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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 369 KB, 1152x2048, Las.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16307043 No.16307043 [Reply] [Original]

>love lasagna
>bf likes to cook
>he cooks lasagna
>pretty good except for massive amounts of water in it

What the fuck is causing this?

>> No.16307047

That's grease

>> No.16307049

the veggies
also post tits

>> No.16307061

Where's the grease coming from?

>> No.16307076

The meat retard

>> No.16307077

your anus

>> No.16307094

My mom makes lasagna pretty often and never had something like this happen.
What kind of filling does it have? Does he pre-cook the vegs/meat before assembling the thing?

>> No.16307100

But it's 96% lean ground beef

>> No.16307101

use leaner beef or pre-cook and drain it

>> No.16307112

4% retard

>> No.16307114

this, i see peppers and mushroom. cook those with the meat before adding to the pan and drain if you need to

>> No.16307213
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Your gravy looks real watery

>> No.16307287

Did he use low moisture mozz?

>> No.16307427

I have never made a lasagna that ever looked like that in my life.

>> No.16307440

The rates of child abuse in the gay community makes me unsettled about you being on this board.

Stay away from other people's kids. Please. It's unsafe.

>> No.16307497

saute all vegetables going into the lasagna beforehand to get most of the water out. don't cook the noodles all the way that way they can help absorb some excess liquid.

>> No.16307506

Look watery and tasteless l

>> No.16307508

You should dump him before he has the chance to make another dish.

>> No.16307513

You will never be a woman

>> No.16307515

sloppa with cheese

>> No.16307674

You fucking idiot. That's water with fats floating atop.

>> No.16307689

Already am.
Just wait til uterus implants become a thing and my babies and I will show you!

>> No.16307833

Gayyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Kys

>> No.16307959

>reddit spacing
I thought faggots were supposed to be good in the kitchen.

>> No.16308202

never happend to me, but I'd guess the sauce was too watery, I know when mixed it looks ok, but the water can pop up at the bottom pretty fast.
either just make thicker sauce, or cheat a little with a starch slurry

>> No.16308217

>faggots are meant to be good in the kitchen
His bf cooked it no him

>> No.16308221

buy the pre-made lasagna cus yall are too retarded

>> No.16308228

both of these are correct

>> No.16308249

Putting a space between greentext and regular text is perfectly acceptable.

>> No.16308299

Who said anything about children you pedo

>> No.16308320


>> No.16308364


>> No.16308377

lol OP is an actual literal faggot

>> No.16308387

>What the fuck is causing this?
perfect amount of grease and fat desu, but just evaporate the water out of the sauce more.

>> No.16308395

When I was a kid, some people would try to feed my "carrot lasagna". It was literally just shredded carrot and lasagna plates, maybe a little bit of sauce, no meat or any other vegetables. It was absolutely disgusting.

>> No.16308427

looks like your boyfriend bakes the lasagna with the meat still frozen. Tell him to cut that shit out

>> No.16308617

This happens with a lot of stuff my gf makes, typically on recipes where it's best not to take shortcuts. Because of her nativity in the kitchen, she does things the easy way, and always wonders why shits fucked up. Some people just shouldn't try cooking anything more than frozen vegetables and chicken breast. I'm thinking your bf might be a bit similar to her. Perhaps he watches a lot of cooking shows, therefore thinks he is a chef?

>> No.16308861

Cook out your mince properly. like, relay fucking hard.

>> No.16308870

I'm not gay, I'm queer. Learn the difference

>> No.16308889

Are you sure you haven't drained your pasta sheets enough after boiling?

>> No.16308890

Probably from him cumming in it since you’re homosexuals and eat cum

>> No.16308945

its not just grease its also water, sometimes my bolognese comes out watery, you need to cook it off more before layering, also adding a little butter to the sauce will help emulsify it. try thinner and more layers with a pasta layer right on the bottom

>> No.16308955

cook meat and vegetables on stove separately first

>> No.16308959

you better be a homosexual and not a woman

>> No.16308965

>not frying the meat till well browned and then frying the vegetables in the beef fat

>> No.16308990

Kill yourself pedophile

>> No.16309538

Tomato sauce might be too watery and he needs to reduce it more. That and maybe he's using too much sauce. Does he dry the noodles after par boiling them?

>> No.16309540

Cook water out of your veggies first and try reducing your sauce. Let the lasagna sit and rest, a lot of that is likely because it didn't have time to take back up the liquid as it cooled. Don't use too much extremely high fat meat either, but I think the other anons are wrong about it being all grease, there's just a little bit of fat floating on top that's just water. I honestly have no idea how you got that much without trying to use zucchini as the noodles.

>> No.16309548

Ideally, take the cooked lasagna, put it in the fridge overnight so it can congeal, eat it the next day. have a cold slice and a hot slice.

>> No.16309648

Need to reduce your sauce for longer.

>> No.16309671

>implying there is a difference

>> No.16309672


>> No.16309675

Wearing a dress doesn' t turn you female, tranny fuck.

>> No.16309680


>> No.16309689

soup's on!

>> No.16309727

You'd have to tell us how you made it. The water must be coming from something though, vegetables most likely, something that you didn't cook beforehand.

>> No.16309797


>> No.16309855
File: 87 KB, 676x900, Wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's where you're wrong, kiddo

>> No.16309884

alright show em

>> No.16309919

post cock fast

>> No.16309924

how does it feel to be the """""gf""""" of an homosex man?

>> No.16309931


>> No.16309958

Sauce not reduced enough
Veggies leaking
Bad quality cheese

These are mostly the reasons with veges being the worst offenders. Glad I could help.

>> No.16309965

Did he remember to wash the grease off the beef?

>> No.16309968

Clearly the meat wasn't cooked properly

>> No.16309972

underweight men are so fucking uncanny.

>> No.16309973

r/crossdressing? fuck of from this noble board tranny

>> No.16309988

using fresh basil, high moisture mozarella (aka "fresh", undercooking the veggies, not browning the meat separately
it's mostly water with some grease on top
timestamp please

>> No.16309991

forgot this.

>> No.16310010

fucking beta cucks

>> No.16310153

its taken off a high upposted reddit post you moron dont know what reverse search is or what

>> No.16310202
File: 2.28 MB, 364x265, dcf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He washes the grease off his beef every time, if you sniff my drift...

>> No.16310597

This happens when you cook meat fully inside of your dish. He should try cooking the meat partially either halfway or 3 quarters and then strain the resulting grease then add to the bake. Looks good to me though id get down on that sloppa.

>> No.16310603

The bolognese was too watery, should have been cooked down thicker. Or the pasta was overcooked before putting it in so it didn't soak up enough sauce.

>> No.16310614

Go back

>> No.16310653

I don't go on reddit pal I just know what reverse searching is, seems like summer is already here haha.

>> No.16310661

It's winter you redditfag

>> No.16310672

The italians use the lasagna juice to baptize their infants in. They briefly drown them, and this often causes brain damage. That's why italians are so fucking stupid.

>> No.16310673

you are obnoxious! go away kid cooking is a growns man sport, dont "cope" and call me a redditer because I know what reverse searching is

>> No.16310678

thats a horrible looking lasagna desu

>> No.16310691

you're right, not checking was a newfag move

>> No.16310704
File: 86 KB, 640x479, images (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't handle the bantz lmao

>> No.16310712

ok pal not going to waste my time fighting with kids, read the post above you and farewell, hope after this summer ends you enjoy entering high school (a BIG leap!)

>> No.16310739
File: 18 KB, 480x360, images (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why U so mad though?

>> No.16310773

>all these people saying it's uncooked vegetables causing this
Motherfuckers how much water do you think is in vegetables that after like 45 minutes in the oven they have that much water left and magically bleed it into the pan? The only real reason is that someone fucking pissed in the lasagna. That or maybe the white sauce was replaced with straight up milk and it curdled in the oven or some shit. Maybe the beef mince was really cheap and laced with extra water and put in when still frozen or some shit but surely no one is that stupid. Definitely not becaudeu the fucking vegetables were not cooked to the point of dehydration before cooking in the oven.

>> No.16310785
File: 883 KB, 220x374, tenor (15).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you'd read the thread properly instead of coming in here with your autistic rage about uncooked vegetables, you would have noticed a handful of people have already told OP that the sauce needed to be reduced more. Stay mad kid.

>> No.16310800

Tell your faggot bf he has boil the noodles separately. What a dumb fuck

>> No.16310881

How do you know OP's not a dude?

>> No.16310898

The Reddit guy said so.

>> No.16310903

Does he cook the pasta with the juices of the ingredients? Damn!

>> No.16310905

He needs to cook his ground beef longer
also post bobs and vegene

>> No.16310907
File: 53 KB, 129x111, colour dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope your relationship ends in tears. I hate happy people.

>> No.16310910

you need to reduce the sauce

also post tits

>> No.16311318

kek look at that shoop, look at the wall behind the waist area.
You've done it too often now that the shoop is the first thing I see

>> No.16311507
File: 113 KB, 1443x1500, salad-spinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alrigt, because there is a chance for this to be genuine.

If you're using canned ingredients you don't have to fry them before you put them into your lasagna, but it would help. You can also just throw them into a salad spinner.

Additionally any low quality meat is going to have lots of water in it to increase the weight and in turn drive up the price. Make sure you fry that thoroughly before adding into the sauce. Not only because of the water but also lower the risk of food borne disease.

It would also help preparing the sauce in a separate pot and reduce it to the consistency you wish. There are multiple bolognese recipes out there and they all work great with lasagna.

Just remember with cheese topped meals. Make sure your lasagna is covered in sauce. At 2/3 of its baking time add the cheese, then turn your oven to high. That way your noodles are cooked all the way through and you've got that melty crispy cheesenes along with it.

>imagine typing all that
I really like lasagna.

>> No.16311541

It is God's way of telling you that he hates you for being a faggot.

>> No.16311558

>million responses talking about vegetables
what fucking vegetables? It's lasagna

>> No.16311564
File: 80 KB, 500x501, 1446449649768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16311662

baby girl you're so gorgeous i'd give you the whole world if i could i'd make you my queen dont let these chuds get you down baby girl do you have a discord maybe we can have a little chat?

>> No.16311686

He most likely precooked the pasta and didn't dry it well before assembling. Simple.

>> No.16311755

Clearly there are pickled pepperoni in there. You can just see them on the edge.

Also don't lecture me how to make lasagna.
I am trans by the way. Not sure if that matters.

>> No.16313409


>> No.16313416

He should have browned the meat separately. Even if it was 99% lean beef releases a lot of juice when cooked.

>> No.16313417
File: 14 KB, 268x172, D8406115-D71A-431A-A293-1D8DFD23E2CF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16313747

I hate faggots so much. Fucking bastard OP

>> No.16313753

Trannies calling you a pedo is hilarious. Stay based anon

>> No.16313758

my guess is he either put way too much stock into the meat or maybe he's a full retard and used frozen mince?

>> No.16313760

You are supposed to cook it down with each step.

>> No.16314328

your post is just hilarious to me and i don't know why