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File: 2.18 MB, 1280x960, 1614013588046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16291734 No.16291734 [Reply] [Original]

Just picked these boys up.
Tried the Pepsi flavored one, not bad. Unfortunately they priced it in a way that it's not a threat to regular Pepsi & 7up sales.

>> No.16291756

>they priced it in a way that it's not a threat to regular Pepsi & 7up sales
>thinking that was the purpose of this shit product
>falling for sodastream scam

please be bait. there's no way someone is this retarded

>> No.16291769

You get a lot of drink out of one of these, especially if you don't fill your bottles with a lot of it

>> No.16291783

Why are you so mad, anon? :'(
I just wanted to try it.

>> No.16291790

not that guy but consumerism is destroying the planet

>> No.16291832


not mad at all fren, just amazed by how braindead some people can be

>> No.16291838

Fair, but as someone who only drinks carbonated water because the tap water tastes like shit in my apartment I used to throw to empty bottles in the trash every day. The sodastream bottles are reusable, here en Europe you can get your metal CO2 canister refilled for 10 euros. I don't think it's that bad unless you buy the syrups, but I don't get them that often unless I see interesting stuff like pic in OP.
Sorry for being braindead :'(

>> No.16291846
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>> No.16291877

>as someone who only drinks carbonated water because the tap water tastes like shit in my apartment

do you realize you can buy water too, right?

not a water zealot, but this sounds as a very lazy reason to excuse soda addiction

>> No.16291904

i like the bubbles :'(

>> No.16291911

do foreigners really?

>> No.16291916

most gender transitioning males do

>> No.16292013

Picked a few of these up in the sale. got like 33 percent off. It's better than bottled pepsi and a lot cheaper too.

>> No.16292086

Sodastream is a really cancerous company. Carbonated water makes up 90% of what I drink, but i'd never give a cent to those greedy fucking jews. They have some really slimy business practices

>> No.16292094

Sodastreams are popular in the Caribbean, and anywhere else that pays through the nose for imported items, and the heavier the product, the higher the markup. Think Grand Cayman.

>> No.16292096

Product diversity now exceeds biodiversity.

>> No.16292109

Yes you should donate your money to some shit or burn it instead.

>> No.16292164

>cancerous company
Why? I'm genuinely curious, I don't know much about them.

>> No.16292215

the 7up isn't too bad either. it's hard to mess up lemonade syrups in my experience.

>> No.16292235

You have to be 18+ to post here, son.

>> No.16292300

Sorry you didn’t have a dad, anon.

>> No.16292304

This is the dumbest thing I've read today. It's early, so I may read something dumber. But I doubt it.

>> No.16292307

Post waistline, incel.
You won’t.

>> No.16292310

I've had a dad, yours anally.

>> No.16292320


>> No.16292326

You pitching or catching?

>> No.16292328

>seething sons of single whores
I’m sure if your dads knew you didn’t drink soda, he’d say you’ve grown into fine men.

>> No.16293769

Have sex, incel.

>> No.16293774

You’ve fucking done him.

>> No.16293785
File: 95 KB, 720x960, sodastream-1521473595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sodastream is a Jewish company made in Israel. Why would you ever buy one of their products? People should boycott all Israeli goods and services.

>> No.16293787

>they priced it in a way that it's not a threat to regular Pepsi & 7up sales.
Have you seen where soda stream is produced?

>> No.16293795

The soda stream brand ones are pretty good, I haven't had the official drink ones yet, are they any different then the ones soda stream makes?

>> No.16293796


>> No.16293801

Fuck off you dirty Palestinian shitskin.

>> No.16293813

Fuck you, you slimy kike. I hate the arabs too but they're not trying to take over the world and genocide an entire race.

>> No.16293819

>everyone who hates Israel is an arab

>> No.16293823

I feel like you thought this sounds smarter than it actually does

>> No.16293831

Yes the are. Quite literally.

>> No.16293854

>I hate the arabs too but they're not trying to take over the world and genocide an entire race.
Ok, boomer.

>> No.16293862
File: 174 KB, 1024x1024, 1621316737556m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? What stolen land have the muslims occupied in the last century? What genocide have they committed (besides ottomans, which aren't arab)? Jews are responsible for the Soviet democidal purges that killed 20 million innocent white Christians in Eastern Europe. They invaded and stole land from the Palestinian people, who have lived in the region for millenia and have a rightful claim by international law. They are responsible for killing 4,000 Americans on 9/11/2001. Israel is the home base for the largest criminal syndicates in the world for drug and human trafficking, and exact control through dominating media and finance through their unscrupulous banking cartels.
Israel and the Jews are the enemies of the world. You have the mind of a slave if you support them.

>> No.16294383

Dude that's sick where can I buy pepsi shampoo

>> No.16294392

Usually I'd tell you to go back to pol but every board is a good board to support Palestine.

>> No.16294395

Just drink water, tea, coffe, or macro lager/fruity alcoseltzer. Fuck anything else

>> No.16294396
File: 924 KB, 1024x576, crystal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never got to taste it bros what did it taste like

>> No.16294437
File: 344 KB, 580x410, Coca-Cola-Clear-launches-in-Japan_wrbm_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It tasted like subpar pic related.

>> No.16294439

>Unfortunately they priced it in a way that it's not a threat to regular Pepsi & 7up sales.
Pepsi and 7up licensed that to them, retard.

>> No.16294453

Oh no. Some screechy little zoomlet will get mad if I buy one.

>> No.16294554
File: 16 KB, 250x238, 1618964420697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I needed to know.
Fuck 'em.

>> No.16294563

It'll be back. Pepsi Blue is out right now.

>> No.16294575
File: 46 KB, 1024x576, 1608969505815m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More legitimate state than you, Rabbi

>> No.16295069
File: 97 KB, 625x1020, 7cd6dcf88b047b6d82b9db8b3e72f6f7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried that and Crystal Pepsi when it came back. These clear soda's can be summed up by pic related.

>> No.16295112

Wait, if CO2 is so dangerous for the planet then why is it in sodas that we drink?

>> No.16295120

>everyone who hates arabs is a kike

>> No.16296850

So? They can still have a fucking meeting about how much they are going to sell it for you absolute retard. 7up wouldn't lett them sell it for 3 dollars.

>> No.16296867

agreed but at least they are upfront about it not like the jew.

>> No.16296872

just because they are to stupid and weak to do so doesn't mean they wouldn't if they could.

>> No.16296889

thanks doc

>> No.16298666
File: 66 KB, 476x363, 4b2a702069d851503053599b90d20fd5a1b726595bcea4b2b65a7ec65ebc6091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sodastreamed chocolate milk as a teenager
>never again

>> No.16298763

Just buy a bib of syrup you dumb shit.

>> No.16299067

>bib of syrup
Where can I get that as a regular consoomer?

>> No.16299465

it was regular pepsi minus the coloring