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16262492 No.16262492 [Reply] [Original]

Because I need to ask a question but a whole thread just for my question seems too indulgent so why not have a general Edition

Discussion of both lagers and ales welcome!

My two local supermarkets don't sell Tsingtao any more. I miss it, it has a really good balance between skunky and fresh/crisp. What's the closest to it in taste?

>> No.16262502

A lot of small breweries in the US are now coming out with their own version of a "japanese rice lager" maybe if you are in the US a place nearby makes their own of the same style.

>> No.16262650

All green glass beers have that skunk thing. Heineken is similar. Gold top Tsingtao with the foil seems a little better, but I haven't seen that much out side of higher end places in China like Huating Hotel and so forth

>> No.16262651
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Where are my fellow alcoholic chads?

>> No.16262692
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beer snobs would call fancy micro brewery beer piss water and Budweiser extremely good if you switched the labels. it's literally all for show

>> No.16262701

former CA here. sometimes, I miss it.

>> No.16262710

>My two local supermarkets don't sell Tsingtao any more. I miss it, it has a really good balance between skunky and fresh/crisp. What's the closest to it in taste?
Asahi Dry would be the only asian import worth getting in a supermarket for me

>> No.16262726

I really liked that when I first had it, but they soon started making it locally under license and it was much worse, as usual.

>> No.16263055
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What country makes the best beer? Don't say the USA.

>> No.16263194
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>yeah bro I switched the labels of budweiser and bourbon barrel aged imperial stout and they couldn't tell the difference lmao
This logic pretty much only works with wine snobs because it's easier to trick someone into thinking a cheap red blend high quality by pricing it like an expensive Bordeaux. Not as easy trying to trick someone into thinking Budweiser is a brett IPA.

>> No.16263217

Since you disallowed the objective right answer, I'm going to say the UK is criminally underrated in beer conversation. I can't be the only one who thinks scottish ales and bitters meet an almost perfect sweet spot of being sessionable and still flavorful.

>> No.16263255
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>> No.16263322
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What am I in for

>> No.16263347
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a nauseating amount of sugar from the look of it

>> No.16264416

PBR and Pilsner Urquell, maybe some SN torpedo or modelos if the BB date is 5+ months out

>> No.16265049


>> No.16266559

I knew an alcoholic, who drank around 10l beer per day. He was the worst looking guy ever. Just bloated from all the liquid, yellow skin and eyes, the latter already popping out. Of course he died from liver cirrhosis.

>> No.16266581

This for the most part.

As far as Chinese beer goes I mostly remember Ginsber, Snow, and Harbin beers when I was there, other than tsingtao. They were all pretty good, mostly just watery.

>> No.16266641

>bro I only drink a couple of liters beer a day, but it's not liquor so I'm not an alcoholic then!

>> No.16266809

>unironically drinking an imperial stout atm
>all i can taste is alcohol

>> No.16266813

the pecan will make it basted
dunno about the rest of it

>> No.16267133

Nice movie btw

>> No.16267182
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>> No.16267200


>> No.16267224

how do you drink that swill?

>> No.16267381

Duvel without question

>> No.16267389

All beer in green bottles tastes the same
Change my mind
>protip: you can't

>> No.16267423

What if I leave a green bottle of beer in the fridge for a week versus in the sun for a week
no difference?

>> No.16267432
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Paulaner, available in most EVROPEAN countries - good beer

>> No.16267446

3 Taverns in Atlanta had one for a while called Ukiyo, tasted so damn refreshing

>> No.16267961

I drink just Hefeweizens bros, Idk what it is always been a pussy when it came to beer don't even like fruity craft shit but hefeweizens whether just classic or some shit flavorful shit like banana it just hits

>> No.16267965 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16267972
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>> No.16269014

Germany has some great beers but 95% are boring. I want to try each german beer at least once. Can somebody help me come up with a strategic plan? btw, located in Germany rn

>> No.16269018

You're in need of a beer purity law...

>> No.16269032

>check beer on any beer rating site
>5-6/10 every time

>> No.16269109

Why? Our grain producers are doing fine without one.

>> No.16269567

Anyone in the NYC area? I love
Unibroue, but can only find Fin du monde here. I would love a Blond du chambley or a Don De Dieu

>> No.16269782
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Germany outclasses Denmark in almost every aspect, and Tuborg is brewed in Turkey

>> No.16269862

USA. Budweiser is the King of Beers

>> No.16270844
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>internship at local brewery
>Try all the varieties of beer because I work there and it's free
>Coworkers ask what's my favorite
>All of them shit on me because I like the basic brown ale
>All of them chug ipa's
I just like malty beers man

>> No.16270919
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don't listen to those based boys, brown ales are great

>> No.16270942
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you're based, brown ales are tasty and IPAs are just a way of saying "I don't really like beer but what's the most bitter shit you have"? Not saying there aren't good IPAs ofc. But myself lately I really have been all over belgian style white ale particularly pic related

>> No.16270996

>couple of liters
So like six beers? That's nothing.

>> No.16271041
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>> No.16271067
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A good start is to go to the bigest supermarket in any mid to high sized city then buy a bottle of every beer there. They should be having around 100 different brands. Most of them will be Pilsner so to make sure to get other styles like Helles, Kellerbier, Kölsch, Weißbier, Weizen, Dunkel, Schwarzbier, Berliner Weiße, Alt, Zwickel, Rauchbier, Märzen and Bock. Some variants will be hard to find depending on the region and season, but it should be doable in a good sized Supermarket or Getränkemarkt.

>> No.16271091

Probably Grolsch or Oranjeboom. I used to drink Tsingtao too and it has the flavours of a Dutch Lager.

>> No.16271094

I've been to all the big supermarkets already and purchased/tried the beer they sell there. Getränkemärkte are a different story though.

>> No.16271098

New Zealand.

>> No.16271105

Surprisingly, alot of Spätis sell local beers and beers from rather small breweries that you can't find in any supermarket. I wonder why they do and where they get those beers from...
Do you think it is possible to purchase beer from a b2b beer distributor?

>> No.16271109

Doesn't surprise me. You guys grow some good hops.
Do breweries in NZ tend to add novelty ingredience to beer?

>> No.16271114

i doubt you have been to all the big supermarkets and drank all the beers there. not all edekas are the same. you can have really big locations and small ones of the same chain

>> No.16271161

absolutely the Czech Republic, no question
Runners up are Belgium (especially Flanders) and Germany
I'm pretty tanked on Asahi tonight so props to Japan as well

>> No.16271179

could be very difficult to buy from b2b because of all the rules and regulations in this country

>> No.16271190

Italy for sure

>> No.16271284

I've lived almost all my life in Germany and I had plenty of time to try the beer that are available in the big supermarkets. Also, the beer inventory of most supermarkets are like 50% the same. I'm sure there're some beers I haven't tried yet. As of recently I haven't been a big fan of Schwarzbier.

>> No.16271295

Even more than 50%.

>> No.16271369

No. We just brew beer.

>> No.16271388

>(especially Flanders)
you don't like Rochefort? Chimay? Leffe?

>> No.16271436

Good to hear! There's nothing worse than beer that is overloaded with unnecessary ingredients. (big exception being Belgium beers)

>> No.16271458
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Yes. I remember once my dad worked at a liquor store and they had Saturday night drinks where they just drank in the massive storage room out the back and had a fridge the size of a car painting booth. It was a free for all. Whatever they wanted to drink they could grab out of the fridge or just go into the store. Anyway, they drank a raspberry beer. It was in green bottles but you could see the raspberry colour of the beer through the green. That was about 20 years ago but I still want to try it. Closest thing I've seen since is probably that gay Swedish Cider. Hahah I'm drunk blog posting.

>> No.16271538

Nice but Carlsberg is better

>> No.16271803

yeah bro all the sours, stouts and strongly hopped craft beer out there just tastes like budweiser, you got us there

>> No.16271810

on average? probably Czechia, even their cheap shitty beers that come in a huge plastic jug taste better than mainstream lagers in other coutnries

>> No.16271840

the patrician answer among brewers is the humble ESB.

>> No.16271880

malty beers are really underrated nowadays desu, aside from really strong ones

>> No.16271891

I like malty beers too. Brown ales are underrated, same with milds. My absolute favourite though are ruby bitters.