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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 120 KB, 700x800, Land-O-Lakes-Deli-American-Cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16305368 No.16305368 [Reply] [Original]

what's actually bad about american cheese?

>> No.16305371


>> No.16305373

It's American.

>> No.16305387

It doesn't taste very good unless it's melted.

>> No.16305398
File: 32 KB, 300x343, C578882A-2F01-4465-8F66-66B10F0F5345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the racist pre-woke package of Land O Lakes American cheese. The new non-racist progressive package of Land O Lakes American cheese loos like this

>> No.16305402

please tell me they've gotten rid of the squa from land of lakes. Looking at that package makes me lose my appetite.

>> No.16305404

does it matter that it's not "real cheese"? it has all the parts of "real cheese".

>> No.16305405



>> No.16305407

When it's melted it still doesn't taste very good

>> No.16305412

And now it's no longer an excellent source of calcium, just a good one

>> No.16305414

American cheese was originally designed to be cheddar cheese that doesn’t spoil as easily. It’s become a meme because apparently cheese purists demand that proper cheese spoil as soon as possible. In fact, if you aren’t making your own cheese from your own animal’s milk then you might as well just give up on life. There is literally no point in preserving food, you must eat like the settlers and die like the settlers.

>> No.16305417

What are you using it for where it wouldn't be melted?

>> No.16305422

This guy really heckin loves science!

>> No.16305430

fuck off moron

>> No.16305433

pic related is delicious
prepackaged shit like kraft is horrible

>> No.16305441
File: 109 KB, 1280x671, 97655527-59E6-4391-A9BB-5F7035A1A99F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are glad the Indian maiden is gone. Because you are a gaylord

>> No.16305445

i agree. i think land of lakes is one of the best ones. i use it for making queso dip

>> No.16305447

>deli american cheese product
do those who make the cheese even know what the hell that's supposed to mean?

>> No.16305454

Yeah, it’s really too bad that I can buy a lifetime’s worth of citric acid to preserve sauces on Amazon for $20 or that I can dehydrate meat into jerky sealed in vacuum tight bags. Life was so much better when you needed milk delivery men to refresh your lactose bounty every day or else you might die from a preventable illness.

>> No.16305463
File: 272 KB, 600x600, DB46CF2E-CCA1-4C07-99AC-E0B40E1D8C0B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not real cheese so they have to call it “cheese product” The only one I know of that is actual cheese is Kraft deli deluxe

>> No.16305503
File: 142 KB, 1200x900, MAIN-American-Slices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they say "cheese" on it, anywhere, it does have actual cheese in it.
you'll see "american slices" sometimes at the grocery store, and that's basically what margarine is to butter. there is no actual cheese in it, in the way that there is no actual milk in margarine.

but there is real cheese in "american cheese", there's just other shit in it too.

>> No.16305510

there's always an appeal to nostalgia. aka we had it figured out back then and we don't have it figured out now.

>> No.16305548


It's melted cheddar with sodium citrate added to make it melt better, that's all.

>> No.16305590

"American" when referring to cheese is a marketing tool, not a classification. It basically identifies the cheese as having specific melting properties due to added sodium citrate or something. Boars head American cheese is just cheddar. Not sure what craft singles are. Maybe plastic. Niggers don't remove the packaging before cooking anyway so it doesn't matter

>> No.16305620
File: 284 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20210619-152511_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the ingredients for that specific brand of garbage. It's not even cheese, and I hate that it's even exists, as an American. Cheese, even made from cheese, products shouldn't have Water as an ingredient. Especially not the first one.

>> No.16305648

Yeah, I mean if 13th century serfs knew how to feed a family of 20 on rotten wheat and the milk of a sickly goat then why do we need modern technology like “refrigerators” or “electric ovens”. Whatever happened to packs of adolescent boys traveling in packs to slay wooly mammoths to feed entire tribes? Kids these days just want to microwave hot pockets like the town’s blind and lame mute like some kind of asshole.

>> No.16305673

American cheese is synonymous with low quality cheese. There is nothing inherently wrong with it if that's what you're shopping for. The same goes for American chocolate.

>> No.16305679

that implies that there cannot be a good american cheese, or a good american chocolate

>> No.16305684

Milk chocolate was developed to increased shelf life, exactly like American cheese was developed. God forbid mankind alter the sacred recipes of the gods in order to increase utility.

>> No.16305693


>> No.16305704

>the same goes for <part of my obsession that’s unrelated to the topic>
Much like cheese, you’re comparing chocolate to an item made cheaply for people in poverty almost 100 years ago.

But one of the rules of comedy is “don’t punch down”, so I’ll take it like an American :3

>> No.16305707

I have yet to see any good American chocolate or American cheese. If it exists, America certainly doesn't export it.

>> No.16305724

It's not cheese.

>> No.16305726

The reason you can eat any chocolate bought at any store is because of food preservation technology which in the case of chocolate started from milk chocolate, which was an American invention. I’m very interested in you telling me about the delicious chocolate you love that melts at below room temperature.

>> No.16305736
File: 10 KB, 300x168, asdf534a4sd5f4as35d4f9a84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you have to be careful getting sliced cheese. Just buy like Jarlsburg, Muenster blocks, Tilamook, or Kraft.

>> No.16305741

My apologies. I saw the packaging and though you supported that design. Yes, I hate what has been taken from us too.

>> No.16305743

tomatoes came from america, but that doesn't mean that pizza is an american invention.

>> No.16305752

Pizza is an American invention, you dolt. French fries are also not French, if you can believe that.

>> No.16305804

t. belgian. Poirot is your greatest achievment and he is fictional character from british hag

>> No.16305815

It's only good for burgers. There's no other scenario where it tastes good

>> No.16305825

I’m American so I have no idea what the hell you are talking about, but screw Belgium I guess?

>> No.16305830

Keep the land get rid of the Indians

>> No.16305836

baloney and ham sandwiches on generic white bread

>> No.16305839

google where was pizza invented

>> No.16305858

Ancient cultures cooked bread, a notable infamous culture on 4chan still uses bread that doesn’t rise as part of its heritage to this day. However, equating bread to pizza is like equating cocoa to chocolate. Pizza as we know it is an American invention, even if its origins hail from elsewhere.

>> No.16305865

No. Pepper jack or cheddar is infinitely better. Even as a child I'd only eat american cheese on burgers

>> No.16305868
File: 20 KB, 300x300, s_55f5bb05de33a538e6174ac2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, as an australian with an injun girl attraction I was about to import it but now I'm not.


>> No.16305885

>notable infamous culture on 4chan

>> No.16305889

Well it looks like you never grew up.

>> No.16305905

you dodged a bullet

>> No.16305916
File: 132 KB, 1024x430, 0hvVLZamVfpTRUoyW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a classical fat American, I love melty American cheese. Sure, it's made from milk and cheese, like this guy said>>16305548. It's still not bad, especially if it's all you grew up with.
Its awesomely creamy and gooey, without that weird aftertaste of "nacho cheese".

What do Anti-American cheesers use to get that melty cheesiness in its place?

>> No.16305917

I didn’t mean to muck up this safe for work board, I’m a denizen of other more sultry boards which don’t take kindly to the Jewish culture. I thought the reference would have been ubiquitous but I guess I’m just shell shocked.

>> No.16305919

Dude, just read the Wikipedia article since when the term Pizza exists and where it was originally created.
Protip: it was not the USA, so stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.16305931

>if Wikipedia says it’s true then it’s true
Man, I can’t believe I’m the one in the wrong for doing more than 10 seconds of research on google

>> No.16305937

sorry i meant it as joke of course it was obvious

>> No.16305951

I realized the meme after I posted. Expect a call from the bog

>> No.16305964

>I've found an article that supports my nonsense, I'll just ignore relevant sources
The Wiki article has tons of references, show me a better one that proofs your point.

>> No.16305982
File: 333 KB, 786x1166, 1619408448171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take cheese
>add cheese
>add milk

>> No.16305990

Seethe Amerishart seethe

>> No.16305991
File: 181 KB, 946x797, America+master+race+_b91b63c653f7f9ca3d94c0c817c24e61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16305996

>the burden of proof isn’t on me to prove my point, trust me, the evidence is there to support me
I’m done with this conversation because I’m not interested in diving into semantics. I’m not interested in splitting hairs between what defines as much as a horseless carriage between an automobile as much as I am satisfied calling them both a car. I don’t care where the carburetor or the battery was invented, I’m talking about the product.

>> No.16305997

He's right, Europawns are fucking retards about this kind of shit.

>> No.16306018


>> No.16306019

wikipedia says italy made pizza and im inclined to believe it.
america probably did not make pizza, however, tomatoes are native to the new world and italian cooking did not have any tomatoes in it until after the expeditions.
even if america did invent the pizza, to what extent does "america" the geographical location influence "italian" the culture's food? tomatoes are integral to many italian dishes.

>> No.16306078

I concede. I believe it to be perfectly plausible that all of the elements of pizza with the exception of tomato (and therefore tomato sauce) existed prior to the exploration of the new world and therefore Europeans were the first to utilize the new ingredient to incorporate it into a new dish, which we currently known as pizza. I concede that just because what is now known as an integral ingredient in pizza only originates in America as being a legitimate reason for Americans to claim pizza as their own. Until further evidence is discovered, I do not doubt that the first culturally relevant of the iteration that we know as pizza probably culminated in the region that had significant historical ties to all of the primordial ingredients that would lead to what we know as pizza.

>> No.16306117

Nah I did. Now I actually enjoy the stuff on burgers instead of tolerate it

>> No.16306130

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.16306229

Isnt this racism in itself? You are erasing Native Americans by getting rid of this logo. How many other times do you see an indian when you out and about? I dont see shit unless its the cute Pocahontas on the land o lakes cartons.

>> No.16306232

How about I tell your cock to get in my mouth you stupid faggot

>> No.16306249

You won't tell me anything. I'll take what I want.

>> No.16306566

Very tsundere

>> No.16306575

>gay faggot weeb
not shocked

>> No.16306582


>> No.16306592

In offing you? Yes.

>> No.16306629

Yeah one of us will get off for sure

>> No.16306633

You will first because of my six pack.

>> No.16306637
File: 2.04 MB, 363x221, 1620756978989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prove it

>> No.16306641

I'm glad I came to work strapped.

>> No.16307624

This. Racists love american indians. Non-racists are offended by the mere sight of one.

>> No.16307754

>remove Indian
>still kept their land
Libs are so funny.

>> No.16307787


>> No.16307808

It's fake and gay.
Just like America.

>> No.16307812

It means there's not enough actual cheese in there for them to legally call it cheese.

>> No.16307815

>Pizza as we know it is an American invention, even if its origins hail from elsewhere.
This is your brain on Amerifat education.
You deserve to get raped by niggers.