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16327466 No.16327466 [Reply] [Original]

why has Gordon Ramsey lost his touch recently? do you guys think he was always a shitty cook? If so, how did he get all of those Michelin stars?

>> No.16327497

He hasn’t “lost his touch”, he’s “out of touch”. He built his celebrity career by being a pompous profession French trained chef, and now that he’s globally recognized he’s trying to reach out to his average-joe userbase by doing burger and grilled cheese videos. Being a rich, French trained chef he fumbles around like a child trying to make these recipes. He attempts to apply Michelin star French cuisine autism to these middle-class basics and that’s how you end up with shit like blue cheese and kimchi between 2 giant wads of crusty bread

>> No.16327499

you seem really angry over nothing, what is your problem? its just cooking anon

>> No.16327519

thanks for making this retarded thread again you fucking faggot

>> No.16327529

this is literally the first time I posted this you fuckfaced dimwit, seriously fuck right off

>> No.16327530

He's right tho

>> No.16327533

stop sucking dick for a living

>> No.16327541

I'm always angry and it makes me horny

>> No.16327558

Did he get stung by a bee or someshit

>> No.16327569

that sounds kind of good in my head
>Kimchi: sour, spicy, umami
>blue cheese: fatty, funky, umami
>crusty bread: chewy/crispy, soaks up richness
>burger: burger
idk man, those flavors sound pretty good

>> No.16327579

"I saw this thread 4 billion times, but because *I* was never the queerbo to post it, it's fine."

You're an idiot.

>> No.16327610

and youre a worthless, meaningless waste of life
seriously do you think you have gained anything useful from going poggers whenever you see a familiar thread? fucking kill yourself my dude

>> No.16327623

Oh it's the daily gordon ramsey thread


>> No.16327820

It's television. Half the time he's cooking a made-up bullshit recipe in a strange setting because that's more interesting than cooking normal food properly. His average viewer is a complete cooklet who just wants novelty entertainment.
Sometimes the food turns out so badly even the average viewer can probably tell, like the grilled cheese. Then he either spends hours of everyone's time and a lot of money scrapping and reshooting the entire thing, or calls it a wrap and keeps the production moving. Gordon the TV presenter calls it a wrap.
It's like asking why Bear Grylls thinks wilderness survival means piss-drinking and jackass stunts given his credentials. He doesn't, he just making television for the lowest common denominator.

>> No.16327867

you sound cute

>> No.16328022
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Brit’s can’t cook

>> No.16328040

Based scumbag piece of shit gaslighter devil anon

>> No.16328045

Yeah but not when he constructs it like a goddamn retard, building a sandwich that's taller than it is wide and dripping with kimchi juice like it just got birthed from a goddamn horse.

>> No.16328540

I don't know what to think honestly he always perplexed me.
I always thought it wasn't a very good chef, and the grilled cheese sandwich catastrophe is just the most blatant mistake he made
He's not the "conceptual" kind of chef, nor the most technical and not the genious

Despite all the michelin stars he earned, you can see how bad he is if you compare to any unknown starred chef in country like france or italy

>> No.16328545

what a fucking legitimate fag

>> No.16328684

He's one of those chefs who will cry about a little botulism in his food but then proceeds to get it injected directly into his face.
Kind of how he will shit on other restaurants freezing their food and re-cooking it, but operates businesses doing the same thing.

>> No.16328709

He's a 55 year old multi-millionare. I'm sure he doesn't care.

>> No.16328711

>seasons a bag of seasoned fritos

>> No.16328741

He'll care when I'm shoving benis up his arse!

>> No.16328761

Gordon is obsessed with his image,look at his shows, his YouTube, his hair dye, his botox

>> No.16328798
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>> No.16329087

He's a classically trained french cook. He does fine dining pretty well. Most of his "low brow" anglo food is probably slightly worse than Jamie Oliver and that's saying a LOT. He's one of these chefs who can't resist reinventing the wheel and coming up with worse variations of mainstream dishes like a bacon cheeseburger.

>> No.16329161

Well I hope he likes guys cuz he sounds cute >.<

>> No.16329167

>and he's still prettier than the average bong woman

>> No.16329392

Yeah right. Babish is so much better, he should get some Michelein stars.

>> No.16329448

>sprinkles extra salt on a bag of processed corn-starch
Nah he still got that magic. Kek.

>> No.16329470

Why didn't they cover up his yoda forehead?

>> No.16329473

It’s not hard to make things hot

>> No.16329476

based calling it like it is anon

>> No.16329486

>do you guys think he was always a shitty cook?
No, he's a good cook, obviously, anybody who says otherwise has lost himself to memery. His problem is that for the past 20 years, he has not been a chef, he has been a tv personality. He is an entertainer and that's how he leads his life, and he can't just keep making the same scrambled egg video every month, so now he has to do all kinds of things to keep it interesting, and he's not really doing that well.

>> No.16329685

What does that have to do with his ability to cook?

>> No.16329691

Nothing, you fucking faggot. Shoo. Go reply to someone else.

>> No.16329737

Enough with the flirting and just fuck already.

>> No.16329738

based insightful reasoning appreciator anon

>> No.16330254
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Pretty much I just think he's good at hiding the ego, that to be honest anyone would have after being so famous for so long. But from time to time it slips out especially in his stupid tik tok videos where he reeeee's about food that was obviously bad and mad as memes or just dumbasses fucking up recipes

>> No.16330259

Not when you're trying to make grilled cheese.

>> No.16330321
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>entire person is about being le epic alpha britisher XD
>gets absolutely exposed and mogged to shit by norm macdonald who doesn't even care or try

>> No.16330336


"now that the cheese has melted"....

>> No.16330489

To be fair, everybody gets mogged by Norm.

>> No.16330506

almost everyone true
letterman, superdave, other old timey folks don't though
and if you're down to earth he's not going to btfo you

>> No.16330527

Because Michelin stars are a meme that you can buy.
Nobody can prove it, but it’s a well known fact.
In fact, the lack of proof is actually proof of tons of proof, and is furthermore proof that the proof is being suppressed.

>> No.16330529

this is why you never trust the fr*nch

>> No.16330558

you are on the wrong website

>> No.16330561

>this is a 10/10 in bongland

>> No.16330577

she can cook at least

>> No.16331575

He actually sounds really reasonable, why are you failing to cope?

>> No.16331670

>attractive bri'ish woman

>> No.16331717

I read at a college level at around seven or eight years old

>> No.16331736

I learned how to read at 3.

>> No.16331799

gorhon transey

>> No.16331835

it wasn't a burger

>> No.16331881

A college just flew over my house

>> No.16331904

Pretty much a shitty cook. I can make shit better than him and I dont do this shit for a living. I just cook for myself, lonley guy. Single, stay at home chad.

>> No.16331914

Don't be a little bitch, anon

>> No.16331924
File: 483 KB, 500x221, yeah ok.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay at home lardass
>I can make shit better than him
>an experienced successful trained chef and multiple restaurant owner
the delusion would be amazing if it weren't so sad.

>> No.16331954

>le trained chef xD
You fell for memes, you fag. Michelin stars are all a political game of who can suck up the most.

Anyone with half a brain can see that Ramsay can't cook for shit. Dude's recipes are fucking ass.

>> No.16331962

This this this, thank you m8. For responding to the incel.

He is just a bad cook, it takes about 5 minute of brainstorming to improve anything he makes.

Go watch him make a carbonara and tell me you cant do it better, then i feel sorry for you.

>> No.16331969

Also i deadlift 250 kg, if that counts as lardass.

>> No.16331974
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>> No.16331976

Also his burgers are so bad, so bad.

>> No.16331992

I will say that he kinda nailed the Stir fried rice he once did. But its basicly throw 7 ingridients in a wok and stir fry it. How hard can it be.

>> No.16332885

there are lots of michelin starred cooks that still manage not to overcomplicate simple food

>> No.16334089

>being this autistic

>> No.16334652

found Gordon. Simmer down pipsqueak

>> No.16336145

take your meds schizo

>> No.16337651


>> No.16337681



>> No.16337783

Michelin stars are a meme. The jusgingt agency does not disclose their criteria or grading rubric. It wouldn't surprise me if stars were generally obtained through grift.

>> No.16337791

Gordon is clearly a very talented chef who earned all his praise, as a young hungry man, but in his age he has began to dwindle and is dwarfed by his former self, he also is a uber-celebrity and swims in money, therefore he is no longer hungry and his cooking reflects that.