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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16272657 No.16272657 [Reply] [Original]

/fit/izen reporting.
How'd I do /ck/ bros?

>> No.16272666

Poorly. It looks like a brazilian who fucked up the beans

>> No.16272667

Why are you feeding your dog so much potato?

>> No.16272675

I didn't realize you couldn't add spices to anything if you wanted to be /fit/

>> No.16272691

1) I'm not your bro; 2) Fuck you; 3)You want to pay to run a train on my wife? 3) Fuck you; 4) I can think of at least two /fit/ poster right now whom are vegetarian; 5) Fuck you, you elitist fuck; 6) Get with the fucking times

>> No.16272699

Nice sear, queer.

>> No.16272727
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>> No.16272730

There are no beans
Don't have a dog
Don't have to add spices if the meat itself tastes good
I'll run a train on your wife regardless
Thanks, shitbag

>> No.16272752

It looks like shit.

>> No.16272754

did you boil the meat

>> No.16272756

>meat itself tastes good
That's a shit cut and you know it. I suppose you also have some bullshit excuse for why the rice has gone completely to mush.

>> No.16272758

Mmmmm boiled unseasoned steak with soggy unseasoned white rice. My fav

>> No.16272759
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>> No.16272768

latin-american buttplug

>> No.16272770

blast with hotsauce/10
needs work

>> No.16272778


Stick to cramming sherlongs up your prison pocket with your gym "bros" and taking insta pictures like a woman.

>> No.16272780


>> No.16272867

My threshold for taste is lower than yours. I eat for nutrition. I like the texture of mushy rice.
I unironically have no idea what that is
You're probably a fatfuck

>> No.16272876

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.16272877

oh my god he really is a brainlet. He doesn't understand if you cook things improperly it can fuck up the nutritional values.

>> No.16272879

>You're probably a fatfuck
My BMI is 19.66. I'm just not a pretentious douche that needs to be mirin hairy bear assholes when I want to exercise.

>> No.16272887
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>another /fit/ anon who sucks at cooking

>> No.16272896

Why would you even post this kind of slop here?

>> No.16272898

People from /fit/ shouldn't be allowed to dual-post on /ck/. It's just embarrassing for both of us.

>> No.16272899

Oh, (You) know...

>> No.16272909

Why do you have a chandelier made out of green dildos?

>> No.16272910

Your meat looks dry and you lack a sauce and vegetables. I'm assuming that has /fit/ reasons, you'd be wrong.

My main beef however is with your presentation. You may look top notch but those meals you're offering look like a miserable business card.

>> No.16273009

>Unseasoned rice and some unseasoned dollar tree ribeye
Why do /fit/niggers even eat real food if they hate it so much? Literally just drink Soylent and protein powder.

>hurf durf food is FUEL doesn't have to taste good

>> No.16273032

>I unironically have no idea what that is
Its in your picture, OP.

>> No.16273065

And I did cook it properly. It was medium rare.
Loving the projection my man, just because you're a homo and you check out dudes doesn't mean everybody else does. You do you though.
Another racebaiting faggot
It's fun?
I actually don't know what that is, it was on the table when I went outside
Meat was juicy but yeah there's reasons for why no sauces or veggies
I don't hate it though? It fueled me and I feel great.

>> No.16273154

>And I did cook it properly. It was medium rare.
>It was medium rare.

lol that shit ok your plate is in no capacity "medium rare"

>> No.16273188

Hi fellow /fit/izen. Just be aware ck is the worst board on 4chan. If anyone posts anything that looks great they just get ignored, if anyone posts anything that is less than great they get torn apart.

>> No.16273196
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you need to learn to cook better bro, trying to cook steaks and chicken got me into higher end cooking and its been my career since pretty fun
also it look slike you moved the steak around alot while cooking

>> No.16273222

I'm a culinary genius and I wouldn't serve op's meal to a dog

>> No.16273231

Everyone here used to browse fit, noob

>> No.16273264

Eat some vegetables, my guy

>> No.16273274
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i didnt realise what shitty "cooks" gymbros were until i started lifting a couple years ago
you guys are on par with neckbeards in their basements as far as cooking goes

>> No.16273370
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that looks like a washcloth that's been in your ass all day with a side of rice.

>> No.16273568

It's a fun board

>> No.16273590

It's flawless

>> No.16273607

/fit/ is a quarantine board for pinheads, they have no standing to call other boards bad

>> No.16273632

>no greens
>white rice
you're not /fit/
brown rice is better, sweet potato/yam is far better than both
get some nutrient dense greens
fiber in the form of fruits or other greens, no fiber capsules or other bullshit gimmicks

>> No.16273644

everyone starts somewhere, only reason I really started cooking for myself was because I started lifting and needed something better than all the shit fried in soi oil

I'm still a pretty shit cook

>> No.16273659

This board really is terrible. It's impossible to actually talk about cooking and food here. The /fit/ OP has probably cooked more than week than the average poster here has in a month. This is the only board that I think is actually worse than it's Reddit equivalent, which is fucking saying something.

>> No.16273664
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>mushy white rice with an unseared piece of meat
i'm not sure if i would even feed this to my dog

>> No.16273666
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>he doesn't know /ck/ holds more stars than all other boards combined

>> No.16273672

>If anyone posts anything that looks great they just get ignored, if anyone posts anything that is less than great they get torn apart.
Very true.

>> No.16273678

You don't have to keep coming here. There are other boards, other websites, books to read. There are more worthwhile occupations of your finite time than you can expect to ever experience.

>> No.16273680
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>> No.16273692
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>Just be aware ck is the worst board on 4chan.
Not true, we're just the stupidest. Say it with me cu/ck/s

>> No.16273696

You're right

>> No.16273704

It's got nothing to do with cooking. This board is just a display of retards, like a zoo. Go read any thread and 50% or more of the posts will be retarded.

>> No.16273710

Found the American

>> No.16274012
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hahahaha lol dyec? post body, i dare you

>> No.16274067

This is how I know you're from a shithole country. No in a a first world country just ends up with a random bunch of green bananas on their table, you're probably a brown banana picking faggot.

>> No.16274275

You're a fucking wank

>> No.16274407

>My threshold for taste is lower than yours. I eat for nutrition. I like the texture of mushy rice.
this is cope. as someone who is about to cycle 500mg test and eating 4kcal, eating healthy does not mean youre food is supposed to taste like shit. i also doubt youve been dieting for very long becauase you will go fucking crazy if youre food doesnt taste good after a few months

>> No.16274418

donate your body to the lantern oil factory when you die choking on mcmuffins

>> No.16274432
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What kind of pan did you cook the steak in, OP?

>> No.16274748

Stainless steel I think
My mom gave it to me when I left the house

>> No.16274844

Looks like utter dogshit you giant fucking faggot. My god why does /fit/ generate the biggest retards?

>> No.16274875

You're fat

>> No.16274883 [DELETED] 
File: 379 KB, 871x964, 1591232337446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will MURDER you in your god damn sleep before I rape your corpse the next time you come back with this bullshit on my board, nigger

>> No.16274938

That'll explain it then.
You've gotta get a cast iron or heavy nonstick if you're gonna cook steak in a pan.

>> No.16274941

Dry rice and overcooked meat. You'll get there, pal.

>> No.16274967

You wouldn't do anything fatty piece of shit.
Cheers anon, thanks for the actual good advice. I'll go pick up a cast iron pan tomorrow
Nah the rice was mushy
Meat was medium rare

>> No.16274969

Fat loser

>> No.16274970

Can someone post a pic of a homemade salad pls? list ingredients too

>> No.16275037

as a /fit/ and /ck/ crossposter you have disgraced your home, go back to macro obsession and calorie counting

>> No.16275224
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nah, we'll murder you holmes. it's ride and die around here.

>> No.16275244

Listen carefully because this is very important advice. Lots of people think cooking is all about complicated recipes, big cookbooks and arduous effort. Really it's more of an innate thing.

Learning to cook is much more simple, so pay close attention to what I'm going to say. Are you listening?

Fry an egg and experiment with various seasoning. This will give you an idea of what flavours go well together which is the most important quality in cooking. Fry an egg, cut it in quarter, season each quarter differently. Try one with cayenne and, I dunno, chives? Just experiment with lots of seasoning combinations.

Then fry another egg and repeat the process. Keep frying eggs and experimenting until you get a good idea of what works. You can eat 3-4 eggs in a day, heck you're from /fit/ so probably 6+. If you eat 6 eggs in a day, that's 24 egg quarters, 24 seasoning combinations in a day. You're talkng about 1000 seasoning combinations in just over a month.

At this stage you'll be a spicemaster and what/how you cook wont matter because you'll be better at seasoning than 99% of professional chefs, and this WILL make you a good cook.

>> No.16275273

you're fat and don't know how to cook desu.

>> No.16275287

>seething no-co/ck/s
/ck/ is by far the most based board on all of 4channel. we are literally just here to shitpost and banter. in the rare times serious threads come up, they are almost always more well-reasoned here than anywhere else on this garbage heap

>> No.16275295

Those potatoes need herbs. Parsley and garlic are good for that meal.

>> No.16275312

/ck/ is just /v/ that is slightly more difficult to troll. Most anons don't bother to put the effort in, though.

>> No.16275406


>> No.16275478

why in the shit did you ever save this lol

>> No.16275556

I'll try this! Thanks

>> No.16275610

What was the last noise that rat made before you crushed it with the cast iron and tossed him in to whip up dinner?

>> No.16276296

>rice looks mushy
>no sear on the meat
>no vege
pretty shit but at least you made it yourself, keep practicing

>> No.16276951

Dyel and even I know that’s not enough for teh gainz. I bet you don’t even put any butter on your rice for maximum bulk you scrawny stick insect

>> No.16277421

That's 50g of protein retard

>> No.16277547

this is the fast food discussion board

>> No.16278353


>> No.16278384

Flip or Spic?

>> No.16278586

girl is that a dying dog on your plate?

>> No.16278647
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Oh boy. Go to a doctor quickly.
And before that back to /fit/. Ask for the good old recipes, sweet summer child.

>> No.16278653

Get your pan hotter then turn it down to maintain that heat instead of low temp cooking the meat. That way it's not so rubbery

>> No.16278678
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Wrong picture. *rolling-eyes*

>> No.16278821

It looks really, really bad. I'm surprised you guys can force yourself to eat stuff like that.

>> No.16279570

when were you first diagnosed with autism?

>> No.16280630


>> No.16280640

OP, why the fuck are you here if all you're gonna do is talk shit to everybody who critiques your shitty cooking?

>> No.16280731

lol, info library? good shit in there. haven't checked it out lately, but you got the EYNTKE? must have too. even the gentooman library has some cookbooks init.

>> No.16280773

A cast iron pan isn't going to magically make you able to cook. You can get a sear on non-stick.

>> No.16281066

Gotta up the calories too

>> No.16282193

Uh oh ... /ck/chuds....