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16324643 No.16324643 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make the absolutely best coffee possible at home without breaking the bank?

>Moka Pot
>Hario V60
>Flair Espresso Maker
>French Press
>Pod espresso machine
>Regular drip machine
>Budget espresso machine

>> No.16324644
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Is coffee good for you?

>> No.16324650

that's like asking what's the best pasta shape retard

>> No.16324657

depends on what you mean by breaking the bank. if you're pinching pennies then your best bet is to get a french press, cheap grinder, and find some decent cheap but freshly roasted coffees online (the best coffees offer roasting date, source of beans down to the farm they get it from, and a description of the notes/flavors is has). Grind coarsely and follow whatever youtube french press tutorial you want. if you can spend a hundred or two then get a nice burr grinder and a pour over set and learn how to do it properly.

>> No.16324659
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See if you can get a used Nespresso on Craigslist or FB marketplace. I got mine for $50.
What I've tried:
Moka pot
French press
Regular drip
Regular espresso machine

Nespresso blows them away in terms of quality of the cup and it takes like 30 seconds. And you don't have to deal with a grinder or buying fresh beans. Pic rel

>> No.16324663
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Mellita Aromaboy + good beans.

>> No.16324707

>Nespresso blows them away in terms of quality of the cup
Are you serious?

Wherever I asked, I’ve always been told pod machines, pods and Nespresso sucks. Fucking pretentious snob coffee pricks never give an honest answer.

>> No.16324720

depends on what you want from your coffee. if you like to douse it in cream and sugar, which is fine, then stuff like nespresso and pods work fine for you. if you want to try it black with maybe only a hint of sweetener and taste various notes then nespresso and pods are totally garbage. to joe schmoes coffee snobs are elitists that only enjoy expensive bitter shit and to coffee snobs the average guy is a manchild that wont drink anything not loaded with sugar.

>> No.16324728

Dead serious. See if there's a specialty kitchen store near you, lots of them run product demos. It's just hipsters don't like them. I'd be heap mad too if I spent $500 on a grinder and $3k on an espresso machine and got mogged by a $100 pod machine.

>> No.16324737
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Made a second cup of the Nespresso for you - looks good right?

>> No.16324753

>I'd be heap mad too if I spent $500 on a grinder and $3k on an espresso machine and got mogged by a $100 pod machine.

I hope this is true. I’ll do some research on pod machines since I mostly completely dismissed them. Nes seems to have a bad rep with everyone.

>> No.16324772

>if you want to try it black with maybe only a hint of sweetener and taste various notes then nespresso and pods are totally garbage
What would you recommend then?

>> No.16324795

Nespresso bro is trying to get you to waste money so he can laugh at you. He's wearing a fucking vr headset in the pic to really drive the point home

>> No.16325138

He's just joking. We had a Nespresso at my office and it was total crap. It made boomer burnt beanwater which tasted like watery sludge and was only acceptable with cream and sugar added.

>> No.16325196
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This is what I would consider the bare minimum for anything you can arguably call "the best":

>Hario v60, ceramic or glass, OR a glass kalita wave, with glass carafe, OR a French press, depending on taste
>Digital variable-temperature gooseneck kettle
>Steel burr grinder with bearings in the axle so the burr can't wiggle, ensuring perfectly uniform grind (cheapo ceramic burr grinder does not have this and that's why it fails)
>Good light-roast coffee from a local roaster

>> No.16325202

V60, Moka Pot, AND a french press. You can get them all for under a $100 total, and your coffee will be better than any chain coffee shop's brew with a little practice.

>> No.16325204

I swear these things have a different form of caffeine in them. It hits way harder than any drip coffee I"ve ever made.

>> No.16325222

>absolute best coffee
no such thing. it all comes down to personal preference.

I personally think the simpler methods make the best coffee: frech press, Aeropress, Hario V60, moka pot, etc...

Personal favorite is Aeropress for me. I especially love it because the flavor is independent from grind quality (I've done my own blind taste tests) so I just use a shitty blade grinder now which is quicker than a hand crank.

Espresso is a completely different story though.

>> No.16325236

Nope, I'm dead serious. Wearing a VR headset cos fuck posting my face on 4chan.

Op, Nespresso is good. Order it on Amazon and return if you don't like. Or go to a product demo, they do them pretty often at their stores of you're near a big city.

>> No.16325237

Nespresso is shit.

Terrible flavor and its expensive as hell. I can get freshly roasted artisan buzzword beans made by autistic cave monkeys in Argentina for less $ per cup than Nespresso

>> No.16325241

It's caffeine extract and flavorings sprayed onto sawdust. Literally the K2 Spice of coffee.

>> No.16325260

Doubt, the pods go $.60 per
It's coffee my guy

>> No.16325293

$15 for 1lb local roast, 18g beans per cup... math math math. $0.60 per cup.

So exactly the same cost as Nespresso but far greater quality.

Now if you match quality shitty beans are far cheaper. Nespresso can't win.

>> No.16325295

Dude, look at the size of a Nespresso pod compared to the portafilter of a normal espresso machine, or how much grounds you'd put in an aeropress or other real method. It's like 1/3 the volume or less. Basic reasoning would indicate that it must be impregnated with instant coffee flavoring dust if it makes coffee with 1/3 the volume of grounds as other methods.

>> No.16325356

I agree. Nestle simply lies about their product.

Instant coffee also explains the flavor of Nespresso. K-Cups taste like shitty coffee but Nespresso has an instant coffee taste alongside the shitty flavor.

>> No.16325376

Cold brew is effortless, produces good results, and can be made with a dollar store plastic jug, a strainer, and a napkin. Just use good quality beans and you're set

>> No.16325382
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>> No.16325447


You linked some shitty review website? That doesn't mean jack shit.

>its real. trust us. now buy their machine

>The Nespresso coffee capsule only makes you the espresso,
HAHHAHAHA Loss of all credibility

>> No.16325456

Post your source that says they contain instant coffee or any additives

>> No.16325552
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You're a literal shill.
>Post your source that says they contain instant coffee or any additives
Source: common sense and having tastebuds. They also admit it on the Australian website.
>The flavours for our Variations blends come in the form of a very fine powder (encapsulated flavours), created using a group of aromatic substances. They are added to the coffee after grinding.

>> No.16325560

Use an old steel All-Clad sauce pot. Get cans of Maxwell Wake-up roast. Make cowboy coffee. That’s it.

>> No.16325600

That specifies it's for their flavored coffee. They make caramel, chocolates etc pods. Of course those have additives, as does the hazelnut coffee at your local roaster.
Post your source that their normal coffee pods have additives.
I'm not even shilling, I just don't want OP to get sucked into the consoomer trap that is high end coffee BS.

>> No.16325752

>I'm not even shilling
Yes you are. Ether that or cognitive dissonance.

>I just don't want OP to get sucked into the consoomer trap that is high end coffee BS.
Now you're lying. Let's compare OP's list vs Nespresso and against your motivation
>Moka Pot ($30)
>Hario V60 ($30)
>Chemex ($60)
>Flair Espresso Maker ($160)
>9Barista ($400)
Okay that's some weird kickstarter thing
>French Press ($20)
>Pod espresso machine (Hundreds)
>Regular drip machine ($30)
>Budget espresso machine (??)

Most of OP's list is inexpensive tried and true simple coffee preparation that can work with any coffee beans from anywhere. You recommend Nespresso which costs hundreds, uses expensive proprietary pods, and creates a shit ton of waste. You are ENCOURAGING consooomer bullshit.

>Post your source that their normal coffee pods have additives.
Coffee pods aren't a regulated market so they don't need to follow any sort of guidelines, provide data, or do testing. This means they are legally allowed to lie about the contents of their product, just look at the fake honey and olive oil markets. Entire industries are built upon lies due to being unregulated. Nestle has a terrible ethical history, why do you think you can trust them?

>but-but-but where is your source from a third party testing lab that follows Good Laboratory Practices and tests per ASTM 12.3M (How To Tell Instant Coffee From Beans (Even Though Instant Coffee is Made From Beans)) where the testing was funded by tracible money that didn't come from a Nestle competitor and the results were reviewed by an independent and well respected scientific journal where a follow up study was conducted to show that the results were reproducible/repeatable in another lab following the same high standards. Meanwhile, I'll just post shitty review blogs (that I didn't read) to support my position.
fuck off

>> No.16325859
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I told him to pick up a used Nespresso for $50 like I did. A brand new one is $150 MSRP ordered straight from Nespresso, and it comes with some coffee.
>I don't have a source but I'm CERTAIN ok.
I didn't even ask you for a good source, any source would do. You are the one demanding quality sources. My source is higher quality than no source at all.
I looked and couldn't even find a momblog alleging that there was any kind of additive in a Nespresso pod. You're the only one on the whole internet making that claim, but it's "just common sense".
Please continue to seethe.

>> No.16325864
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Whoops wrong pic

>> No.16326014

get a grinder that can do turkish grind without heating the grounds.

>heat water on a pot until it is 2 minutes away of getting to 95°C at sea level (less temperature if you are higher)
>add the grounds and stir
>heat until the dark foam rises
>inmediatly serve in a non preheated cup

ratio is up to you.

>> No.16326456

You lose any semblance of credibility with those fat white toes.

>> No.16326903

Just curious, do you think Nespresso can be considered the 'absolute best coffee available without breaking the bank'?

Moka pot/v60/French press plus grinder is cheaper.

A cheap DeLonghi or Flair plus a grinder that can do proper espresso grinding probably costs about $150 more than a pod machine. I dont know the cost of coffee vs pods but seems like over time that could even out.

>> No.16326920

Even the flair neo at $130 and running preground through it is going to blow any nespresso out of the water. Won't be true "espresso" but you can absolutely use it as a base for milk drinks or an americano with no issues and no grinder investment.

>> No.16326959

Good whole bean coffee is more expensive than pods. $0.60/pod for a double shot vs about $1.35 for 15g of whole bean coffee to do the same. Plus the grinder, plus the machine, and I think the Nespresso makes a better shot than most full on espresso machines I've tried.
I do think Nespresso can be considered the absolute best coffee available without breaking the bank. I have a moka pot and a french press and a pour over (not a weab one though) and they're not as good as Nespresso. Using fresh local high end coffee ground in my burr grinder.
I used to be a coffee snob too. My drip machine is a Bonavita, my pour over was a chemex.

>> No.16327015

>fresh local high end coffee ground
Name the roaster and your grinder. Your bonavita used the same aluminum heating element as a $15 mr coffee jsyk. Brewing at an incorrect temp will result in shitty coffee.

>> No.16327114

Fair enough. If thats your preference then I cant argue with that.

For years I used a cheap DeLonghi espresso machine and pre ground coffee from the supermarket or bought online. The espresso I got from that was always decent. If keeping it simple and cheap works then no reason to change.

>> No.16327126 [DELETED] 
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has anyone tried this shit? i can't find any clear answers on what it actually tastes like