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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16267102 No.16267102 [Reply] [Original]

Get the fuck in here, let’s go bitches

>> No.16267106

can i use banana leafs instead of bread

>> No.16267107
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First, ingredients. Bacon, on a wire rack with a parchment condom on the pan, unless you like scrubbing things.

>> No.16267113
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Maple syrup in a bowl amenable to painting the bacon

>> No.16267117

i wish you could make me one too anon, I’m hungry

>> No.16267122
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Paint the bacon with the maple syrup and add copious black pepper, smoked paprika, and a light touch of cayenne. This sando takes 1 1/2 strips, the rest is to eat while I shitpost on /ck/ as usual

>> No.16267124

Too late, just finished eating.
Sourdough bread with mayo, red onion, salmon and salt.

>> No.16267129
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I’d make you one in a second if I could.

We have some nice smoked gouda but we weill need to transform it to use it here.

>> No.16267132
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First, though, I have a few ripe cherry tomatoes left. How can we use these?

>> No.16267138
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post pix

We’ll coat them with good oil, season them, and then…

>> No.16267139
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While the bacon is in the oven at 350F for 20 min, we’ll blister and pop the tomatoes.

>> No.16267146
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(once they’re where you like them, you can encourage them to pop)

>> No.16267149

let me see that SONGGGGGG

>> No.16267156
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A tablespoon or two of water, then cover over medium high heat

>> No.16267165
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Hello friend, thanks for coming

Sloppa sloppa, let it reduce and add some sun dried tomato pase or if you’re a poorfag, ketchup.

>> No.16267174
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That stickyness tightens it up. We’re looking good lads.

>> No.16267179
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We’ve got it.

>> No.16267184
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A bit of chive and we’re set. Bacon has about 4 minutes left.

>> No.16267187
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Bacon out. I believe this was 21 min at 350 F for me.

>> No.16267192

who else pours a bit of water in the pan and covers it to steam the cheese?

>> No.16267196
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Well, time to figure things out. We have just a basic bitch English muffin. No other bread in the house.

>> No.16267218
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Everyone here, I’ll point out where I do it again shortly, also did it here: >>16267156

Three things: I’ve teased apart the muffin, not cutting and smooshing it like a retard, I’ve cubed some smoked gouda, and discovered I still have a single sheet of (I think) speck ham.

>> No.16267227
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Here’s the plan: toast the muffin in butter, then top with cheese (top) and speck/cheese (bottom), then melt as anon here: >>16267192 suggests

>> No.16267230
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Into pan, with press for a nice toast

>> No.16267232
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Nice butter toast achieved, let’s load this bitch up

>> No.16267234

Top tier cheese fren

>> No.16267236
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As promised, cheese top, and speck/cheese bottom.

>> No.16267244
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Anon with world class taste spotted in the wild (rare). Thank you fren.

pan, covered, 1 tbs water

>> No.16267246
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About 3 minutes, wa la

>> No.16267251
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Time to make some choices. I went with Dijon mustard on top, tomato on the bottom.

>> No.16267258
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Egg time. I know all these cooking faggots jizz themselves over sunny side up on a sandwich but in reality, it just gets everywhere and all over the place and sucks. Over easy is better, but what I like is over medium, a nice congealed run but doesn’t gush. Here we go.

>> No.16267265
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I peek underneath, and when we get this look, over it goes, gently, very gently, and don’t fuck with it for at least 30 sec while it sets.

>> No.16267272
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When you sense it can no longer gush, off we go. 3 short strips of the bacon on the bottom, egg on top.

>> No.16267277
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I wouldn’t normally cut it in half but I did for you fags. Notice the soft, slightly runny, but not gushy yolk.

>> No.16267283
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Fuck, I almost forgot. Can’t have a cooking thread without /ck/‘s favorite meme sauce.

>> No.16267294
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Whoa brehs, almost permanently destroyed my /ck/ upvote count by almost forgetting to have a meme sauce and a meme Japanese tea beer in the same shot.
>wipes sweety brow

>> No.16267296

Alright enough wankery, thanks for subscribing to my blog. Have a great day faggots

>> No.16267301


>> No.16267397

This is now an open thread for whatever anyone is cooking today. Please post pix if possible.

>> No.16267419

Make sure your fully erect penis is in the pic as well

>> No.16267430

Personally I prefer about 3/4 erect but I concur with your general guidance.

>> No.16267541

very nice thread op. i made a sandwich with toasted white bread, fried egg, bacon and cream cheese, it was pretty nice. no pics though unfortunately

>> No.16267579 [DELETED] 

Not bad, but needed a fresh element. I think you'd have been better off to thin-slice those tomatoes and layer them on the way you would a tart and give them a nice treatment of salt and pepper.

>> No.16267803

Sounds good, would have loved pix.

I agree in a way, but disagree too. The cherry tomatoes were very sweet and fresh, and that came through in the tomato sauce. I really agree with you though that it needed some type of onion pickly sour fresh component to balance the yolky egg aspect.

>> No.16267913
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>> No.16268128


>> No.16268161

thanks bro
going to make more

>> No.16268374
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I cooked this a couple days ago
yes Im an ameriburger

>> No.16268399
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>> No.16268413
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