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16272275 No.16272275 [Reply] [Original]

> Which beer will you buy this coming week?
> Are there any new German beers you could recommend?
> How can we stop smaller German breweries from dying out?

> Anything German beer related goes

>> No.16272278

>> How can we stop smaller German breweries from dying out?
they aren't

>> No.16272369


>> No.16272670

>wet your entire shirt with beer for one video
>have to go home immediately afterwards
lmao why are people so fucking stupid

>> No.16272681

I guess you have never pissed yourself on a bender

>> No.16272784

>german beer
muslims don't drink

>> No.16272842

>Remote Acoustic Wave Generation via Non-Networked Antennae for Room Mapping
>ansjdpgnaid aispdf asdf senpai merrycharisamasu
fuckin data overload

>> No.16272889

haha milk

>> No.16272901

> How can we stop smaller German breweries from dying out?
Export it. American beer connoisseurs think fucking Paulaner is god tier. Imagine how much they'd buy if you gave them something actually good.

>> No.16272912
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"Ooh, Heaven is a place on Earth"

>> No.16272921

i must say im quite a fan of sopping glistening boobas. i cant be the only one right? haha does that make me gay?

>> No.16272930

I'm more frustrated by how much beer she's wasting than I am aroused.

>> No.16272946

You've never been in Turkey, I take it.

>> No.16273100

Give me some Augustiner any day, the snobs won’t ship it out of Bavaria

>> No.16273655

Aldi Nord has some 'craft beer' on sale tomorrow. I guess I'll pick up a couple.
Also, Rewe is selling Neuzeller beer at a discount.

>> No.16273688

Just imagine her throat moving like that while she's deepthroating you and chugging your sperm

>> No.16273987
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for me its konig Ludwig hefeweizen

>> No.16273998
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>muslims don't drink

>> No.16274153

muslims inject hash and smoke heroin

>> No.16274170

Their helles is the perfect beer.

>> No.16274171

Muslims drink but it's usually illegal to do so in their countries. There is a lot of black market booze.

>> No.16274194
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Had this at the monestary, definitely lives up to the hype

>> No.16274264

>east german breweries
most people think of bavarian beer when they say german beer

>> No.16274287

I originally was planning on visiting but ended up not having the time.
Will make sure to go actually do the visit next time. I did however go to the restaurant in marienplatz and had that dunkel.

>> No.16274653
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>Spaten and Lowenbrau are now produced by Labbatt in Canuckistan
feels bad man

>> No.16274689
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>>Spaten and Lowenbrau are now produced by Labbatt in Canuckistan
And they suck. They have the canned version of these at one my local beers stores and its my go to helles (cheap too $2.60/can)

>> No.16274696

What is that, a beer for ants?

>> No.16274879

Good thing I prefer Paulaner anyway

>> No.16274891
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Probably the greatest beer of all time.

>> No.16274897


>> No.16274914

You're right, I've never pissed myself in public, and I don't want to.

>> No.16274935


>> No.16275526
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Same dude, Benediktiner is pretty good. Hacker Pschorr's helles is also a pretty reliable alternative.

>> No.16275713

utter nonsense. americans maybe. beer is a super regional thing here and most regions have their own well known breweries.of course it's not all good but still.

>> No.16275889

Sry, the Aldi Nord craft beers will be on sale from friday (18.06.) onwards!
I know alot of muslims that drink, smoke and fuck hookers. I think it really depends on your degree of religiousness.
How do you drink these strong beers? What kind of glass and at which temperature?
I've never had their dark beer before. It's going to be added to my list!

>> No.16275974
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These beer weren't half bad. I was especially surprised by the dark beer. Tasted almost like Guiness. The Helles was decent too; on par with Augustiner if not better.

>> No.16276022

that article isn't talking about small breweries

>> No.16276089

You're right. Should have not specifically mentioned 'small' breweries. I'm sure they must also feel the effects of a sales decline during Corona times.

> Overview of German beer sales during the last three decades.

>> No.16276119
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For me it's this little fella. My local späti has it for 1.30€. Two bottles of this and two bottles of Sterni for 4€ and I'm sorted

>> No.16276207

Americans, can you name the German beers that are widely/easy accessable? Especially pilseners and dark lagers. I know you can get the handfull of Germanys most popular wheatbeers though.

>> No.16276215

budweiser ;^)

>> No.16276217

name? can't read what it says on the label

>> No.16276226


>> No.16276233
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Every single beer by Schneider Weisse is great.
TAP5 is my favorite.

>> No.16276244

Best Helles, Ayinger is also very good.

>> No.16276267

Seriously why do spätis sell more exotic stuff than supermarkets? As if the turkish owners would know much about beers. How do they come up with all that stuff and where do they get it? Even beverage markets oftwn have less strange beers.

>> No.16276786

>>have to go home immediately afterwards
You fucking autist. Have you ever been to a club, dancing? It's friggin hot and humid in there and smells like spilled beer anyways, so just dance for 10 minutes and it'll be no different from not having spilt beer on ya. Not saying it's a classy move, but seriously, get a life!
>Give me some Augustiner any day, the snobs won’t ship it out of Bavaria
Augustiner is hyped so hard, it's available everywhere. If it weren't so good (only applies to Edelstoff, not >>16274170
>Their helles is the perfect beer.
This stuff sucks), I'd avoid it, just because it's now so mainstream (yes, I am a beer hipster, how did you know?).

>> How can we stop smaller German breweries from dying out?
Buy from them, if you still have them. Problem is just, some totally suck, yet, for some strange reason are still in business.
Also, they never try anything new.
I mean, that whole
>craft beer
Why didn't they join that bandwagon? They're all true craftsmen, and not just some stupid hipsters that produce
>le epic octuple hopped IPA No. 9001
but they've got real history, real craftsmanship and really good beer, but wouldn't have hurt to try a few "new" things. Just do a fucking IPA that is not only
>needs moar hops!
but a solid, classic beer, made by folks that actually know what they're doing, and you're golden!
Make it a small run, charge triple your normal 0.8€/0.5l rate for it (and still be cheaper than all those hipsters) and everyone is happy, but nooooo, it's traditional-boring-ass-helles-that's-pretty-good-but-99%-identical-with-all-our-neighboring-breweries stuff.
I don't mind this.
Most of the times, I just want an uncomplicated, non-snobby helles, that goes well with everything, but I don't wanna have to buy some hipster shit, when I want to have a change now and then.

>> No.16276970

Im triggered by people shittalking Augustiner. Only Hacker and Tegernseer give Augustiner a run for its money when it comes to Helles. Edelstoff is good but really not on the same level as the classic.
Btw, did you know Augustiner is 50% owned by a foundation using all their profits for charitable causes and paying good wages to all their employees?Did you know its the oldest brewery in Munich? But please, drink your shitty overpriced hipster beer/AB Inbev, or better yet, spill it over your clothes in the club so everybody knows what a mong you are

>> No.16276983

>Im triggered
I wouldn't have noticed that if you hadn't point it out.

>> No.16276989

Had this the other day. Really good.

>> No.16277225

>but a solid, classic beer, made by folks that actually know what they're doing, and you're golden!
>Make it a small run, charge triple your normal 0.8€/0.5l rate for it (and still be cheaper than all those hipsters) and everyone is happy, but nooooo, it's traditional-boring-ass-helles-that's-pretty-good-but-99%-identical-with-all-our-neighboring-breweries stuff.

Agree 100% with this. I highly doubt that the beers we're drinking from those traditional breweries actually taste the same as the ones that they brewed 100 years ago.
It's not going to be a good look for Germany if every other beer producing nation innovates and Germany is lacking behind. I'm not saying they should abandon their beer purity law but rather try something new so I don't get sick of the standard Helles.

>> No.16277275

>standard Helles
Helles isn't even that popular. A few years ago it was more of a Bavarian only phenomenon. Now it got popular for some reason and breweries outside Bavaria also release helles. Probably for those, who don't like the taste of the much more bitter standard pils (makes around 2/3 of all sold beers in Germany) everyone drinks. We already had those mild "gold" beers that were introduced a good decade ago, but are known as womens beer so nobody bought them. Helles as a traditional style doesn't has that bad reputation.
Also Germans aren't actually interested in styles outside of refreshing lagers aka pils. It's not that we don't have dark/black, red, sour or even smoked or seasoned beers like gose, people just don't buy it, because they don't like it. And most also don't like those try hard hipster styles neither.
Many if not most are fine with macro beers they bought on sale or their local stuff.

>> No.16277307

As a leaf they don't sell Augustiner here. We have hacker, Paulaner which imo just isn't as good.

>> No.16277734

If you think that there hasn't been any innovation since 1516 you're wrong. In fact every brewer apprentice has to make his own beer variation to become "master". Of course most just do some slight modifications of an existing formula, but even if only 1 in 10000 actually improves and innovates it's a net gain for the beer culture

>> No.16277740

This. Most germans just drink one (1) brand of beer for most of their lives and it's usually some Pils variant that their local pub serves from tap.

>> No.16277744

>Have you ever been to a club, dancing?
You're talking to heterosexual males, anon.

>> No.16277809

no they don't. also exporting = loss in quality almost always

>> No.16277813

Kek. Way to go in totally not getting my point. I guess I'm going to have a Berg Spezial on you.

>> No.16277824

>Helles isn't even that popular. A few years ago it was more of a Bavarian only phenomenon.
Baden Württemberg would like to have a word with you. We also used to be a Pils free nation. Hessen also has always had quite a few Helle. Oh, and Weizen/Weißbier, that also always was quite big.
Pils isn't even that popular. A few years ago it was more of a North German only phenomenon. Now it got popular for some reason and breweries outside North Germany also release Pils.

>> No.16277933

>effects of a sales decline during Corona times.
people are turning alcoholics left and right.
They might miss out on festivals, but retail has been through the roof

>> No.16277993

it is beer, there is nothing to innovate
of course it doesn't taste the same as 100 years ago, ingredients are hugely different now.
if my pils ever gets discontinued i hang myself for sure

>> No.16278072

Not only the ingredience. Modern breweries filter the shit out of beer to make it more durable and try tell consumers that it is the "og" recipe/taste.

>> No.16278090

Depends on the people, I guess. I think a large part of the population are social drinkers and wouldn't really crack open a beer alone at home.
Smaller breweries often don't bottle their beers and don't sell them in supermarket, which makes quarantine especially bad for them.

>> No.16278104

But compare that type of innovation to stuff British or Americans are doing. They are constantly playing with new hops-, yeast strains and this is sort of what you don't see in the German beer market.

>> No.16278111
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So good

>> No.16278120

>og recipe/taste.
if there ever was something like that, then it died in the late 1940s when fungicides, fertilizer and fully mechanized harvesting improved grain quality like 100 times

there are 2 brewery in my area still running on century old apparatuses, no fancy new shit no nothing.
The taste differs from between palatable and undrinkable, depending on shit like how wet last harvest was.
Og taste is not what you want.
yea people dont drink home alone, they drink in each others basement because everything is closed and nowhere to go.

>> No.16278127
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>Westerners buy all the breweries for cheap after 1990.
>Closing it down shortly after they receive nice money from the state to invest in their western German companies.
"Why are the millennials killing the small breweries?"
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.16278138

I agree, it is strange to see more and more breweries selling Helles. Alot of them taste quite similar because of the pronounced sweetness, which I don't really enjoy. I also remember Export to be really popular for a while but I think it has received a bad reputation as being a 'lower class' beer. I always try to explore other beer styles but more often than not supermarkets only carry ~3 Schwarzbier.

>> No.16278160

You don't know how quotations work, faggot.

>> No.16278210

I also dislike the sweetness of helles. It just misses bitterness or toastiness.
Never noticed a hype for export though. Wouldn't be suprised though if hipsters discover the working class beer, but fucking it up when trying to brew it themself.
Ad yeah, it's a shame you can't get a wide variety of beers in supermarkets. It's just the same macros, "insider tips" or hipster spill everywhere. If you want schwarzbier you have to travel to eastern Germany though. Barely crossing the border and the supermarkets sell plenty different schwarzbier.

>> No.16279191
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I'm a Leaf and every liquor store in my area carries the following:

Dab Dark
Holsten (Pils, Maibock, etc.)
Hacker Pschorr Weisse

Less Common:
Benediktiner Helles
Paulaner Helles
Hacker Pschorr Helles
Hacker Pschorr Kellerbier
Konig Pilsner
Krombacher Pils
Krombacher Hell
Hofbrau Helles (used to be very common in bottles)

>> No.16279336

We occasionally have the hefes Weihenstephaner and Schneider in some lcbo locations in my area. But ya what you listed there is about what I'm used to seeing.

>> No.16279369

t. Ostalgiker

>> No.16279720
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I can really only sing praise for ayinger, this dunkel is incredible and their oktoberfest/marzen is incredible; its my overall favorite lager in fact.

>> No.16279761

Ya their marzen is amazing.

>> No.16279808
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My absolute nigga. Superb beer.

>> No.16280880

DAB is kind of a surprise, because even in Germany it's hard to get outside of western Germany. Holsten is also kinda strange being the cheapest premium brand here but it's part of the carlsberg group so they can charge export countries hilarious prices for a otherwise cheap beer.
Krombacher is the best selling beer in Germany though. Probably because it's so mild that it barely qualifies as a pilsener.
Jever is definitely the most interesting macro pils, because it's the most bitter and driest one from Germany. The number 1 either love it or hate it beer. But i don't know if the change the recipe to a milder version for export like Beck's e.g.

>> No.16280913

Looks delicious af. Where can I get it? I'm currently located in Berlin.

Can you guys recommend any Berlin beers or beers that are available here?

>> No.16280920

stop drinking alcohol

>> No.16280922

Oh yes my favourite book "Muslims don't drink and other lies told by Muslim"

>> No.16280927

Not in Germany. Beer is everywhere nearly every town has their own historic brewery.

>> No.16280984

>Baden Württemberg would like to have a word with you. We also used to be a Pils free nation.
What the fuck are you talking about? Pils was always very popular in BW.
Rothaus, Ganter, Fürstenberg, Riegeler (when it didn't belong to Fürstenberg), Stuttgarter Hofbräu. Just to name a few.

>> No.16281003

Ok, I'm just naming breweries, but I mean that everyone was and is drinking their Pils.

>> No.16281025

Maybe he was refering to pre 1970s? Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Pils wasn't the beer of choice back then. Other types of Lagers such as Export were really popular then.

>> No.16281038

No idea about pre 1970s, to be honest.
I was born in the late 80s, and the dominant beer was always Pils. I'm from the South of Baden-Württemberg btw, maybe that makes a difference.

>> No.16281391

Berliner Weisse is a sour beer that's a staple there. Often drunken with syrups to balance out the sourness. Berliner Kindl and Berliner Pilsner and Schultheiss are the most known pilseners from Berlin.
I guess you can get plenty hipster beers there too but those wouldn't really be typical/traditional/working class beers.

>> No.16281628

I tried all of them and I didn't particularly like any of the beers.
>Berliner Kindl, Berliner Pilsener, Schultheiss, Berliner Bürgerbräu
they're all alright but boring beers imo.
>Berliner Weisse
is alright if you don't want to drink a Radler or Beer. Never tried it without the syrup though.
> the circus brewerie at Rosenthaler Platz has some really delicious pale, hazy lagers.
I was looking for beer or breweries more akin to the one above.

>> No.16281650
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>> No.16281689

Faaak! I noticed it taste different.

Asahi is made in Italy :( why do they do that?

Germans built the original brewery.