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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16335992 No.16335992 [Reply] [Original]

What food are you growing this year?

Just harvested my first zucchinis of the year. Harvesting leafy greens for salads every few days and also picked a few small carrots. Still a month away from the first tomatoes and peppers.

>> No.16336033
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Brocolli, tomato, green beans, and snow peas. It's just a small garden right now. Planning on making it larger next year.

What sort of leafy greens, anon?

>> No.16336046

>wasting perfectly good soil on salad when you could just tomatomaxx

>> No.16336052

Comfy as fuck. I haven't tried growing broccoli or snow peas yet. The greens I'm harvesting now are lettuce, kale, arugula, carrot tops, some wild lamb's quarters and purslane, coriander, parsley. But it's mostly kale, lettuce, and arugula. The lettuce is starting to bolt but still tastes pretty good in a salad.

>> No.16336058

I already have enough tomato plants to give me consistent harvests for the whole season. Last year I had to can some because I wasn't eating them fast enough.

>> No.16336132

Summer started slow and cold this year. I think my tomatoes are fucked, lads.
Potatoes and strawberries are looking alright, just gonna come in late.

>> No.16336147

A storm ruined all my brocolli just when it was almost ready :(

>> No.16336148

Things I don't have access to or cost a truckload of money.

Jacques Lebel apples

Wild: rocket, chervil, chives and garlic

Basil, sage, bay leaf, lemon balm, oregano, savory, rosemary, basil, 2 kinds of thyme, noble mint (Mentha arvensis x Mentha spicata), bergamot mint, lovage, chives, Chinese chives, southernwood, great burnet, lemon verbena, agastache, curry plant, wasabi

3 types of sorrel, Castelfranco radicchio

17 types of edible flowers apart from the ones mentioned above

7 types of radishes

Blackcurrant, redcurrant, early and late raspberry

Jalapeño peppers and a variety of cress (mung, lentil, alfalfa, beet, leek, mustard...)

PS: zucchini is already plural

>> No.16336149

>I think my tomatoes are fucked, lads.
If they didn't get killed, they'll probably catch up. Worst case is they end up a bit stunted or have reduced yields. We had a freak cold spell, dipping to around 3°C for two nights even with cold protection, and I only 1 plant got permanently fucked. After two weeks the rest had already taken off like it never happened.

>> No.16336160
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>Basil, sage, bay leaf, lemon balm, oregano, savory, rosemary, basil, 2 kinds of thyme, noble mint (Mentha arvensis x Mentha spicata), bergamot mint, lovage, chives, Chinese chives, southernwood, great burnet, lemon verbena, agastache, curry plant, wasabi
Imagine the smell. I only have spearmint, thyme, lemon balm, bay leaf, and chives.

>> No.16336215

I'm going to start a garden next time its the right season. I plan on growing tomatoes and maybe strawberries

>> No.16336309

Growing your own food is extremely good. No chemicals like BPS and BPA on my food and insecticides, don't have to go to any artificial soulless institution to grab what I need, don't need to pay with bullshit no inherent value currency.

I have not started, but I want to. Any recommendations? I have no diet restrictions

>> No.16336311

I live in Phoenix Arizona. Can I even grow anything edible?

>> No.16336364

How so you deal with bugs without any chemicals whatsoever?

>> No.16336371

You can probably grow pretty much anything there but you will likely need to use shade cloth if growing in the summer, and fast-bolting varieties like lettuce will be very difficult to grow in the summer. Even heat-loving crops like tomatoes and peppers will have trouble self-pollinating in constant searing heat. You can look for heat tolerant varieties (for tomatoes, Siletz doesn't need pollination and I've heard Arkansas Traveler has good heat tolerance). Okra and sweet potatoes will likely do very well even in the summer heat. Worst case scenario, you can try growing most of your vegetables in the cooler months.

>> No.16336388
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Gotta plant more beans and swiss chard. And I really, realy need to clean up the yard.

>> No.16336402
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Hire some assistance.
Get strawberries now. They dont produce well till the second year.

>> No.16336409

>I have not started, but I want to. Any recommendations?
Herbs. Some of them like mint will just take over an entire bed and keep coming back year after year. Thyme and rosemary are also easy to take care of and can be overwintered if you live somewhere where it freezes. Nightshades like peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants are also good vegetables to start off with. If you don't want to mess around with constant pruning, look into determinate tomato varieties (or just let your tomato grow into an untamed bush). Salad greens (lettuce, kale, spinach, arugula, etc.) are also easy to grow but some, like lettuce, spinach, and arugula, will quickly bolt in the summer. Oh yeah, and green onions and chives are incredibly easy to grow and don't require much care.

Indoors, herbs are probably your best bet, followed by salad greens. Peppers are perennial but frost tender so you can grow them indoors for years, and they're pretty forgiving once they get established.

>> No.16336424

the only thing I've grown this year is some green onions that accidentally sprouted when composting them
the outdoor cats decided to make the planterbox their designated litter box and I don't know what to do to make them stop
even weeds aren't growing here anymore, I think they've just nuked the soil with whatever chemicals cat shit is full of and no life can form anymore

>> No.16336427
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Look at this big bitch. Painted serpent cucumber.

>> No.16336437

>How so you deal with bugs without any chemicals whatsoever?
Soap, neem, diatoms, there's a hundred ways. I like to use tobacco juice myself.

>> No.16336439

holy shit

>> No.16336440

I planted too many banana peppers but they're so fucking delicious holy shit. organic home grown produce is the best.

>> No.16336487


Oi you got a permit for that there garden bruv?

>> No.16336490

God damn, imagine being so gay you need to grow your own dildos?

>> No.16336607

It’s been raining so much here in Louisiana. My basil is going fucking ballistic.

>> No.16336656

Nice marijuana plant bro :)

>> No.16336731
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Although the painted serpents have incredible length I prefer these china jade cucumbers for cramming. The spikes add something really special to the whole experience.

Heh, good eye. One of the few perks of living in california, I suppose. They're a very fun plant to grow. Super fast growing and lots of cool ways to manipulate them to increase yields or optimize them for your space.

>> No.16336844

pray tell, what is tomatomaxx?

>> No.16336876
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My first garden, growing some kale. Got some shitty sandy soil and leaf miners but I think I can start eating it in a couple weeks.

>> No.16336907
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Messy bed but here's my kale!

>> No.16336915

all these anon pics are making me miss growing peas when I lived with my parent, top tier plant that bugs don't like to fuck around with, is ready to eat with just a rinse, and are always delicious and healthy

>> No.16336934

I have some peas I can get pics of anon, I tried to use sunflower stems from last year but they wont grow up them properly, sadly. All I asw eating my peas were hornets, they munched the leaves for their nest.

>> No.16336950
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Nice job! Maybe consider buying some compost to mix in. Some mulch on top of the bare soil will reduce how much you need to water also.

Baby kale is delicious and really east to grow.

I built these raised beds in january and got about 70ish lbs of lettuce and bok choy from them. Lots of beets as well. Feels good to give away lots super nutritious and delicious food.

>> No.16336982

Making pesto pasta tonight with basil and green onions from the garden. Then going to make a Friday cocktail that includes the fresh mint I've been growing.

Have tomatoes coming in, but not ready for harvest yet.

>> No.16337203

lots of potatoes onions and herbs they are the most easy for me to grow on large and they do great

>> No.16337236

grew a bunch of fava beans over winter, have a ton in the freezer, rn im growning tomatoes, green beans, collard a bunch of different cabagges, brocolli, peppers, carrots, just random stuff in relatively small amounts cause I live alone

>> No.16337259
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using every inch of square footage on your property for tomatoes.

>> No.16337262

once it bolts and gets bitter you can still get away with cooking it, i usually steam it along with leafy greens, gives a nice bitter edge to it

>> No.16337289
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pic of the place a few weeks back before the tomatoes and peppers really took off, crazy how fast it all grew in a bit under a month

>> No.16337354

even the debris in your gutters?

>> No.16337575

Bananas, cashews, kiwifruit

>> No.16337812

Sounds nice, anon. I looked up lettuce and it doesn't seem too hard to grow. Kale sounds good too, although I read something about "hardening off" online that sounds like a bit of a hassle if it's actually necessary (it's only necessary for seedlings initially raised indoors?).

I actually haven't even seen the snow peas sprout yet since I planted them so late, Should be seeing them in a few days if they actually show up. Growing a row of leafy vegetables like lettuce between the rows of snow peas and the trellis that I'm going to build to support them sounds like a good plan.

Sorry to hear that anon.

>> No.16337827

Mostly got herbs:
>Thai Basil

Also got Lemon cucumbers, Romaine Broccoli, Rainbow Chard, and some heirloom carrots. I gotta do all this shit indoors though so I don't get much.

>> No.16337859
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Have a small little garden. Growing a bunch of shit. Pic is from a few weeks ago. Peas replaced by cucumbers and all carrots replaced by beans at this point.

>> No.16337863
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Tonight's dinner - bitter greens gratin using the chard and kale from the garden. Cooked down with onion and garlic, ads cream and reduce, crack eggs into greens, broil, add bread crumbs and parmesan, broil.

>> No.16337908

Tomatoes, three varieties, can’t remember any but the Elfin
Peas, two varieties, one that’s shoot focused and your standard fence climber
Bunch of Asian chois and such
Broccoletti but the damn stuff already bolted so I’m only getting the leaves and we’ll harvest the seeds for next year
Sunflowers (I’mma pickle them shits, really looking forward to that experiment)
Bell pepper
Pattypan squash
Bunch of different lettuces
Nasturtium, which is not usually an edible cultivar but you can use the buds like capers and it grows like crazy if you let it
And all your standard herbs. Not sure if the basil is gonna make it though.
And there’s a kiwi tree but I don’t think I fertilized it early enough

Squirrels ate my tarragon. Little bastards are lucky I respect them too much to kill them.

>> No.16337925

That’s healthy looking. Nice work.

>> No.16337930

>grow my own tomatoes
>they taste so amazing its almost like a different vegetable altogether
>grow literally anything else whatsoever
>tastes identical to the grocery store

>> No.16337935

Choice of varietal maybe.

>> No.16338361

>cabbage worms keep stealing away those delicious, nutritious radish greens
how do I stop them

>> No.16338968
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This summer, lettuce, potatoes, various herbs, great northern beans (which grow surprisingly well in Fort Lauderdale, Florida), four blueberry shrubs that will fruit within a year, and green onions. I'll plant some carrots, garlic, pigeon peas, habanero peppers, and squash later in the year.

>> No.16338983

There's this black guy from the Southwest that has a aquaphonics system.


He appears to be doing pretty well for himself, so if you can afford hydroponics gear, so can you.

>> No.16338994

Oh shit I forgot, we're also growing pineapples. I plan on getting some corn and squash seeds so I can do a sort of Three Sisters deal.

>> No.16339674
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a fuckton of beans and tomatoes, some cucumbers and watermelon as experiments
turned out great last year

>> No.16339698

I’m growing some green and red bell peppers, some dill, cucumbers, habaneros, chili peppers, Serrano peppers, jalapeños, and watermelon. Can’t wait for the cucumbers, I wanna try to make a better batch of pickles this year, last year they weren’t as sour as I wanted them to be.

>> No.16339938


>> No.16340346

Any tips for someone in an apartment? My tomatoes in my pot outside turned yellow and died.

>> No.16340419
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>mfw living in a city where even renting the shittiest looking house with an outdoor section would be costly
Does growing mold count?

>> No.16340460

Strawberries and raspberries right now. Only sensitive stuff like that is worth it anyways.

>> No.16340474

Kill the stray cats, they will give you parasites.

>> No.16340517

Moved into a flat with no garden so only growing a tomato, a couple of chilli plants, some herbs and a sunflower outside my front door this year.
I have acquired some allotment land though so will be doing potatos and onions next year.

>> No.16340768

I'm in SFL too, any tips for growing? I'm in an apartment right now but hopefully if the prices ever dip i'll start buying

>> No.16341322

lettuce, berries, apples, wallnuts, pears, blackberries, strawberries, rasberries, tomatos, cherries, onion, leek, cucumbers and dill.

>> No.16341496

This is my first year gardening. I'm growing tomatoes, cayenne pepper, Thai pepper, cucumbers strawberries and blackberries. It's not much, but I'm starting to see my first round of tomatoes growing. I though I was fucked since rabbits nearly destroyed all my strawberry and tomatoes plants at the beginning of the season.

>> No.16343098

Buy hydrogen peroxide and use a 1:1 ratio of water and hydro-perox for the roots of plants, and 1 teaspoon to 1 cup of water for the leaves.

>> No.16343158

Oh also, if you're living in an apartment, grow some microgreens, herbs, and maybe if you have a balcony or you live on a bottom floor with an outside area, grow some potatoes in a large sack.

>> No.16343469
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No veggies but I planted ten raspberry bushes and two service trees.
Now we wait for them to become mature, some of the raspberry plants already have a few flowers.

>> No.16344719

I grow cheese inside my foreskin

>> No.16344741
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I just picked about sixty kiwanos off my vine. Only problem is; what the fuck do I do with sixty kiwanos? And that's not even all of them, I still have more in the garden.

I grew it as a lark, I didn't think it'd be so prolific.

Other then that I got a shitload of radishes and potatoes, and I'm still dealing with a pumpkin surplus, and lablab beans that are ripening. Also amaranth, for leaves and seeds.

>> No.16344762

I harvested all of the boogers off the bottom of my desk. It was a good year.

>> No.16345369

Thanks Anon!

>> No.16345401

Grew a couple pumpkin plants they got to flower, then small marble size pumpkin and then they just rotted away, twice and I was devastated to see some guy near my house grew a perfect pumpkin on his yard, I cant grew anything else because my dog destroyed everything, I might buy just a small plot of land for the lols someday anyways, my yard is minuscule so cant gro much
Inb4 green peamaxx
Nahhh, my mom loved to grow peas and they are just a wastd of good soil, You are basically growing farts and fiber

>> No.16345439

Looks like a mutant melon. Can't you eat it as it is since it's technically a melon?

>> No.16347216

tried growing tomato's watermelon pumkin, snow peas, only one pea plant did well and I ate the peas off It

>> No.16347634

Did you feel good when you typed that?

>> No.16347669

Waiting on the blackberries to ripen so I can pick them and make a nice coulis