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16325022 No.16325022[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is Burger King so political nowadays?

>> No.16325034
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>> No.16325041

Literally everything is. Why do you think people are so tired of it all? TV, media, internet, sports, videogames, art and even fucking fast food. People are fed up.

>> No.16325055

All these companies are just trying to tell white people that they don't want their money. And that's cool - white people are noticing. Gillette really kicked off the trend, they *ADMIT* to over $12 billion in lost sales because of their Superbowl ad.

>> No.16325065

It hasn't been about the money for a while now.

>> No.16325075

This. Just fucking stop.

>> No.16325083
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Ever since Raytheon became more inclusive the campus cafeteria really upped it's game

>> No.16325095

That's just America's Soft Power.

>> No.16325112

ITT asspained nazis

>> No.16325162

why are you falling for super obvious bait. you are not wrong, but you are literally just as retarded as the OP for playing along

>> No.16325256

who cares, its lip service. no one takes corporate political statements seriously except soyfacing liberals (and seething rightwingers)

>> No.16325446
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>> No.16325505
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>Why is Burger King so political nowadays?

I’ve got bad news for you anon, it’s not just Burger King.

I’ve got a buddy who is high up in the banking industry on the tech side and he says today’s executives are even _more_ addicted and brainwashed by social media then regular people, he says their lives literally revolved around social media and they base their corporate decisions on what’s trending on social media.

For them, it’s the “real world”.

>> No.16325524

You mean why is it against your politics?

>> No.16325650

Amerilards like to politicize everything. Look at their video gaming industry.

>> No.16325692
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>> No.16325711


>> No.16325733


>> No.16325745

this is a lie. lesbians are only political if they aren't hot white or asian girls.

>> No.16325749
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As a brown man, he’s right.

American society and its economy are swirling down the toilet, and this idpol horseshit is all corporations and neoliberals can offer to distract us from their failing system.

Being brown IS being politicized and you are a fucking idiot, or in denial, if you can’t see it.

>> No.16325773

America is run by deranged corporate overlords and their neoliberal puppets. Unironically fuck this divisive garbage, I’m cheering for China as the worlds next superpower.

At this point I’d rather take CCP rule over the Democratic Party.

>Bans food waste
>Will run BLM over with tanks instead of making you kneel for them
>Don’t have to cheer for LGBTQP+ pedos
>Get actual healthcare instead of ACA bullshit
>No open borders

Based CCP does it again bros, learning Mandarin stat

Don’t @ me

>> No.16325804 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16325937

Nobody made you cheer or kneel for anyone, schizo

>> No.16326495

Market research suggests to them it will sell best/result in more profit
that is always the reason why

>> No.16326550

calm down nigger

>> No.16326586

Because when all else fails to bring attention to you or your brand, you get political and, as a result, divisive. Divisiveness creates conflict, which in turn draws attention from nearly everyone.

>> No.16326890

I hear many African countries are accepting new immigrants ;^)

>> No.16326901

The current crop of people coming out of business schools are fully woke and zealots in all kinds of corporate responsibility and social justice bullshit. They're no longer concerned with making money and prefer to chase political points.

>> No.16326954

what did they do this time?

>> No.16327310

I hope one of you guys got your 1 dollar Whopper Wednesday whoppers.

Because that's the only price their worth buying at.

>> No.16327320

I do not eat beefburgers.

>> No.16327344

I know no one did, because I refuse to. I’m a man, not a bitch.

I’d rather stand and fight the DNC, at least until Xi liberates the US mainland and puts you regressive faggots in camps.

>> No.16327390

Buy a gun, hit the gym, read The Culture of Critique