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File: 94 KB, 960x649, drinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16226937 No.16226937 [Reply] [Original]

What's the drinking culture like where you live?

>> No.16226983

Wisconsin here, no complaints.

>> No.16226991

Belgian here, our country is based on beer and getting drunk but you have to go to work tomorrow, hangover is not an excuse here.

>> No.16226994
File: 131 KB, 1484x997, on wisconsin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p bad

>> No.16226998

I was wondering what the single white county in Wisconsin was. Apparently it's a lake.

>> No.16227002
File: 9 KB, 222x227, beer chaser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you WILL drink the beer chaser

>> No.16227004

they don't count the bodies of drunks that have fallen in

>> No.16227014
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I'm in the white county just north of Washington DC on that map, drinking here is generally frowned upon if done to excess in public.

That being said, we do have a dogfish head alehouse not far away with a fair selection, as well as plenty of hipster-tier sports bars and similar with beer flights and a large on-tap selection.

>> No.16227045

Lithuania here, just got drunk off one non alcoholic beer

>> No.16227063

Thought that was a sidecar? Either way, Miller's having a can shortage right now. Just bought the last 15 cases of Miller 64 at WalMart last week. I figure if I can't stop, I can at least mitigate some of the damage by going as low abv as possible. Still, 20+ extra light beers a day is equal to a fifth of spirits.

>> No.16227068
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no they serve a beer chaser with bloody marys in wisconsin

>> No.16227075
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Pretty based high school years in Denmark.

>> No.16227099

I know, I live in Richfield. I just don't really do the bar scene.

>> No.16227100

Brit here, makes me proud
Fair play to the Danes

>> No.16227110

this is why young Americans in Europe generally look like lightweights, they're nowhere near as used to drinking.

>> No.16227114

Plus the hilariously ridiculous fact they can't buy alcohol until 21 years of age

>> No.16227115

I've been to a bar a total of twice since living here and I know about this oddity
what is wrong with you dude

>> No.16227133
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>> No.16227134
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I remember drinking 6L of beer in munich once and at breakfast the next day I overheard another american dude saying he got SO DRUNK LAST NIGHT from 3L to much (figurative) applause

But at the same time I have heard from a few eastern euros (poland, latvia, ukraine) that they really enjoy american college parties and drinking games. we learn to drink in college

>> No.16227149
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French here. We are notorious alcoholics and it's a justified reputation. We served alcohol to our kids in primary school every lunch period until the 60s. Personnally started drinking at 13 (actual drinking I mean, before that I'd get a glass of wine with dinner usually but no more), haven't stopped since. It's pretty normal for most people to drink during the week, even at work lunches and get wasted during the weekend. Most work cafeteria serve wine and beer as a menu choice

>> No.16227157

As an american that drinks maybe 6-10 times per year with meals, this just seems weird to me.

Different lifestyle I guess.

>> No.16227159

>French here. We are notorious alcoholics
Nah you're really not, not sure where you've heard this
Most would associate Ireland, UK and Eastern Europe with being heavy drinkers, France not so much

>> No.16227163

I mean, most foreign people I've met have told me they are surprised how much we drink and they saw us as wine swilling drunkards. Just my experience though

>> No.16227166

>they are surprised how much we drink
exactly, French aren't known for being drinkers so they are surprised - so not 'notorious alcoholics'

>> No.16227167

wine should only count for half credit, it's like the lifeblood of society

>> No.16227172
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>> No.16227177

Based utah

>> No.16227179

French are known as drinkers but not binge drinkers like brits and east euros

>> No.16227182

I live in Wisconsin lmao. It's literally as bad as you'd think. I saw an article a while back asking if the community should stop a lady from being a bus driver as she had already had three duis.

>> No.16227188

I'm an amerilard and I've always pictured the stereotypical french guy as drinking wine with lunch and dinner and chain smoking.

>> No.16227190

sounds pretty cosy, is Wisconsin more of an white anglo-enclave than other states?

>> No.16227191
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def thought it would have looked more like this

>> No.16227195

people rack up double digit DUIs here, especially as you get more rural

>> No.16227196

I met a guy with 8 DUIs who still had a license
Thanks Tavern Lobby

>> No.16227201

That's what I figured as well.

>> No.16227202

It's very white outside of Madison and Milwaukee, and most of those people are German/Scandi

>> No.16227203

It is absolutely true. We smoke a lot and drink all the time. We're less about binge drinking and more constant drinking

>> No.16227204

It probably is, there's no way UK consumes more wine than beer.
Also why are the Scottish highlands still drinking wine in your pic - just didn't bother recolouring them all?

>> No.16227207

>and most of those people are German/Scandi
oh not so based then, still sounds like the state I'd most want to live in as a Brit

>> No.16227214

I'm on the stateline and there's plenty of blacks and mexicans here, way more than ten years ago.

>> No.16227222

Who wins in a war between Wisconsin and Utah?

>> No.16227224

get fucked Hebrides
But the birds I talk to sometimes on interpals say they like wine more so it may be that wine is now dominant

>> No.16227231

I'm in madison and same. There's a mass exodus from Chicago underway
Fuck Beloit btw :^)

>> No.16227234

idk I just can't see it unless the country is way more middle class than I realised. No one is ordering wine at the pub, maybe it's all the homeless and teens buying cheap lambrini driving the wine count up

>> No.16227237

how do you have a war between two states full of shut-ins?

>> No.16227243


>> No.16227245

What do you think Ramsay has with dinner? Is he skulling a boddingtons or opening a nice shiraz?

>> No.16227251

Wisconsin has more gun nuts so them

>> No.16227252

>mormons winning any physical confrontation
their only skill is disarming politeness, with that out of the window they're done

>> No.16227255

I didn't realise a rich and arguably pretentious celebrity chef was an accurate representation of the British populace

>> No.16227275
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the thing is, you're underestimating the amount of influence British celebrity chefs have had on the populace, Oliver probably moreso than Gordo. They push the wine

>> No.16227285

Utah is the most English, but it sucks for multiple reasons. southern Maine might be up your alley

>> No.16227288

So apparently 35% of the booze we consume is beer and 35.7% is wine, which is a lot closer than the other wine countries on that graph, and I think it's probably cos cider is so popular here compared to other countries that people are drinking more of that rather than there just being a lot of wine drinkers

>> No.16227295

I'd prob just choose Canada anyway, US sucks

>> No.16227314

Yeah I'm sure an Englishman would love living side by side with a bunch of fucking frogs putting their dirty onion stink language on all products

>> No.16227321

In Newfoundland or some shit not in the disgusting French quarantine zone

>> No.16227338

Don't mormons literally stockpile guns like the world is going to end? (Because they think that it's actually going to end soon?).

>> No.16227339

Everything in Canada has to have both languages on it

>> No.16227343

Eugh didn't know that
Still the frogs have good food and wine and some beer, I'd rather be around quasi-French than Americans any day

>> No.16227353

What a ridiculous religion
only in America

>> No.16227358

Whats going on here? I dont think anyone thinks danes are the heaviest drinkers in europe

Do they just give their kids beer?

>> No.16227360

Yeah I'm sure they want to blow a bunch of people's heads off instead of get a planet for themselves during the end of times

>> No.16227370

I saw a 6 or 7 year old drinking once saying its good for him and makes him strong. I was also young and the adults didnt stop him.

>> No.16227374

The more rural you are, the safer it is to drive drunk

>> No.16227375

Teen binge drinking culture, same as UK

>> No.16227393
File: 79 KB, 534x712, sobelman's bloody mary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, I know about it. We just call it a sidecar around here or a backer. I mean, I lived 2 miles away from Sobelman's for fuck's sake.

>> No.16227423

sidecar is retarded since that's an actual cocktail
backer is fine
get it straight with your cousins

>> No.16227442

who cares shut the fuck up

>> No.16227456
File: 207 KB, 736x1104, 1433376479175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16227480

there are a bunch of craft breweries and vineyards

>> No.16227715

>Alcoholic mom
Fucking stupid nigger retardation kill myself fucking

>> No.16227729
File: 3.10 MB, 5000x3497, 1426472401432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16227787

Good. Minnesota has great beer and liquor made in the state and the best thing in the summer is getting shitty on a boat while catching crappies or what have you. Northerns are fun to catch as well

>> No.16227788

They have been wine niggers since the time of Cesar

>> No.16227858

Man, binge drinking regularly with a developing brain is one of the most retarded things you can do

>> No.16227875

College town with some fun bars if you're younger, good cost of living so a decent 30-40s demographic who seem to be propping up a bunch of new breweries.
A few local spirits that are decent as well.
I enjoy it a lot.

>> No.16227879

islam is right about alcohol

>> No.16227881
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, 1604184329861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Straya here
Everyone's expected to drink at least a little daily.
If not then you're some straight-edge poofter.
Tradies usually drink the most, at 2pm on a friday it's the "young fella's" (ie: youngest bloke on the work site) job to go to the drive-thru and pick up 2-3 cases of beer to bring back to the work site. Then everyone spends the last 3-4 hours of the work week drinking the lot.

People fukken love calling in sick on Fridays here too, to the point a lot of bosses will even force you to take random fridays off. In such a case, you'll usually sneak out early like 2pm on the Thursday, pack up your ute and go drive up the beach to camp (ie: drink) for the weekend.

Here, the first building of a new village or town is always a pub. A town is born when a pub is built on a desert highway, usually at crossroads where 2 tracks intersect.
There are hundreds of outback "villages" that are literally population: 5, 1 pub and 2 houses, nothing else around for 500km+ but guarantee that pub will be full almost every night.

Everyone starts drinking underage. I did from about 15. When my brother turned 16 my parents just started buying him a sixpack every weekend to enjoy after his part time job on the weekends.

People here are generally un-trusting of non-drinkers (with the exception of people that might/could literally die from it due to health issues). Someone who doesnt drink is seen as having a secret agenda or something to hide that they dont want to let slip. Usually they'll be overlooked in life; uninvited to social events and never promoted in jobs because of this.

Our drinking culture was born from the colonial prison colony days. Currency had no worth back then and the guards were no better off than the prisoners they were guarding. Corruption was rife with rum being the de facto currency of the country for decades.


>> No.16227890
File: 36 KB, 360x450, 1617601161504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh also one of our greatest ex-Prime Ministers literally holds/held the world record for chugging beer.
Yard glass smashed in 11 sec.
Now that I think about it he kinda looks like the Australian Shitposter meme lmao

>> No.16227898

Everyone either drinks at a restaurant or at home with friends. Even the college apartments near me don't have massive parties. We all just get drunk on the couch

>> No.16227921

I love how my entire homestate of WI is in the highest category. Wisconsin: you're among drunks.

>> No.16227925
File: 357 KB, 1500x1770, IMG_0275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We serve a beer chaser in Texas as well.

>> No.16227928

Lake Winnebago.

>> No.16227936

nah it's pretty based, Americans are way more retarded and they don't do it

>> No.16227940

>Here, the first building of a new village or town is always a pub
Loyal to you British heritage I see, good show sir

>> No.16227942

This Utah is pretty English. Especially up north. My family came from England and took advantage of the mormons to bring them over and set them up with their own sheep ranch. But then they also made moonshine.
But yeah Utah sucks. More and more than ever. Laws are starting to loosen up but half of fucking California moved here and everything is quickly becoming entirely unaffordable. Thankfully we are going into our worst recorded drought ever. It was 100 degrees today. The Mormons and Californians that recently moved here are all going to die soon

>> No.16227946

Goddamn I hate amerisharts

>> No.16227963

Okay so they aren't encouraged to stockpile weapons but tons of them do. I work as an exterminator in Utah and the Mormon vaults in their basements are so fucking weird. They'll have maybe a dozen bottles of jarred fruit, either 30 or 60 gallons of water, dozens of gallon cans of powdered milk, powdered eggs, and a 50lb bag of whole red wheat.
Every fucking time I've seen one of their end day supplies there is always a 50 lb bag of red wheat. It must be mandated or something.
I've yet to see a grinder or grain mill in a single house though.

>> No.16227967

I prefer this more as I get older. Cheaper, can hear my friends and actually talk to them.

>> No.16227969

>Someone who doesnt drink is seen as having a secret agenda or something to hide that they dont want to let slip. Usually they'll be overlooked in life; uninvited to social events and never promoted in jobs because of this.
Damn a whole nation and society held in the grip of the big corporations of one single commodity. You even speak of it like you're proud, incredible how insidious the booze propaganda is.

>> No.16227977

Dude that's only the brainwashed 18 year old missionaries. Mormons are some of the most violently petty people you could ever meet within the state itself. They are all hard line right wing conservatives. The majority of houses have guns and the church makes the women exercise and diet because God hates fat chicks and doesn't want to get stuck fucking fatties in heaven

>> No.16227987
File: 18 KB, 300x276, bubbles-decent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WI here too, around the st Croix river valley, I'm only on my first DUI but I'm god damn proud

>> No.16227990

they're pathetic. Anyone that has to rely on guns to defend themselves is a faggot

>> No.16228000
File: 86 KB, 600x428, press_release_distribution_0162860_28012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the man responsible for that bloody Mary. He's not American.

>> No.16228004

looks like the archetypal american to me

>> No.16228008

Trust me dude. If anything actually did happen they'd be too busy shitting their pants and wondering why Jesus isn't hanging out in Missouri waiting for them

>> No.16228047

Bluff area is beautiful brah

>> No.16228060

you could probably trick them into shooting themselves and their family just say jesus wants it and bring a fake gold plaque or some shit

>> No.16228065


Got drunk the first time when I was 13. By 14/15 I could go into any bar/club in the city and not be carded. People drink a lot here I feel like but I don't know how they do it in the rest of Europe so I'm not sure if it's a lot relatively speaking. It's common to get shitfaced every weekend and to go to a bar after work a few times per week as well. There's also a large percentage of the population that continues heavy drinking on the weekends until they die essentially.

>> No.16228073

>There's also a large percentage of the population that continues heavy drinking on the weekends until they die essentially.
To be fair this applies to most of Europe

>> No.16228076


>> No.16228108

It's one of the only visible lakes on the map. Not counting the great lakes, the only other one I see is that one on the northern part of Minnesota.

>> No.16228119

Faggot Utah*

>> No.16228121
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>> No.16228176

Kek yeah nah I'm from aus too and you couldn't have put it better

>> No.16228208

so basically this:

>> No.16228214

It's not an excuse in the US either???? What's your point.

>> No.16228259

fascinating anon, thanks for sharing

>> No.16228283

The phrase "drinking culture," oxymoronic as it is, can easily be summarized by another phrase: "misery loves company." Drinking: a pastime so vile that it can only be enjoyed or, more accurately, endured, in the company of other inebriated ne'er-do-wells. Only the ever-wretched drinker--his mind destroyed by years of decadence and vice--could envision a morbid menagerie of predatory peer pressure, mutual self-destruction, and general debauchery as some sort of ersatz "culture."

>> No.16228317

Meh, alcohol tastes gross and shortens your lifespan for the most part. Nobody really likes it as much as they say they do.
You can though.

>> No.16228326

>You can though.
I thought the legal drinking age in US was 21? my bad

>> No.16228351

you are correct, dunno what he was on about

>> No.16228354

some states allow parents to give their kids alcohol legally, though its not common

>> No.16228381

>antifun redditor sperg calling anyone a fag
Guaranteed your shithole has more faggots than Utah

>> No.16228382

North of Miami here. There's many excellent dive bars within 15 minutes of my house and plenty of stupid expensive bars with $12 cocktails if you're into that.

>> No.16228391

Never said you had to buy it legally. If it's in your household it's not like the police would know either way.

>> No.16228435
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>silver city
good shit

>> No.16228451
File: 459 KB, 640x643, G day mate Lazy Australian accent caused by alcoholic slur of heavy drinking early settlers Telegraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16228452

dont care what anyone says this map is wrong
the uk definitely consumes more beer/ales than wine

>> No.16228458

So like every country in the world then but with more restrictions, my point still stands - you cannot legally buy alcohol until you are 21. This is ridiculous

>> No.16228464

Can't meet anyone that way though. Eventually your friends will fade away due to work/marriage/children, and you'll be sitting on the couch solo.

Anyways, I live in Vegas, so of course the drinking culture here is nuts. Almost everyone is addicted to something, normally two things. Even my friend who considers himself "not a big drinker compared to most" is planning on getting blacked out tonight at the hockey game.

>> No.16228473

So in which of these scenarios you gave is someone allowed to buy alcohol under the age of 21, as this was the point I made that someone said
>'you can though'
parents giving their 20 year old 'child' a beer isn't the same as that young 20 year old legally buying it from the shop

>> No.16228474

is the drinking culture as strong in new zealand?

>> No.16228476 [DELETED] 

Changing trends.

>> No.16228478

You don't need to grind wheat to eat it and can just cook it like rice.

>> No.16228481
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Changing trends. Forgot pic.

>> No.16228502


>> No.16228506

>happiest country on earth

>> No.16228526

Nah, Spain definitely drinks more beer than wine

>> No.16228529
File: 198 KB, 1000x1334, OGD114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born in New Orleans, and I've lived my entire life in the Greater New Orleans Metropolitan area, except for a few months directly following Katrina.

If you're unaware, we have a world-famous street named after American corn mash whiskey - Bourbon Street.

I'm 1/4 French, 1/4 Irish and 1/4 Native American. So, I'm 3/4 of ethnicities famous for drinking.

A day without Bourbon is like a fish riding a bicycle. It makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.16228533

Yea they can drink more but they're not as obnoxious about it.
Aussies drink a lot but they can't actually handle it well and they just embarrass themselves by vomiting, pissing themselves and just being insufferable to be around in general.
What's the point in drinking a lot if you can't handle it

>> No.16228538

>I'm 1/4 French, 1/4 Irish and 1/4 Native American. So, I'm 3/4 of ethnicities famous for drinking.
You're 100% mutt, stop grasping at heritage you have no connection to. Be proud of your American 'culture'

>> No.16228542

So the entire Appalachians is a dry area? Holy shit LOL. Their methodology is terminally fucked.

>> No.16228544

In some states a parent can order a child alcohol in a restaurant.

But yea, it's a stretch.

>> No.16228548

nobody asked amerishart

>> No.16228566

Didn't realise I had to be so goddamn specific
>'Amerisharts can't legally buy their own alcholic beverage from a licensed alcohol merchant with no participation from their parent/legal guardian until the age of 21'
this is still ridiculous, especially considering in some states 14 years olds can buy guns without parental consent and 16 year olds can join the army
Imagine being 20 and being turned down from buying beer at the supermarket

>> No.16228586

Lol there are constantly articles of people having +12 DUIs in newspapers headlines in Wisconsin. I remember it's gotten so bad that county lawmakers tried positive reinforcement to get people to stop drinking and driving.
Also hmong people have taken in the drinking culture as well. They drink as often as their white counterparts, but they're smart enough to not get caught by the fuzz.

>> No.16228596

>I'm 1/4 French, 1/4 Irish and 1/4 Native American.
Oh wow so you have a 100% ethnic native American grandparent, a 100% ethnic Irish one, and a 100% ethnic French one? How did you even quantify that? Why did you leave the 4th grandparent out? Did the Irish and French one come to US together in the 50s or something then?

>> No.16228604

For a long time in NZ and Australia bars used to shut at 6pm. People would head in after work finished at 5, and try to sink as much piss as they possibly could in that hour. Bars would run hoses out from the bar so they could fill peoples glasses faster

>> No.16228641


>> No.16228645

>15 cases
Jesus christ anon

>> No.16228659

>Wisconsin more of an white anglo-enclave than other states
anglo-americans are typically concentrated in the south and new england, maybe to a lesser extent the west coast. the whites in the midwest are primarily of german descent.

>> No.16228679

Great variety of booze. Beer if you're classic, Rum in the north Pisco in the central coast, anise liquor in the south, chicha in the highlands or if you want something more exotic, without considering the stuff you can find in the jungle.
Comparing to other cultures it's tradition to drink from one glass by turns, and sometimes pouring the rest in the ground (do not do it in a restaurant or a fancy bar). The goal is not to get drunk, it's to have a good time with friends talking about stuff.
That comparing with Vietnamese and maybe east Asian I worked with, which was more about getting drunk fast without tasting the booze. For us it's about enjoying the booze and the company, instead of getting drunk for drunkness sake

>> No.16228763

Can't even enter some bars if you're under 21.

>> No.16229082

>in australia
>big corporations
lmao guess how I know you've never been here?
every region has their own beer, everyone supports local brands over foreign crap and most of us drink aussie-made wine anyway when we REALLY wanna get fucked up.

>> No.16229098

not quite, but Kiwis have one thing that Aussies dont: a national holiday called "crate day".

One day a year, everyone buys a 24pack (crate) of beer each and you're supposed to sit on it, not getting up or moving until you've finished the lot.
Also, unlike Australia, you can freely drink in public in New Zealand.
In Australia you generally can as well as long as you're not being a cunt about it, but legally you're only allowed to drink in public in Aus if there are 3 or more of you and a BBQ is lit.
That being said, once you get into the outback you'll outright have people drinking beer while driving and no-one gives a shit.
Not like you can crash, there's fucking nothing to crash into when you're far enough out into the bush.

>> No.16229102
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>Every county I've ever lived in dark blue.

>> No.16229111

WTF Poland and Romania, I am disappointed, that cannot be true.

>> No.16229134


>> No.16229141

this map is such bullshit, there's no chance the missisippi river valley is remotely sober. plus the hard boundaries along states lines. jfl. it's an obvious case of surveying problems.

>> No.16229161

Yeah that age it's pretty dumb, should be 25 honestly along with smoking. Voting should also be reserved for property owners.

>> No.16229172
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>Appalachia Doesn't drink alcohol
kek, we just make our own moonshine to avoid the taxman

>> No.16229181


>> No.16229192

In America alcohol is free when you're under 21yo

>> No.16229209

>14 years olds can buy guns without parental consent
unironically based as fuck

>> No.16229218

>not quite, but Kiwis have one thing that Aussies dont: a national holiday called "crate day".

>One day a year, everyone buys a 24pack (crate) of beer each and you're supposed to sit on it, not getting up or moving until you've finished the lot

It's a swappa crate which is 12 x 745ml beers. So about 30 beers? As far as "standard drinks". You don't have to just sit on it, you play some backyard cricket or whatever, have a bbq, it's only really a thing because of a popular radio station which promotes it to celebrate the first day of summer.

>> No.16229254

>not getting up or moving until you've finished the lot

We do have games kind of like that though, like scrumpy hands, you tape a 750ml plastic bottle of 8% cider to each hand and you can't take them off until they are empty, good idea to finish one quickly so you have a free hand to take a piss with. Gets a party started pretty quick.

Tbh our binge drinking culture is kind of fucked, have seen brides take a knee and neck a bottle of wine in their wedding dress after the ceremony etc. Is what it is I guess. Other countries drink more but I suppose they spread it around

>> No.16229263


>> No.16229294
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ah ok, thanks based Kiwibro. the details get mixed up, a lot of ppl talk about crate day like it's a normal 24pack of beers.

fucking love Scrumpyhands. In Aus we do similar but with bottles of wine and call it Amy Winehands, or just classic Goon of Fortune

>> No.16229300
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can fucking tell that this photo was taken in Brisbane just from how the fucking grass looks, jesus

>> No.16229339

What weird fucking ritual are they doing with the laundrey'tenna, winesack, and oversized clothespins? What the fuck goes on over there?

>> No.16229347

i could click one button and have someone deliver 10% craft beer to me within 30 minutes. so long as you have enough money to afford rent you can drink yourself to death and no one will fucking care at all

>> No.16229381

>fucking love Scrumpyhands. In Aus we do similar but with bottles of wine and call it Amy Winehands, or just classic Goon of Fortune

Actually I had a check because it's been a while, ye olde scrumpy is 1.25l so yeah basically it's equivalent to a bottle of wine

>> No.16229390

You spin the cunt around, and if it stops in front of you you drink from it

>> No.16229396

>The South is the driest overall region.
All those Tenessee Williams plays had me fooled.

>> No.16229400

>scrumpy hands

amerifag here, had some friends in college that used to be in a frat. they had a party where they taped 40 of malt liquor to their hands and dressed in blackface and had a 'bloods and crips' theme where they wore afro wigs and gang colors and got shitfaced.

frats are supposedly "fun" but it was pathetic. they pissed themselves and didn't get laid since they weren't allowed to invite girls to their more autistic costume parties. and no girls would have fucked the with shitty brown make-up leeching off into their sports jerseys anyways.

they said 'woo' a lot so maybe they had a good time.

>> No.16229406

Do you feel better now

>> No.16229413
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that "antenna" is a rotating clothesline, an Australian invention called a Hill's Hoist. Iconic piece of backyard furniture almost everyone owns.
Normally used to hang your clothes on to dry.
People rarely have a Dryer in Aus because it's cheaper and quicker to just hang it outside.
Also helps that it literally never fucking rains in most of Aus (hasnt rained here at my place for 18 months now).

Uni students or patriotic drunks love to play a game called "Goon of Fortune", based on the Wheel of Fortune gameshow on TV.
You attach a bag of goon (wine), stand in a circle and spin the clothesline.
Whoever it lands on has to drink.
Simple as.

>> No.16229417 [DELETED] 

Yeah over here people start doing that shit at highschool, minus the frat thing, the no girls and the blackface

>> No.16229418

nah. shit was a long time ago so i hold no grudge. just some particularly faggy and pretentious buddies of mine who were dumb as fuck in colllege. one of them is married now and cheats on his wife with men for no reason when he could have just come out as gay and been accepted just fine by his family. he's still extremely racist so whenever he makes 'spear-chucker' remarks i just remind him he's a fag.

>> No.16229460

Northeast big city. We used to drink working class beers like High Life, Rolling Rock, PBR, etc. But now we exclusively drink White Claw Black Cherry and do shitty bar cocaine. Im gay btw not sure if it matters

>> No.16229467

Don't forget women outnumber men and they drink mostly wine.

>> No.16229468

Can you seppos do anything right

>> No.16229478

we can get brainwashed by propaganda and overpay for health insurance that could easily be free

>> No.16229483
File: 41 KB, 720x720, Boilermaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. A beer and a shot of liquor is the best. In Germany we call that a Herrengedeck, a gentleman's menu. Boomers love that shit.

>> No.16229494

in the us this is called the 'working man's special' or boilermaker. liquor is usually whiskey, beer is usually cheap pisswater

>> No.16229518

Billings, Montana.
Everyone is an alcoholic with multiple DUIs, almost all of them smoke meth as well. I moved here from Florida, which gets a bad rap, but these mountain folk drink all day long. After six years, I finally got with the program and became an alcoholic. Yesterday was the first day I woke up with the shakes. Just need to get a couple of DUIs and I'll finally be a real montanan.

>> No.16229528

This is true. Although the shot and a brew goes by different names depending on what part of the US you’re in. NE dives often call it Reagan’s Revenge cause minorities are the main consumers.

>> No.16229534

move a few miles west

>> No.16229537

Are they too busy with meth to drink?

>> No.16229545


>> No.16229546

then you deserve what you get

>> No.16229549

I'm pretty sure being hungover is not a valid excuse in any civilized country
I work a pretty dangerous job though, so i have told my boss that i have been hungover once before because I'm not about to risk my own life because I don't wanna be embarrassed, he let me choose if i could work that day or not, basically got sleep in an extra 3 hours then got to work, boss was cool with it

>> No.16229551

Caused by prohibition movements no less. Latching on to the idea of making the countries more efficient in wartime. Led to 50 years where it was completely normal to see shitfaced working men heading home at 6pm carrying some more beer, and general culture of drinking fast

>> No.16229567

Okay, first of all, what do you mean "a few miles west"? A few miles west lands you in a one horse town, where they drink like fish. Do you actually mean Butte? They're more drunk than Billings is. Bozeman? I'm not rich, and guess what? They're all fucking drinks, too, just rich drunks. Every fucking city west of Billings is full of alcoholics. Every fucking city in Montana is full of alcoholics. Have you ever even been to Montana, or are you just talking out of your faggot, prolapsed, AIDS riddled ass?

>> No.16229582

>You know what this drink is missing?
>Hmm a splash of rum?
>Nah man
>Maybe some grenadine?
>No bro a full fucking meal complete with fries a burger and a sallad ofc
>You mean like on a plate?
>No on the fucking drink! Seriously are you even a bartender?

>> No.16229583

I lived in billings for 20 years before i said fuck it and moved to oregon you absolute retard. keep living in methland for your whole life moron.

>> No.16229589

That's not exactly a few miles, you actual pozzed faggot. Oregon is rife with all the shit I said, plus California faggots moving in en masse. At least they just stick to Bozeman and missoula, here.

>> No.16229596

Hey I like you, you’ve clearly actually been here

>> No.16229621

It's a shithole but I love it. Open carry, constitutional carry now, spending my weekends getting plastered on a boat and saying that I'm fishing, it's all really swell.

>> No.16229627

Also very white, only significant minority population are crow Indians, who aren't as bad as niggers.

>> No.16229646

Approximately how many of you Montanyans wear those silly fucking cowboy hats? You're basically all western ND people to me with dumb hats.

>> No.16229658

North Dakotans are literally all sheep fucking hillbillies, what are you on about?

>> No.16229670

what happens in wisconsin?

>> No.16229685

Not going to deny anything. Just wanted to ask why difference in elevation makes you a cowboy.

>> No.16229695
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>> No.16229710

good ole Wisconsin
as long as you don't kill someone
you can have as many DUIs as you want

>> No.16229794

>Utah almost completely white
no surprises there

>> No.16229843

states have differing laws about alcohol anon

>> No.16230562

Dogfish head is great, the guy who runs the restaurants does a good job too. Being able to get 120 min IPA on draft is the best.

>> No.16230569

I've gotten toasted in a few of the white areas but I live in one that's recognized as the drunkest area in the country and they have it not completely dark. it's probably just standard sociology major work being done (shitty)

>> No.16230589

little faggots lied, I'm sure

>> No.16230590
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>30 of these still costs $12 in Wisconsin
God I love my state

>> No.16230630

But it's true you can't trust non-drinkers.

>> No.16230761

Nigga you gay

>> No.16230769

We should have never given women the vote.

>> No.16230778

Doubt people don't excessively drink in utah, probably don't want to report it on the survey so they aren't looked down on.

>> No.16230813

>Doubt people don't excessively drink in utah, probably don't want to report it on the survey so they aren't looked down on.
Same thing with the circled area, except it's more a lack of healthcare infrastructure that would report such a thing.

Or, you know, everyone's moved on to Meth and Opiates.

>> No.16230906
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>> No.16230928

Hello fellow chicago fag

>> No.16230935

>14 years olds can buy guns without parental consent
As it should be. That's why Jesus wrote "The right to bare arms shall not be infringed" in the bible.

>> No.16232143

I remember 'thou shalt not kill' being a big one as well, and 'love thy neighbour'

>> No.16232159

Local breweries with largely local ingredients and locally grown wineries/tasting rooms. I guess there’s bars but those are for college kiddie widdies and general human garbage.

There’s a deep appreciation for localism, craftsmanship, and the local ag seen.

>> No.16232170

Really how so? Denmark's IQ is 98 lmao
Compare that to Maine or Montana (white states) which are at 104

>> No.16232172

biggest downside is the price, $11.25 for 12oz def hurts a little.

The 18% ABV helps soothe the pain though.

>> No.16232290

>1/4 native american
>thinking they arent known for drinking
In reality native Americans have the highest percentage of alcoholism in North America

>> No.16232298

You’re wrong about Islam

>> No.16232303

What is wrong with Wisconsin. Holy fuck.

>> No.16232314

It's interesting that the people escaping Chicago are all southsiders (blacks). This is causing Chicago to become further gentrified and exorbitantly expensive to live in. It's like what happened to New York City is happening to Chicago right now.

>> No.16232493

One of them fake maps

>> No.16232507

I think you misread his post. He didn't list a fourth ethnicity.

>> No.16232591

So are West Virgina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi all teetotallers historically or what?

>> No.16232620

Meth states

>> No.16232831

Stay on your side of the river
t. NoVa

>> No.16232834
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You have no idea

>> No.16232836

I usually do, sometimes I take white's ferry across though.

>> No.16232856
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all those good beers on tap and angry fucking orchard is the cider of choice?

>> No.16232868
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First DUI is just a ticket, so what do you think

>> No.16232889

meh, it's drinkable, at least better than stella's "cidre"

>> No.16233162

Oh ok. I just looked at the chart again anyway and the range difference is just 10% (from 15 to 25%) for "Excessive Drinking by County". That's not that much anyway I think.

>> No.16233643

I love novelty bloody mary's. Or as I call them, regular bloody mary's.

>> No.16233657

I'm so glad I got out of the midworst where the only way to make life bearable is to self medicate with insane amounts of ethanol every night. it took me a couple of years before I could even enjoy drinking again because I associate it with the hellish daily ritual. I still don't really like bars.

>> No.16233699

Born in the UK but live in Japan now, in hoth countries drinking until you pass out is encouraged

>> No.16233723

You can't afford anglo areas in the US.
You have to be black.

>> No.16233728

Wisconsin easily. Human wave of degenerates, then every prepper from the Dakotas to Frankfort will join in because fuck Mitt Romney or something.

>> No.16234192

>the church makes the women exercise and diet because God hates fat chicks

>> No.16234529
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>> No.16234538

I’m from the Christian part of India (Kerala). I travel to non-Christian parts of the country. I can comprehensively confirm that Christians drink so much more alcohol than any other religious group here.
Hindus try to hide it. Hindus pretend like they don’t drink palm wine here but they do, they drink it super quickly and get way too drunk, because they are ashamed. With Muslims it’s even worse, they fucking gulp down the wine or even worse, the hard liquor over here so their batshit insane family doesn’t find out.
But here in Kerala, yeah. We drink. Indians drink. We love our palm wine. Just don’t be a secretive faggot about it like Hindus or Muslims.
> captcha was palm trees lol

>> No.16234548

German and Norwegian

>> No.16234555

I like you.

>> No.16234563

I’m not Christian really. Don’t get any ideas. But I like you too.

>> No.16235317
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stay on your side of Fredericksburg
>t. RVA

>> No.16235328


god the fucking cringe

>> No.16235575

there's no way that oklahoma is accurate, the whole state's an indian reservation

>> No.16235585

would like to see the same chart for narcotics use

>> No.16235595

>the church makes the women exercise and diet
brb converting to mormonism

>> No.16235652

I usually drink at home or with friends, we just grab a bunch of alcohol at the nearest bottleshop and go to someone's house and just drink and talk. Comfy.

>> No.16235669

>in some states 14 years olds can buy guns without parental consent
Not from anyone that makes a business of selling firearms, but you keep lying to enable your clownworld bullshit.

>> No.16235698
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>Why did you leave the 4th grandparent out?
>New Orleans

>> No.16235731

Gf worked for an Australian company, can confirm you all drink way too much and eat way too much bread

>> No.16235743

This pic is based, garnish the bloody Mary with another bloody Mary

>> No.16235962

Britain: wine
Spain: beer

This chart is trash and objectively false.

>> No.16235968


>> No.16235983

WHO consumption data shows that there's been a change in trends over the past decades. Old stereotypes and cultural assumptions no longer match the data, but that won't stop people from continuing to insist they're still true.
The world's changed so much in just a few years; is it really that hard to believe?

>> No.16236009

Fuck dogshit head brewery, creator of the $20 4-pack. Washington and Oregon hops are the best in the world, so why would I get a beer from the opposite side of the country? It's like drinking New Zealand craft beer; like a english pint from a pub dressed up as craft beer. Weak shit with a high price.

>> No.16236022

You won't get your temple recommend with language young man. And if you keep up the drinking and cussing, they'll kick you out of Melchizedek priesthood.

>> No.16236046

>Weak shit
>he says about 18% ABV IPA
Cool story

>> No.16236235

Where was that taken?

>> No.16236410

Anyone not in red or pink isn't human

>> No.16237015

whiskey for those that can afford it
cheap lite beers

>> No.16237514

In my town we had something called the Race of the Cases. Multiple teams of 3 chaps each get a table, a case of beer, and a bucket. First team to finish their case wins. The bucket is there for throwing up. This was at age 16.

>> No.16237541

Tampa bay. I'm in a hip city with lots of bar and club options. Plenty of places to get turnt or have a tasty cocktail. All kinds of prices. Hot young girls and also rambling pants shitting alcoholic bums. It's cozy.

>> No.16237980
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>> No.16238156

If you can't tell the data from the map is bullshit just by looking at it you're a retard.

>> No.16238271

Where do you see red? The ''wine strongly preferred'' colour would is purple.

>> No.16238307

In Norway, it is considered completely acceptable to go out and get absolutely wasted during the weekend, but if you go to a bar by yourself or have one or two beers during a weekday at home, people might get worried. It's a very hypocritical culture.

>> No.16238328

Mango Smoovie is fucking based
Drinking sunday feels right now
Namaste white is a classic, seaquench is also amazing
Fucking expensive, though.

>> No.16238329


>this is still ridiculous, especially considering in some states 14 years olds can buy guns without parental consent

No thats illegal. Under 18 year olds can not purchase firearms from any sources, its federal law, and some states like Florida increase the age limit to 21. However in most states children under 18 can be gifted firearms by their parents (however straw buying purposefully for someone else is illegal).

That said, I grew up in rural Texas and I bought my first gun at 13, and was illegally buying and selling handguns at gunshows starting at the age of 15. Nobody gave a fuck about the law lol. Its the same with drinking too, I was drinking at age 14 and so was everyone else at school and nobody cared about enforcing the drinking laws beyond cops looking for a quick bust.

>> No.16238351
File: 1.45 MB, 2560x1624, 2560px-Alcohol_control_in_the_United_States.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yellow is semi-dry counties (local laws restricting sale of alcohol on certain days/times), red is hard dry counties (prohibition never really ended).
Ironically you're 3x as likely to get BTFO by a drunk driver in a dry county than a wet one, as people get drunk out of town and then drive home

>> No.16239033

wow, had no idea there were so many in the north

>> No.16239067

glad I live in a state peopled by germans and not angl*s

>> No.16239172

mormons will all burn in hell. Fuck utah.

>> No.16239193

Ignore the Belgian, Belgium isn't even a real country.

>> No.16239197

What is the meaning of this? Prohibition was repealed by constitutional amendment

>> No.16239211


>> No.16239227

The semi-dry usually are just
>can't sell between 2am and 10am
>can't sell on sunday before 10am
Shit like that.

>> No.16239234
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>reddit spacing
>"I'm 1/4 French, 1/4 Irish and 1/4 Native American."
It's not even a meme at this point.

>> No.16239273

federal not state level

>> No.16239292

and boomer, libtards, skaven and orcs should be beheaded.

>> No.16239297

Yup can confirm.

And it also doesn't reflect counties that have basically the same thing, but not codified by law in any way.

For example, in my county in MD. All the liquor stores are county-run, and none of them are open on Sunday. Now there isn't any specific law that forbids the sale of liquor on Sundays, but since there are no stores that sell liquor open on Sundays in this county, the effect is the same.

>> No.16239762

>jewish: 6.000000%

>> No.16239838

Fuck I love you upside down bastards.

>> No.16240134

pennsylvania is so bad, you can only buy alcohol in dispensaries(mostly)

>> No.16240176
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I couldn't tell you a damn thing about my region's drinking "culture" but me personally, I drink alone, and I drink a lot.

>> No.16240442

There's literally nothing in the bible that says drinking in moderation is bad, go nuts man

>> No.16240482

as someone that worked in pubs for 5 years i can only agree

>> No.16240532

Belgians, Europeans in general are much stronger when it comes to hangovers than Americans.

>> No.16240542


>> No.16240555

Looks American to me.

>> No.16240607

Rent free

>> No.16240750
File: 72 KB, 1000x617, Screenshot 2021-06-07 131050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm romanian and I'm convinced we are all alcoholics. Only protestants or ultraorthodox fags don't drink, and if you don't get drunk with people, they will feel uneasy, because you must be hiding something or plotting to abuse them when they get drunk. I met a guy like that, he recorded some drunken talks I had with friends, we made him delete that shit, the soy thought he was being funny.
Anyway, every year or two someone breaks the BAC level, now it's between 7 and 10 BAC. Hobos drink medicinal alcohol, ours is made with ethilic alcohol not the methilic one, so it's safe to drink.
I started drinking at 17 and have been getting drunk every weekend since and more often than that in the summers. Every villager produces his own wine or spirits, the high grade palinca is 70% alcohol by volume. They trade it for goods in the villages, between each other, and sell it to city-slickers like me. Beer is reportedly sold in massive quantities, because wine and liquor is sold untaxed, the police ignore them, because everyone does it.

>> No.16241225

>Anyway, every year or two someone breaks the BAC level, now it's between 7 and 10 BAC

You mean highest percentage in the blood? I think the record was someone had a BAC of 1.4% and he was still conscious too

>> No.16241246

PG or MoCo?
t. MoCofag

>> No.16241260

Moco, I'm a few miles from the dogfish head alehouse

>> No.16241272

The northeast is far stricter than the midwest. I found out in my state they could not sell alcohol on thanksgiving day

>> No.16241279

>counts Crimea as Russia

>> No.16241282

That data for the UP ain't accurate in the least lol, we drink at least as much as cheeseheads.

>> No.16241292

>dogfish head alehouse
Oh, you're north of me, I'm Bethesda.
Don't come to Bethesda, it sucks.

>> No.16241297

I've got a $100 gift card to morton's though, and Bethesda is the closest.

>> No.16241443

>Utah completely empty
Mormons stay based even though there heretics

>> No.16241647

Leaf here we use colt 45 or OE and call it edward 40 hands.

>> No.16241765
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well "pathetic" lowlife criminals will swallow their pride and rob you naked with a gun, so you better have some yourself.

>> No.16241779

That, and every sister-fucking evangelist in the state will have lied and claimed they don't touch a drop.

>> No.16242111

What the fuck do the minutes stand for? How long until you're at 0 bac?

>> No.16242121

It's the IBU

120 is about as high as you would normally see.

>> No.16242289

are you implying you can't do that sober?

>> No.16242326

Don't drink on weekdays its taboo. Get shitfaced friday and saturday on the cheapest beers and other alcohols. Taste doesn't matter just get wasted. Drinking in bars is too expensive so people just drink at home parties.

Norway is a sad place indeed.

>> No.16242457
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>> No.16243119

Exactly this, it's been like that for 2 decades at least

>> No.16243253

Wisconsin has one of the highest Danish populations.
t. Wisconsin, and Danish.

>> No.16243295

How old is that image?

>> No.16243357

Poland here
I became a regular drinker at 16, so pretty lately for our standards. I really feel like after joining the EU we tuned alcoholism and being wasted down a fair amount. Beer is probably the most popular drink on the regular basis, vodka is drank during social gatherings and meetings. Cocktail culture is pretty much non-existent outside of several cities since they cost a bit compared to vodka or beer, sadly - I really like good mixed drinks. We don’t really go to pubs that much, most people drink in the parks, forests or at homes, streets are also usable - police generally doesn’t care but it’s illegal. A lot of tradies visit our version of 7/11 in the morning to buy a 90ml(used to be 100ml but tax evasion caused the capacity to shrink) bottle of vodka before work. People usually drink on friday or saturday, and they go pretty hard - not as hard as the brits fortunately. We are actually a bit more capable of handling the alcohol, not that many people black out. I attribute this to a pretty specific phase in high school when 18th birthdays come around about a year tops before prom so there is plenty of time for the kids to learn how to drink, prom drinking is widespread it you have a hip flask or teachers are liberal. I think that’s pretty much it
I like gin out of all liquors desu, whiskey is awful, beer is borning to me and vodka is just a vessel to get drunk

>> No.16243402

Huge swaths of the South were dry until the late 90s. Even today you'll still find a lot of semi- or fully dry areas. Also population density and geography comes into play, a lot of rural areas don't have enough people to keep bars open and drunk driving isn't particularly safe on curving roads with lots of animals.

In my experience frat parties are nothing like that at all, and they'll even partner up with sororities to ensure their parties aren't a sausage fest.