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16283988 No.16283988 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good hearty vegetarian dishes?
Ones that don't even make you wish there was meat in it

>> No.16283992

things with eggs in them are good

>> No.16284002

inb4 butthurt retard who confuses vegans with vegetarian food

>> No.16284012


>> No.16284016

ramen noodles

>> No.16284024

Bumping because I would also love some delicious vegetable based recipes.

A vegetable quiche would be your best bet or veggie fried rice.

>> No.16284032

I fucking love eggs and they'd be perfect for my new vegetarian craze, but they give me the shits which is unfortunate

>> No.16284036

>tfw lactose intolerance

>> No.16284042
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gazpacho, good for summer too

>> No.16284065

use vegan cheese m8y m8

>> No.16284132

What are some good vegetarian Indian dishes other than Aloo Gobhi and Chana Masala?

>> No.16284168

Daal Makhani

>> No.16284213

You have to be extremely sensitive to lactose for the amount of lactose in cheese to cause problems which is unlikely. If you have an upset stomach after eating pizza, it might be from just all the flour in the crust and greasy toppings if you just get pepperoni or something. You can still eat some greasy pizza but try having a salad with it.

Palak paneer is probably my favorite.

>> No.16284232

Mattar Paneer
chana masala
tortilla español

>> No.16284239

Japanese curry if you do not put meat. What would a vegetarian even put in other than carrots and potatoes?

>> No.16284242

That's fine, use it to clear out your gut. Could be that you need more fibre or gut bacteria though, it's weird that eggs give you the runs. Eat yogurt and fruit/veg.

>> No.16284249

thai curries are great too with just vegetables. I like onion, potato, carrot, turnip, aubergine, zucchini, etc etc in them.

>> No.16285503

The ingredients seem harder to get or more costly for thai, otherwise would love them. the ones i had so far had lemon grass and cocomut milk.

>> No.16285509

Tofu or mock duck maybe

>> No.16285515

Mozzarella has a lot of lactose though

>> No.16285522

lentil curries

>> No.16285571

Vegetable fritters and potato pancakes are great and easy to make.

>> No.16285586

Indians are definitely the best at this
China is not bad too, but they do this odd thing where they'll do tofu dishes that still have meat in them

>> No.16285600
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There garden is so ill, duke..

>> No.16285604

Not really, around .3g per ounce and lactose intolerant people can have about 12g of lactose before having any issues. Depends on the type of mozzarella though, the low moisture kind used on pizza will have less than fresh mozzarella.

>> No.16285617

interesting. Maybe the times I got the shits after pizza, it was because of something else I ate.
Do you happen to know if eggs (even though they're not lactose) can give people the runs?

>> No.16285619
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Here we are !

>> No.16285623
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Find a cool fast food,

>> No.16285629

Yeah some people have trouble digesting eggs and it can cause those problems. You can try eating them on their own to be sure if they're a problem or not, though it's probably more likely if you just ate a bunch of greasy pizza and had a soda with it or something that that's what caused the issue.

>> No.16285637

I only eat cheese slices and soda alone never does that to me.
But, I did have an egg sandwich approximately 24 hours before that.

>> No.16285694

because tofu is not a meat replacement, it's just tofu. makes perfect sense to have tofu and meat together just like you would have some combination of meat, vegetables, potatoes, rice, etc together.

>> No.16285758

But if you're gonna eat meat then may as well just have it be all meat since it tastes better

>> No.16285771

>don't eat broccoli because beef tastes better
>don't eat potatoes because cheese tastes better
this is how retarded you sound

>> No.16285776

properly seasoned lentils (and this doesnt have to be all-out south asian style, a decent soffrito+salt and pepper is good enough) gives me the flavor and substance that i want from meat any day of the week

>> No.16285779

eggs technically are meat

>> No.16285787

my sister just made Latin style rice and beans and they scratched the same itch that meat would have

>> No.16285870

make southern euro style vegetable stews man, tomatoes, onions, zucchinis, eggplant, artichoke, olives, sultanas, peppers, garlic, finish with garlic and hard herbs and serve with crusty bread and butter. curries with pumpkins, winter squash, sweet potatoes and tofu are good. chickpeas and peanuts are heavy and sating in curries, too.
don't forget about mushrooms. mushrooms bordelaise with bread or rice is heavy as fuck

>> No.16285979
File: 77 KB, 720x720, Dal-makhani-recipe-1-720x720-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dal makhani is god-tier when made right

>> No.16286004
File: 141 KB, 1500x2250, Cream-of-Mushroom-Soup-IMAGE-135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cream of mushroom soup keeps you comfy and full on cold autumm and winter days

>> No.16286014

Italian Lesbian Wedding Soup (Italian Wedding Soup without the meatballs)

>> No.16286021

Seitan is really good.
A vermicelli bowl with pressed tofu.
Chana masala as pictured is great.

>> No.16286058

Chickpea curries are pretty good. I eat meat all the time, but I don't miss it with them.

>> No.16286271


Creamy dal makhani with paratha is incredible

>> No.16286284

just take curries and shit and replace meat with chickpeas.

>> No.16286319

>Mock duck
now that's some good shit

>> No.16287455
File: 804 KB, 2500x1668, mapo-tofu-recipe-6154w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mapo Tofu, without the minced meat and chicken stock of course. I'd suggest you replace the minced meat with a few (40 or 50 grams?) shiitake mushrooms and the stock with vegetable stock concentrate, diluted (1 or 2 teaspoons diluted with 250 mL water). Make sure that you use either soft or firm tofu. Silken tofu will fall apart far too easily in this dish. I'd also recommend to use a quality brand doubanjiang like Juan Cheng Pai (because it's a base flavor of the dish, not the most colorful paste either but flavorwish is definitely the best one) and to make sure your sichuan pepper corns are roasted enough before grinding them to a powder. While not traditional I'd suggest adding a tablespoon of sugar t to round out the intense flavors of the dish.

>> No.16287669

this but add rice and broccoli or more veg
super hearty and filling

>> No.16287678

Vegetarians eat eggs.

>> No.16287810

I've never tried it
What is it like?

>> No.16287904

Various dals, palak paneer, paneer saag, eggplant curries, and rajma. You can get pretty creative with vegetable biryani, as well.

For European cuisine, look up Orthodox or Catholic lenten cooking for ideas, as they traditionally cut out meat, fish, and dairy as part of the fasting period.

>> No.16287914

Have you ever had an okra curry?

>> No.16288028
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Good idea anon, veggies are so underrated
Also fried eggplant with parmesan

>> No.16288049

I suppose I'd say it was less of a curry, and more of a dry spice mix (it wasn't saucy). Flash fried okra tossed with a masala spice mix, and shredded coconut. Made for a great side dish, although I'm not sure it would hold its own as a main dish.

>> No.16288080

eggs are dairy

>> No.16288095

Indian food. Potato currys and such. If I had to give up meat I would go all Indian food.

>> No.16288177
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Raw jackfruit is what you're looking for.

Hardcore vegeterians avoid it because it looks and feels like meat to them.
Described in some Indian languages as "Meat of the tree"

>> No.16288181
File: 206 KB, 1000x667, ThinkstockPhotos-516621399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan to become vegetarian, what benefits i can expect if any? What are the common mistake for newbies vegetarian?

>> No.16288347

I think real parm isn't technically vegetarian but I wouldn't personally care too much

>> No.16288709

Ackee is a good fruit that reminds me very much of scrambled eggs

>> No.16288738

>parm isn't technically vegetarian

Is fish vegan?

>> No.16288760

>What are the common mistake for newbies vegetarian?
Don't think that being vegetarian is an automatic pass to good health. Vegetarian cooking, especially processed or restaurant food, is full of salt and fats to make it more appealing to people switching to vegetarian diet from an omnivorous one. You still need to watch what you eat, maintain portion control, and watch for what kinds of additives are thrown into your meals. You can still be a complete diabetic lardass despite not eating meat.

If you're not already a vegetarian, and aren't already slowly adopting it, consider easing into it by making 2-3 days a week meatless (or vegan, if that's your thing). From there, every few months, add another day that you exclude meat products from your meals, and also start to limit meat to a particular meal (such as lunch or dinners only), and over time phase out certain meats (maybe phase out beef, then pork, then chicken, etc.) so that you're not going cold turkey.

Lastly, look into a variety of cuisines from around the world with vegetarian elements (as mentioned above, you can get some ideas from Christian Lenten practices, or Hindu and Buddhist vegetarian practices). These will typically embrace the ingredients as they are, which will let you have greater appreciation for what you are eating, rather than the pitfall of vegetarian food for "moral" reasons, where they try desperately to be a pale imitation of meat products/dishes, as though ashamed of it.

>> No.16288800

What's wrong with being motivated by moral reasons? That's a much better reason than mistakenly thinking vegetarian = healthier

>> No.16288913

>hearty vegetarian dishes
ruskie pierogi
both hearty and vegetarian (flour, cottage cheese, potatoes, onion, salt, pepper, some people add eggs)

>> No.16290446

Okra doesn't lend itself well to curries.
It's more suited to frying.

>> No.16290536

Is Bhindi Masala a curry?

>> No.16290673

>where they try desperately to be a pale imitation of meat products/dishes
they said it right there dipshit.

>> No.16290679

That's because they like the taste

>> No.16290687

Sure, it is all a matter of preference. This still ignores what they were saying which was solid advice.

>> No.16290691

lentil soup is pretty good.

>> No.16290817
File: 143 KB, 1200x900, img_cf4ec832a0cd2634343582fd5edae1d8e8f9f91c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Bhindi masala is dry, not a curry.

>> No.16291017

is non-Western vegetarianism not for "moral reasons" at all though? Even though it's cultural/religious among Hindus, I'm sure they appreciate the fact that they're not killing animals (especially cows).

>> No.16291050
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Kinda like strongly seasoned(most are) tofu skin, but thinner and can be deep fried to make them crispy. Texture is closer to thin seitan, in a way
My family usually steams them, but it tends to make them soggy and easy to break. Personally, I like it.

>> No.16291053
File: 191 KB, 500x375, (you) faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you, okra in curries are the best

>> No.16291108

Ever see cow lay an egg? retard

>> No.16291193

>City slicker hasn't seen a cow egg
Color me surprised

>> No.16291705

one of my hippy vegetarian friends a few years back cooked me this shit that blew my fucking mind, it was essentially rough cut veggies (pumpkin, eggplant, zucchini, that kinda shit) with some goats cheese and curry paste with balsamic vinegar drizzle backed in the oven. Now that I type it out it seems kinda ghetto but fuck was it good

>> No.16291729

Cooked buckwheat.
Add some pepper, a bit of cumin, and a mix of fried onion, carrot and mushrooms.

Mushrooms work great in meatless dishes.

>> No.16292373

you type like a retard

>> No.16292396

Bid's Eye power bowls (frozen, in steamable bag), prepare according to directions, and add sriracha sauce to taste.

>> No.16292419

That's right, these are merely large cells when unfertilized.
Idk if you count that as flesh since flesh is usually tissues which are made out of cells not just one cell.

>> No.16292532

Learn how to make seitan. I made enchiladas with black beans and it was tasty. Use chipotle in adobo for seasoning. Tofu is fine if you treat it like tofu, so it's a texture that adds protein. I like it in soups and it's really good fried too.

>> No.16292584
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I grew up with Seventh-Day-Adventists and there's lots of vegetarians/vegan in their ranks. They all LOVE fake foods, fake milks, fake meats, fake food for fake christcucks.

Why don't they just cook good vegetarian food like the Apus cook? Because they are LARPing as real white American Christians who eat what God gave us and told us was for us. They don't want foods from "Pagan cultures" and view too much spices as hedonistic indulgence.

Degenerate version of religion...

>> No.16292609

I'm not sure if theres a real name for this recipe, but in my family we sometimes make "Vegetable Spaghetti"

In a pan, saute:
-Summer squash
Turn to low, and Add a jar of premade tomato pasta sauce to warm up.
Serve over cooked spaghetti, or pasta of your choice.