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16242519 No.16242519 [Reply] [Original]

What can you do with cucumber? I only know about salad that's about it.

>> No.16242529

slam it down your urethra

>> No.16242539


>> No.16242545

Turn them into pickles

>> No.16242551


>> No.16242573

What kind of salads? They go great in something traditional with greens and tomatoes and whatnot, but there are some asian cucumber salads with soy sauce and sesame oil that are great, and they go awesome with like red onion, quartered cherry tomatoes, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar.

A refreshing summer snack is a couple of sliced cucumbers along with a halved and sliced sweet onion. Toss them in a sealable tupperware container with a good pinch of salt, a cup of white vinegar, and pack the rest of it with ice. By the time the ice melts it'll have tamed down the vinegar and the salt and vinegar will have quick pickled the cukes and onions. It's a great side or just snacking item when you've come in from a hot afternoon and have been sweating.

I also like them quartered and sprinkled with celery salt, or even dipped in hummus. If you're feeling ambitious, you could pop your gazpacho cherry.

>> No.16242637

>What kind of salads?
Plain cucumber salad with vinegar and oil, sour cream cucumber salad, potato cucumber salad, greek salad,

>> No.16242638


salt, pepper, some kind of light vinegar. (rice or white wine) put in fridge for 30 min and you got a crunchy/refreshing snack.

>> No.16242643

You can eat them

>> No.16242668
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eat them, put them in your butt, scare cats with them

>> No.16242789

They're good in a vinaigrette salad

>> No.16242810

Put em on your eyes and pretend you're at a spa

>> No.16242814

found 2 things for cucumbers:
>diced on gyros
>in salads

>> No.16242819

eat it raw or stick it inside your ass
or maybe both, idk

>> No.16242825

My wife is mexican and her family eats raw cucumber with lemon juice and salt and it's actually really good like that. Cut some angles into the cucumber and squirt the lemon juuce then sprinkle salt. I ate a whole cucumber like that because it was just that good.

>> No.16242842

You can grate them, add to some mashed melons, olive oil, coriandre, a bit of salt and pepper and call it a cold soupe kinda thing.
You can make paper thin slices lengthwise and use that to roll whatever you feel like into finger food - I think crab salad works well for that.
You can keep a carafe of water in the fridge with some slices of cucumber with lemon wedges and mint leafs, makes for a nice treat when you need to quench your thirst
I like to cut a lebanese cucumber in half, then make 4 cuts through the centre lengthwise that stop 1" from the end of the tip, if that makes any sense. Kinda like a broom head, with 8 strands. Drop your cut cucumber in water and after a little while, the strands will have absorbed a bit of water and opened up, looking like a cute octopus

>> No.16242866

It's good on sandwiches together with ham or salami

>> No.16242908

Anything with cucumber is automatically a salad.

>> No.16242936

I love to cut them into pieces and eat them like crunchy, watery nature chips.

>> No.16242968

I literally just put salt and pepper on the slices and eat them. Easy and refreshing.

>> No.16242976

put them on your eyes or put them up your butt or both

>> No.16243065

Slice it medium thickness and throw it into a bowl of white vinegar along with thinly sliced white or red onion.

>> No.16243085

I break a piece of it, wash it and eat it.

>> No.16243097

Slice thin, slice a vidalia onion thin, put on thin bread with cream cheese, a little salt and pepper. Very good.

>> No.16243116


>> No.16243137

Remove the skin, core it, sprinkle with salt and let it drain for ~20min. Rinse it, add sour cream, a bit of garlic and chives.

>> No.16243375

>peel it
>slice it
>salt & pepper it
>eat it
you don't fuck with perfection.

>> No.16243478

Pepper seems a bit strange but I'll try it next time I pick up a few cucumbers. I used to do salt but then a Mexican dude told me of the wonders of fresh lime juice.

>> No.16243519

>My wife is mexican
Sorry to hear that man. Keep on grinding

>> No.16243580

Shove it up your lubed ass you cum guzzling faggot.

>> No.16244016

Grate it for tziki sauce and mix the resulting juices with gin for a nice refreshing drink

>> No.16244018
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Basic salad I liked was cukes, diced onion, avocado, tomato. Olive oil, lime juice, salt and pepper.
I also keep reposting all the raw vegs Mexican style: lime, salt, hot sauce, optional tajin on bean sprouts, jicama, radishes, and pic related.

>> No.16244155

The slice-and-vinegar bro’s are right. I like to use apple cider vinegar and probably too mush salt

>> No.16244164
File: 640 KB, 2365x2365, canned_goodness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grind it up in a blender with some fruit. I noticed a definite visible improvement in my skin after doing this, and i only did it for like 3 days

>> No.16244202

you can put one in water and drink it afterwards

>> No.16244206

dipping sticks

>> No.16244234

i bought that brand of canned mung bean sprouts
it was absolutely vile, ill stick with fresh.

>> No.16244238
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>What can you do with cucumber?

Sliced cucumbers with sour cream.

>> No.16244847
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Take a pita and heat it up. Cover it with hummus and sliced cucumber. Eat.

>> No.16244857
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You can make Benedictine spread for crackers and toast.

>> No.16245116

Everything in this thread so far is good advice but another option is to blend one with some water and maybe a bit of lemon juice. Or if you have a juicer just use that.

>> No.16245118


>> No.16245627


^ This

>> No.16245677

based fellow pole

>> No.16245681

can sub mayo for cream cheese too. i like to season with garlic and cayenne as well.

>> No.16245701
File: 38 KB, 450x338, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__serious_eats__seriouseats.com__recipes__images__2015__04__20150424-stirfry-cucumber-with-spicy-ground-pork-shao-zhong-10-cadc6f08af9746e898842fd08d6efae1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stir fry with some spicy ground pork.

>> No.16245720

Tzatziki, cucmber salad, sandwiches, make gherkins.

>> No.16245729

i like to eat them whole. snack on them as i am watching tv, as if it is a stick of jerky

>> No.16247103

Stir fry them in small slices with a bit of butter and baconstrips. Salt,pepper, a bit of sugar and a splash vinnegar. Add dill, lett it cook for 10 minutes.

>> No.16247130

Make tzatziki for gyros

>> No.16247176

based helpful cucumberanon

>> No.16247319

Turkish shepherd's salad (needs Aleppo pepper). Google it.

Dead easy, fairly cheap in season, delicious starter.

Protip: peel, deseed and cut in brunoise, salt fairly heavily and put in a sieve overnight in the fridge. Give it a thorough wash the next day.

Raita is another good basic dish you can do all sorts with.

Cucumber juice, gazpacho, granité.

Deseeded and filled with minced meat, topped with cheese and grilled.

>> No.16247992

this guy gets it, though I don't peel mine
add vinegar if you're feeling extra spicy

>> No.16248001

Sichuan bang bang chicken