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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16211607 No.16211607 [Reply] [Original]

>finally quit smoking weed
>have big appetite
>too nauseous to eat
I just cooked an ny strip and only ate two bites god damn it fuck

>> No.16211608

at least you quit smoking weed.

>> No.16211634

I can already breath better on day two. I am quitting because I was coughing up black shit worse than when I smoked ciggies years ago. All my fellow weedbros, think about your health. It feels good to be able to think clearly again.

>> No.16211638
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>> No.16211642

>I was coughing up black shit worse than when I smoked ciggies years ago
unless you were buying laced shit that isnt from the weed anon, go see a doctor

>> No.16211675

Eat your steak like a caveman.

It sounds crazy as fuck. But it somehow helps. Cook that beautiful steak. Put it on a plate and grab it with your hands while enjoying the weather you are currently in. Eat your meat savagely and with disregard. Also, eat standing up. Do not sit. Walk around and watch TV or whatever youtube clips you would like. It's good for you and treats the food with complete disregard as it slides down. Sounds weird but just try it, anon.

>> No.16211817

Dispensary, and I have always noticed black phlegm when I smoke daily. I'm 99% sure its from weed. Yesterday I tried to force it all out. Today I am coughing up almost none.
>Tobacco is a bronchial constrictor whereas Cannabis is a bronchial dilator; this means smoking tobacco will tighten and close the pathways in your lungs where Cannabis will open them up. Nicotine constricts terminal bronchioles in lungs, which keeps tars trapped in the tissue. Its there these chemicals do their worst. THC and the chemicals associated with MJ are dilators. This allows the particulate matter (black mucus) etc., to be expelled, thereby eliminating their effects "on contact" with lung tissue. Anytime you smoke you're going to have a presence of mucus.

>> No.16211825
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Ok ill give it a shot

>> No.16211833
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This worked way better than expected. Thanks anon.

>> No.16211853
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>> No.16211895

>didn't eat the bone

>> No.16211941

based ungabros. next time eat raw roadkill, show that fucking body who's in charge. you eat on your terms

>> No.16211953

i've been smoking weed every day for 20 years and this has never happened to me. you should go to the doctor, especially if you lost your appetite completely.

>> No.16211958

after bartending i eat all my meals hunched over a trashcan

>> No.16212004

chronic weed addiction drops your IQ about 15%. going from 80IQ to 70IQ like yourself isn't really noticeable. going from 110IQ to 90IQ like OP is actually a big deal and quite noticeable.

>> No.16212015


>> No.16212023

i've heard of this. it's really rare but I also think it's because you're smoking big doinks daily and that's obviously not good for you. vaping is best but it also may be genetic. sorry bud but i would get checked out if your lungs are fucked

>> No.16212171


Good for you, anon. Good for you.

In another universe, I would pat you hard on your shoulder while enjoying the sunset.

>> No.16212178

my peepee is gignatic tho

>> No.16212224

Dry herb vape into a water pipe it's the smoothest cleanest hits I've ever had

>> No.16212235

>source: trust me bro

>> No.16212273

soure: your posts

>> No.16212286

that's a different retarded stoner. i'm the original one you were talking to, retard

>> No.16212299

toke up then nigger you're totally not turning your brain into mush

>> No.16212318

well at least i'm not a loser racist meany

>> No.16213496

If my lungs are fucked I don't wanna know about it until I need a ventilation machine. Fuck US doctors.

>> No.16213501

Also it can't be too bad cause I get normal readings from a blood o2 sensor

>> No.16213529

Good for you anon. I quit smoking weed a few years ago and never been better. Better shape, better attitude and person to be around and no more anxiety problems.

>> No.16213537
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Smoke weed?
No thanks, just pills and edibles for me.

>> No.16213609

takes up to 5 days after quitting weed to get your real appetite back.
until then, you'll only at best manage a mouthful or two at a time of food.
stick to juice, beer, soup and other easy to swallow stuff for now.

>> No.16213620

just go overseas instead
plenty of countries that give free healthcare, even to foreigners

>> No.16213685

I tried telling my friend he should lay off for a while and he's probably addicted. Just got annoyed with me and said le everyone has their vices. I didn't argue further because you can't really argue with that.

>> No.16213689

>It's not from the weed!
>It's supperr rare
God I hate potheads so much. All so retarded.

>> No.16213713

It's been a month since I touched the stuff, I would be lying if I said I was over it but keep it up brother

>> No.16213723

as far as I know, as long as you are an adult, weed doesn't have any damaging physical effects unless you smoke like 2 grams a day for a decade
it's psychological effects are another thing but that varies from person to person

>> No.16213757

>he bought the jug of syrup
i don't listen to canadians very often, but when i do, it has to do with their syrup. and they say real maple syrup comes in a tin can, nothing less, nothing more. and i believe this.

>> No.16213761

It takes less than 2 weeks for your appetite and sleep to return to normal even as a daily smoker. You are being a baby.

>> No.16214005

Good to hear. My anxiety was getting out of hand. Plus with a roadtrip coming up, I don't wanna be stuck going in and out of WD and being generally upset half the time.
No beer for me, I am going completely sober. Had serious alcohol problems in the past. Lots of water and OJ though.
I can afford Healthcare here and have insurance. I don't think its a big deal though. The system here is just really frustrating when every employee wants to check some boxes and hand you off to the next guy without doing anything.
Change definitely has to come from within. I'd bring it up next time he does some stupid stoner shit and is embarrassed.
Thanks, stay strong
I get paranoia like a mf. Feels like everyone is judging me. It's great for my celiac disease pain though. Now I have to figure out some alternative.
You know cans have plastic liners, right? If you are concerned about flavor change, you need to buy a glass bottle. Your leaf friends are just being pretentious.
No you're baby

>> No.16214698


>> No.16214750

>study gives rats massive 1000x normal dose super potent synthetic thc, which is way more then a human would have in body
>super drugged rat to fucked up to complete maze
>hurt durr iq loss
Shit study try again

>> No.16215516
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I've been high pretty much 24/7 ever since I got diagnosed with a crippling nerve-disease. I'm fit, I eat well , I have a job, sex with multiple women and a healthy social life.

If you're unhappy, I can 100% assure you it's not caused by substance abuse but rather something personal you're trying to avoid

>> No.16215995

I'm not unhappy, but my social anxiety is at least double as soon as I smoke, worse with no tolerance. Mostly doing it for physical health and because WD symptoms started to get bad.

>> No.16216010

I do dabs and kratom

>> No.16216343

I used to do daily kratom years ago. Mitragynine is legitimately an opioid, so be careful. The cravings aren't bad when quitting, but the physical symptoms suck. If you wanna get really fucked, take 10g of kratom mixed, fresh (not from concentrate) grapefruit juice, and a nice edible. You will nod like you're on dilauded

>> No.16216929

I lol'd. Get yourself some smaller snack foods that you can eat. Some fruit, beef jerky, stuff like that. Sometimes it is good to cut down a bit or fast. Over time your body will adjust and start demanding you eat more.

>> No.16218477

I know a few people who cough up black from weed, they are perfectly healthy. Better out than in i always say

>> No.16219074

casual weed smoker here.
even if I have the tiniest of puffs of weed on a weekend, next morning all morning i'm coughing up thick yellow shit.
but meanwhile I live with 2 chain-smokers and they never cough at all even after smoking a pack of two.

how can I stop or get rid of the phlegm?

>> No.16219077

hi, this >>16219074 guy here
that's pretty much my thoughts.
sucks coughing shit up but i'd much rather i let it out than let it build up.
mine's not black though

>> No.16220604
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Good for you but if you ever smoke again there's better alternatives. I threw all my kit away when I got this because I don't need anything else. Stopped my coughing after a week.

>> No.16220626

>live with two chain smokers
>coughing up thick yellow shit

second hand smoke and not brushing your teeth before bed can contribute hugely to this, also you breathe with your mouth open when you sleep 100% you could do with a cpap machine/losing weight/or some people have deviated septums that cause this.

>> No.16220668

I smoked for over ten years and haven’t been able to quit. I finally have Heath insurance and am going to a group meeting today. Most people will be fine smoking weed but I went crazy over it.

Try infusing water with fruit anon that helps me deal with the nausea

>> No.16220669
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Weed has natural expectorants in it, meaning it is going to cause some mucus and phlegm. It also has appetite-stimulating properties that may have hidden an underlying issue you have with your drive to eat.

Dry herb vape through a glass water pipe will give you tasty, cool hits but it can still cause you to produce mucus because THC just does that to the human respiratory system.

Do you also smoke cigarettes? Because that can constrict your lungs and make it harder to clear out the tar, meaning each time you smoke weed it opens your bronchia back up and irritates your bronchia into flushing themselves and the tar, on top of the gunk you get from burning plant matter.

I love some good sticky icky but there is too much of a good thing and it's definitely not for everybody.

>> No.16220721

>maybe I've got something that's treatable if found early
>no ty I'd rather a protracted illness followed by early death in a hospital bed
I'm not sure if weed attracts retards or creates them

>> No.16220846

I would suggest trying to ween off over the course of several weeks, then quitting. It is difficult, I know. It will make the first week of sobriety a lot easier, though. Tbh I almost feel high from being sober, since I would always smoke so much that my brains dopamine levels and whatnot were getting used up too fast and I got used to it. Now I am in a better mood doing nothing than I would normally be when high.
I haven't smoked ciggies in years, but I wonder if it's old tar from back then. I do smoke cigars from time to time, so it could also be the cigar bar.
My post certainly attracted your retarded ass. The anon I replied to said
>your lungs might be fucked
>you may have a treatable illness

>> No.16221086

Nice source jackass. Google only brings up a post from a Facebook weed memes group

>> No.16221390
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If you don't believe that, I don't really care. Pretty sure it was a doc quote. It wasnt from FB, thats for sure

>> No.16222195

>second hands smoke
it's not this.
and i had this before they moved in.
they only smoke once a day and also do so outside, usually when i'm not around.

>> No.16222913

so, that's why you gave up on me: you got hooked on smoking weed all the fucking time and that's all that mattered.

>> No.16222994

Bruh imagine burning up your drugs and inhaling the soot and ash like some kind of caveman. People are insane.

>> No.16223211

Shut up marlboro I'm not sucking your dick you fag

>> No.16223223
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Real men of culture take their drugs intravenously

>> No.16223234

you need to start smoking weed again immediately

>> No.16223277

Why don't you just eat some edibles or get a vape you pussy

>> No.16223555

>wake up
>"today I WILL NOT smoke weed"
>work 8 hours dealing with quarantine laws listening to retards throw tantrums because they didn't get a covid test
>get home
>smoke weed
it fucked up my throat too. Lots of weird little symptoms.

>> No.16223593

I pretty much killed my appetite vaping everyday but since moving to only 3 days a week I've felt a lot better. Appetite is still not great the 2nd day after using and I sweat every night I don't use but other than that it's not bad

>> No.16223771
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>chronic weed addiction
this isn't even a thing how the fuck are you trying to talk about IQ

>> No.16224030

Stress is definitely gonna make it hard to quit. I would recommend getting out for a weekend, 3 nights if you can schedule it. Don't bring any weed. When I am in a different environment, it is easier to qiut. When I am at home, I find myself unconsciously wandering over to my weed table throughout the day. I moved all my weed stuff somewhere else I don't have to look at, which also helps a lot.
Vaping is nice, but it's almost too convenient. If I have a vape or dab cart in my pocket, I smoke a lot more than I would normally.

>> No.16224037

it's a dry herb vape, oils fuck my tolerance up so bad so I stopped those. They're so easy to use like you say

>> No.16224076

quit smoking weed 3 years ago. was a daily (all day if i could manage it.) smoker for like 8 years
Still miss it sometimes, still have dreams about it but honestly anon the benefits of sobriety greatly outweigh the cheap temporary thrill of a chemical induced state
i recommend quitting alcohol too if you're a drinker.

>> No.16224278
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why do people smoke when they can just eat edibles
>gets you higher
>doesn't harm your lungs
>doesn't make you smell bad
>tastes good

>> No.16224292

>yeah dude it totally doesn't affect my memory and cognitive function and i can just quit any time i want and feel great

>> No.16224296

we just had a thread about this

>> No.16224299

It's really hard for a week or so. Keep drinking water.

I used to get extreme nausea if I missed more than a couple days.

>> No.16225278

Your appetite will be right again after 5-7 days, as far as WDs go it's fucking nothing, damn pansy.