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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 88 KB, 1200x1200, imageService.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16311092 No.16311092 [Reply] [Original]

what are your go to thirst quenchers.

inb4 water.

>> No.16311098

carbonated water
unsweetened black tea

>> No.16311103

fem piss

>> No.16311104

do you not know how to read?

>> No.16311110
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this is the tastiest water i've ever had ever

>> No.16311138

>spring water

let me guess you are a women?

>> No.16311140

cold brew black tea

>> No.16311160

no i have a slightly above average penis

>> No.16311193

this stuff is bitter

>> No.16311202

you have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.16311205

you dont tell me what to do cunt

>> No.16311219

ill take that as a no. now get out of my thread retard.

>> No.16311235
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Drink water

>> No.16311262


>> No.16311269
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for me its white power

>> No.16311274


>> No.16311393

That's the point of it

>> No.16311409

Coconut pineapple juice drink from Sainsbury's but they haven't restocked it in ages
Or monster

>> No.16311485

all the sugary shit just makes me more thirsty

>> No.16311489

Coconut water

>> No.16311885

Pomegranate Aloe Vera drink or Guava juice

>> No.16311905
File: 299 KB, 1920x1272, water-glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this heat, either cold as fuck milk, or a nice chilled glass of water. Classic. Iced-Tea would do also I guess.

>> No.16311924

Do you not know that you can't inb4 your own post, making OP's inb4 as relevant as he is heterosexual.

Also; Soda water.

>> No.16311937

Screw you water is literally the correct answer

>> No.16312413

I like the hojicha better than the green tea from itoen

>> No.16312422

how come that green tea is golden and not emerald.
Is it fake?

>> No.16312433
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gween tea

>> No.16312442


>> No.16312488


>> No.16312512
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If I’m trying to quench my thirst, water is the best answer. Anyway, I could crush like 50 of these if I had the opportunity.

>> No.16312513
File: 159 KB, 1280x853, 6d85f666-3017-4b92-9e8f-e5309a694b54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UNIRONICALLY, a nice jar of iced sweet tea with a mint leaf or two on top.

>> No.16312638
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Water with a splash of lime juice

>> No.16312901

Answer the question.

>> No.16312920

this but the matcha version, really nice chilled

>> No.16312924

Hibiscus unsweetened iced tea

>> No.16312979
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>> No.16312991

wtf is coconut water?

>> No.16313001

are you gay

>> No.16313007

No I'm bisexual, leaning straight.

>> No.16313020

so gay then

>> No.16313021

whatever import bottle tea drinks they got at the local asian supermarket. I usually go for Jasmine honey tea of whatever brand, shit feels good drinking it chilled

>> No.16313028

picrel and sparkling water

>> No.16313031

water + mio

>> No.16313084

it's 100% brewed green tea with no other ingredients, a simple google search could have answered that.

>> No.16313865
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barley tea

>> No.16313868
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Cold tomato juice

>> No.16313912
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and this if you're feelin perky

>> No.16313928

It was scorching hot the last two days and I've had a whole lot of coke and fanta zero. I usually only drink water and coffee

>> No.16313930

Try that with fresh lime and black pepper, takes it to a whole new level

>> No.16313939

That sounds like a proper good time. Been looking for shit to drink for a couple weeks to distract me from booze, that might be a good one

>> No.16314094
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Based but try Jurokucha. It's like barley tea but better.

>> No.16314099

Where do you get this stuff in the US? I can't find cold unsweetened green tea in any of my grocery stores.

>> No.16314151

imagine having taste buds so acclimated to soda and sweet as fuck tea / coffee that mild unsweetened green tea is bitter to you

>> No.16314175
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have you tried the tea section retard? lmao it's called brewing a pitcher yourself incompetent dumbass lmao
>paying a premium for imported weeb leaf juice
fucking mong xd

>> No.16314226

Its in my grocery store dude. But it's also double the price it should be. Better to cold brew it yourself.

>> No.16314401
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Greenburg approves

>> No.16314422

Nothin' better'n a nice cold Busch after a hot day of yard work lemme tell you.

>> No.16314449

you drink it during yard work in true redneck style my man

>> No.16314488

>plain green tea
What the fuck are you on about

>> No.16314494

Costco sells green and jasmine Ito en

>> No.16314545

Anything that isn't water isn't going to taste neutral, and will make you thirsty again

>> No.16314704

This shit IS bitter and is pretty fucking low tier tea. It's fortified and oxidized and tastes over steeped because of it. Make your own green tea with proper loose leaves and you will see.

>> No.16314709



>> No.16314715


For a woman

>> No.16314787

why do they drink it in japan then?

>> No.16314965

seethe fatty

>> No.16314973

I live in Japan and people here genuinely think that corn on pizza is delicious and some sort of hidden italian delicacy. People here are really fucking nuts about italian food but can never remotely cook anything like it. There are loads upon loads of "italian" restaurants here but when you go in it's always some weird fucking japanese ripoff where they fuck up all of the dishes by adding jap shit like raw squid and eel and shit to it and then they try to fucking play it off as "real italian food". It doesn't help that people here don't know what normal bread or cheese is. It's all fucking gross. I have not had any normal-tasting cheese in all the time I've lived here, and good bread is about as rare as a properly paid salaryman. These people are born on this island, they will live their whole lives on this island, and they will die on this island without ever tasting real bread or cheese in their life and that's just sort of sad. The worst part is that because no japanese person actually knows what real italian food is like, nobody can call restaurants out on this bullshit, everyone eats it all up and calls it "honto ni umaiiiii uwuwuwu" and everyone thinks this is what real italian food is like. It's just sad. "Oh rettsu addu fishu eggu andu seaweedu to pasta carbonara don't u kno this is how rearu itarian peeporu eat!". The worst part for me is that japan doesn't just massacre classic italian food like this, but they also do it with every other country's cuisine imaginable. French, spanish, mexican, turkish, you name it. They botch everything they come across as "wow foreign so cool" but it's never apparently fucking good enough unless they douse it in soy sauce and raw octopus to make it "authentic european" food. Don't get me wrong I love me some japanese food but fuck this country for ruining foreign food culture and fuck the people for being too retarded to not know what real food is like, even though they kind of can't help it, fuck em it's gross

>> No.16314981

Do you not know how to be thin?

>> No.16314982

good thing green tea isn't western then.

>> No.16314987

Carbonated water with a shot of Apple juice.

>> No.16314989

hibiscus tea

>> No.16315787

Is this stuff actually good? I've had it in the asian section in my grocery department for a long time. It doesn't sell too well.

>> No.16315837
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it's disgusting is what it is. huge waste of cheddar.

>> No.16315868
File: 72 KB, 488x488, GUEST_509457c6-d785-4f5c-9b3d-9b3008fcc873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I'm in Mexico, I try to drink one of these fuckers every day.

Nice mineral balance and super duper aggressive carbonation. Not for pussies.

>> No.16316167


>> No.16316173
File: 444 KB, 860x1479, eternal-groundings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not for pussies.
but i drink that stuff too

>> No.16316323

I like it, jasmine and hojicha are the best flavors

>> No.16316997

No kidding, am amazed how some guys drink them like there 7up? What would be a good sweetener for them?

>> No.16317035
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>> No.16318771

It might appear it does not sell well, then a random japanese dude comes and buys a dozen.

>> No.16318824

another anon here. They drink that shit because it's readily available, no one has time to steep their own cold brew so its shit like OP pic and turns brown. Green tea is green, but that shit is brown so it's not the same taste

>> No.16318825

I drink like a 12 pack of diet pop every day

>> No.16318833

I'm originally from northeast México, which is where these come from. These are mostly used to make cocktails or to make highballs with whiskey. Some people will refuse to drink their highballs with anything else.

When drank without alcohol, I remember people putting lime and salt In them (no sugar). Sometimes they would be mixed into micheladas as well.

you could also make a mean lemonade or similar orange drink with them.

>> No.16319398 [DELETED] 

its a melon drink served at only one stripes gas station. i think i've only seen it at a different stripes one time. it's a mexican kid on the logo. shit tastes like fresh fruit but prob artificial somewhat

>> No.16319402

>>16311092 (OP)
its a melon drink served at only one stripes gas station. i think i've only seen it at a different stripes one time. it's a mexican kid on the logo. shit tastes like fresh fruit but prob artificial somewhat

i bought one for my mom to try and she said it's the best thing she's had in 9 years vato loco

>> No.16319709

it's gween!

>> No.16321159

cheap drinks that kill me

>> No.16322670

yeah this and its cheap as fuck too. I get one for 90 cents every day after work

>> No.16322741
File: 82 KB, 390x525, pro_big_aloebornmango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing has ever quenched my thirst like those aloe vera juice drinks do.

>> No.16323366

oh boy only 60 grams of sugar per can!

>> No.16323724

ice cold, off tap, carlton draught mate

>> No.16323767

i only drink water, coffee, gatorade, and beer.
everything else is a waste of your time.