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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16324892 No.16324892 [Reply] [Original]

If it's not tuna than wtf is it supposed to be?

>> No.16324900

my boogers

>> No.16324912

the chicken breast is literally 50% soy mixture

why you fucks eat that shit is beyond me, just cook and save money while ingesting fewer jewish chemicals

>> No.16324924

>its da joos

>> No.16324932

It's tuna, they even admit in the article that the reason you can't find any DNA in it because it's cooked, but that doesn't make it to the headline because you wouldn't click on it if said that.

>With all testing, there are major caveats to consider. Once tuna has been cooked, its DNA becomes denatured — meaning that the fish’s characteristic properties have likely been destroyed, making it difficult, if not impossible, to identify.

>> No.16324935

Imitation gruel

>> No.16324936

This was disproven was it not? Wether or not its real or fake Ive seen this thread already, fucking stop

>> No.16324946

Which chemicals are jewish?

>> No.16324952

eat the tuna bugs

>> No.16324961


>> No.16324964

literally just google it, research into using high fructose corn syrup, industrial seed oils, and soy-based meat replacement for food all have been directly funded by people of jewish descent.

>> No.16324971


>> No.16324975

Due to the wide array of options in the seafood marketplace, seafood is far more susceptible to mislabeling than terrestrial food.[71] There are more than 1,700 species of seafood in the United States' consumer marketplace, 80 - 90% of which are imported and less than 1% of which is tested for fraud.[83] However, more recent research into seafood imports and consumption patterns among consumers in the United States suggests 35%-38% of seafood products are of domestic origin.[85] consumption suggests Estimates of mislabelled seafood in the United States range from 33% in general up to 86% for particular species.[83]

Snapper and tuna were particularly susceptible to mislabelling, and seafood substitution was the most common type of fraud. Another type of mislabelling is short-weighting, where practices such as overglazing or soaking can misleadingly increase the apparent weight of the fish.[87] For supermarket shoppers, many seafood products are unrecognizable fillets. Without sophisticated DNA testing, there is no foolproof method to identify a fish species without their head, skin, and fins. This creates easy opportunities to substitute cheap products for expensive ones, a form of economic fraud.[88]

>> No.16325038

>its actually true

>> No.16325191

Let me translate this for you: "Subway stopped paying us to support our research so we made a study bashing them"

>> No.16325297


>> No.16325336

DNA doesn't denature, proteins do. Cooking could fragment the DNA, but it can still be sequenced through electrophoresis ala Sanger sequencing.

>> No.16325455

>it can still be sequenced through electrophoresis ala Sanger sequencing
What about cooked tuna that's been mixed with mayonnaise, scraped off the sandwich roll, frozen and then shipped across the country? Because that's what the "journalist" from the Failing New York Times did.

Even then, like another anon said (and like I said in >>>16320581 ), the testing lab (who refused to be named) are the ones who made the excuses.

>> No.16325498

None of that would impact the integrity of the DNA as much as cooking would, and even then, heat will typically only fragment the DNA. That makes the sequencing more difficult, but not impossible. Simply identifying a species doesn't exactly require a pristine sample. I've extracted DNA from tissue samples for the purposes of full genotyping, and the samples can be held at 92 C for over 24 hours with zero DNA degradation.

>> No.16325538
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Is /ck/ just the culinary extension of /pol/? Not that I'd be bothered by it, just asking.

>> No.16325587

HFCS was developed in fucking Iowa and Japan, what the hell are you schizos on about

>> No.16325604

>Failing New York Times
lol, typical trumpspeak including the random capitalizations. The NYT has been "failing" for a few years now, huh Cletus?

you are most likely not educated enough to comment on anything outside of fucking your cousin, but here you are defending subway like the uneducated subhuman scum you are

>> No.16325662

>education means better person

I am genuinely baffled by your line of thought and I hope your affairs are alright in life.

>> No.16325668

>it was developed in iowa so it must be true that only red-blooded white iowan caucasian americans worked on it and totally funded it
you're the only schizo here

>> No.16325679
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I only use that pejorative to trigger leftists, DUDE I LOVE SCIENCE cucks and MSM stooges like you, chaver.

Keep supporting literal fake news about Subway and feeding me (You)s.

>> No.16325685

its tuna flakes mixed with an emulsifier like milk, mayo or a water solution

>> No.16325689

>I am genuinely baffled by your line of thought
me too because nowhere did I even imply what you apparently read out of my comment, this isn't surprising though because you redhats usually have severe reading comprehenson problems.

this is what I said, for you redhat dummies:

>You write like trump which strongly suggests you have little education. That's why your opinion on and your defense of subway is worth nothing.

One thing you did get right though, even though I didn't even imply it: Usually education leads to people being better people. There shouldn't be anything controversial about that...

>> No.16325693


Why do you guys care about subway? Their food sucks regardless of what it's made of. Grow up and move on.

>> No.16325695

>I only use that pejorative to trigger leftists
that's an interesting new version of "I was just pretending to be retarded", redhat

>> No.16325708

Stay furious about Trumpism, chaver. It's only been 8 months since he left office, after all.

>> No.16325732

no, /pol/tards just infest every board.

>> No.16325742

You've successfully blared a hundred accusatory words in exchange of twenty-two, all because of a mild response from a stranger. You are acting like a monkey with all that finger-pointing, are you alright? I am concerned.

>> No.16325751

>education means better person

>> No.16325781

Well, the other guy mostly said he doesn't understand something. Obviously an explanation needs more words than a query.

>> No.16325883

>implying I eat at subway
haven't been there in 7 years. Those places are run by moneygrubbing pajeets.
>ask for pickles on my sub
>instead of just grabbing a couple pickles and tossing them on they individually pick out exactly 4 pickles and place them evenly along the footlong

>> No.16325905

>kike brainwashing = good
t. californian

>> No.16325993

Not defending Jeway, but aren't they independently owned? This is distributors selling them shady shit. Foodservice distributors are fuckscary and people need to demand the federal government climb into their ass past the houston valve.

>> No.16326033

How do you circumcise a hick?
Kick his sister in the jaw.

>> No.16326043

Yes, fish fraud generally happens on the distributor's side. Assuming of course that there isn't some easily uncovered paper trail from Subway executives showing an intent to buy trash fish and sell it as "tuna".

>> No.16326157

god. white men are beautiful

>> No.16326164

>I am genuinely baffled by your line of thought
I bet you are, and I bet you're used to being baffled lol

>> No.16326175

>It's only been 8 months since he left office, after all.
I thought he was secretly still in office and it was all part of the plan? Or he's at least gonna get the election results overturned right?

>> No.16326221

What are you babbling about, you schizo? Are you so far gone in your TDS that you started "ironically" believing QAnon rhetoric?

Take your meds.

>> No.16326229
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>> No.16326331

Not accusing you of newfaggotry but latecomers scapegoat /pol/ even though antisemitism has been a part of 4chan long before that board even existed

>> No.16326337

That was different. This time, it's different.

>> No.16326354

>just accept the shitty journalism as fact guys
get fucked cunt

>> No.16326357

it always is my friend

>> No.16326392
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had a good zozzle at your hyper autism namefagging

>> No.16326407

Remember that someone got payed to publish this tripe.

>> No.16326475
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>the chicken breast is literally 50% soy mixture
What the fuck? Really? I've never eaten at Subway before.

>> No.16326522

>just cook and save money while ingesting fewer jewish chemicals
This. I can kind of understand people buying stuff that's time-consuming or difficult to make, but a sub only takes 3 minutes to make yourself.

>> No.16326614

I'm not going home to make a sandwich

>> No.16326658

Make it beforehand. It won't go bad in the 5 hours before you eat it, and would still be better than Subway's shit.

>> No.16326682
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>> No.16326882

A tuna mayo sandwich will go soggy

>> No.16326912

judging by how most "science journalism" goes i assume they couldn't identify a specific species of tuna, but did identify it as tuna or they couldn't make a conclusion based on DNA that has been boiled and canned to oblivion, since meat canning temperatures are often 250°F+

>> No.16326923
File: 43 KB, 500x371, 5D5A1D8C-E4FA-4BD4-87F9-1638EB7AC838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the mother fucking Seafood Sensation so much bros

>> No.16326946

This. How fucking hard is it for you retards to make your own sandwich? It literally takes less than a minute to make.

>> No.16326961

shut the fuck up soyboy

>> No.16327083
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>Baseless misleading headline.
Sounds like someone is shorting subway stocks. Maybe this is a better thread for /biz/
Brb gonna make bank on some penny stocks.

>> No.16327279
File: 14 KB, 462x318, 1623854803029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Subway Sandwiches secretly brought dodo birds back and are using them as a tuna substitute

>> No.16327486

Note how the title does NOT claim its not tuna, only that their study was incapable of finding tuna DNA.

>> No.16327517

The stores are independently owned but as part of their franchise agreement they have to get their ingredients from wherever subway tells them too.

>> No.16327571

NYT is an absolute shit tier propaganda outlet. Either their testing or results were extremely skewed. Some soy cuck probably came up with the headline before they even started these "tests"

With that said, stop eating Subway and other major food corps. They're feeding you cheap HFCS, soy, and chemical filler, and getting rich off it.

>> No.16327723


>> No.16327741

It's probably surimi or something similar.