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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16221093 No.16221093 [Reply] [Original]

People often ask what do you have to sacrifice to be a NEET?

Simple: literally nothing! Reusing your napkins and paper plates is something smart people do anyway. Never going into McDonald's except to leave a top decker is something very based individuals already do. Cooking and eating healthy is common sense regardless of your employment situation. Learn how to EAT and ascend to being NEET. Simple as


>> No.16221109

OP here, I’m trans if that matters

>> No.16221137

NEETs are failures in every sense, they're not even strong enough to rebel against the society they have failed to succeed in, they have no ideology, they are just parasites whinging from the sidelines whilst their parents or social safety net keeps them fed, housed and online. Despite this they still somehow try to justify themselves and their parasitic failed lifestyle

>> No.16221138

That's some sad looking spaghetti on a paper plate

>> No.16221159

>People often ask what do you have to sacrifice to be a NEET?
>romantic relationships
>financial independence
>general independence
>physical health
>mental health
>any chance to positively contribute to the world or society
>self respect
the list goes on

>> No.16221224


I am a NEET and have accomplished all normal life activities except dying. How about you? What have you done except work? Do you even know how to cook for yourself or hunt or grow food. Have you ever bred a female and watched your child be born and leave your woman's vagina a bloody mess akin to gutting a deer? You ever try to catch your child's vomit in your hands? You ever negotiate a 50% raise or $50,000 stock grant? You ever touch a woman's hoohoo? You ever achieve anything epic but enriching your boss?

To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time
Robert Herrick - 1591-1674

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow will be dying.

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,
The higher he's a-getting,
The sooner will his race be run,
And nearer he's to setting.

That age is best which is the first,
When youth and blood are warmer;
But being spent, the worse, and worst
Times still succeed the former.

Then be not coy, but use your time,
And while ye may, go marry;
For having lost but once your prime,
You may forever tarry.

>> No.16221237

>they have no ideology
Yes they do - they are a modern day version of the monk, the hermit, the dervish/sufi mystic. In their isolation, they have achieved communion with God himself

>> No.16221261

nice larp, neckbeard. off yourself

>> No.16221385

So how'd you manage those things with no income?
And yes I enjoy many of those things e.g. fishing/foraging, cooking etc. and have had several girlfriends although don't want a kid yet. I'm studying for a masters and plan to work in conservation and research so not exactly just 'enriching my boss'. You can still be a functioning member of society and do all the things you mentioned, in fact you're more likely to be able to do them if you're not a NEET shut-in relying on social welfare or parents money

>> No.16221388

>they have achieved communion with God himself
Then why do they spend all their time shitposting on 4chan and masturbating to hentai?

>> No.16221421

>paper plate
You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.16221438

That's called retirement

>> No.16221450

You can get a ceramic or glass plate for less than a dollar and reuse it forever. It's cheaper than paper plates long term.

>> No.16221452

As if the old mystics weren't doing schizo shit all day either.

>> No.16221461

Yea they were idiots, missed out on living life for no reason except their make-believe ideologies and died alone

>> No.16221472

I bet a large proportion of monks, nuns etc. turned to that lifestyle due to mental issues or failure to find a romantic partner, so they decided to claim their celibacy and departure from society was a 'choice' to justify their failures and feel better about themselves
Same as modern day NEETs, except they don't even pretend to have an ideology and just live lazily and hedonistically, although still socially isolated

>> No.16221480

Get your hand off it. You're missing out on living life differently to the way you are, too. You can't experience all possible perspectives, but they are all experiences of living life.

>> No.16221484

I want to live life in as many varied ways as possible, not limit myself to a permanent and limited life of celibacy or isolation or poverty and dependence on social support/parents

>> No.16221486

We already have reusable napkins and plates you fucking retard.

>> No.16221490


>> No.16221507

So what? That's just another forn of running away.

>> No.16221515

No I just want a rich life of varied experiences and locations
Not to stagnate in my mums basement eating tendies and masturbating

>> No.16221529

There's nothing intrinsically better about what you want, sorry.

>> No.16221532

I am depressed, a pessimist and have given up on all human and worldly matters. But I still go outside and enjoy the beauty of nature and conversations with random people as much as I can.

>> No.16221551

Sure in the way that literally nothing is 'intrinsically better' in universal terms. In terms of improved human mental and physical health, wellbeing and enrichment, societal contribution, and contribution to your family and social circle etc. my proposed lifestyle is far far better than a NEET shut-in lifestyle.

>> No.16221583

When will the neetfag cope end? You people always say this shit, yet you're the ones seething in your basement while the rest of us live happy, rewarding lives, and then you kill yourselves and no one finds you until your rotting corpse bothers the neighbors. We all die in the end, true, but while you'll die alone with no children, and no achievements, my genes will live on and people will remember me, even if I just wind up a name on a park bench.

>> No.16221612

All I have achieved in NEETdom is compounded mental health issues and absolute assurance that suicide is ultimately the only way I can deal with it at this point

>> No.16221618

In conclusion, I'm not missing out on life. I'm living it differently. Thanks.

>> No.16221644

Staring angrily at a dimly lit screen, in your dank, dark basement, while the world passes you by is the definition of missing out on life. I don't have any more time to argue about this, I have to go live my life.

>> No.16221661

But you have no argument, just a desperate need to play pretend. Again, thanks for the victory.

>> No.16221679

I truly hate all of you. What a bunch of fucking losers.

>> No.16221709

>no anxiety

That's why. I am not depressed anymore, but I rarely go outside due to my anxiety making it an extremely stressful experience.

>> No.16221752

>don't work
>enjoy your life living for free at the same standard of 95% of people who work
>make wages seethe

>> No.16221760

Based boomer, make them seethe.

>> No.16221768
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>"Again, thanks for the victory"

>> No.16221850

>Again, thanks for the victory.
The only form of 'life satisfaction' for you has been reduced down to ranting bitterly to strangers on 4chan in the hopes of a small victory in some meaningless arguments, and you can't even achieve that successfully.
In 5-10 years you will either have gotten out of this rut, become homeless when your parents kick you out, or killed yourself.

>> No.16221858

>enjoy your life living for free
But you don't you're a parasite and your parents are paying the costs instead of you being independent

>> No.16221873

Why is this board so fucking autistic?

>> No.16221875

This whole website is autistic by definition

>> No.16221899

I live on my own, the government pays me from your taxpool. Why do I care if I'm a parasite? Good. I get free money and benefit from it, while you work.

>> No.16221907

>become homeless
only mentally ill people or drug addicts become homeless. government gives free money

>> No.16221918

what the fuck is this thread.

>> No.16221927

wagecuck seethe thread

>> No.16221930

What a sad life
Explains why you have to rage on 4chan about it though

>> No.16221933

socially isolated NEET cope thread

>> No.16221948

Wage slave faggot

>> No.16221979

Literally simps obsessed with pussy lmfao, thristy desperate coomers who probably can't live without women, you're pathetic and a weak man. Life isn't only nor revolves around pussy you betas

>> No.16222004

You will live alone in a cheap apartment on a barely liveable wage whilst your mental health slowly deteriorates until you die. The only brief satisfaction you get is when you have one of your many daily wanks and deepen your already serious porn addiction, order some shitty salt-filled fast food, or rage post against other autists on 4chan.
When I finish my degree I'm off abroad, already have the savings, and will continue to travel and take temporary research/conservation jobs, gaining self satisfaction from contributing to the environment and working in nature and locations with the wildlife that I love (and getting paid for it). You are a slave to your government handouts and essentially live in a self-prescribed prison. There is a reason caged animals develop so many unhealthy behavioural tics.

>> No.16222008

More projection, I dumped my girlfriend because I prefer being independent/travelling and sleeping with different girls when I feel like it. Sex is at least an option for me, unlike you porn addicted autists

>> No.16222028
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reevaluate your lifes

>> No.16222030
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Damn, none of that is true
>more dignity than being an abused retail wagie whose entire paycheck goes to the landlord
>better relationship than ever with family
>more time to spend with friends, easy to schedule since i dont have work and school busting my ass all the time
>still get laid despite literally living in my parents basement
>more financial independence since i don't have to cover my own living expenses
>just as much general independence, or more probably because i'm not beholden to my manager at work's whims
>better physical health, plenty of time to exercise and prepare good food
>better mental health, effectively zero stress lifestyle
>lmao contributing to society
>more self respect because of all the stuff from above
Being a NEET is extremely based and any other opinion is just terminal cope.

>> No.16222053

This all sounds like an incredible amount of cope to me or perhaps just bait
You are an adult who is entirely reliant on your parents
Grow up

>> No.16222103

I would not eat the sloppa, big poppa sloppa

>> No.16222104

nice poem

>> No.16222106

Blah blah blah, waste of time and money you wage slave. Enjoy aging like shit ans becoming old and ugly. I don't eat fast food, only organic high quality foods. I exercise, read and make stock $. Government pays me $3k a month which is pretty good for doing nothing. Everything you mentioned sounds boring and not worth it

>> No.16222113

Also, You're entire life is a big waste of $, I don't need to do those pointless shit when I have $100k saved up no debt and if I ever need extra income, I work cash jobs or stocks. Cope more

>> No.16222118

oh word, definitely, once you get your degree everything's going to be good, it's not like any of us neets are just irreparably bitter STEM graduates whose only job options are mconalds anyway

>> No.16222123

>independent/ traveling
Lmfao dumb western youths do this shit then wonder why at 30, they have no wife or kids. Stupid lifestyle, I would rather have wife/kids and good money than that post modern retardation of a lifestyle

>> No.16222125

What would you say is a better use of the money then, rather than travelling and trying to enrich your life with varied experiences?

>> No.16222132

>all normal
Still haven't even gotten near enlightenment. Just admit it, you're a failure.

>> No.16222133

>they have no wife
Why would I want a wife

>> No.16222144

>Government pays me $3k a month
Oh so you're disabled
Why didn't you say before?

>> No.16222261

Nope autism buxs, easy $$.

>> No.16222269

Traveling is a big meme for dumb western whores(women). For me, simple exercise like basketball or soccer with friends then a beer after is much more enjoyable than wasting fuel to go to some jungle for $10k. If you want experiences, get a gf, get friends or do acid.

>> No.16222277

Genetic dead-end loser lol, you could have a life of a king but with no kids, your blood line dies with you

>> No.16222286

Autism is a disability
I'm not autistic, your disability benefits aren't applicable to normal people
Also disability benefits for autism are not $36000 a year so you're either lying about the money or your disability

>> No.16222301

I've had 4 gfs, plenty of good friends and have done acid several times, but for me nothing beats the feeling of freedom and novel experiences you get from travelling (and you can do all those things you mentioned whilst travelling).

>> No.16222308

>You have to be in a monogamous marriage sanctioned by God to have kids
Nah I'm gonna travel and spread my seed but not stick around, Genghis Khan style

>> No.16222319

I'm a leaf, so more benefits, I'm a special case. Enjoy life you pathetic wage slave

>> No.16222324

I didn't make this thread. Why are you posting your anger in every reply? Just hide thread lmao dumb wagie.

>> No.16222335

>wasting fuel to go to some jungle for $10k.
Also both the rainforest trips I've done were either funded as part of my degree or via a research grant, I actually got paid a bit for the second one

>> No.16222343

Enjoy having autism, basement dweller