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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 140 KB, 680x680, Relatively Small Amount of McDonald's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16294007 No.16294007 [Reply] [Original]

What is your go-to MacDonald's order?

>> No.16294013

inb4 movieblob

>> No.16294016

>2x large fries
>2x 20 piece nuggets
>2x qp w/ cheese
>2x double qp w/ cheese
>4x large soda (diet coke, i'm trying to watch my weight)

>> No.16294018
File: 185 KB, 881x693, Monster Thickburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 big macs and a large fry
i make a milkshake or frosted lemonade at home
although I usually go to Culver's and get 2 triple deluxe butterburgers with extra cheese
I like pic related too

>> No.16294020

They started selling spicy McNuggets where I live. And now my go-to is a large 20-piece meal.

>> No.16294022

>monster thick anusburger

>> No.16294045

Stop eating fast food.

>> No.16294047
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>> No.16294051

McDouble and medium fry

>> No.16294117

Stop crying about what people who aren’t you do.

>> No.16294118

10 pc nugget, double cheeseburger, large fry, and a diet coke (I legit like the taste of diet).

>> No.16294122
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>(I legit like the taste of diet)

>> No.16294277


>> No.16294290

i had mcdonalds for the first time in ten years today. large fry and spicy chicken sandwich. tasted fine, immediately made me feel awful in just about every way

>> No.16294435

double cheeseburger
small fries
large ice tea

>> No.16294463
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>3 doubles
>1 single

Why did they order this way? It really bothers me for some reason.

>> No.16294501

just a quarter pounder deluxe (the one with tomatoes) when I'm craving that classic burger flavor and don't wanna hit up the food truck or wayback, maybe a coffee, maybe a filet o fish... old friend turned me on to a spicy mcchicken with cheese added and sometimes I eat that for nostalgia

do mcdonalds in america do flat whites? googling it just pulls up results for uk

last time I ordered a mocha it tasted like detergent

>> No.16294505

>2 Mc Doubles 2 Mc Chickens > Combine 2x mcgangbang
>10pc nugget order extra big mac sauce
>basket of fries

Put the big mac sauce on the mcgangbangs and be in a coma all day

>> No.16294511
File: 34 KB, 640x480, images (48).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a fairly small amount of McDonalds for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast-food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat a double helping of nuggets in that timeframe, but I could easily.

>> No.16294568

I only drop in on McD's to treat myself occasionally. I'll get a double cheeseburger and small fries, that's about all.

>> No.16294731

based bobbro

>> No.16294736

Can someone figure out the calories in this rather small meal? I’m not good with numbers.

>> No.16294780

Around 2000 for the burgers alone, I think

>> No.16294804

Either a big mac and a junior chicken + drink, or a couple mcdoubles and a jr chicken. Don't like fries.

>> No.16294856

About 5500 for the food and another 1200 for the sodas.
Fast track to the beetus.

>> No.16294947

Damn. 8000 calories is not a small meal. That’s like 5-6 days worth for me

>> No.16295319

I don't eat that slop. I'd rather make my own burgers or hit up a local joint

>> No.16295381

It's $15 for a burger either way, ese.

>> No.16295388
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>4 chan loves poor minority food

>> No.16295406

That's not surprising. /ck/ is full of poorfags who don't actually like food, rather they like eating the cheapest shit they can afford.

>> No.16295608

Quarter pounder with cheese, medium fries and a coke.

>> No.16295649

A coke or pop?

>> No.16295657

mcchicken plain / dry

>> No.16295659

A coke... had a big mac recently, just not for me.

>> No.16295661

5 guys because I'm not poor

>> No.16295675

Fuck off

>> No.16295677

you're obviously poor intellectually otherwise you could have read the (OP)

>> No.16295746

40 nugs
2 large fries

>> No.16295766

Two McDoubles
Two McChickens
a drink if I don't have water.
Really disappointed by their chicken sandwich. Imagine being mogged by fucking Burger King.

>> No.16295778

Sausage biscuit
1 hash brown

>> No.16295786

yeah, i bet you like taking 5 guys down your greedy throat

>> No.16295794

All OP you shill.

>> No.16295802

A small or medium black coffee

>> No.16296209

fuck this gay ass board
all you niggas talk about is fast food
go cook something you fat fuck

>> No.16296215

20 nugs, hot mustard, with a large fry

>> No.16296217

mcdonalds is hit or miss for me, you gotta get it when the good workers are there or supervisor because sometimes you get coldfries chewy meat double fried nuggets, they should have a made to order and moneyback if not satisfy law...live in the ghetto btw...

>> No.16296309


>> No.16296320
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you got me

>> No.16296452

Hungry Jacks >

>> No.16296478

burger king>mcdonalds

>> No.16296507

You and I both know the only palatable thing on the menu is the whopper and it’s variations. Being dirt poor and desperate for 1.50 nugs isn’t an excuse.

>> No.16296594

Large fries and coke.

Since the rest is awfu.

>> No.16296742

There should be one (you) there you faggot, just outed yourself

>> No.16296761

well yeah what else are you going to eat but the whopper?

>> No.16297578

I usually get the 10 piece nuggies combo, plus a carmel sunday if the machine isn't down, which it inevitably will be.

>> No.16297595
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>> No.16297598
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>> No.16297602
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The average mcdonald's combo is going to be way tastier than anything Claire cooks for you, and I like Claire though she's definitely no Molly.

>> No.16297693
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>> No.16297699
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>> No.16297701

Go to a place down the street

>> No.16297702

lmao seething wendys shill ITT

>> No.16297705
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>> No.16297711
File: 87 KB, 800x800, ^ △ ☆ 14211942_1006720062788761_2453121767039372293_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16297715
File: 156 KB, 895x767, aToot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one McDouble please, that will be all
>wanna fries with that?
>something to drink?
>a sauce?
>wtf no

just give me my burger holy hell

>> No.16297733

Why does it list 5 oils or so with McOil but for your oil it’s just “natural oil” like tf is a natural?

>> No.16297760

It's only killing you if you eat it every single day or multiple times a week. Once or twice a month and McDonald's is a delicious treat desu

>> No.16297770
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>> No.16297802
File: 294 KB, 1228x933, wtf...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, grab a bottle of your favorite hot sauce, bring your switch, and experience the best of what the world has to offer you.
you're not an anti-ethnic kkk nazi are you?

>> No.16297809
File: 18 KB, 225x225, mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite.

>> No.16297816

The lessons your kids learn from spending time around most of the "eat local, if not you're poisoning the world" assholes is infinitely more damaging to them in the long term than the occasional happy meal.

>> No.16297822

>just give me my burger holy hell
use the kiosk or the app on your phone to order it so you don't have to answer dumb questions

>> No.16297829
File: 105 KB, 1165x686, ^ the_desecration_of_adam_by_jflaxman_d8ei7vq-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16297837
File: 110 KB, 707x960, △ ☆ theking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16297841
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>> No.16297846

How much are you paying me to finish that

>> No.16297892
File: 31 KB, 620x376, △ ☆ 55845519_1573134006153221_69413732429594624_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16297910

so you're saying you don't want to live forever?

>> No.16297919
File: 19 KB, 640x640, △ ☆ 56525016_1573134179486537_7898045601479131136_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16298046

You are everything I hate

>> No.16298088
File: 29 KB, 401x485, 1609979678709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't afford anything fast food related. In the passed you could get a cheeseburger for just one buck. Those where the times.

>> No.16298150

looks like mcdonalds fries have way more shit in it that's why they are so much better

>> No.16298168

10 mcdoubles, 5 hot n spicy mcchickens. They are all around a buck each so 20 dollars is a good price for a good dinner.

Of course I throw out most of the bread and combine the meats to make a tall "mcgangbang?". But the point is getting rid of as much bread as you can while keeping fingers clean because bread is terrible for you and you should always aim to keep a 85% plus meat died.

>> No.16298245

Instant gratification has never been a bad thing. People need to stop implying it is lol.

>> No.16298252

Fuck animals.

>> No.16298304
File: 62 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It tastes good though.

>> No.16298307

Neutral you retard.

>> No.16298309

the feeling is mutual, kill yourself faggot

>> No.16298461

I love these threads. Every time I get the slightest temptation for fast food, I can come here and get it curb-stomped out of existence.
Thank you, Anons. You're doing God's Work here.

>> No.16298483

The best part about fast food restaurants like McDonald's or Burger King is that you can get a lot of food for really cheap fast. I don't understand the point of higher end fast food restaurants like 5 Guys. I would rather cook for myself then go to 5 Guys or a place like it and end up spending half as much money.

>> No.16298691
File: 858 KB, 1080x640, FCB_PP_ODMB_PB_1080x640_F-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been to Mcdonalds in over a year but I want to know what the deal is with pic related. I've seen them advertised on the windows of a few random mcdonalds but they're not on the online menu. Are they like a test item? I want to try them. The minute maid slushes don't look as good.

>> No.16298712

I only go to McDonald's about 4 or so times a year when I'm feeling weak, and I get 20 nuggets, large fry, large drink
Throw the fries in the nugget box, put some ketchup on top, and shake it up to get everything coated

>> No.16298772

double quarter pounder
large fries
20 piece nuggets, buffalo or hot mustard sauce usually
large vanilla shake and large coke unless I also bought a case of beer

>> No.16298783


>> No.16298830

1 Double Quarter Pounder
20pc McNuggets
1 Medium Fry
1 M&M McFlurry
1 Large HiC Orange

>> No.16298838


would be based if mcd's got slurpee machines

>> No.16299078

1x double cheeseburger
1x large fries
1x large classic coke
1x mcflurry

>> No.16299094

I boycott all pro Jewish companies.

>> No.16299119

Never tried a McRib or a Filet O Fish. What would I be in for ?

>> No.16299133

probably both the worst items on the menu. there's literally no point ordering anything except for a spicy mcchicken or a triple cheese and maccas. everything else is either disgusting or overpriced or both. sausage mcgridles are pretty good too

>> No.16299372

Where have I heard this before

>> No.16299385

They might have been ordering for multiple people.

>> No.16299387 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 531x1014, P.S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat here. I don't fee like making a thread. Which meal should I get?

>> No.16299462
File: 25 KB, 390x390, 1624048303145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double quarter pounder, large fries, large strawberry milkshake to dip the burger and fries into

>> No.16299469

>triple cheese

my man

>> No.16299477

they aight
I always get them if I'm in the drive through since I'm not going to give away my super secret drink mix

>> No.16299499

triple cheeseburger and a sundae

>> No.16299723

coke zero tastes better than cola

>> No.16299738
File: 63 KB, 600x800, B1MnziYCUAELriZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1x Big America

but it only exists in Israel

>> No.16299746

Goddammit Naftali give me that

>> No.16299749

>Texas - State
>Broadway - Street in NYC
>Miami - City
>Las Vegas - City
>Chicago - City
>New York - City
It's like they're mindlessly taking buzzwords and slapping them down.

>> No.16299754

are you sure you can handle 1/2+ pound patty?

>> No.16299815

on the app there's a coupon where you can order a 20 piece nuggets and get two large fries. so I do that plus a mcdouble, comes out to like $7. crazy deal

>> No.16299844

burger small fries

>> No.16299857

>Asking that question to an American

>> No.16299867

it's super delicious tho fr

>> No.16299888
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>> No.16299901

>t. 120 lbs skelly eternal dyel

>> No.16299916
File: 360 KB, 487x563, hello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2x double cheeseburger
>1 cheeseburger
>1 burger
>Medium Fries
>Small pack of Chicken Nuggets

>> No.16300036
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>> No.16300061

>Two number 9s
>A number 9 large
>A number 6 with extra dip
>A nymber 7
>2 number 45s
>One with cheese
>And a large soda

>> No.16300158

Other than Taco Bell it seems like every fast food place has them for a short time and then gets rid of them forever.

>> No.16300180

There's no way that's 2 years old.

>> No.16300186

Quarter Pounder or Spicy McChicken, along with fries and maybe diet Coke or a milkshake

>> No.16300225

This post was made by burger hands.

>> No.16300413

>spicy chicken sandwich
>medium fries
>10pc nuggets
>large sproke

>> No.16300432

>double quarter pounder
>PLAIN, with extra cheese
>large fries
>large coke
>ten piece nuggies
>buffalo sauce

>> No.16300468

>2x Double Cheeseburgers
>Medium Fries

I am not fat btw

>> No.16300539

>One small shake (if in mood.)
>Grilled Chicken Sandwich
>Small Fries

>> No.16300568

Fortnite burger

>> No.16300570

A Quarter Pounder meal with no cheese, and a 10 pc nuggets

>> No.16300573

Based Diet Coke drinker. I was a child of poverty, so I ate and drank a lot of garbage, but as I matured and my family became more financially mature, I stopped drinking soda, stopped eating as much sugar, etc. Well, I remember as a child hating the taste of Diet Coke because of the artificial sweetener aftertaste! I'll be damned, after not drinking sugary drinks for so long, you don't really notice the artificial sweetener aftertaste, and the milder taste of Diet Coke tastes better than the overpowered regular shit!

>> No.16300895

Just the fact he could say that so confidently. A SMALL amount for an AVERAGE SIZED person

>> No.16300925

Normally a large double quarter pounder meal with sprite and 6x nuggets

>> No.16301101

so fucking expensive here in Canada.
Pretty much only buy it when the coupons come in the mail and get the 2 for 1 big macs

>> No.16301900

4 or 5 double cheeseburgers and a large fries, sometimes a milkshake or mcflurry too

>> No.16301909

Two McDoubles
Two mcchickies
Medium fry

Yes, I'm fat as fuck.

>> No.16301912

Double cheeseburger ketchup and onions, mcchicken.

>> No.16301935
File: 26 KB, 310x450, 5f069afe126a1.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the new McChili I've been hearing about? Looks like they ordered it with no beans.

Watch out Wendy's! There's a new sherif in town! LOL

>> No.16301947

thats not even a lot

>> No.16301953

20 piece nuggies with ranch dip and unsweetened ice tea

>> No.16301959


>> No.16301964

you never had a bag patty before? it must have just fallen out

>> No.16301976

two mcdoubles, large fry, and then one of the following: mcchicken, fillet o' fish, or 10 piece nugget with sweet and sour sauce. Sprite if I'm getting a drink and fish, otherwise a coke. Always ask for no ice.

>> No.16301984

>t. Hamplanet

>> No.16302032


>> No.16302033
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>> No.16302063

I heard that mcdonald's has some strange stuff sometimes that employees can purchase through the company, that are only available to employees. I don't know if they have a catalogue or what, but is that what that is?

>> No.16302081


>> No.16302114

cool, thanks anon

>> No.16302165

super chocolate sunday
large fries
chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce
quarter pounder with cheese

>> No.16302171

Exactly. All the high end fast food places are for retards who usually can't cook and think that it is healthier than McDonalds when it is probably worse.

>> No.16302180

Why are so few people ordering the soft-serve deserts???

>> No.16302212

For me it's the McChicken

>> No.16302436

>2x Medium Fries for $4
>Large Coke, no ice
I'm gonna drink it before it goes flat and I don't want the fuckers to fill it half full of ice. Lol, no sales tax nets me a meal for $7.50.

>> No.16302464
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Nice, you fat, smoky fuck

>> No.16302487

It’s for the woman or gay of the group.

>> No.16302610

Double cheeeseburger add bigmac sauce.

>> No.16302612

>>>16294007 (OP)
>Not sausage muffin

The biscuit is so fucking dry how do you do it?

>> No.16302614


>> No.16302623
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>> No.16302678

I have two go to
1. Mcdouble and mcchicken so i can make a gangbang.
2. Big mac and 10 nuggies
Large HI C or Sprite Tropical please.

>> No.16302703

Based on the number of people who drink sugar water, I would say this thread is full of fatties.

>> No.16302841


>> No.16302874
File: 33 KB, 600x600, Burger_King_Frozen_Fanta_Cherry_ICEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BK's had them as long as I can remember, even before TBell I was getting cherry icee

>> No.16302907

quarterpounder with cheese medium meal
sometimes i'll also get a regular cheeseburger to go with it

>> No.16302931

McDouble no pickles no chup add Mac sauce, mcchicken, value fries, coke or Dr Pepper and bbq for the fries.

For breakfast either the sausage egg cheese biscuit meal or sausage egg cheese McGriddle meal with oj and a sausage burrito extra hot sauce packets

It’s been like that for 15 years I don’t change anything, I don’t like anything else besides the occasional Big Mac.

A friend of mine in hs put me on the Mac sauce with the McDouble and been hooked ever since.

>> No.16303002

My go to order when I am hungover:
>1 Signature Collection Surf'n'Turf
>Medium Netzkartoffeln with Sour Cream dip
>1x Adelhozener Apfelsaftschorle to wash it all down

My go to order the evening before
>Invite friends
>Get fucked up
>walk 1.5h to nearest MCs
>order amount of people - 1 quantities of 20 Nuggets, but a minimum of 2
>visit some other friends
>offer them beer, liquor and left over nuggets
>continue drinking
>repeat until alcohol runs out or I pass out

>> No.16303016
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>go-to MacDonald's

>> No.16303055


>> No.16303162

bts meal

>> No.16303242

2-3 cheeseburgers and a medium coke. I'm a poorfag.

>> No.16303250

>spicy mcchicken
These were so good. They dont have them at any McDonald's in my area though

>> No.16303363

1x double cheeseburger
Lg iced coffee (sugar free, half cream) or Lg regular coffee if it's not warm out.
Then just take the bottom bun off and taco the burger so I feel skinny.

>> No.16303417
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>167 replies

>> No.16303597

>About the lowest of the low
I've been in multiple countries and even my 16yo self was able to determine that this is lower than prison food,i've had hospital food that was delicious compared to this filth.AT LEAST now I know when am dating a woman when she mentions MC it means she is down to eat my asshole and do everything in bed because she has no respect for herself,take advice,bros.Sage

>> No.16303761

In the UK at least McDonalds had this thing where they sell a bunch of limited time burgers based on different places in America.

>> No.16303816
File: 2.52 MB, 2740x2040, McDonald's_Filet-O-Fish_sandwich_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Large fillet of fish meal with a fanta.

>> No.16303836

Lower than prison food? Prisoners would literally kill for some mcdonalds.

>> No.16303841

My absolute brother

Comes out to $6.13

>> No.16304166

Bacon mcdouble, 6 pc nuggets, med fries, medium dr pepper

>> No.16304235

Chicken biscuit, hashbrown, coffee

Everything else is garbage

>> No.16304842
File: 550 KB, 772x499, fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mcdonald's employee here
theres a few websites that sell related merch but i dont think they're exclusive to employees
its not cool shit like gundam figures either sadly

i dont know if other franchises do it, but mine got rid of this employee-only app that had deals and discounts for places and things outside mcdonalds, and now instead has "mcbucks"
essentially, if a manager sees you doing good you get one of these mcbucks now which = $1 to be used only in mcdonalds
you can use them to buy food or save them up for shit like a mcdonalds related merch or shit like..... lego... ect
its lame, essentially play-money
fortunately we can start trading them in for prepaid visa i think
i hope
ive worked fulltime for about 6 months and got 14 mcbucks
i need 30 for a mcdonald's branded umbrella

>> No.16304947
File: 9 KB, 300x168, mcbrella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.16304985

before 10:30AM: a chicken mcgriddle and a sausage mcmuffin
lunch hours: large unsweet tea & multiple mcchikens (spicy or reg depending on how I feel)
if I'm gonna get drunk:
40 pc mcnuggies or multiple spicy crispy chicken sandwiches.

>> No.16305003
File: 256 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah it's exactly like this one but is just red with the single golden M

been eyeing it for a long time
has the wooden handle too, would be neat if it were vintage

>> No.16306107

QP cheese, extra onions and no ketchup
Large fries
4 chili cheese bits

>> No.16306243

I'm not fat, just big boned...

>> No.16306315

An apple pie or maybe some fries if I need something to snack on while i'm on the highway
If I want a meal i'll just drive the extra .4 miles to the supermarket and get something from the Deli

>> No.16306328

I used to like getting a nuggets meal, but recency their nuggets have changed. I don't know if it's the batter or what, but they're dry and flavorless.

>> No.16306344

I used to be able to eat them plain all day long and now I need massive amounts of sauce to even stomach them

>> No.16306345

Just to tell you all.

Diet Coke is the New Coke formula, with an artificial sweetener.

Zero Coke is just New Coke.

>> No.16306400

Hmmm. I enjoyed the Maestro burger, but that seems to have been replaced with the big tasty. I usually go for a big mac and fries, maybe with a mckroket if I'm feeling spicy

>> No.16306421

>what is your go-to mcdonalds order
You couldn't pay me to eat mcdonalds

>> No.16306439



>> No.16306553

The chicken tenders were ok, but I always felt like I was going to break a tooth on the crust.

>> No.16307024

Hungry Jacks is better.

>> No.16307123

Tropicana or fillet of fish without the cheese if I’m very hungry.

>> No.16307355

>Fillet of fish
god what the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.16307733

>>3 doubles
>>1 single
on a diet

>> No.16307757

I go to Jollibee instead.

>> No.16308002


Anon wtf is a bag patty

>> No.16308007

Filet-O-Fish combo(medium) + 6-10 pc chicken nuggets depending on how hungry I am.

>> No.16308338

Double quarter pounder
big mac
10 nuggets
Large fries
Large sprite
a bbq and a sweet n sour sauce

>> No.16308378

>What is your go-to MacDonald's order?
I used to get a bacon mcdouble and a junior chicken. I'd squash the junior chicken flat with my hands then put it into the mcdouble between the two patties.
If you haven't tried it it's worth trying once. But be prepared, it's a meal on it's own, skip the fries. come hungry or eat half nor / half later.

>> No.16308503

Probably depends on the country.

>> No.16308531

Turn around and go to my restaurant quality european burger king where I order a crunchy chicken deluxe, jalapeño crispy chicken, long chicken, chili cheese nuggets and chili cheese fries with an iced tea

>> No.16308816


>> No.16308830

filet o fish and water

>> No.16308831

1 Macbook 2015 Pro Retina is the best

>> No.16309348

They always look good but the beef is 100% of the time drier than a fart.

>> No.16309377

Those are all diet cokes too.

>> No.16309838

it's like bag fries, just something that fell out into the bag while you were driving home

>> No.16309967

Double Quarter Pounder w/ cheese and Whatasized with fries and a Coke.

>> No.16310152
File: 93 KB, 467x374, 8D02A9B0-7277-410F-8197-3(....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quadruple cheeseburger hold the cheese extra pickle. 24 nuggems, small fries and diet ranch thickshake.

>> No.16310180

>tuna sammich
>hold the tuna

>> No.16310191
File: 520 KB, 843x825, blueshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheesy chicken burger, mcspicy,chicken mcpieces and some fries.

>> No.16310200

nah i meant hold the cheese in my hand as i scoff it down as a side

>> No.16310218
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>> No.16310404
File: 60 KB, 640x480, mcdonald-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steamed playpen balls

>> No.16310415

QP w/cheese, Sausage McMuffin, Fillet-o-Fish, med. fries, large coke, 2x apple pie

>> No.16310426

No it doesn't

>> No.16310805


I recently ordered a double cheese with only 1 slice of cheese after learning what a mcdouble is from this board (mcdouble doesn't exist in my country) was pleasantly surprised.

typically would get a mcchicken menu with coke + hamburger chicken nuggets and oreomcflurry but will feel disgusting and full afterwards.

If I just want something lighter I might just get something like a hamburger + cheeseburger for fast fuel.

having tasted a mcdouble now I will probably start ordering that item more.

I have always felt great anxiety when ordering from McDonalds since it used to be a rare treat for me as a child desu. having learned about the Mcdouble will only increase my item choice anxiety.

Why was I cursed with fast satiety from food.
If only I could eat all my favorite items from McDonalds in one sitting.

>> No.16310922

Keep it simple stupid
The rest is marketing bullshit, like ordering anything other than an espresso at Starbucks

>> No.16311314

I took absolute advantage of that combo when those were on the dollar/value menu. It felt very money efficient for how sated it left you

>> No.16312411

20 nuggets
McFeast dip
Curry dip
Garlic dip
2x Large Fries
Large soda

>> No.16312477

that looks delicious

>> No.16312496

You're a dipshit he is the OP and didn't make any of those posts. Quit pretending to be smart.

>> No.16312968

Fucking americans

>> No.16313916

That's four days for a sedentary adult man and three days for a moderately active one

>> No.16314104
File: 444 KB, 590x594, 1599714063996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quarter pounder with cheese and medium fries, no drink.

>> No.16314121

That guy has a comfy life, has a wife and goes on holiday

>> No.16314925

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.16316260

Anon burgers are wrapped, how the fuck does that happen

>> No.16316361

Back in the good old days of all day breakfast it was a 10 piece nuggets and 2 sausage mcmuffins, now it's that deal they've got with a quarter pounder and a 10 piece.

>> No.16316384

mmmmm formaldehyde on the brain

>> No.16316513

20 nuggets
big mac just lettuce & cheese
2 large fries
2 large cokes

>> No.16316696

I ate a mcmeal today and it wrecked my brain. Had brainfog for a few hours, just ate some real food, and it instantly began clearing.

what the hell is in their food? it's like the grease leaks into your brain.

>> No.16316744

I tried to post this and god duplicate file.
Goddamn Mctards

>> No.16318003

McDouble, McChicken, medium fry, large ice water.