareholders to do someone else's job for free. Not even free really considering they're shareholders, Brewdog is asking people to pay them money and perform someone else's work in return.

>> No.16353647

Pretentious wankers.

>> No.16353674

So this is what people who life f'd them one too many times in the rear look like! How does one get the same look as 3rd on bottom row? I'll tell you kids how, freebasing out of a spoon.

>> No.16353706

Who the fuck reads that and then decides to purchase it?

>> No.16353726

No doubt that had something to do with it, but that dude's problems started from genetics.
Second from the bottom is in there for conspiracy to commit a hate crime. Fourth on the third row was going to commit it. Red & yellow hair is Steve-O if he didn't get famous.

>> No.16353936

On the topic of faggy beer companies generally there's a long post by a guy who worked at Rogue or Stone I forget which, and it was pretty ridiculous, like an employee handbook that was a big fucking binder and included lists of banned words and other extreme rules in that vein, and other cultish shit like being abusive to new employees, it's worth reading if you can find it

>> No.16353961
File: 68 KB, 600x600, many_rejected_his_message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.16353970

>americans can't even be original pedantic cunts, just copycats
you CAN'T make this shit up

>> No.16354022

only the reddit tier chucklefucks who parade their shitty recipes around for everyone to see are like this. The oldest breweries who have stood the test of time and the small, country family recipes that don't get shared around social media all the time are the real quality. That's not to say cracking open a nice cold PBR on a boat isn't the greatest feeling ever though. Fuck beer snobs and drink Steel Reserve if your heart tells you to.

>> No.16354093

Kek @ comic

>> No.16354217

Very very few are

>> No.16354326

advanced beerers read brewery first, style second, ingredients third, and ABV fourth. noobs buy beer by can or bottle design.

>> No.16354341

If anything, anons would put:

>We know you like drinking
>We know you like beer
>We make our beer without soy
>You're a faggot

>> No.16354586

and that's a good thing

>> No.16354912

>not drinking a real English Ale, warmed and with the grit and twigs still sitting at the bottom

>> No.16354921

Some look like they just got beaten up.
Others look like they got beaten up in infancy.

>> No.16354922

Real Ale is just the british version of the German beer snobs

>> No.16354953

Would be 10x more appealing if it was a joke about pretending to be Satanists.

>> No.16354970

I was just about to say, this is just the Arrogant Bastard Ale schtick, rewritten by a passive aggressive soyboy.

>> No.16355215

What for ?
I will just grow beard, wear thobe and clutch goat unde my arm.
You will immediately grant me citizenship, free healthcare an housing and monthly cut from your taxes.

>> No.16355326

Well you're obviously mentally challenged so you'd probably get in that way. Trudeau loves the retardeds.

>> No.16355341
File: 383 KB, 1051x595, 1624504919137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw brewdog has their own jannies.

>> No.16355361

You would fuck and suck like all the other bucks

>> No.16355446

>really good beer

They haven't made good beer for years.

>> No.16355454

They haven't had a great beer since Dog E

>> No.16355461

They're actually paying Brewdog to do their work for them.

>> No.16355465
File: 7 KB, 318x159, 26906C22-DA3C-45A2-84A3-CCFE2C485FE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16355470

damn, jannies can at least look at this thread and feel better I guess.

>> No.16355480

>if they paid their dividends in beer
What would you say if I told you I know of a way to convert the dividends for beer?

>> No.16355491

Based DS9 post.

>> No.16355583

>tfw the other anon was actually an ancient Egyptian

>> No.16355822

They're paid... Nothing? Is that right?

>> No.16356407

im gonna drink nothing but busch light from now on just to spite these fucks

>> No.16356421

at least ben and jerrys is earnest

>> No.16356432

daily reminder hat craft beer is overrated and people just like it because it is "EuRoPeAn"

>> No.16356465

its funny how you guys are shitting on this yet this is what most of you faggots sound like when talking about your favorite beer.

>> No.16356472

The opinions of a twitterfaggot are worth less to me than the dogshit smeared on my boot.

>> No.16356487

B&J is not near this level of cringe

>> No.16356509


lol I literally live in the capital of craft beer in the world. Didn't say that it's bad just MASSIVELY OVERRATED. I don't even want to know how much smugfaced murifags pay for a case of some seasonal imported cuban sigar smoke and chocolate induced aroma shitbeer lmao.

>> No.16356515

jesus fucking christ

>> No.16356518

Ben and Jerry's is a fully owned subsidiary of Unilever and has been for 20 years now.

>> No.16356533

oh nvm then

>> No.16356575

that reads like the blurb on a monster can

>> No.16356582


wow. god, eurofags can be cringe in advertising but bruh this is some next level shit. funny and sad desu

>> No.16356684

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand NTR.

>> No.16356690

kek, jej, and lmao. craft capital of the world is not in europe.

>> No.16356741

My contrarian nature means I must mess up the brewdog beers next time im in a supermarket

>> No.16356773

You'd love it

>> No.16356784

No point of a beer if it's not sessonable.
I'd rather drink 10 normal beers than 2 or 3 IBU >9000 barley wines.

>> No.16356810
File: 972 KB, 2507x902, StephenCollinscartoon21June.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
