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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 671 KB, 1000x685, Soy-Milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16267431 No.16267431 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16267439

parsley, ____, rosemary and thyme

>> No.16267441

Better than regular milk that’s for sure. Human bodies are literally not built to consume it

>> No.16267470

>Better than regular milk that’s for sure. Brown bodies are literally not built to consume it

>> No.16267476

Your body is literally not supposed to consume dairy milk above the age of 2. There's a reason female bodies stop producing it a little while after giving birth. Dairy contains mammal estrogens that will fuck up puberty.

>> No.16267487

Why are there leaves?
Is the JPEG supposed to depict the scene of soymilk production? Then why would there be a bowl full of dehydrated, unprepared beans?
Why the extra heaping spoon? Why the spilled beans?

>> No.16267516

how are human bodies not built to consume milk if humans *are* able consume milk? how do you explain that.

>> No.16267522

Not many can, humans are overwhelmingly lactose intolerant

>> No.16267527

Only humans can tolerate lactose.

>> No.16267532

You realize they fatten pigs up on spoiled milk, right?

>> No.16267565

cause it looks cool

bought 30lbs of laura soybeans recently. make my own soy milk. has good macros. just got a tofu making kit, but might be a pain to use because it takes 2 batches of the G4

>> No.16267581
File: 18 KB, 558x614, 1234987328947329847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16267586

brown hands typed this

>> No.16267621

You got the colour right at least

>> No.16267641

Nope, nice cope though

>> No.16267644

>Your body is literally not supposed to consume dairy milk above the age of 2

My body literally has an evolutionary adaptation specifically to allow for consumption of dairy as an adult.

t. lactose tolerance

>> No.16267653

You live in a world, civilization built by milk drinkers and meat eaters. You use technology invented by them. Everything in this world worthy of note was done by Europeans.

>> No.16267669

the human body makes an enzyme called lactase that breaks down lactose. humans have evolved this way. people with retarded biology don't make that enzyme, and that's what makes them lactose intolerant.

and instead of lactose-intolerant people admitting that they have weaker inferior genes, they try to convince everyone else that it's actually all milk that's the real problem.

meanwhile people with healthy bodies like myself can drink milk every day without issue. and i can enjoy ice cream and cheese whenever i want without worrying about getting the shits or whatever it is that lactose-intolerant people get when they eat natural dairy sugars because their bodies can't handle it like i can.

>> No.16267679

>Everything in this world worthy of note was done by Europeans.

>> No.16267681

>Dairy contains mammal estrogens that will fuck up puberty.

if you did your research you'd know that soybeans and soymilk are much higher in estrogenic substances than dairy milk is.
even plastic is estrogenic and i don't see people like you scared of how all food packaging contains plastic, even canned food.

>> No.16267687


>> No.16267694

which part of what i said do you think is wrong? i can give you proof.

>> No.16267695

Hard cope

>> No.16267700

Phytoestrogen is not the same as mammalian estrogen

>> No.16267717
File: 153 KB, 1890x1630, 1513938751260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plant estrogens are the same as mammalian estrogens

>> No.16267733

you're implying that phytoestrogen has little to no effect on the human body unlike mammalian estrogen, but if that were the case then the estrogenic substances in plastic would be having no effect on humans but scientific studies have shown that it does, more so in children and women than men though.

>> No.16267743

Faggot bean water for faggot bean humans.

>> No.16267747

A little while? Women can continue to breastfeed for years, although I suppose it gets awkward at some point.

>> No.16267748

P tasty, like a Milkshake

>> No.16267754

Phytoestrogen is weaker than the estrogen the body naturally produces and actually dominates the natural estrogen (yes the male body does produce some estrogen) thus weakening the estrogenic effects

>> No.16267755

if people want a milk alternative, fucking why soymilk? wouldn't goddamn coconut milk or oat milk taste better? not almond milk though because that shit fucking sucks.

>> No.16267756

Humans are born with high levels of lactase expression. In most of the world’s population, lactase transcription is down-regulated after weaning.

>> No.16267765

people lose their body's ability to make lactase because they've decided to stop drinking milk when they get older because they think milk is for children. so then their bodies get less lactose, so their bodies stop making lactase.

if you dont stop drinking milk and eating cheese you'll never have to worry about getting lactose intolerant.

>> No.16267773

Phytoestrogens and the hormone like chemicals that leach from plastic are completely different. It's dumb to conflate them.

Phytoestrogens have been shown to have an anti estrogen effect because they block estrogen binding cites. This is why soy foods protect against breast cancer (which is closely linked to estrogen levels).

>> No.16267783

No, the body naturally down regulates lactase production as part of normal development. The persistence of lactase production is a relatively recent mutation within humans.

>> No.16267790

Soy milk has better macros

>> No.16267793

Soy protein is worthless

>> No.16267810
File: 130 KB, 1401x434, Screenshot 2021-06-12 1.28.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's considered equivalent to animal proteins

>> No.16267858
File: 107 KB, 1024x639, 1623445469510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.

>> No.16267883

>Equivalent in every area except in data coming from the Dairy industry

>> No.16267909

We're not built from soy or other plants, but from meat.

>> No.16267920

Soy milk tastes better than all other fake milks, prove me wrong.

>> No.16268055

sure thing, s*yb*y

>> No.16268071

it ok

>> No.16268085

I'm Asian, I was born in soy, molded by it. The soy belong to me.

>> No.16268089

Tastes good, but not good for you.

>> No.16268144

Yes, because human children need to be fattened like meat swine. Puke, I don't want my kids to have bitch tits at 10 years old

>> No.16268165

Soy milk is gay. Almond and oat milk has much more calcium. Almond milk is also lower calories. Still better than cow's milk. I'm not vegan, killing animals for food is great but sucking their tits raw daily is disturbing. There's also pus and other nasty shit in there.

>> No.16268175
File: 65 KB, 654x639, pep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bitches are retarded.

>> No.16268289

As a milk drinker and a cheese eater, soy milk is the only plant "milk" that I respect, as it's the only one that has a decent amount of protein, like cow milk. Soy milk is therefore an honorary milk. The other plant "milks" are just water with carbs.

>> No.16268341

Bug-person logic

>> No.16268549

He says that while using his newest Iphone.

>> No.16268561

The computer I'm using is older than you are most likely

>> No.16268588
File: 46 KB, 770x437, scythians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heard you faggots were talking shit about milk

>> No.16268614

Soy milk tastes like ass and everybody knows it

>> No.16269777
