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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 700x465, cashew-nut-growing_mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16293786 No.16293786 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf cashew nuts grow like this?

>> No.16293793

looks like a magical ingredient

>> No.16293797

Yep, and the latex exuded by every part of the tree including the nuts is highly toxic and can burn your skin on contact. Another reason why cashews are the worst nut

>> No.16293805

I saw a picture of this once before, some Indian dude told me they eat the fruits or hulls around the nut.

>> No.16293806
File: 73 KB, 640x427, almonds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! And did you know that many other foods grow on trees too?

>> No.16294189

yes and this is why cashews are so expensive.
every single cashew came from a fruit called a "cashew apple" that's basically inedible.

>> No.16294207
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>> No.16294217

anyway one else sees the shrunken heads of a tiny smurf like people wearing huge funny hats? Like they're at war with another nutpeople tribe and those 4 got ambushed during a patrol and their heads are left there as some kind of warning/demoralization attempt?

>> No.16294229
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You got a problem with that buddy?

>> No.16294260

You're full of shit. There can be toxins in the fucking plant but it's not latex and the fucking 'cashew apples' are edible. urushiol, which is more similar to poison ivy than fucking latex.


>> No.16294266

Cashew outside. How about that?

>> No.16294380

>"cashew apple" that's basically inedible.
They're both edible and delicious.

In Brazil, where cashew (caju) originates, you can get caju juice in bottles, and the fruit is also sold in some special markets (it only grows up north)


>> No.16294874
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>> No.16294884

Stop trying to poison me

>> No.16294891

I read somewhere that they are relate to mangoes. Not sure if this is true though, so don't risk it. I did cut open a mango seed once though and the thing inside looks like a giant flat cashew, but tasted horrible. I read somewhere that some people actually eat that, but I don't know if it's true, so do not risk it.

>> No.16294923

fucking kek

>> No.16294931

>I read somewhere that they are relate to mangoes.
Flavor is similar, indeed.

>> No.16295151

Because they're incredibly racist.

>> No.16295311


>> No.16295317


>> No.16295418

It is absolutely a picture of gnome heads. So many gullible fucks in this thread.

>> No.16295516

>Wtf cashew nuts grow like this?
Yes, and the fruity part is delicious to make juice out of!

The "cashew apples", or cajú as we call it, is fucking delicious! But I think it is worth mentioning that the harvesting process does secrete a corrosive substance that fucks up the hands and arms of the workers where it is grown! Much like coccoa and other such things plants.

>> No.16295549

when I was a kid we had a big tree and me and my bro used to eat the fruit, it's fucking delicious, we didn't know the nut was even edible and always threw it away until my grandpa roasted some for us, but since itl was a lot of work we just keep eating the fruit and throwing away the nut anyway.

>> No.16295584

learned from this

>> No.16295655

>The "cashew apples", or cajú as we call it, is fucking delicious! But I think it is worth mentioning that the harvesting process does secrete a corrosive substance that fucks up the hands and arms of the workers where it is grown! Much like coccoa and other such things plants.

This. There's plenty of footage on youtube about how all these have to be harvested by hand and how it fucks up the workers. How They shell them by machine in some cases but not in others.

This is what kills me about vegans. Things like vegan cheese made with cashews fucks the environment and humans and probably causes more suffering against humans than milking some fucking cows. Add together the packaging and getting it to whole feuds and there's entire tribes of 3rd worlders fucked.

>> No.16296359

Half right
That is why they're expensive, but the cashew apple is edible. It's just terrible for transporting, which is why you never see it outside of where they're grown.

>> No.16296361

to make you seethe

>> No.16296679
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they look like happy merchants.

>> No.16296731
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>> No.16296746

Anyone else see jew noses comin outta those.

>> No.16296759

And almonds are really closely related to peaches. In fact they use the same rootstock. That's why an almond hull looks so similar to a peach or apricot pit. You can crack them open and find an almond in there. They don't taste the same as regular almonds and most people don't like them but i got a taste for them and always eat it after I've eaten a peach or apricot.

>> No.16296792

Does this mean ancient humans did not eat cashews? I am paleo and also trans.

>> No.16296807

I hope this is a troll post because, while technically true, peach seeds are poisonous as fuck. there's enough cyanide in a peach seed to send a child to the hospital.

>> No.16296828
File: 78 KB, 800x532, 800px-Prunus_persica_pit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always eat it after I've eaten a peach or apricot
Aren't these very toxic?

>> No.16296832
File: 3 KB, 125x93, goyum patrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone else see jew noses comin outta those.

>> No.16296839

Yeah a little, also can makes some fine amaretto out of them.

>> No.16296860

I grew up eating these and i never had any problems. It's the same as apple seeds where they definitely contain some cyanide but you'll be fine as long as you don't eat a handful of them

>> No.16296866

How the hell could there be cyanide in a fruit? You think they use cyanide as pesticide?

>> No.16296870

the cyanide is there to kill bugs genius

>> No.16296878

They do NOT use cyanide as a pesticide. because cyanide is a very dangerous poison.

>> No.16296894
File: 253 KB, 220x155, 1609949099574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16296907 [DELETED] 

Also friendly reminder the jews did not use Zyklon B to gas the jews but to disinfect their clothes. Jews died of typhus, not from systematic extermination by the germans. The Holocaust is a lie (numbers are greatly exaggerated) and Hitler did nothing wrong.

>> No.16296908

>peach seeds are poisonous as fuck
the LD10 for amygdalin-containing stone fruit kernels in rats is nearly 1.5g/kg. A 6-month old child (who might be moving onto solids) weighs about 8 kilos. So even in the most extreme case, you'd have to feed 12g of peach kernels to a child to risk hospitalization. I honestly don't know how much a peach kernel weighs (not the whole pit, just the actual kernel, with the amygdalin in it), but it can't be more than a few grams. Who is feeding their children _several_ peach kernels?

>> No.16296913

>the jews did not use Zyklon B to gas the jews but to disinfect their clothes

>> No.16296932

watch this video

>> No.16297410

t. sonderkomando

>> No.16297433 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 960x960, 1623980231238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heil Hitler.
Heil haute cuisine.


Gentlemen. Our time is coming. Sharpen your knives and ready your whisk. Nazi Valhalla awaits us.

>> No.16297484

and i thought /tv/ is the most based blue board

>> No.16297501

we hate juice

>> No.16297509


C-N is a fantastic way to bind sugars for transport through plants. Not so great at binding sugars for transport through things that require O2.

>> No.16297603

SIEG HEIL brother
We will get rid of (((them))) and restore order to the world

>> No.16297617

is (((them))) a super cool super secret codeword for all the reasons you're still living with mom?

>> No.16297645

I bet Link had to fight some of these niggas to save zeldas butthole

>> No.16297775

The cyanide is naturally present in the apricot almond.
Eating too much can cause cyanide poisonning.

Thank you for your valued comment that's totally in the topic. Here is a (you).

>> No.16297784
File: 178 KB, 728x1039, 573080897a1949126e9a4f8a3a16d62906dcad33_87516_728_1072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High calorie nuts & fruits where only available to the most wealthy class who could afford to own giant orchards.

There are accounts of acorns, pine nuts, and bird seed being eaten by the poorest in society though.

>> No.16298114

I will cash ew outside howbahdah

>> No.16298385
File: 474 KB, 500x278, mfw_nice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16300057

This thread is for anons who are:

>> No.16300081

Hi, im the anon you replied to

Yeah, it fucks up people pretty badly, many of these large farms on the northern region of the country use slave labor, and a lot of people are killed to produce cashews to make vegan milk and cheese.

Also, a shitload of animals are grossly and brutally overworked in said plantations, like mules used to carry the fruits from the farming plot to the processing shed, these animals live under extremelly cruel conditions since their owners treat them much in the same way as they do their slaves.

Pretty nasty, vegans should feel ashamed for causing so much suffering in my country!

>> No.16300104

Not him but
>1h video
>part 1/2
Can you give me the tl;dw

>> No.16300996

It's in pumpkin seeds too. If you have an intestinal parasite the best thing you can eat to kill it off is pumpkin seeds.

>> No.16301039

deep fucking reference, nice

>> No.16301115

its only LA hipster vegans that eat cashews more often than non vegans

>> No.16301193

I am not talking about 19th century, I am talking about pre-farming

>> No.16301203

I've eaten cashew fruit before. good stuff, very juicy, like a mix of plum and banana. I dont think they travel well though since you don't see them being sold in the west.