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16253950 No.16253950 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't seen a dedicated thread for a while so I figured I'd start one. What have you anons been drinking lately? Red, white, rose, sweet/fortified wine, sparkling wine? Post your favorites and say why they're worth getting over the usual basic bitch shit!
Personally enjoying some sweet sherry tonight.

>> No.16253988

this absolutely god tier verdicchio. Oaked and aged, has the body of an alsace pinot gris or a sancerre, but pretty dry with tons of melon and pear, brie cheese and oak, bitter almond finish thats super long. Crazy to see how white wines like verdicchio can come so far with real attention and understanding of the wine behind them. My head sommelier and I have been plugging this as much as possible because we're so impressed by it. Ive also got the 2016 vintage but havent tried it yet. What are some lesser known wines you guys have been really impressed by?

>> No.16253995
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fuck image didnt get into my post here. Also customers wont buy it because the think the screwcap means its a bad wine, fucking retards.

>> No.16254009

glad to see this comfy thread - cheers, anon.

I've mostly been drinking beer lately because it's quite hot where I live but I've come to appreciate wine a lot more in recent years.

I like merlot and pinot noir the most. Smooth, simple, exactly what wine feels like in my imagination.

>> No.16254064 [DELETED] 

I've been wanting to get into wine lately even though usually I drink beer. I don't really know anything other than that I like dry wines. Can anyone recommend a good for the money red wine? I actually prefer it to be capped, not corked so that I can reseal it after cramming it up my ass.

>> No.16254257

pinot noir in the 15-20 range will mostly be screwcap, look for willamette valley and chile for best bang-for-buck

>> No.16254278
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home-fermented 100% juice from ALDI with 2 cups sugar/gallon

>> No.16254321


-cheap past initial investment, a few batches and you're in the red
-producing is better than consuming
-legitimate hobby
-if you do it right it's essentially hard juice

protip cranberry is a lot better than grape

>> No.16254374

Here's my take on all wine. It can be cheap, expensive, aged, or young. A good bottle of wine has character. Something interesting expressed through the land the grapes were grown on and how the grapes were turned into wine.

>> No.16254398

thanks anon, will keep this in mind on my next booze run

>> No.16254399

Honestly depressing that a great deal of the world thinks wine has to be a "high class" affair

It's fucking fermented fruit juice

They guzzle cheap wine in europe because they don't give a fuck and it's still good

>> No.16254421

it's more culture than anything else, americans consume a shitton of wine but it's not as culturally ingrained as somewhere like Italy. So most of the wine is just winos drinking Carlo Rossi, and a small percent are wines over 50 dollars

>> No.16254431

really don't think americans consume as much wine as other countries, and especially if you're in a high income area people have incredibly contrived ideas about wine

mostly franzia btw

>> No.16254445

You're partially right

Per-capita, US is 6th but by total volume US is 1st. I think the number per person will continue to go up, macro and micro beer are being replaced by wine because of generational shifts

>> No.16254484

A nice slightly chilled red saumur champigny.
Very unpretentious but very enjoyable in the hot weather

>> No.16254499

I suppose my complaint is that americans have funny contradictory ideas about alcohol very generally, including thinking cheap wine is the "wrong" way to drink wine despite guzzling cheap wine like crazy

>> No.16254547

>What are some lesser known wines you guys have been really impressed by?

Recently, a dry Tokaji from Samuel Tinon. Incredibly interesting wine- partially botrytized, fermented to fully dry, then aged in a barrel under a flor/voile like a fino sherry or vin jaune.

Another one was a riesling from the Okanagan Valley in Canada, from a producer called Storm Haven. I think Canadian wines in general get a bad rap because a lot of the high-quality ones are produced in very small amounts and barely exported. The region itself is pretty interesting- as far north as Champagne, or about as far north as wine is grown, but the Okanagan is basically a near-desert climate modulated by a few large lakes. Think dry, very very cold in the winter, but quite hot in the summer. Some areas have surface soil so sandy that vines can be grown on ungrafted rootstock, which is interesting.

Had a friend visit Vancouver for business a while back (just before Covid) and he brought back a bunch of bottles from different smaller producers. There were a few real standouts- honestly changed my view of that region- but that riesling jumps to mind right away. The Okanagan is apparently developing a riesling style with insanely high acid- this one is pH 2.7, barely above straight lemon juice- balanced out by leaving a bit of RS. I feel like the wine would keep improving for ages but you could already tell it was something really special, just piercing flavor and tons of natural minerality and just enough sugar to give it some body and keep the acid in check. Really a cool bottle, I'd be really interested to try it againonce it's got some age on it.

>> No.16254651

Any of you guys drank some serious mythical wines ?

>> No.16254799
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this is the best red wine i've had

>> No.16255892

The aftertaste of sobieski fucking kills me

>> No.16255957

in my uneducated and cheapo opinion, the only grocery store wine that ever appealed to me was carlo rossi sangria. every other wine tastes like ass.

>> No.16256022

Screw cap is fine there is no difference in aging, biased people say corker is better but when served screw cap they can't tell lmao cheap wine is pretty good in modern times especially if you get a good region, I'm in Australia and it's all great quality

>> No.16256681
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My favourite, but I have only been drinking wine for about 2 years now

>> No.16256689

I made a ton of wine from watermellon that I grew, and some of it has some wild blackberries I picked last year. I enjoy a couple ounces every few nights.

>> No.16257000

I want to try a Madeira and a Port(Ruby or Tawny) but no idea what to look for. Any suggestions?

>> No.16257010
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Haven't seen a dedicated thread for a while so I figured I'd start one. What have you anons been eating lately? McChickens,mcchickens,mcchickens,mcchickens,mcchickens? Post your favorites and say why they're worth getting over the usual basic bitch shit!
Personally enjoying some sweet mcchicken tonight.

>> No.16257034

Been enjoying some chilean pinot noir recently. Great value, look for 2017 - absolutely great year for chile/argentina.
I bought a french PN under $10 and was the biggest mistake of my life.

>> No.16257040

Yep, it's based.

>> No.16257086

>wine in grocery store
Where? We dont have it here. NY

>> No.16257119

Male wine drinker here. It’s funny buying a good Bordeaux. I usually get asked who I’m buying it for, Wife? Mother? Sister? Surely it can’t be for yourself. Then when I tell it’s for me, I get a shocked look. They recover and decide to ‘play along’ with me. Then they start telling me lots of things I know I about wine.
It’s at this point, if I can be bothered, I go through their shelves and tell them all the ones I’ve tasted and why I like them or not. Which regions I prefer, big up Marlborough, and why I’m not a fan of Californian and 100% prefer Spanish.
Now is when I think they feel bad. Because they always offer me loads of samples. I can usually free taste like 4/5 different ones min on every visit.
Having said that met a really nice man last time through the airport who was giving out Schlumberger samples. We had a great chat. He was awesome.
Now girls at bars when you order a large white find you immediately intriguing. They watch you take a sip. I think they are waiting to see if you make a face. When you look pleased then they have their in to strike up a conversation.
I don’t know a lot of other male wine drinkers but I wish I did. I can only go on so many tasting sessions with girls.

>> No.16257130

has a range of sweetnesses defined by nomenclature, similar to champagne
From driest to sweetest:
As long as you dodge the giant brands, I've only ever had quality madiera. 30-60 dollars is the sweet spot. Rare Wine Co does a series of featured locations and drynesses that are all fantastic for the money

I lean heavily towards tawny, best bang-for-buck is in the 20 year ratio. The Warres Otima 10 is solid though. Grahams is more caramel/nut driven (my personal favorite), Fladgate is more stewed fruit. Sandeman is drier and a bit salty like taffy. Ruby ports have a very thick liqueur-like stickiness that I'm not a huge fan of except with chocolate. LBVs tend to be a bit rounder and softer, so that's what I'd go with if you insist on the style.

There's pretty much only garbage below 20 dollars for france, although the jadot bourgogne is surprisingly decent. Try some German pinot noir for similar structure/dryness but better bang-for-buck

>> No.16257133

happy pride month, anon :)

>> No.16257217

I like Malbec, it’s delicious and full bodied, the stout/porter of red wines if you will.

Also, it’s loaded with the highest concentration of the nutrients that makes red wine healthy.

>> No.16257243
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Costco Chads rise up

>> No.16257274

>92 points for a kirkland signature
This nigga JS is a fucking joke,

>> No.16257650

23 yo bong here. I hate beer and I can't stand the burning that comes with down whiskey and vodka. I like G 'n' T but what I'd like to try out is wine. I don't know anything about it so if some eurofags could recommend a few cheap bottles that I can get from lidil?

>> No.16257677

There is some God tier levels of self fellatio happening in this comment. Wow.

>> No.16257696
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I like Argentine malbec and wanna try French malbec, any recommendations?

>> No.16257749

In that range ur probs right

>> No.16257760

Exquisite bait my man, wow

>> No.16257772
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Had a bottle of rioja (pic related but 2016) last Sunday. I'll probably get another rioja for the weekend.

>> No.16257782

Oh it’s all just marketing shit, there’s so many random awards, any wine can have an award.

But it’s good for $8 a bottle.

>> No.16257796
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>> No.16257818

yup, canadian wine is excellent in dry and offdry whites like pinot grigio and especially Riesling. Im from Ontario, and theres some producers out here like Tawse making exceptional whites, really electric. The issue with the wine here is most of the territory is owned by massive conglomerates like Peller Estates or Inniskillin, meaning a lot of wine is produce for very low cost, lowest common denominator markets. Then the other issue is the producers that dont go that route go the other way, trying to produce pinots and chards and other wines at 50-100$ pricepoints that no one in the right mind wants. Hopefully in the coming decades well see Canadian wine develop a personality and face of its own.

>> No.16257827
File: 20 KB, 284x442, boogybreakdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you nasty nigga

pic related coming out of a hot, new zealand woman's mouth with an accent could put a smile on my face no matter what.

>> No.16257859

look for a Cahors in the 20-40 dollar range
the 10-20 range tend to be extremely acidic and demand something salty

>> No.16257863

do they have to be eurofags or is this some slimy bait to piss us both off?
try wines from your own region, then try some wines from some countries that you personally like, then consider some high shelf shit with sommelier ratings if you want. just know what you like - sweet, semi sweet, semi dry, or dry - favorite reds, favorite whites, favorite fruits - then you're gucci. try to find a store that lets you buy those 187ml bottles so you can get a better starting feel. merlots are a great recommendation for something smooth and popular on the red side. chardonnays aren't too bad to start with on the white side - all considered, if you think you might hate dry wines.

don't dabble in red blends right out the gate unless you've got some crazy sophisticated pallet.

>> No.16258136

Anyone have recommendations for a wine podcast?

>> No.16258158
File: 185 KB, 800x600, friuli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm super into wines from the Friuli, Italy right now. Sud Tirol as well. Basically wines from that super North/Northeastern corner of Italy. I first noticed your basic Pinot Grigio from this area had more character than I was used to, and it spiraled from there. Now, of course Friuli is known for its orange wines, and I have found the quality of them is extremely high and they manage to be very clean and "elegant" rather than natty as fuck like some other ones I have had. Some non orange wine producers I love are Vie di Romans, Pacherhof, and for orange wines Radikon and Damijan.
>Rare Wine Co
Love their Madeiras!

>> No.16258191

This guy's explanations of port/madeira are pretty solid. I'd add that if you can find it, colheita (single vintage) bottles of both port and madeira can sometimes be better, as the producers will often set their best barrels aside for that purpose. They'll be marked with a year instead of an age.

Depends on your definition of mythical. I've had some top bottles of hermitage/cote rotie, and a few grand cru bordeaux, old fortified wines, etc, but not, say, Lafite Rothschild or anything like that.

>> No.16258200

Radikon orange wines are for sure some of the best in the world. Had an '05 Oslavje last year that was absolutely phenomenal. If you see it, their merlot is crazy good too.

>> No.16258293

Just buy a random bottle you won't know the difference

>> No.16258396

Had a good chat about screwtops with a rep from Plumpjack and she said they tried pushing for screw caps but customers just would never accept it. She said they tried a number of times where they had identical bottled wine for sale, but some of them were corked, others screwtops. Not a single screw top ever sold.

For tasting events they'd do, they'd advertise that they are drinking from a screwcap wine bottle, it gets a bit of "oooh but this tastes good though" comments.... but still they would only get the corked ones sold.

>> No.16258403
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brehs, why am i so poor?

>> No.16258446

I mean I'm no expert but this is great to me. Punches way above its price range

>> No.16258466

people are dumb. the wine I mentioned above has an additional seal under the cap as well.

>> No.16258473

buy value wines from lesser known areas, if youre autistic you can watch harvest reports of areas and know which vintages to buy young and age yourself, or the best is really to get some friends all into wine and split cases at wholesale price.

>> No.16258596
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I'm joining an enology lab this fall so fingers crossed. Picrel was the only thing my last roommate would drink.

>> No.16258654

I bought a cleanskin with a barcode sticker labelling it as a Bendigo Heathcote shiraz for $5AUD.
And boy is it a testament to how great shiraz is in Australia.

It didn't even ruin my pasta, which I was worried about because it was a little tannic.

>> No.16258661

Pinot noir is exactly what wine felt like in my imagination before drinking any.

>> No.16258679

Glaetzer AMON-Ra Shiraz is pretty good.
Probably not for the money though.

>> No.16258693

All wine awards are a joke. The more awards you see on a bottle the surer you can be that it's undrinkable trash.

>> No.16258701

Oyster Bay is pretty average. Shop around for other Marlborough Sav Blancs, the region is great.

>> No.16258707

they released a lemon one recently. i pass by the winery sometimes when visiting friends.

>> No.16258721
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I've only ever had bad experiences with wine.
Even stuff people tout as good and delicious are an offense to my palette.

I think wine is not for me bros
>Wine? Pic related

>> No.16258744

what do you like to drink instead, anon?

>> No.16258753

In what way is it offensive?
There may be wine that skirts around that.

>> No.16258778

So I have been told time and time again, and every time it taste like bitter dry on the tongue shitty fruit even when I have told the person I am with that I don't like that and want something sweet and tasty to which they proceed to lie about it being so and act confused when I say it isn't. Perhaps it isn't to them, but it has always been to me.

I'll drink a lot of things, but I mostly drink liquor, not for the flavour but for the 40% alcohol. Mixed with a cola. Though I don't even particularly like drinking anyway.

>> No.16258835

Almost all of the reds are going to be a little tannic. Have you tried sparkling wine or dessert wine? Or some of the sweeter fortified wines (which are mostly red)? Moscato?

>> No.16258888

NY only sells wine in actual liquor stores and thats unlikely to change because liquor store lobbyists push hard against letting grocery stores sell it

>> No.16258906

Wine is best if you sip it slowly, especially red. You can always mix things like sangria, mimosas, spritzes too.

Unironically try white zinfandel, Moscato, or riesling. Wine snobs look down on them but they're ok

>> No.16258908

no, you're just an alcoholic.

>> No.16259122
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>Friuli, Italy
I liked every bottle I tasted from that region, but my wineguy knows his shit. The local varietals were interesting. I always love to try a new varietal, blended or not, had a great rolle-sauvignon blend recently and another "lost" varietal white from the southwest of France mixed with chenin and sauvignon.

>> No.16259131
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carlo rossi burgundy

>> No.16259139

this is older pasta, but it checks out

>> No.16259633

Do you have to finish a bottle in one go or is it possible to save it. If so how long can you save it for.

>> No.16259781

Can recork it or use a stopper for up to 2 weeks? You will notice the flavour subtly change after a few days though.

>> No.16259832

what about glorioso?

>> No.16259892
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Pic related's Shiraz.

>> No.16259920


i love u

>> No.16259977

It's noticeably worse the next day, so it is best to drink it all in one go. I wouldn't drink it after more than a couple of days in the fridge. Don't worry, it'll get shit before it gets dangerous.

You get much longer with cask wine, or if you gas it with Nitrogen or Argon or something. Just split the bottle with someone though.

>> No.16259988

ive been crushing a bottle of cabby savvy (sutter home, cheapest shit at the gas station) before moving on to a couple cans of rolling rock to top me off for the evening. seems to get me drunker than i would expect for the pure alcohol intake and have a much reduced hangover compared to getting that drunk on beer alone. highly recommended

>> No.16259992

I'll have what you're having

>> No.16259998

Spanish wine is good bang for buck. $10 for some garnacha or tempranillo is always a good choice

>> No.16260118

Help me bros. I'm fairly new to wine but I've had a few different kinds. I think I prefer red varieties and probably richer in flavor like cabs.

I had this wine that had a nice spice flavor and lots of depth that I liked but don't know how to find something similar

>> No.16260136
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Shiraz, Malbec, and many Spanish wines are spicy with medium or full body.

Malbec can be a bit too bold for some, so start with some Aussie Shiraz and go from there.

>> No.16260155

Ok cool, will do. I think that I've had a decent amount of italian wine which had pretty robust flavor which I liked aswell.

>> No.16260290

cotes du rhone is known for forward fruit and spice flavors. give it a try!

>> No.16260310

I'd you're working a restaurant, do people really send the bottle back if it has a screwcap?

>> No.16260317

Côtes du Rhône wines are often great value and widely available.

You can just stick the other end of the cork back into the bottle to reseal it, you know?

>> No.16260376
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Dunno if it can be got outside Japan, but this was heaven. Never had petit verdot before. Fucking aces.

>> No.16260894
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had this beauty the other night
hosting a little loire tasting for my parents and some of their friends for my dads 60th tonight. got some 43 month lees aged muscadet chateau-thebaud and a francois chidaine montlouis that im pretty excited for. also a magnum of sourdais chinon le clos.

sounds awesome, love a good verdicchio. used to drink a ton of umani ronchi casal di serra with the first winemaker i worked for

coulee de serrant, jerome prevost (was shit) and ganevat for wild and crazy unicorns. pichon baron, rieussec and lignier clos st denis gc for the fanciest trad stuff

>look mum i posted it again

based and fortified-pilled

suckling is genuinely the biggest fucking hack in existence

disgorgeous if you like jokes and dont expect to learn much

>> No.16261173

Thanks for the suggestions, I do like Sangria so I will try the others as well.

>> No.16261247

I got into wine drinking when I was with a continental European girl that loved wine. Some of the ones we tried I just didn't find pleasant at all, couldn't even drink a glass of it.
Now I drink red semi-regularly and try different ones. Not once since then I have had the same reaction as I did before.

Maybe I do something different when drinking them or my body is just prepared for the a alcohol kick so does not react like that anymore? Find one you like, keep drinking it and you might like others I guess.

>> No.16261405

no wine snob looks down on riesling lol

>> No.16261422

ntayrt, but I think sweet rieslings got flak back when unoaked chards were the hot shit white

>> No.16261483

Yeah depends on how you define snob, a lot of snobs know fuck all about wine.

>> No.16261593 [DELETED] 

Love a good Malbec but I've been off wine for a while. Been drinking a lot of Moscow Mules

>> No.16262684

We are a large restaurant but we also have a bottle shop, thats where we get people resisiting the wine. Itll never come back though, people just dont want to buy it cause they think its cheap.

damn a 100% petit verdot is rare, usually you see it in blends. Very nice.

loire whites fucking slap and I swear Alsace takes too much attention for Riesling away from the other great Riesling regions in france. That said I fucking love Alsace.

>> No.16262817

I had a look at German Rieslings at the store today. Even if they call it 'dry' they're like 10g/l sugars, it's insane.

>> No.16263142
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Yet to find a better budget wine than this

>> No.16263910

just drank that exact bottle, actually surprising good for the price

>> No.16264414

>mfw the boomer owner of my wine/liquor store I work at refuses to bring in natural/biodynamic/pet nat/orange wines because they "don't taste like wine and there is no tradition behind them"
>bring him some Friuli/Georgian wine to show him how traditional wine making regions make it too
>still says it doesn't taste like wine and it wouldn't sell.
Well fuck.

>> No.16264458

It's not really that perceptible because the acidity is so high though.

I've had an Auslese Riesling before that barely tasted sweet.

>> No.16264638

aldi $2 wines are truly something else, i bet they're not even fruit juice, they taste like chemicals and food coloring, yes i've tested the difference with my eyes closed

>> No.16266769

Sounds pretty good. Love a good verdicchio. Honestly most Italian indigenous whites are just fantastic (Gavi, Fiano, Greco, etc.) although in terms of lesser known I've been really enjoying Xinomavro and Agiorgitiko wines from Greece. Great complexity and tannin structure especially from those on volcanic and high percent clay soils I find.

>> No.16266782

Try any Garnacha from Priorat if you want Heaven in a bottle.

>> No.16266791

Try some from Castilla y Leon if you want good value single varietal Tempranillo.
If just wanna stick with Rioja then definitely look for more blends with high percent of Mazuelo if you want a fuller mouthfeel as I feel it's a fantastic blending grape with good dark and rich fruit and texture, especially when extensively oak aged.

>> No.16266800

Closest I got was Pichon Comtesse but it was an off year. Supposedly the 2019 was one of the best vintages they've done in over a decade so maybe one to snag for the cellar if you can find it cheap (or St. Exupery or Clerc Milon if you want similar complexity but don't want to pay more then $100 per bottle.)

>> No.16267118

>damn a 100% petit verdot is rare, usually you see it in blends. Very nice.

Yeah. Bought it at the winery when I was doing some wine tours in Yamanashi. It was $50, but worth every bit. Drank it on my birthday. Smokey, a bit of spice, lots of leather and old books. Deep and rich. Tasted like sitting in an old study at some manor house, full of old pipe smoke and history. Would buy again.

>> No.16267152

Greek wine is unreal, my place is one of the few in the city that sells a lot of it since its a personal project of our somm. Highly reccomend the stuff from Kamara.