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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 197 KB, 828x1200, 86AEEF66-1935-4166-A1F1-66C9C6D2A745.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16253431 No.16253431[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16253440

Why would God give him material wealth? This is blasphemy.

>> No.16253448

Protestant Christianity treats God like Santa Claus. It's quite gross.

>> No.16253449

He's not protestant

>> No.16253450


Every good thing in your life is a blessing from the Father.

>> No.16253453

Didn't he say god would heal his arm too

>> No.16253454

If God is all knowing why would he have to post this at all?

>> No.16253471

The pink chicken compound

>> No.16253475

>Cornerstone Church is a Pentecostal Christian megachurch located in Nashville, Tennessee.

>> No.16253491

Pentacostal are about as Protestant as Mormons. They aren't Catholic or Orthodox, but are definitely very different.

>> No.16253499
File: 496 KB, 500x455, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Begging sky daddy for handouts
Do christcucks really?

>> No.16253504

Why would he want two properties?

>> No.16253511

The pastor of his church did time for murder

>> No.16253513

theyre protestant you retard

>> No.16253521

One for Jack Jr, I'm guessing.

>> No.16253524

Didn't he get married and move out to start his rap career? Why would he want to move back and keep appearing in his dad's cooking videos

>> No.16253532

He has a choke fetish

>> No.16253538

That was the older son who lives in LA

>> No.16253584

Ask, and it will be given you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives. He who seeks finds. To him who knocks it will be opened

I think the flood zone bit is slightly amusing.

>> No.16253602

hard to do the breast stroke with one fuckin arm...

>> No.16253630

>Creek or lake a plus
Does he want to become a farmer?

>> No.16253658

Ask in prayer, not on Facebook.

>> No.16253668

G-d wills it

>> No.16253686

but on facebook now god knows everybody's watching and he better put up or shut up.

>> No.16253695

He thinks Nashville has become too liberal

>> No.16253701


>> No.16253702

Huh? Isn't he a biden voter?

>> No.16253706

im surprised he's even literate. Wouldn't be surprised if his wife writes and uploads his videos.

>> No.16253720
File: 28 KB, 400x400, images (59).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Garrett.

>> No.16253737

I hope Jack gets all of this and more, just for the delicious seething that would take place

>> No.16253747
File: 333 KB, 457x453, 1566611650877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>state capital

>> No.16253756


>> No.16253781

>both his sons are wiggers

>> No.16253796

Yes. Yes they do. The Jewish space zombie is also Santa Claus if you're #blessed enough.

>> No.16253801

It's capitol, moron.

>> No.16253833

Fuck off Jack jr

>> No.16253836
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I have a question. Was Jesus gay?

>> No.16253837
File: 166 KB, 584x636, 1596328746609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16253842

I cry every time I see this pic

>> No.16253852

Expects a lot for someone on the verge of dying from gluttony.

>> No.16253856

Daddy jacks cookin wit da bloos here

>> No.16253859

hard work doesn't matter then, sweeeet.
what a fucking insult, fuck god

>> No.16253864


>> No.16253870

Jack's motto is "Do God's work, and He will do yours". Jack's work is becoming is becoming a tycoon, so get to work, Daddy-o

>> No.16253879

Sweet. I didn't know he was starting to recover.

>> No.16253882

He's not, anon. His arm is still dead

>> No.16253886

lol "but I reached mediocrity myself!", congrats

>> No.16253889

>Be American
>Have huge house
>Wants to buy 10 acre property

Truly the greatest country.

>> No.16253890

lol, I wonder what his problem is with Davidson COunty? Can an Amerifat tell me is it a shithole or what?

>> No.16253898

After this milestone it won't be long before he sees even better progress.

>> No.16253902

Is he still selling his bbq sauce recipes for $25k each?

>> No.16253917

The autists at Kiwi Farms think Jack believes the county has become too librul.

>> No.16253961


>> No.16253980

Especially considering he's a fucking retard who doesn't have a real job. Up here in Canada I work full time with what is considered a middle class job and I can't afford a house, period. So yeah man, America looks pretty cool.

>> No.16253981

He literally said that himself on one of his live streams

>> No.16254003

if not for mommy tammy ja/ck/ would have been homeless and dead years ago

>> No.16254016

I see, but liberal in what sense?

>> No.16254040

Who knows? Guy is a retard

>> No.16254182

The entire state of Tennessee is a shithole

>> No.16254213

Anon, that image is at least three years old

>> No.16254220

No wonder he skeeves me so much.

>> No.16254244

well government workers tend to vote democrat and they also tend to work in state capitOls, but it's not like Nashville isn't huge as fuck to dilute that sort of thing
he is just a retard, like usual

>> No.16254250

you think his arm made it over 6 feet?

>> No.16254254

Well since Jack is a christcuck moron i am guessing any amount of the dumb culture war about gays and trannies would be a good guess. or immigrants from muslim countries dude you get to pick

>> No.16254378

he's looks like danny davito wtf