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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 152 KB, 942x1200, 1580604181492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16218703 No.16218703 [Reply] [Original]

This can't be healthy

>> No.16218709

Don’t tell Christine

>> No.16218714

Femboy burger
Femboy burger

>> No.16218731

>The National File

>> No.16218748

isn't HRT expensive in america? Why is this a problem?

>> No.16218752

So that makes it more woman and less man, and I, as a heterosexual man, prefer to eat women not men.

>> No.16218780
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Gee Daddy thanks for buying me this whopper for my 10th birthday. I love you

>> No.16218812
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I consume far more in all the pussy I eat

>> No.16218874

Yeah I'm sure that's why Japanese men are known for their giant swinging hooters. Fucking carnist retards are coping so hard.

>> No.16218911

>he doesn’t know

>> No.16218953
File: 60 KB, 734x510, 9cc86755eb3652c7734b5861c248847b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phytoestrogen doesn't affect us as much as estrogen, and you'd have to eat multiple burgers a day for it to fuck with your physiology.

>> No.16218967

Is there estrogen in japan? What does the impossible whopper have to do with japan?

>> No.16218974

Shoo shoo, go away filthy troll.

>> No.16218986

>apples contain 54 billion times more CYANIDE!!! than oranges!
>wow better not eat apples

>> No.16219011

>estrogen in Japan
what is tofu

>> No.16219023

The impossible whopper isn’t tofu retard

>> No.16219309

tofu has more estrogen than the impossible whopper

>> No.16219328

why should only girls enjoy tofu and impossible burgers? this whole estrogen argument never made any sense to me

>> No.16219337

Should we tell him?

>> No.16219610

Phytoestrogen isn't the same thing.

>> No.16219974

I mean, I've been vegetarian for like 20 years, but I try not to eat tofu, soy, or "impossible foods" more than once a month or so.

I don't know the science behind phytoestrogen vs. estrogen, and neither does any other honest person. SOMETHING is turning modern Western men into a bunch of trannies and whining bitches, and so I err on the side of just eating peanuts instead of soy. It's an easy compromise.

>> No.16220017

Rightoids literally have no scientifically backed arguments. It's always some variation of "har har girl bad"

>> No.16220019

That's not out of the question.

>> No.16220046

>i'm ignorant about something so that means everyone else is too
stop learning everything from /pol/ and educate yourself

>> No.16220076
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>> No.16220177

This, why is it only us breast size increasing? All Asian women have tiny breasts

>> No.16220178
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But muh conservahick news source said it'd gimme man tits!

>> No.16220193

why are you transphobic anon?

>> No.16220198
File: 14 KB, 500x500, 1431886303297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This, why is it only us breast size increasing?

>> No.16220201

Why do incels on this site think theyre more masculine than le soiboys? Youre both on the same beta, effeminate level

>> No.16220204

>why is it only us breast size increasing?
it isn't only the US. female breast sizes in japan have gone up two cup sizes in recent decades, while japanese penis length and girth have both decreased in the same time frame.
>All Asian women have tiny breasts
yeah, genetics is a bitch. doesn't mean they aren't getting bigger fast though.

>> No.16220220

it's pretty easy to do your own research. i found that there actually is some cause for concern, but not much. the amount of isoflavones you would have to consume daily for several months to note a measurable difference is the amount contained in like 4 or 5 lbs of tofu, from what i remember. you shouldn't make statements like the one you made because it just makes people more stubborn.

>> No.16220233

That's not it at all, moron, people are concerned about mass consumption of phytoestrogen because of its potential effects on physiology and psychology in both sexes. Are you so consumed with silly right/left tribal bullshit that you dont care about a potential dangers to women (including breast cysts and hair loss) just because some drumf natzees are concerned with it? It's not all about "haha burger make man grow booba".

That being said, you have to eat 7+ of these a day to see any significant effects, so it really doesn't matter, but the fact you try to make genuine concern with something into a partisan political issue is insufferable.

>> No.16220246

The soi boi spamming is incels projecting their own insecurities. That, and the latent daddy issues.

>> No.16220261
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That's right, I don't care about potential dangers to women.

I thought it was pretty obvious already. Girls just look too darn cute when they are in danger.

>> No.16220285

Wow it's almost like with everything ever, over consumption is dangerous.

>> No.16220309

The ones making it a political issue are the ones pretending to be "genuinely concerned" by substances you need to eat seven pounds of to see negative effects. It's retarded, and they're willing to pretend otherwise to push their retarded anti-vegetarian agendas.

>> No.16220334

wow, based department much? fuck off, silly nig.

>> No.16220346

Yes, eating fast food is very unhealthy.

>> No.16220371
File: 2.16 MB, 3024x4032, TAKEALOOKATTHESEHANDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you disagree with me you're a tranny nigger
sorry, white hands typed this post.

>> No.16220413

yeah, of course it's not healthy. it's a fucking fast food hamburger, you tard.

>> No.16220440
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>National File

>> No.16220564

this shit was old 2 years ago you worthless retard

>> No.16220592

They cook your veggie burger in butter on the same grill as all the other burgers. If you're dedicated to being a vegetarian, I dont think Burger King is the best choice.

>> No.16220611

Because 72% of US women are overweight or obese lol
Some of that fat will definitely go to the breasts

>> No.16220644

>implying vegetarians don't eat butter
you're thinking of vegans. it's a dietary preference, not a life threatening allergy. let people eat what they want

>> No.16220680

the point of vegetarianism is for dietary reasons or to reject the dairy industry.
getting 2 beef molecules on your veggie burger from the burgers recently cooked on the grill is not going to affect anything.

>> No.16220743

I mean, it doesn't.

Estrogen is a mammalian hormone, and isn't present in soy (because soy is a plant, you mongs).

Soy does contain phytoestrogens, which aren't an endocrine compound.

The claim may cite a "Doctor", but this is a good reminder that physicians are not actually doctors, they have a medically oriented professional degree, and have co-opted the academic credential.

This is a physician that doesn't have an understanding of plant biology, much like how you might have an automotive mechanic talking out of his ass about fuel because he's not a petrochemical engineer.

>> No.16220776

Who's that fat fuck with the man boobs on the picture?

>> No.16220778

I love that this article boils down to:
>It would actually take _eight_ whoppers a day to grow tits on a man, not four!

>> No.16220785

thanks reddit

>> No.16220790

It doesn't matter whether it is or isn't healthy. I won't eat it for ethical reasons.

>> No.16220821

>regular whopper has 0.000000001% estrogen
>impossible whopper has 0.00018% estrogen

Who gives a fuck. A drop of water has a billion times more water than a drop of empty

>> No.16220828

>on one side you have all of organized medicine, academic researchers, and respected journalism
>on the other side you have a series of right-wing rag shitsites that prop up veterinarians and hack doctors, all with financial ties to dairy agribusiness.
You shits never learn. Complaining about the newest generation not being right has been written about for more than 2500 years, it’s an aspect of psychology. If credible evidence is found that points to dangers in these products there’s an entire chain of whistleblowers out there who would come forward.
But it was never about science was it

>> No.16220836

What about hilari baknew?

>> No.16220862

>Old old old old woman
>10th birthday
This is two levels of disgusting

>> No.16220870

I doubt they'll come forward. Science is driven by politics these days. Researchers will suck whatever dicks will get them funding, and they will manipulate the process, data, and results in order to comply with what their patrons want.

>> No.16220872

18,000,000 * 0 is still 0

>> No.16220893

Shut up, you white tranny nigger.

>> No.16220900

Can't wait for all you obese Murican white fatties eating these lab experiment fake meats find out you got cancer from all these chemicals in 20 years.



>> No.16220913

You're obviously not in academia, nothing is more likely to get you published that a contrarian article.

>> No.16220932

it isn't solely the fault of researchers. often, it's the publishers won't publish weak results.

>> No.16220936

>Science is driven by politics these days.

Fake Science was always driven by big $$$ and politics.

Our generation and millenials still believe fats are the cause of all health problems because the sugar industry paid off "nutrition scientists" for decades blaming meat and fats for everything bad.

Science has and always will be driven by where the money is. That's why we find out accepted scientific facts were were wrong all along.

>> No.16220946

burger kings are only in nigger neighborhoods, idc

>> No.16220955

Impossible whopper? More like impossible to have a good thread. Its just Soys sameposting about fakeburgers

>> No.16221020

What’s more fertile ground for conspiracy, since that’s all you fucks can imagine
>newish industries that have gained ground in the last half-decade
>giant meat and dairy agribusiness with more than a century of confirmed meddling and racketeering within organizations up to and including the USDA
The beef industry has passed food libel laws in 13 US states but yeah it’s the bug men soyboys that have the real power. The only way you could so consistently come to such complicated and unlikely conclusions is because you’re using the whole process as a cudgel to beat people you don’t like, in this case people who want to minimize meat for health, environmental, or cruelty concerns

>> No.16221021

Are those articles really contrarian? Or, are they more along the lines of a controlled opposition?

>> No.16221025


>> No.16221027

I honestly don't care, I just want actual meat. That's one of the reasons why I raise more of my own every year.

>> No.16221042

People responding to words in an image is an embarrassing state of humanity.

>> No.16221047

>Multiple burgers a day
Do you know what board you're posting on

>> No.16221049

I mean she is looking good for 50, you are a homo if you wouldn't

>> No.16221075

just post the shadman comic so we can call it a day

>> No.16221183
File: 246 KB, 733x464, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah bro these silicon valley/ivy league food science companies with multi-billion dollar IPOs and deep connections into the multi-billion dollar food service industry, academia, wall street, and big business are actually just the little guy! They definitely don't have scientists, researchers, or political lobbyists on their payroll!

>> No.16221248

I wonder if this is popular in trans circles

>> No.16221294

Exactly what I mean. Tyson alone is worth more than beyond and impossible combined. Almost all major meat production conglomerates have purchased or are rolling out plant-based meat alternatives. Plant based meat companies do have scientists, researchers, and political lobbyists on the payroll. But industrial meat agriculture corporations have far more of all three, as well as a literal century and a half of regulatory capture as well.
I just don’t get how you can use shadow cabal buzzwords like Silicon Valley and ivy-league and not understand that one industry still employs vastly more of these than the other.
>David and Goliath were both soldiers on a battlefield

>> No.16221439

Stop being a disingenuous cunt. My point wasn't to portray the meat industry as small. My point was to establish that companies like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods are billion dollar corporations with deep pockets and deep ties. This 'newish industry' is the brain-child of firmly established corporate and socio-political interests. There's nothing buzzwordy about using words like silicon valley or ivy league, particularly when Impossible Foods was founded by a Stanford and Cornell grad who was a former CEO for dropbox. It is to establish that these corporations have existing connections which can buy and pay for plenty of their own research.

>> No.16221459

So are you saying that all corporate agriculture should be set aside in favor of more local concerns? That seems to be the best way forward. I was just saying that most of the criticism I see levied against plant-based protein seems to come from people who don’t apply that same critical lens to mass meat agriculture

>> No.16221468

Better be careful about cholesterol consumption while you're at it, buddy.

>> No.16221497

The globalist agenda requires that we rely even more on industrial food production. As much as the hippies like to talk about local food, their political masters want to continue to consolidate food production to in order to exert control over what, how, and when we eat.

>> No.16221645

This is a problem how? Who even eats that shit aside from vegans? Do people care about vegans now?

>> No.16221658

yeah but here's the thing, regular burger is having NEGATIVE estrogen, which means plants even betterwhereby minus times plus = more negative NOT positive

>> No.16221686

Some guy who ate an impossible whopper.

>> No.16221687

>will not cause breasts if eaten in moderation
Hahaha! It's so fucking bad they can't even lie about it properly.

>> No.16221738

I’m not vegan, I just don’t like meat because of autism spectrum disorder. Eating animal flesh just squigs me out so being able to enjoy the flavors of fast food without having to eat meat is kino.

>> No.16221953
File: 43 KB, 1090x572, Phytoestrogen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16221966

So riddle me this why do I have man tits when I don't eat vegan shit at all huh? I'm talking big daddy milkers here, okay?

>> No.16221968

based and strokepilled

>> No.16222001


>> No.16222006

Damn, the GOP really know which fake news to push to their demographic.

>> No.16222039

why are right-wingers so bad at analyzing news sources

>> No.16222047

Are you fat? Some men have excess fat go to their breasts while others don't.

>> No.16222055

phyto and xenoestrogens are in fucking everything
if you're eating 7 impossible whoppers a day you aren't a woman, and if you are, you never cared about your body to begin with

>> No.16222070

It's not that they're bad at it, they intentionally delude themselves to legitimize their political viewpoint. It's the reason why they only believe social media echo chambers, all of the fake news, propaganda and conspiracy theories are what they *want* to hear. The truth and facts have a liberal bias.

>> No.16222098

>plant stuffs ground up into a patty shape is nearly as harmful as the dead flesh of a dirty animal pumped full of hormones and antibiotics

>> No.16222138

It's much worse. At least the meat has actual protein and minerals

>> No.16222160

>pea protein doesn’t have protein or minerals

>> No.16222223
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>plant stuffs ground up into a patty shape
keep telling yourself that

>> No.16222246
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>> No.16222251

I mean it could be because we no longer need to hunt and constantly fight neighboring city states, instead finding ourselves eating McDonalds and working in offices. Nah, that’s ridiculous, it’s an elite cabal of Jews and celebrities who worship Canaanite gods and convince us to eat vegan foods so they can abduct kids from pizza shops. That makes more sense.

>> No.16222302

If you give a woman extra estrogen she will get cancer and die.

>> No.16222311

Women get cancer when they gave extra estrogen.

>> No.16222332

The chad Shad.

>> No.16223862

Unironically also the amount of chemicals (yes, including estrogen) leaking in to our cooking water, and the amount of microplastics the average person ingests day to day

>> No.16223986

>We conclude that phytoestrogens exhibit physiological effects in humans.
>Soybeans, clover and alfalfa sprouts, and oilseeds (such as flaxseed) are the most significant dietary sources of isoflavones, coumestans, and lignans, respectively

it's literally that easy to find this shit out

>> No.16224363

is this like a 0.000001 turning into 0.000018?

>> No.16224375

read the article to find out
oh wait op just posted a screenshot that possibly edited and has zero validity

>> No.16224379

If you're eating multiple whoppers every day you're growing tits from being a fat fuck, not estrogen.

>> No.16224382

>to do your own research
No you cannot do your own scientific research by sitting at home googling shit.

>> No.16224426

How do you form opinions on anything then?

>> No.16224438

You sure as shit can if you have access to scientific journals and know how to filter trash sources. One of the major original uses for the internet was for researchers to publish their shit to worldwide libraries.

>> No.16224439

Will this give chicks bigger tits?

>> No.16224440
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>> No.16224446

Neither source says anything about feminizing human men. The second source even says isolflavones can be anti-estrogenic.
> "Studies in humans, animals, and cell culture systems suggest that dietary phytoestrogens play an important role in prevention of menopausal symptoms, osteoporosis, cancer, and heart disease. Proposed mechanisms include estrogenic and antiestrogenic effects, induction of cancer cell differentiation, inhibition of tyrosine kinase and DNA topoisomerase activities, suppression of angiogenesis, and antioxidant effects."
What was your point here.

>> No.16224452

Men are so disenfranchised and desperate to feel masculine they'll profess how manly they are for not ever eating tofu but they'll drink beer and whiskey as token signs of masculinity even though those contain phytoestrogens and alcohol reduces your test and gains. It's a sad state.

>> No.16224456

your brain on vegetables

>> No.16224461

Fake meat barely qualifies as food.
It has an ingredient list longer than the one found on an average shampoo bottle.

>> No.16224466

The real crux of the matter should be that it's highly processed.

>> No.16224473

Very correct, it's hyperprocessed to shit, and the companies putting out that crap do their utmost to sweep that under the rug.

>> No.16224477

the mere fact that phytoestrogens can exert not-insignificant influence on the human endocrine system is point enough. A major thread in both studies suggests a lot of unknowns and insufficient data -- but the fact that it is effective in some capacity is clear

>> No.16224482

>Proposed mechanisms include estrogenic and antiestrogenic effects
>include estrogenic

>> No.16224498

the south park episode about goo men comes to mind

>> No.16224499

>Impossible Whopper will not lead to men growing breasts*
>*(if eaten in moderation)

Yeah let me moderate it to 0

>> No.16224506

You can say that about anything you eat.
And if you want to avoid phytoestrogens just become a pure carnivore.

> someone posts what they think is proof phytoestrogens are estrogenic in humans
> point out it says antiestrogenic too
Yes, that was my point, you fucking retard; that the article says it can be either.

>> No.16224570

bitch i dont give a fuck what you were saying if it can be either why would anyone risk it? by even mentioning isolflavones can be anti-estrogenic in this context suggests you think estrogenic effects would feminize men and youve brought up it can be both. go eat another hrt burgy you bitch titted goober

>> No.16224683

And this is why retards and misinformation spreads.

Hurr durr I'm so smart I use google so now I have a phd.

>> No.16224688

>I eat cow so now I turn into cow hurr durr I so smart cause I googled.

Eat shit because you are shit.

>> No.16224767
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>muh asian men don't have tits
no but they aren't exactly masculine, keep eating your soy femboys

>> No.16224773

>I mean it could be because we no longer need to hunt and constantly fight neighboring city states
Yes, unlike our fathers and grandfathers who went to war with Ohio in between hunting bears to survive. Fascinating point, thanks for posting.

>> No.16224782

>> someone posts what they think is proof phytoestrogens are estrogenic in humans
>> point out it says antiestrogenic too
>Yes, that was my point, you fucking retard; that the article says it can be either.
I'll never get tired of people with an IQ of 100 trying to read, discern, and then debate scientific papers. It's one of my primary hobbies you could say. Meanwhile, the "experts" are still not sure if masks did anything to help slow COVID down, but I'm sure you have a high confidence in that answer too.

>> No.16224783
File: 267 KB, 1019x1024, A7C8537A-FF52-44C9-BB4E-FE27DC0E1344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. One block of tofu is like 25mg isoflavones. In studies where they show effects on hormones, the groups are being fed 400-800mgs a day. And even then the effects are not drastic.

>> No.16224794

>pseudo intellectual: the post

>> No.16224900

ahh its all fallen apart hasnt it bitch tits

>> No.16224980

You know all those single use plastics that have been being dumped into the land and oceans for nigh half a century, well they're breaking down and a torrent of plastic particulates are leeching into every part of our environment including our food and water and its only going to get worse. Plastic interferes with your hormones and its everywhere now. This is the invisible disaster that will destroy entire civilisations, the lead pipes of Rome if you will. There is neither the capacity or the will to stop this.

>> No.16225010

You stupid libniggers didn’t even read the article. Fucking retards.
>eaten in moderation

>> No.16225016 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 800x750, F5636484-8551-4BCA-9C39-EC77F49DC88C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha estrogen make booba go brrrrrrrr
>“nooooooooooo stop making fun of me incel incel incel I swear I have sex and you don’t nooooooooo meat bad MEAT BAD!”
That’s why we make fun of you, not because you’re vegan.

>> No.16225021

Those hands have never lifted anything above 20lbs. Quite sad, innit?

>> No.16225032

0xa billion is still 0 stupid

>> No.16225047

Checks out.

>> No.16225062

Tits or gtfo

>> No.16225097
File: 204 KB, 329x393, 75A8BD44-8D33-42E3-9AFA-641FF94C9203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf I love estrogen now

>> No.16225112

When have bugmen ever been masculine? The insectoids were five feet tall max before we BLEACHED em

>> No.16225121
File: 178 KB, 473x389, 458BDC9E-8C78-4A7C-AB29-101BADF85396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing global penis size statistics off top of your head

>> No.16225188

If that were true, then trannies would be lining up buying Impossible Burgers to supplement their HRT.

>> No.16225194

>implying they aren't
mental illnesses usually go hand in hand

>> No.16225215

I'd guess that microplastics and birth control seeping into our water supply is probably doing much more harm to people than the slight amount of estrogens you get from certain foods

>> No.16225257

“I don’t know the science” glad you still felt like sharing your uneducated opinion

>> No.16225431

This can't be real, saying something has "million times" more anything is such a made up argument

>> No.16225591

doesn't cabbage and cruciferous vegetables in general clear out phytoestrogens?

>> No.16225831


>> No.16225872

Reminds me of all the studies about eggs and heart attacks that concluded eating too many eggs can cause heart attacks. Except when you dig through the data, the people eating lots of eggs were also generally eating more calories than the non-eggers. They never bothered controlling for common sense shit, and came to ridiculous conclusions as a result.

Animal testing is a whole other world of stupid. Rabbits encounter zero cholesterol in their day to day life. No fucking shit feeding them a high cholesterol diet will cause heart problems in rabbits.

>> No.16225878

Thinking you're educated is the first step on the road to ignorance.

>> No.16226250

>SOMETHING is turning modern Western men into a bunch of trannies and whining bitches
says the whiner

>> No.16226625

I might pick up Beyond Burger, hopefully it's not that bad.
Can't you burn off soy with charcoal?

>> No.16226987

so it's true
the problem isn't the world, it's america, literally everything in america turns your trans

>> No.16228173

>eat multiple burgers a day
It's called bulking anon

>> No.16228511

Can i use them to make my gf's tits get bigger?

>> No.16228654

This just makes me want to buy it, as a trans chick.

>> No.16229169

What? It's a burger, get a grip.

>> No.16229187

I'm trans and I know that phytoestrogen's compete with real estrogen so no, I'm not lol

>> No.16229196

is it good though?

>> No.16229197

Yeah, burgers aren't healthy. They miss a lot of healthy stuff. But still better than arse cancer/heart attack burger.

>> No.16229639
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>> No.16229821
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it's basically all foods that aren't organic.

>> No.16229871

Researchers in Japan use soybean compound to make catfish 100% female

>> No.16230871

>>tfw lunch?

>> No.16230964


>> No.16231381

Things don't mean what they used to. I talked to an old hippie once and he was as mad about "cool" changing meaning as I am about "meme" changing meaning.

>> No.16231387

it's not that expensive, roughly 3.33$ a month if you have insurance

>> No.16232915

Feed your girlfriend one and watch her grow a cup size.

>> No.16232930

What if this is just the beginning, and nearly all mainstream food choices of the future are like this? Look how much farmland Bill gates has bought recently.

>> No.16232937

So if I only eat impossible whoppers can I grow bewbs?

>> No.16232947

It's death by a thousand needles. You've got phytoestrogens, xenoestrogens, and actual estrogen in the water from birth control pills.

>> No.16232957

my gf's mom looks like this. too bad my gf is fat

>> No.16232964
File: 199 KB, 500x400, 1614594772965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ancient Egypt
>Small stature, terrible teeth from grain diet
>Verified by anthropology
>Central and Northern Europeans have diet high in protein from meat and dairy.
>Historical giants with great teeth
>It's a leftist who argues against the recorded past because they know its true.

>> No.16232980

>you'd have to eat multiple burgers a day for it to fuck with your physiology.
Objectively false.
t. Certified professional who has studied nutrition

>> No.16232987


I pretty much don't wanna lose my gains, I'm not /fit/. It was hard enough getting to point where I am.

>> No.16232997


>> No.16233051

Whites can't eat fast food like this. If you do you have to hand in your white card.

>> No.16233061

If you're poor/middle class*

I try not to eat fast food because I don't want to be considered middle class by my friends.

>> No.16233065

I just want real food.
>I don't want factory farm meat
>I don't want to eat tons of corn based food filler
>I don't want HFCS
>I don't want to eat vegetables imported from halfway across the globe
>I don't want seed oils
>I don't want unnatural chemistry foods
>I don't want plastics in my food
I don't want some abominable sumulacrum of a burger just because it's more sustainable. I'd rather take Pol Pot's version of sustainability than Klaus Schwab's version of it.

>> No.16233078

wtf i love burger king now

>> No.16233442

>SOMETHING is turning modern Western men into a bunch of trannies and whining bitches,

>> No.16233592

I can even understand vegetarians because they incorporate dairy and eggs into diet.

Veganism is Marxist tricks.

>> No.16233608

yeah i was hoping to add it to my hrt regime but it tasted like absolute shit so i will not

>> No.16233625

>not permabloating
Your gains will depart in a flash if you travel down the easier path

>> No.16233670

Now do plastics

>> No.16233694

How much estrogen is in a regular whopper?

>> No.16233722

now do milk

>> No.16233737

>Are you so consumed with silly right/left tribal bullshit
He says while spouting right wing tribal bullshit lol

>> No.16233830

burger has more estrogen than a liquid that comes from a literal female sex organ

>The National File

>> No.16233836
File: 190 KB, 768x432, shadman exp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16234402

>SOMETHING is turning modern Western men into a bunch of trannies and whining bitches
It's Twitter in case people still don't know

>> No.16234443

>implying mentally ill people can get a job with good insurance

>> No.16234811

I remember watching her squirt milk out of her giant tits. i came to that.

>> No.16234817

anyone think its ironic that vegans pretend to eat cows? yet they think eating real cow is abnormal? wtf

>> No.16235980

Being fat also increases estrogen, that's why manboobs exist

>> No.16236069

that's.... not science at all, anon

>> No.16236282

proof, faggot