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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16290611 No.16290611 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16290616
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I put the pod in and press the button

>> No.16290625

Kill the father at a young age and put it on welfare

>> No.16290627

I make a coffee then don't add milk

>> No.16290664

What brewing method you use???

>> No.16290771

I start with espresso bean coffee. I fill a coffee grinder with it, add a couple of drops of water so it won't stick to the sides then grind the shit out of it until it's a fine powder. I dump that in a French press add hot water then stir until it until it's the color of my soul. Wait a couple of minutes asking God for forgiveness of my sins, slam the filter down and pour a cup of the devil's brew. Then I add sugar and heavy cream because what kind of sub-human hominoid drinks his coffee black?

>> No.16290781

In a drip coffee maker like 99pct of the non-cunt population.

>> No.16290903

Fresh grind every morning, put it in my favorite mug, drink it scalding hot

>> No.16291036
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the tube boy

>> No.16291122

You'll get less shit in the bottom of your cup if you use a coarser grind, that's what French press is designed for

>> No.16291134

I'm using my reliable Aroma boy.
Combine it with quality van Nelle and i got myself a great cuppa.

Recently tried this cheaper brand but it just doesn't cut it.

>> No.16291268

I make coffee
I add milk, whole
I add more coffee to make more black
I spoon out milk
I mix with warm tap water to preserve PH
Save milk for later, coffee milk very delicious native rhode island treat!!

>> No.16291397

whatever man

>> No.16291403

All I read was v60. Clean pour overs are rad.

>> No.16291627

cheap moka pot or ghetto french press - take one cup, make some coffee strain it in another cup with a kitchen mesh

>> No.16291630

how do i stop making sour coffee
got a grinder but it's a waste i keep using it wrong

>> No.16291652


1 tabelspoon of instant coffee granules. 200ml boiling water. Simple.

>> No.16291747


>> No.16291802

Sour typically means underextracted
Finer grind, longer brew, hotter water, etc

>> No.16291811
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It's good :d

>> No.16292292
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I use a chemex plus coffee grinder for whole beans.

Do you guys freeze your beans? I buy from a local guy and he said to keep them in the freezer in a sealed bag but I feel like a clown doing it

>> No.16292297

black w/ a little sugar

>> No.16292318
File: 131 KB, 680x435, 1608670518395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be fat
>go to /fit/ and find a solution
>apparently things with loads of fiber is going to save my filthy soul
>"fiber is digested slowly, leaving you feeling full longer, and helps with digestion"
>go out and buy 2 boxes of fiber heavy breakfast bars
>The first day I eat fiber bars for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with lots of snacks
>I don't do shit that day
>next day I fiber myself up even more
>I don't do shit that day either
>fiber jesus is slowly working his magic in my colon
>can feel the pounds dropping off
>Not that hungry anymore
>I don't shit the third day
>I don't shit the 4th day
>the finaldaydawns.mp3
>I have my morning coffee and start to feel my insides rumble
>the second i hit the toilet the weirdest fart in the world exits me
>its whistling
>just a thin continuous airstream of fart that smells like my grandpapas coffin
>no sound other than the whistling hiss
>suddenly stops
>the hole is plugged
>This shit is so solid it feels like I'm giving anal birth to Dwayne "The Rock Johnson"
>It flows through my like the liquid inside the bottle of v8 followed by the physical plastic bottle itself
>shot out of my asshole at mach speed
>my entire ass is filled with toilet water
>now the fun commences
>a fart that could do more damage than aerosol ever did is shooting shit bullets out of me
>Solid and perfectly round turd nuggets
>the smell is awful
>blacking out
>The thuds of nuggets shooting around the bowl propelled by my insane fiber flatulence is giving me war flashbacks
>my guts are yelling in german
>most of the shit isn't even digested at this point
>just forced out by all the gas that had been building up to my throat, causing a rocket like poo explosion with the thrust of a Lamborghini
>after an hour it finally seems to be over
>Im shivering and crying
>both legs collapse as I try to stand up
>my stomach hitting the bathroom tiles forces one last trumpet
>wipe my ass
>completely clean

>> No.16292340

Don't freeze your beans. Don't put them in any kind of environment with excess moisture, however cold. Store them in an airtight container in your cupboard.

>> No.16292345

instant coffee in to a glass of cold milk with nestle quick.

>> No.16292361

french press

>> No.16292691

ok but did you lose weight

>> No.16292714


>> No.16292729
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Kalita Wave or Hario V60. I have a Hario Smart 7 because I'm too lazy to use a kettle and an Eureka Atom because fuck manual grinder.

>> No.16292740

I put some store-bought coffee grounds in a mug ant pour boiling hot water into said mug. Might use a french press if I'm feeling fancy.

>> No.16292769

I brew it in my bripe.
Which unironically still makes me less of a faggot than aeropress owners.

>> No.16292827
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Kek is that you.

>> No.16293049
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The average keurig user folks

>> No.16293058

reverse method aero press

inb4 fedora tipping faggot from the coffee general spergs out. generals are for redditors anyway

>> No.16293156

cold brew or turkish

>> No.16293199
File: 46 KB, 450x450, Cowboy-Coffee-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the purest method.

>> No.16293282

Grind beans until slightly coarser than average store ready ground. Heat up fresh water in kettle. Wait a few minutes until temp drops a bit. Swill some hot water in french press and empty. Add coffee beans and fill it up to match cup/bean ratio. Stir briefly, close press and wrap in tea towel. Wait 3.5 minutes and press down plunger slowly (about 10 seconds). Swill cup with hot water and empty. Pour coffee into cup.

>> No.16293291

HEY, v-sauce

>> No.16293420

cowboy is the retarded brother of turkish.

>> No.16293438
File: 72 KB, 1333x1000, nescafe-gold.4cb499a04cbf3563f00c813fe31fe753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the best for chads like me

>> No.16293445

Literally just American laziness and retardation but sure bro it's ''''''''''''''pure'''''''''''''''

>> No.16293466

>buy mildly cheap coffee that is fairly mellow
>french press from ikea
>boil water
>wait 3.5 mins
and voilà

>> No.16293473

Although I don't mind instant coffee, and indeed subsisted on it for years at a time, Nescafe is a turrible company to support

>> No.16293496

Black as the night, hot as my cock.

>> No.16293513

I put two teaspoons of instant coffee in a cup and immediately add boiling hot water

>> No.16293521

funny thing is youre the retard for being so upset over nothing

>> No.16293922

I don't make my black any coffee. Why would i spend any more money on my slaves?

>> No.16294356

Very based

>> No.16294835


I just leave a couple of inches of fines in the press and the same for the cup.