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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16305374 No.16305374 [Reply] [Original]

Why do communion wafers taste like shit?

>> No.16305379

Jesus hates you

>> No.16305400

They just taste like cheap, prepackaged ice cream cones.

>> No.16305436

i find their texture addictive

>> No.16305443

Jesus was a Jew, what do you expect?

>> No.16305451


>> No.16305462

I mean, is this stuff supposed to taste like candy or something? I always thought it would taste like bland packing peanuts in the shape of a disk instead of an unflavored cheeto puffs

>> No.16305650

When you lead a good Christian life, the Eucharist tastes like the sweetest honey
When you knowingly fail to follow God's way, they taste like shit

>> No.16305669

If it doesn't taste sweet to you that means you've strayed far away from God's light.

>> No.16305753

it's been so long since I've savored one
my church was based because I got to drink wine when I was like 11

>> No.16305760
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>implying any man-made object can even approach the glory of salvation from our Savior, Lord, and King

>> No.16305792

I went to a Methodist as a kid and ours looked different, they were rectangular and a little thicker. Not bad. Only grape juice though.

>> No.16305805

It also wasn't the flesh of Christ, but I guess you wouldn't know the difference.
>Not understanding what the Eucharistic mystery is.

>> No.16305811

They have symbolic meaning, they are not meant as a snack.

>> No.16305819

Let it dissolve slowly in your mouth, then chew and swallow. It actually feels like flesh after a bit. Body of Christ and all that.

>> No.16305820

usually the priest nuts on them. then he goes and fucks a kid and laughs at you while he counts his money.

>> No.16305833

If you enjoyed eating human flesh that'd be pretty fucked up, anon.

>> No.16305840

No, they have literal meaning, protestant.

>> No.16305843


>> No.16305847

I will not entertain your deliberate obtuseness.

>> No.16305862

the metal interpretation is that the Eucharist is transformed into the body and blood of Christ? A human form of God incarnate into human flesh?

So the literal interpretation is cannibalism.

Also the priest nuts on them after he fucks a choirboy, that's how they consecrated them.

>> No.16305871

Are you trying to shock people? Do you think you're offending me?

>> No.16305875


>> No.16305957

they taste like Jesus you tastlet. Are you saying or Lord and saviour has the mouthfeel of faecal matter?

>> No.16306004

Just as Christ unites all within Him (joining the Divine Opposites), the Eucharist marries the ultimate Glory of Worship with the horror of cannibalism.

stop watching Word on Fire

>> No.16306007

I've been watching Fulton Sheen, actually.

>> No.16306009

This. Based. Dominus vobiscum

>> No.16306576


>> No.16306586
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at least they reduce the damage you take to half a heart

>> No.16307578

So it's like the bell in the Polar Express

>> No.16307735
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Fuck the Polar Express, nigga.

>> No.16307811


>> No.16307824

imagine the conversion rate theyd have if they were takis or ranch flavor

>> No.16309089

You can believe in God and still stray from Him

>> No.16309102

he doesnt even exist, stop worshiping jews, you loser

>> No.16309106 [DELETED] 

they symbolize the body of jesus christ, so it's because he would taste like feces if you ate him

>> No.16309130 [DELETED] 

Did you people know that jesus was a homosexual communist? He had several affairs with his apostles. I expect nothing less from the son of a cheating and lying whore, but you guys just keep on praying to your fag idol
islam is bullshit as well btw

>> No.16309142

Ugh, they look so bland.
My priest used a little food dye to make ours in all colours of the rainbow for Pride Month.

>> No.16309169

>Just as Christ unites all within Him (joining the Divine Opposites), the Eucharist marries the ultimate Glory of Worship with the horror of cannibalism
mmm…I do love a good word salad

>> No.16309220

Your priest is based

>> No.16309223

>did you know this random shit written down is true
You're not fooling anyone lekhieyal

>> No.16309311

Jews don't taste good

>> No.16309315

they lace it with clergys cum

>> No.16309336

These taste amazing. I love communion.

>> No.16309370

Robots can't eat, silly.

>> No.16309386

Surely you have some proof to back those hot opinions up, right?

>> No.16309394

I guess it depends on which ones they buy

>> No.16309397

Since they are super thin, they dissolve quickly and you are left with the overall taste of your own mouth.

So, the question is: Why does the inside of your mouth smell like shit?

>> No.16309472

They just need cajeta

>> No.16309492

What were you expecting when you bite a jew?

>> No.16309497
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There were a lot of complaints, so my church uses these

>> No.16309501

They have almost no taste. Unfortunately they are great for cleansing the palate, making the wine taste much worse.

>> No.16309748

>born in jewish region
>son of jewish god
>King of jews
>written about by jews for other jews

Yeah savior of white race and culture

>> No.16310028
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the burden of proof is on you, jew worshiper

>> No.16311271

Theyre not meant to be eaten

>> No.16311295

your inability to understand is not a critique

>> No.16311297
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Hey faggot, how about actually making an argument against what Christ preached, instead of "lol he not real", like the kikes have been pushing for almost 2000 yrs, and which has been disproven by all biblical historians even Bart Ehrman, who's an atheist.

>> No.16311328

>can't understand simple symbolism
i'm starting to think atheism is a mental disability desu

>> No.16311338

The government should privatize 4chan and ban religion

>> No.16311343

gay and liberal

>> No.16311344

fuck off back to your containment board /pol/

>> No.16311349

>imagine unironically being so dense you think that soyjak meme is true

>> No.16311495

I mean, 4chan is already privatized then you advocated fascist atheism, so I don't think I'm out of line for calling you a liberal faggot. But you do you zoom-zoom.

>> No.16311588

So people don't snack on them.

>> No.16311598

Do they Catholics eat there butt too?

>> No.16311607

fuckin nailed it anon wow

>> No.16313012

You need to prepare it properly.

>> No.16313014
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>> No.16313460

I once bought a 100 pack of communion wafers and ate 5 at a time, stacked on top of each other. It ruined going to church for me after that.

>> No.16313575

Same with Santa

>> No.16313748

he doesn't bring condiments to church to spice it up

>> No.16313785

They are secretly splashed with diluted priest semen prior to serving as is the common way to pleasure the celebate old fart.

>> No.16313790

kids used to tease me for being fat as a child, but jokes on them since father Bismark didn't like chubby boys now half of those kids have ptsd and or committed suicide LOL god works in mysterious ways hail satan.

>> No.16313792


>> No.16313796


>> No.16313811

do americans really? my church used to use actual bread that they baked.

>> No.16313891

OP is going to hell

>> No.16313903

Ok chud

>> No.16313980

>proving a negative
and the religiontard has made his presence

>> No.16314116 [DELETED] 

nigger the white race and culture has been christian for 2000 years now.
The thing you want to save is longhouses and other shit similar to mudhouses in central africa.
>written about by jews for other jews
objectively false lmao
2 desciples were fucking greek.

>> No.16314142
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you know anon, there's entire sects of christianity that do not believe in original sin

>> No.16314147

>he doesn't even begin to grasp at the fallen nature of humanity.
lmao @ you

>> No.16314165

>you know anon, there's entire sects of christianity that do not believe in original sin
And they are rightly to be known as heretics and blasphemers.

>> No.16314191

Too much bonemeal proly.

>> No.16315593

This desu

>> No.16315599

Because its a spiritual practice, not a worldly one. If you like it for the flavor, you are kind of missing the point.

>> No.16315611

If someone thankfully put a bullet through your dense brain and cut you open, do you really think they'd find a piece of human flesh in your stomach?

>> No.16316087

so edgy bro
how can I be as objective and aloof as you?

>> No.16316115

probably as close as you can get to eating a lightbulb

>> No.16316133
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>Hatemongering, shitposting chantard
> Christian

Choose one. You can't be both.

>> No.16316783

My church hands out famous amos cookies instead sometimes

>> No.16316789

i may shitpost but i dont hatemonger

>> No.16317644
File: 50 KB, 600x400, wafers-original-e1440787430420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My church has a rotating assembly of old ladies that bake fresh bread. Volunteers cut it up just before the service. Really quality stuff, feels better than taking communion with something purchased from a giant warehouse.

Normal wafers taste like these guys though. I like them for their resemblance.

>> No.16317650

>Doesn't understand the glory of transubstantiation.

>> No.16317677

>Why do communion wafers taste like shit?
Because human flesh isn't something you should eat.

>> No.16317700

Ok chud

>> No.16317713

I never laughed so hard at a thread. Thank god y'all are so well mannered. To the atheists, was your grandmother the same way? Didn't see the morals, trust, and a better way for the people you hang out with?

>> No.16317723

Don’t make me say it

>> No.16318224

np king

>> No.16318235

these don't taste good to you? mine have always tasted really sweet

>> No.16318251

The communion wafer turns into the flesh of Jesus when you eat it, letting Catholics engage in ritual and literal cannibalism.

>> No.16318270

Take your meds chud

>> No.16318276

So you're admitting the whole belief part is tacked on, and the morals are the important part? Why not imbue the culture with morals, or follow a philosophy instead? It's because it's easier to justify and enforce it with the promise of divine supervision. Taking all the morals out of being a good person... that's 99% of religion.

>> No.16318367

>midwit intellect
3 for 3 dumbo

>> No.16318491

Jesus loves me. This I know, because the Bible tells me so.

>> No.16318499
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>> No.16318572

Wow, cyclical!

>> No.16318576

they're mixed in with the priest's cum

>> No.16318602

Ok chud

>> No.16318617

Literaly just salt, water, yeast and flour.

>> No.16319282

He's telling you are a godless faggot, which is unforgivable in 2021.
You can't have moral without God

>> No.16319350
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You're not actually this dumb, right?

>> No.16319388

Dead yeast is still yeast.

>> No.16319393

Actually you can’t be moral while following a prescribed system of laws

>> No.16319400

Simply use bread again like Orthos do

>> No.16319404


>> No.16319415
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>> No.16319459
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They need to spice them up

>> No.16319490

Retard fucking take

>> No.16319499

I'm a religionlet, please explain to me how that tradition isn't basically cannibalism.

>> No.16319505

There was that bullshit candy shaped kind of like a flying saucer. It was two wafers pressed together with a bunch of little stupid candy beads in the middle. Tastes almost exactly like that. As I kid I always likened them to the plain veggie straws

>> No.16319506


>> No.16319509

Judeans are not the same Jews as today, blasphemer

>> No.16319542
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>be me
>8 yro in church
>halfway into service
>communion time
>people passing around a gold plate full of white shit and some dark liquid
>a few mintues later, i eat the white thing
>pastor "now we drink the blood of Christ"
>the what now?!
>get scared to drink it
>causing a scene in church
>mom looks pissed
>pastor finally tells me its just grape flavor Juicy Juice
>drink it

>mfw i thought Jesus blood type was grape flavor

>> No.16319575

because you're tasting your sin, sinner

>> No.16320056

this shit right here is why we have confirmation

>> No.16320058


>> No.16320061

Friendly reminder Proddies aren't Christian.

>> No.16320077

jesus juice

>> No.16320100

Most flatbreads use yeast

>> No.16320114

>he doesn't believe in transubstantiation
I guess God isn't really omnipotent huh, or is that just your personal interpretation of Truth?

>> No.16320160

Enjoying things is a sin and their magic crackers are like the holiest things in the world. If they tasted good nuns would immediately want to fuck the priest or something.

>> No.16320176

Satanic brainwashing

>> No.16320191
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>this thread

>> No.16320210


>> No.16320333

I've been stuffing rolls of communion wafers in my ass 30 times a day for the past 20 years.
That is 900 communion wafers a day,
that is 6300 communion wafers a week
that is 372600 communion wafers a year
that is a grand total of 7452000 communion wafers


>> No.16320357

I can honestly say I have never eaten one. Isn't the whole point that they're tasteless?

>> No.16320391

Jesus has been dead for 2000 years. Do you expect his body to be fresh?

>> No.16320418

>never had communion wafers
>Grew up in a school teaching both evolution and creation
>Nobody quarantined this contradictory shit but me
>Mid sermon, present this question to our priest
>Get scolded and told not to question it
>Everyone but me that went to that school is retarded now
>But all of them make shitty food except me
I'm convinced communion wafers are a form of conditioning to make you intentionally cook shittier because the bar lowers for a religious reason.

How was the blood of Christ though?

>> No.16320423

Nothing is tasteless anon. Even air has a taste. Water has a taste. Your saliva has a taste. To be without taste is to be without life

>> No.16320428

You know what I meant you fucking dork.

>> No.16320440

Realistically you can argument that because you can taste them that it's impure and deceiving you, consuming a tainted product and pushing yourself away from the lord
Or you can just take the more rational approach and try to find better tasting communion wafers. There's a recipe clearly so it's a matter of making it suck less

>> No.16320446

I refuse to be Ben Shapiro'd.

>> No.16320459

I would out non-kosher salt in the wafers fuck with people and get them to drink more of the wine. Make no mistake I can fuck with a lot of people but I mostly just want to fuck with (You)

>> No.16320485

You sound mentally ill and I hope you go get the help you need and deserve.

>> No.16320513

Not even God can help me anon. It's far too late for that

>> No.16320520

You're fine dude.

>> No.16320524

Maybe not god, but a mental health professional might. Therapy and medication can probably do a lot to help you.

>> No.16320547


Because they aren't supposed to taste good or like anything really. You are honoring the body of Christ and the sacrifice he made for you on the cross so that you may have life enteral.

>> No.16320621
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nothing like a good worship at the grocery store

>> No.16320627

Because Christ was a vegan so his body tastes like shit
>You are what you eat

>> No.16320716

You're gonna eat the salty communion wafers and you're gonna like it
We can change this

>> No.16320726
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>> No.16320951

How is that edgy at all lol

>> No.16320961

It's a body of Christ, who's a smelly doo doo head who didn't wash himself back in 20s

>> No.16321206

Didn't he stop being a jew?

>> No.16321226

He was a real Jew, not an Ashkenazi.

>> No.16321245

>the sweet crackers taste like shit
Hahahha. Into hell you go.

>> No.16321271

Idk the meaning, I only just started reading the bible. Jesus hasn't been introduced yet

>> No.16321273

I didn't read your post, but I just wanted to say that I want to breed that dumb ice fairy.

>> No.16321656

Gosh I feel sorry for those billions of babies and fetuses burning in the eternal fires of hell, in God's mercy.

>> No.16321680

yeah he even grew his foreskin back when he was resurrected, no BS

>> No.16322086

This is way too american for me

>> No.16323215

Truly trying to be morally good requires you to make complex judgements and decisions based on critical thinking and the nuances of each particular situation. If you are bound to follow a complex code of rules like the bible, it often isn’t possible to reconcile those rules with what’s truly morally right in the moment. Laws are often unjust, or simply not nuanced enough.