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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 182 KB, 1080x1057, Screenshot_20210625-203550_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16338388 No.16338388 [Reply] [Original]

>If you want to dine at the restaurant, you'll be served a set four-course, $100 meal that contains upwards of 400mg of THC.
>For context, a modern joint contains between 60 to 150 mg of THC or more, according to Weedmaps.

Holy shit, how did no one before think about combining the 2 best things in life: weed and food?


>> No.16338390
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Looks delicious

>> No.16338404

Within one month they'll be sued into oblivion because some stoned retard got in his car and t-boned a minivan full of kids. It happens to bars for drunk drivers all the time.

>> No.16338414

You can drive perfectly fine while stoned

>> No.16338430

Not everyone. All it'll take is one light weight.

>> No.16338438


>> No.16338443

>400mg of THC
dude I ate 1/2 of a 10mg gummy when I was in Colorado and that fucked my shit sideways for about a day
400mg could easily kill me

>> No.16338450

dude weed lmao

>> No.16338469

Sounds like your liver isn't too good

>> No.16338493

Stoners are the biggest fucking losers around.

Literally all of them are dirty, stinky bums with no aspirations in life.

>> No.16338504

being a lightweight is probably not a bad thing and cheaper too if you’re paying all the inflated taxes on the stuff

>> No.16338526

>owns a dog
>smokes cigarettes
>retarded tattoos
no aspirations

Wow you sure showed him

>> No.16338528

That's beside the point, it's illegal to do so. So it only takes one asshat fucking it up which is bound to happen

>> No.16338537


>> No.16338541

>Either light up or, leave me alone
Stoners are so dumb, even their grammar is incorrect. Sad, many such cases.

>> No.16338544

A lot of people think they drive perfectly fine while drunk too.

>> No.16338546
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>> No.16338552
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Nice projection

>> No.16338553
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>> No.16338564

Stoners are no better than the alcoholics they pretend to parade around. Truly a degenerate lot of queers.

>> No.16338577

Low class cringe.

>> No.16338579
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Weed has never led to domestic violence or broken families

>> No.16338583

Domestic violence and broken families are far superior to grown men wearing crocs.

>> No.16338587

no you don't

>> No.16338835

The second richest man who ever existed is a stoner.

>> No.16338975

400mg is a ridiculous amount for anyone

>> No.16338987


>> No.16339009
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That and a large neon sign blazing in a small room right at eye level would be visually irritating, even moreso if one was high. Would make one not want to linger around for long.

>> No.16339019
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>400 mg

I'm a literal medicinal marijuana patient in Colorado as of 2009 and 200-300 mg is a Big dose for me that gets me set for the better part of a day. What is the fucking audience for this shit? Terminal cancer patients? I got 4 pounds of metal plates and screws in my body and that shit would ROCK my world, what the fuck

>> No.16339033 [DELETED] 

I disagree. I completely lack confidence when stoned and am too tentative and my attention is dulled. I'm legitimately a better drunk driver than stoned. Neither could be classified as safe though.

>> No.16339037


>> No.16339041

You're right, doctors and lawyers are too big of squares. It's the engineers and biologists that are into that shit. Lanky ass 5'1" Cambodian kid that majored in chem engineering was my main plug. Miss you kiri sok you crazy gook

>> No.16339045

It's the weed addiction. Eventually you need more to get more high

>> No.16339068

depends on the person and how well you're attuned to the affects

>> No.16339071

That's my point dude. I've consumed 500+ mg daily, EVERY DAY, for about 7 years now. Usually do two 200-300 mg amounts. It took my first few years to steadily build up from the 10-200 mg range comfortably.

Getting to that point with a medicinal need is tough enough as it is. Recreationally though? Absolutely absurd. The only people pushing more weight than me are like, cancer patients and paralytics with long lasting nerve damage.

>> No.16339075

It looks like shit

>> No.16339175

I live in Los Angeles, THC dinners are posted all the time, especially for holidays

>> No.16339233

it did for my cousin lol now she does ice

>> No.16339595

You don't know what projection means you cringe dumb faggot. I smoke but what kind of goofball takes and saves pictures of himself smoking. Did it just get legalized in your flyover state and now you're all DOODWEEDLMAO?

>> No.16339608 [DELETED] 

Degenerate Weimar Germany tier democrat voting sodomite filth.

>> No.16339633

I despise weed culture because it has shit asthetics. I don't like weed personally but I don't care if people smoke. It all just looks like shit.

>> No.16339636

damn, you mad af. smoke some weed and chill out

>> No.16339640

Dude weed lmao

>> No.16340172

I've smoked up a few times a day every day (in the evenings) for about 12 years, and even for me 400mg would be unpleasant.
I can't imagine terribly many customers would return for a second visit

>> No.16340179

I could handle it easy peasy I have A very high tolerance

>> No.16340187

>sleeve tattoo

>> No.16340190

they don't smoke weed cause they have access to shit like cocaine and morphine.

>> No.16340191

that comma offends me

>> No.16340244

You can't be a lanky manlet, by definition. Please learn more about what words you are choosing to use before using them.

>> No.16340250

>That and a large neon sign blazing in a small room right at eye level would be visually irritating, even moreso if one was high. Would make one not want to linger around for long.
Table turn over is good for the account book, so it may be intended.

>> No.16340347

>weed is literally my personality

>> No.16340367

This is so fucking reddit.

>> No.16340404
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>> No.16340430

Fucking addicts are so goddamn pathetic.

>> No.16340439

Restaurants with weed in the food always seemed a bit weird to me. From my experience, it takes an hour or two to start feeling effects from eating it. Wouldn't it be better to just smoke, then go in and eat. Because the food is only elevated by being stoned. Even having some alcohol before a meal makes more sense, since it hits fast. This looks a lot to me like a boring sober meal that tastes a little strange because of the weed.. then being mildly high for the rest of the night.

>> No.16340443

Lmao, never have fun, eh? I could stop smoking weed TOMORROW and be ok, but I don't want to because it's fun. You wouldn't give up your hobby just because someone asked you to, right?

>> No.16340447

This trend is just retarded. You want to get high before you eat, not during. Edibles are good because they're healthier (on the lungs) and the high is different, but you don't want an expensive meal to taste like pot.

>> No.16340449

Yeah, this idea is some stupid shit that's definitely meant to pull in the stoners who accidentally made it in the crypto market. We're seeing something of a boom for oddly specific nu-yuppie shit.

>> No.16340456

You're an addict too

>> No.16340458
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You gonna cry about it?

>> No.16340461

This would not be a mild high. I would be massively fucked up

>> No.16340472

Well I'm assuming you are something of a stoner. You know as well I do that this restaurant isn't trying to fuck you up. Edibles have only every gotten anyone I know extremely high if it's brownies they bakes them selves with ludicrous amounts of weed... maybe two ounces.. and it tastes disgusting.
A 200 mg candy bar from a dispensary? Most people feel little to nothing.. even with a low tolerance.

>> No.16340479

Indeed. Weed does make a lot of stuff taste much better.

Also, 400mg THC? That's 3-4 grams of STRONG weed, which makes for a much stronger high when metabolized by the liver.

I vape a bit of dry herb on fridays and saturdays and ONE gram of 12-14% THC bud will last me for 4 months. 400mg would positively render me unconscious for at least a whole day.

>> No.16340497

No, I'm just gonna laugh at you.

>> No.16340518

I hate this kind of shit, 400mg for $100? Sounds like a ripoff and the culture is shite. Look bro I'm so freaking high XD shut up you're smoking drugs, keep it to yourself. The kind of reddit shit they all do makes bad image for all pot smokers, when some of us are just having couple joints after work instead of getting "super high bro at some overrated overpriced weed restaurant. Fuck you all learn what you're doing and look it it, fags

>> No.16340527

kek that's the wild part. Most common dispensary strains top out at ~25% THC give or take, so running with that 25 number, you're talking more like 16 grams of flower distilled into edible shit. You usually use a couple ounces for a whole pan of brownies. This meal is the equivalent to someone wiping out like a third of an 8x11 of brownies. Retardedly herculean dose

>> No.16340532

Sounds like you need to toke up, anon.... you gotta toke up haa

>> No.16340552

Don't you guys understand that you won't get that high? I've seen it so many times before, people trying to make calculations in their head how high they will get, how dank the weed is, how strong the edibles are. Then they eat their edible they've been waiting so long for, and it does nothing. These same people smoke 28% flower, then 12% percent, and they know they can hardly tell the difference. You are the perfect clientele for this restaurant.. the kind of guy who listens to numbers and does the math. But in the end, you would go into the restaurant excited as hell, leave full, and a bit put off by the whole experience, then have a high for 8 hours. Not a fun high. Just annoying

>> No.16340556

Midwit: the post.

>> No.16340572

5 to 10 mg is a good dose for anyone who isn't addicted to weed and needs 50+ just to feel anything

>> No.16340579

No.. I'm just a fool whose lived in Colorado all his life.. I know the dispensary nonsense well. People spend $30 on a gram of "caviar" and are so convinced they will get blasted... Only to find 15% flower gets them just as high. Someone in this thread has to actually have experience with weed. Same thing with the people who think there is a difference between indica and sativa as far as the high feels. It's all just the same

>> No.16340582

In what way does this enhance the pizza? What flavour does it add ? I hope its not a "dude bro its weeeed food"

>> No.16340587

>let me prove you right

>> No.16340609

>Same thing with the people who think there is a difference between indica and sativa as far as the high feels
With the high it does feel more or less the same, but with some sativas, they perk you up more, whereas some indicas mellow your body out. Indicas are better for things like back pain which I prefer, whereas sativa is more for when you're out with friends. To most people it feels the same but experienced smokers will tell you indica relaxes the body better than sativa.
It adds either no flavour or a shit flavour. If you've smoked before you might taste a bit of plant, but most time you wont taste a thing. It is just dude weed shit like the cafes in amsterdam

>> No.16340620

Republican-voting, minority-hating, Christ-loving, ex-HS prefect gigachad reporting in: .... Weed not good. It not good. Checkmate, atheist.

>> No.16340661


>Lives in an apartment

Your dog is the only thing making you not look like a piece of shit

>> No.16340684

That's just probably american dispensaries ripping their customers off.

Here in Amsterdam edibles are quite restricted. You can pretty much only grind the bud and put it in a muffin or cake. Extraction of active compounds is not legal.

The one shop I go to claims to have an average of 1 gram of bud per slice of their shortcake. Their cake even comes up with a warning which suggests you eat 1/4 if you have no tolerance.

I'm a 92 KG man with no tolerance and half that slice is enough to make me pretty high (even unpleasantly so) for most of the day. My wife is 43 kg, and one quarter of that stuff is enough for her.

In theory, there is no more than 150-170 mg of THC in that one slice of cake.

One full, real gram's worth of orally consumed bud can and will knock anyone without tolerance out. You guys are just getting conned.

>> No.16340685
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>dogs can make shit people not look shit

>> No.16340690

dog ownership implies a certain minimum-acceptable-level of responsibility. That's for points.

>> No.16340692

weed infused food is fuckin dumb and I love food and I love weed. By combining the two it limits your consumption of either depending on tolerances.

>> No.16340693

look at this fucking unpatriotic treasonous faggot going to ignite the american flag with his federally illegal substance. take the 1776 pill and repent to your forefathers for your sins.

>> No.16340715

I'm assuming that's the amount in the entire pizza (that you're expected to share) and not per slice.

>> No.16340720

>claims to be from Amsterdam
>speaks perfect English

I might be a Republican-voting, minority-hating, Christ-loving, ex-HS prefect gigachad, but I ain't no dummy! You're just another Democrat-voting, eagle-hating, drug-pushing, hedonistic, homosexuality-enabling shill by the looks of it, and I won't let you slide. I said it and I will say it again: ..... Weed not good! It not good!

>> No.16340725

>Not a fun high. Just annoying

This was literally the whole point of my post you sperg. No idea why you pulled the rest of that out of your ass. Did you really think I was advocating for "haha bro that's like so many brownies, you'll have such a good time brooo" with that tone?

>> No.16340731
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This picture is confirming he's right though?

>> No.16340741
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He is a billionaire who happens to smoke marijuana. You are earning below minimum wage in your mid 30's and never mentally grew beyond the age of 14.

>> No.16340748

It's a condo you retard

>> No.16340749

Please ingest 500mg of cyanide daily.

>> No.16340750

Do you actually smoke? I'm the 12 year med Colorado poster from earlier ITT and this entire post is horseshit. That or you're coming to these conclusions second hand by watching how it affects teens

>You guys are just getting conned
That anon is just being retarded. You saw his bit at the end insisting that there's no difference between sativa and indica, right?

>> No.16340751

>it was on this day when Anon Anderson developed telepathic powers

>> No.16340757

I knew a guy with scars all over his face, his dad would kick the living piss out of him and then smoke weed afterwards to cool down.

>> No.16340758

Don't worry, the nerve pain I'm medicating is degenerative so I'll probably be shooting myself in the next 5-10 years. Just a matter of time at this point

>> No.16340769

>Cartoons, treehouses, gummy bears and shit
Are stoners adult babies?

>> No.16340781

Republican-voting, minority-hating, Christ-loving, ex-HS prefect gigachad reporting in: ..... Yeah, do it, you miserable, addicted faggot! Hot damn, you and your whining make me sick to my stomach. If I wouldn't be such a nice person I would shoot some feral animals right now to calm myself down, but as the good Lord said: 'Let everyone rot in his own misery!', so I'll resort myself to simply pray for you. Even though you don't deserve it one bit, you sickly kike.

>> No.16340787

>400 mg
At best, that just sounds like you'll be unpleasantly and absurdly high. Hopefully they have a robust and ironclad waiver/release they make the customer sign, otherwise I expect them to be sued into oblivion.

>> No.16340788

This. People who need to take pride in the fact that they taken so much drugs or alcohol to be basically immune to it are top tier degenerates.

>> No.16340808

Sup Blaise

>> No.16340813
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>tobacconist ash tray
>roku remote
>bluetooth speaker
>bic lighter
How is this dude not australian?

>> No.16340864

>Literally all of them are dirty, stinky bums with no aspirations in life.
And you're literally a faggot. I understand most stoners are lazy and stupid, but not every stoner is like that and you look like a retard saying so. It's impossible for you to know so it's stupid saying so. Would you say the same about niggers? No because you know damn well not all blacks are niggers
One of the guys I used to know was like that. Always saying he smokes so much and all that bollocks, I stopped smoking with him because I couldn't stand him. He's dead now because he was being retarded in work

>> No.16340913

>dog ownership implies a certain minimum-acceptable-level of responsibility
It doesn't though. Any schizo can go get a dog and neglect it.

>> No.16340962

All the cope in here is great, and the irritated stoner haters who don't know better

>> No.16340967


>> No.16340974

Alcohol, drugs, and tobacco unironically need to be banned. I'm so fucking sick of everyone making it their entire personality, from the girls on dating apps putting how much they love margaritas in their dating profiles to the faggots on here that post doomer wojak because they think smoking in your 20's is cool.

>> No.16340989

The richest men in the world do way harder drugs than weed.

>> No.16341009

>Alcohol and tobacco unironically need to be banned.
I think that'll cause more problems for not much reason. I don't know what prohibition was like in America, but I don't think it was good and caused shit tons of problems

>> No.16341014

>putting food on anything other than a plate when serving it

Just give me a god damn plate, FUCK this trend of slapping food on what ever piece of garbage you found by the dumpster outside your shit restaurant

>> No.16341036

shit grammar, 0/10 would not eat

>> No.16341045

>200mg of THC
>feels nothing

Tell me your a fucking addict without telling me your an addict lmao

>> No.16341077

Not him but I gave an edible to my friend that was 250mg and he didn't feel a thing. He's not a stoner, only has a joint once or twice a week so I think they don't work with everyone. He's slightly overweight so I'm not sure how big of a factor weight is

>> No.16341096

Nice gross hammer thumb.

>> No.16341100

Your friend was 250 mg?? Was he a fucking mouse?

>> No.16341116

>Was he a fucking mouse?
>mice weigh a quarter of a gram
Imagine being this fucking retarded. On serious though I fucked up the sentence, I've never been too good at grammar

>> No.16341118

>JBL speaker he bought because the marketing tricked him
>cheap sleeve tat
>American flag stuck grossly in a potted plant
>faggy smart watch
>lives in an old apartment and calls it a condo
Never show your face here again, you reddit machine.

>> No.16341120

Mice are pretty light bro... sorry if you don't know.

>> No.16341142

Mice are about 20 grams mate, that's what google says anyway. If you meant baby mice then I could believe it

>> No.16341154

Your brain is fucking fried, man.

>> No.16341164

Edibles work best on an empty stomach, if you eat a decent meal and have a pot brownie as dessert it'll just absorb very slowly and you won't feel it as much, same as how eating before drinking means the booze won't hit as hard

>> No.16341175

Drunks will run a red light
Potheads will sit through a green one

>> No.16341194

Nigga cmon there's 1000 milligrams in a gram, how can a mouse weigh less than than a gram? Look it up mate
I thought about that and mentioned it to him because I didn't want him to have it on empty stomach. He'd only had a cheeseburger a few hours earlier eith nothing else to eat so I figured it would be alright for him.

>> No.16341319

>1000 milligrams in a gram
1000 milligrams in a kilogram, tard. 10 in a gram. 10 decagrams in a kilo.

>> No.16341321

You're saying doing more of a drug doesn't make the high more intense? I don't believe you but please keep spreading this "information"

>> No.16341333


>> No.16341336


>> No.16341344

one day cocaine will be legalized and humanity will enter a new golden age

>> No.16341355

dude, weed lmao

>> No.16341375

>JBL speaker he bought because the marketing tricked him
What's the issue here? They're handy for parties/drink ups because anyone can connect and play their shitty music.

>> No.16341378

exactly. itt people lying or not knowing. 10mg is the dose for a low tolerance user. i smoke a little every night before bed, and 10mgs would get me very high. 400 would be far too much

>> No.16341399

They're peak capitalism. Their actual usefulness is small unless you're out doing exercise. Other than that, it's really just mildly more convenient. They're expensive and don't sound good.

>> No.16341400

>1000 milligrams in a kilogram, tard. 10 in a gram. 10 decagrams in a kilo.
I suggest you go and look up the metric system because there's clearly something going wrong, snd I cant see it being UK weight getting lost with US weight

>> No.16341404

Yeah nah, I know what I'm talking about. Later fag

>> No.16341420

Probably because most people don't want to in a public place when high but the comfort of their home. Also regular diners are awful enough, you want to deal with the intoxicated?

>> No.16341426

>googlehow many milligrams in kilogram
Yeah nah mate,
>Later fag

>> No.16341449


I made a lot in crypto and now I get high everyday with my boyfriend

>> No.16341451

>Their actual usefulness is small unless you're out doing exercise
If annoying people in public is your thing, sure. Spoken like a true shut-in that has nothing social going on. I don't even own a JBL, I just have a knock off 360 bluetooth speaker and it does the job.

If you were talking about dre beats sure, I'd understand the hate, but JBL sounds fine. go back to /mu/, you commie faggot.

>> No.16341459

>I made a lot in crypto
Friendly reminder it isn't worth shit until you put it in the bank

>> No.16341479

This entire post missed the mark. It's like you're talking to someone behind me. I'm going to ignore you, but you can try again if you want.

>> No.16341486

you're a homosexual

>> No.16341526


>> No.16341585

>money in the bank that can be used
Why don't you go buy some groceries with your shitcoins then, assuming you don't lose it all

>> No.16341622

>bluetooth speaker

>> No.16342118

>smoking shit
You already smoked so much, you're so fucking far gone, you don't even realize how far.
Yes, and?

>> No.16342227

>ban everything I don't like!!!1
kill yourself.

>> No.16342238

Modern bogans are modeled after American trailer trash.

>> No.16342243
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>muh bogans
says the sissified americanised melbourne cunt.

>> No.16342248

>spending your free time in shorts and probably a wifebeater smoking while staring blankly from the porch

you sure showed him

>> No.16342289

To be fair to him it's nice to sit on the porch to smoke and stare after a hard days work

>> No.16342291

400mg seems a bit excessive

>> No.16342307

>chill on the porch smoking
>sitting inside shitposting on 4chanland

The cognitive dissonance is amazing

>> No.16342382

My god this thread is so fucking stupid

A 10mg edible for someone with 0 tolerance will knock them on their ass. 25-50 mg will do that to a regular smoker with an average tolerance. The only people who won't go catatonic for 12 hours from 400mg in one dose are people who do multiple dabs daily, and even then it'll get them extremely high.

And yeah sure, there are cases where people get zero effect from edibles, but those are outliers and shouldn't be used to judge the strength of edibles. If you weren't retarded you would understand that everyone's body is different and reacts differently.

>> No.16342555

Our forefathers grew hemp retardo

>> No.16342599

>pay $100 for a greasy fucking meal that will make you sick, only to get high an hour after you finish eating
wow, I love gluttony.

>> No.16343178

I feel you. I had a 20mg gummy and spent the entire night shaking with the world spinning uncontrollably.

>> No.16343225

>>For context, a modern joint contains between 60 to 150 mg of THC or more, according to Weedmaps.
This sounds like extreme bullshit and even if it's true, smoking it most of it goes - you guessed it - up in smoke and the biological process of absorbing the THC and how your body reacts is totally different from edibles.

>> No.16343228

I regularly take 15-20MG doses of thc and still 400 mg to me just sounds like a waste.

>> No.16343236

why would they makd the whole meal have thc in it? its gonna make all the food taste likd weed and since they're edibles they won't even kick in until you're finished

>> No.16343241

If I consumed 400mg, I'd probably fuckin' die.

>> No.16343249

yeah meth is an issue, not weed
so weed is the solution here not the problem?

>> No.16343275

Not me buddy. I'm a daily stoner and the second I smoke a bowl or some bubble hash I'm home for the night.
But cooking with weed is a little weird. I wish I was a bit better of a cook. People go sweet when they should go savory. If I wasn't a lazy stoner I'd make a chart of the terpines and match the flavor profiles to the foods that have the same ones

>> No.16343286

Bruh, the meal is supposed to be shared with friends/significant others

>> No.16343343

mashallah, brother